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Running SIMC.

To run SIMC, you need an input file (kept in the SIMC/infiles directory, see appendix A for details), and a momentum distribution (for pion/kaon production) or a spectral function (for (e,e'p)). After making the code (using gmake) type 'simc' and enter the input file name (and spectral function name, if needed) at the prompts. For batch files (or lazy people like myself) you can use the script run_simc and enter the parameters at the command line: "run_simc <inputfile> <SFfile>". If you choose to produce an Ntuple, it will appear in the simc/worksim directory. A summary of the run (<inputfile>.hist) will appear in the simc/outfiles directory. In addition, simc/outfiles contains <inputfile>.gen which has a fixed set of histograms, and <inputfile>.geni which contains information about where events were lost in the simulation.
