
Jixie's stepping control commands

Sub-directories :

Commands :

verbose [stepverbose]

Verbose level for each Stepping.
Maximum number of step is 1024 and the track will be killed whenever it hits the virtual boundary: r>=116mm || fabs(z)>=151mm
Level 1: doesn't print VolumnName and ProcessName,
Level 2: if verboselevel>=2, print all, including VolumnName and ProcessName
Level 3: print all; track will be killed if r> 5000.0mm
Level 4: print all; track will be killed if r> 2500.0mm
Level 5: print all; track will be killed if r> 800.0mm
Level 6: print all; but only print steps inside those physicalVolumns in the printlist

Range : stepverbose>=0

Available at all Geant4 states.

stepverbose type i


Empty the print list
The cmd works only if stepping verbose==6

Available at all Geant4 states.

add2PrintList [physvol]

Add 1 physical volumn to the print list
The cmd works only if stepping verbose==6
To add all physical volumns to the print list, use "all" as argument.

Available at all Geant4 states.

physvol type s