Description of paw kumacs (macros) for online detector analysis

Type goespace to go to the data analysis directory. The following kumacs are in the paw_kumac directory.

Ask for the run number and the extension in the hbook filename. Assumes the file is in the hbook subdirectory and the extension is the part of the name between fpp and the run number . Opens the file fpp_ext_####.hbook and executes the paw kumac fpp_ext_####.hbook.kumac which sets the aliases needed by other kumacs. Called by the kumacs listed below.
Called by the other kumacs listed below. Prints the present plot to the printer or a file.
First calls open_hbook.kumac then calls all of the following kumacs in the order listed.

Plots the ADC spectra for the electron arm planes S1 and S2. Determines the threshold and fits the peak. Then executes the kumac show_sc_adc_espec.kumac which plots the values of the peak position minus the threshold for each run.

Plots the ADC spectra for the hadron arm planes S1 and S2. Determines the threshold and fits the peak. Then executes the kumac show_sc_adc_hspec.kumac which plots the values of the peak position minus the threshold for each run.

Plots the ADC spectra for the electron arm planes S1 and S2. Then executes the kumac show_sc_tdc_espec.kumac which plots the mean value of the TDC histogram for each run.

Plots the ADC spectra for the hadron arm planes S1 and S2. Then executes the kumac show_sc_tdc_hspec.kumac which plots the mean value of the TDC histogram for each run.

Plots the wire maps for the U and V planes of the electron arm VDCs. Then executes the kumac show_vdc_espec.kumac which plots the ratio of the total number of events in wire map spectra to the total number of trigger 5 events.

Plots the wire maps for the U and V planes of the hadron arm VDCs. Then executes the kumac show_vdc_hspec.kumac which plots the ratio of the total number of events in wire map spectra to the total number of trigger 5 events versus run number.

Plots the wire maps for the front and rear FPP chambers.

Plots the corrected TDC time spectra summing together all the TDC spectra for the plane type in the chamber.

Plots the spectra of trailing edge - leading edge of the TDC pulse (demux spectra) summing together all the demux spectra for the plane type in the chamber. Readout of the straw chambers is done by multiplexing 8 signals together. The width of the signal determines which wire was hit.

Plots the number of hits in a track in the U and V planes of the front chambers. The executes the kumac show_eff_front.kumac which plots the efficiency ( calculated from ratio of number of 5 to 6 hits) versus run number.

Plots the number of hits in a track in the U and V planes of the front chambers. The executes the kumac show_eff_rear.kumac which plots the efficiency ( calculated from ratio of number of 5 to 6 hits) versus run number.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 0.9.