Announcing the release of "SIMC-The Phantom Menace" OK, here is the new SIMC (SIMC99). As far as I can tell, it works fine for H/D/A(e,e'p), as well as H/D/He(e,e'pi). The phase space options does not work, but I can make it work once it's clear exactly what we want it to do (note that it also did not work in previous versions). I have a few things left to do, but I'm relasing this now so that people can start testing it. The remaining changes (that I'm aware of) should not affect 'look' of the code or the input/output files, so upgrading to a newer version should be relatively easy. For now, I'm just notifying the few people that have been the most interested in the new version, but feel free to tell others about it. I currently have only two input files that are fully compatable with the new SIMC. IronA1.inp is the SIMC99 version of DD's IronA1.dbfx file (from the e91-013 experiment). I compared my result to DD's, and it agreed at better than 5%. I couldn't really check it better than that, since DDs code uses the old HMS tune, and SIMC99 uses the HMS-100. SAMPLE.inp is for fpi (the simc99 version of the fpi1056.inp file). To do: -For pions, physics.f uses a different coord. system for generating the boost. Need to fix it the same way as was done in complete_ev. THIS IS DONE. However, for Deforest, there is a similar question in the way cos_phi is determined. Must figure out the coord system. -There was still a small question about getting the correct limits for radiation. Event by event, the limits are being calculated correctly, but there was a report on a previous version that the normalization changed when these limits were opened. I'll look into it, but as far as I know, it's OK. -PmPar/Per/Oop were NOT being calculated relative to q. I fixed PmPar and PmOop. I was lazy with PmPer and just calculate the magnitude (no sign). I'll fix this once I convince myself that I know the correct convention. -Many of the calculations were approximations, assuming that xptar and yptar were very small. I hope that all of the calculations are now exact (though they mostly require that the spectrometers are in plane), and I need to write up a sheet with the equations I use to convert between spectrometer coordinates and physics angles - DONE: Will do similar for event generation/radiation generation/etc... limits. -SINCE THE PROTON PART OF THE CODE HAS NOT BEEN USED IN A VERY LONG TIME, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT PEOPLE WHO WANT TO LOOK AT A(e,e'p) CHECK THAT THE CALCULATIONS OF EXPERIMENT-SPECIFIC THINGS LIKE Em, Pm, Trec, etc... FOLLOW THE DESIRED CONVENTIONS. -I am in the process of collecting all of the miscellaneous SIMC documentation that exists and writing up a new SIMC primer. These will be available soon. -The 'control logic' for Kaon electroproduction is there, but not all of the necessary code. However, since the kinematics are identical to the pion electroproduction, it's just a matter of adding kaon code that's nearly identical to the pion code, with some mass/parameter changes. This will be done for the Kaon run in the fall, but I'm FAR to sick of SIMC to do it right now. -And finally, SIMC is still not Y2K complient, but come Dec 31, 1999, I will fix it. Promise. -There are two slight inconsitencies in mc_sos. First, we use the forward MEs to get to z=-10cm, and then drift. However, there is a matrix to take you through the last 10cm, and it has non-zero coeffs, due to fringe fields. Second, we take to particle to -3.20 cm in mc_sos (to check apertures) and then 'drift forwards' to -3.22 for a mult. scattering check. Since the code dies if you drift backwards, we set the drift distance from -3.20 to -3.22 cm to 0.001 cm. Thus there is a tiny error in the total length. This is mostly important if we change these distances, because it does not warn us that it's setting the drift dist. to a positive value. -Finally, a list of things that are not in simc, and which I do not have any specific plans to include, but which you might want to be aware of: 1-Nuclear interactions of the particles with detector elements (which appears to be a significant effect in NucPi, for example) 2-There is no multiple scattering for the incoming beam electron. It would take major work to actually shift the incoming electron direction for each event, but it may be possible to mock it up by applying an offset to both the scattered electron and hadron. 3-There is a coulomb correction for the energies of the incoming and outgoing electrons. However, there is no modeling of the deflection of the particles by the coulomb field. 4-Dave Potterveld has created MEs that allow you to transport a particle to any point in the spectrometer. This would allow continuous decay of pions/kaons within the magnets. However, it would require non-trivial changes to the single arm monte carlos, and there has not yet been a real need for this. Big Changes: Of course, what this means depends on what version (if any) you started with. I am currently getting questions about at least 4 different versions of SIMC (the OLD one from ~cdaq/MC, DD's latest version (e,e'p only), the old pion version (Doug's modification of the kaon version), and the current pion (NucPi/Fpi) version. The following changes are mostly changes with respect to the new and old pion versions, but I'll try to hit the (e,e'p)-relevent highlights. -This is not new, but remember that you need to comment/uncomment a couple of the Makefile in order to get the correct libraries. -Also not new, but very important. YOU MUST APPLY CUTS ON HSDELTA, SSDELTA, Em AND Pm THAT ARE AT LEAST AS TIGHT AS YOU SPECIFY IN THE INPUT FILE (through SPedge.*.delta.min/max and cuts.Em.max, cuts.Pm.max. Events may be generated outside of these cuts, but not all appropriate events. THE NORMALIZATION WILL BE INCORRECT FOR EVENTS OUTSIDE OF THE RANGE YOU GAVE. -HMS-100 is now the standard. Both spectrometers use sequential MEs to go forwards, have decay options, and have raster reconstruction coeffs. -I'm doing my SIMC work on the Alphas here. When I release a verion of SIMC, I've been checking that it compiles and runs on the CEBAF HPs. If the changes I've incorporated from Steve Wood's version work, I'll also be able to check it on the CEBAF Suns. NOTE THAT ON THE SUNS, IF YOU PASS A NUMBER TO A SUBROUTINE IN SIMC, YOU MUST GIVE IT AS DOUBLE PRECISION, OR THE WORLD WILL END. i.e. use: "call misc_subroutine(x,y,10.d0)" and NOT "call misc_subroutine(x,y,10.)" -If you put a spectrometer offset (xptar/yptar) in the input file, it will actually apply it to the spectrometer (it used to do so only for the out/plane angle, and only for one of the spectrometers). -Fixed up the code so that it always (or at least almost always) treats xptar and yptar as SLOPES, and calculates the FULL PHYSICS scattering angles (rather than the in-plane and out-of-plane components). -The old version had a 'lab' coordinate system that was not the standard Hall C system. We use x=down, y=left when looking along z=downstream, while some code had y=up, x=left (or something like that). It should now all be in the standard Hall C system. -The complete_ev routine was divided into two routines. complete_ev now takes the generated quantities for an event, and calculates all of the remaining physics quantities (all in SIMC coordinate systems). complete_recon_ev takes the reconstructed values (delta/xptar/yptar/ytar/p/E) and calculates everything from that. If you want to add experiment specific calculations (e.g. theta_pq/phi_pq/epsilon for pion production), this is the place to do it. -Flags for enabling/disabling energy loss corrections, raster reconstruction MEs, etc... This should allow you to apply the same corrections in SIMC and in your replay. For any detailed comparisons, you need to make sure that you are applying the same corrections in your real reconstruction and in you SIMC 'reconstruction'. -Many of the options (mostly (e,e'p) alternative ways of doing things that were there for tests) have been removed. As a rule, I removed options of this kind if: 1) DD/Doug informed me that it was 'basically never used or useful' AND 2) The code (as it stood in the version I started with) did not work. For the most part, these unused options no longer did what they claimed due to changes in the code. I have older versions of the code where I can usually figure out what they were supposed to do, so if we need to have one of these options restored, I can probably do it. -All of these are on top of the MANY changes made over the last year that improve and simplfy the control logic, and the readability of the code.