Online Paw Kumacs

Ask for the run number and the extension in the hbook filename. Assumes the file is in the hbook subdirectory and the extension is the part of the name between fpp and the run number . Opens the file fpp_ext_####.hbook and executes the paw kumac fpp_ext_####.hbook.kumac which sets the aliases needed by other kumacs. Called by the kumacs listed below.
Called by the other kumacs listed below. Prints the present plot to the printer or a file.
First calls open_hbook.kumac then calls all of the following kumacs in the order listed.
Plots the event type histogram and writes the ratio of the different event types to the file run_evtype.dat . Then calls the paw kumac show_evtype.kumac which plots the ratio for event types 1, 3, and 5 versus run number.
Plots the tc_cor in a log plot and then in plot which zooms in near the peak. Show the cuts used in espace kumac. This has to be put in the tc_cor.kumac by hand when the cuts in the espace kumac are changed. Determines the mean tc_cor between the cuts and write the value to the file run_tc_cor.dat . Calls the paw kumac show_tc_cor.kumac to plot the mean value versus run number.
Plots the helicity histogram and writes the ratio of plus, minus and unpolarized helicity events to the file run_helicity.dat. Then calls the paw kumac show_helicity.kumac which plots the ratio for plus, minus and unpolarized helicity versus run number. The unpolarized data is when the helicity signal is blanked for the first 200 microseconds of the helicity pulse for the transition between helicities.
Plots the electron Y target (m) versus the hadron Y target (m). Then plots 1-D histograms of electron and hadron arm Y target.
Plots the electron q (dx/dz) versus hadron q . Then plots electron q versus f (dy/dz) . Then plots hadron q versus f (dy/dz) .
Plots histogram of missing energy versus missing momentum with the polygon cut used in the espace kumac superimposed. The plots 1-D histograms of missing energy and missing momentum after the cut on the polygon.
Plots 1-d histograms of the scattering angles q (dy/dz) and f (dx/dz) of events in the carbon block in units of degrees.
Plots 1-d histogram of the azimuthal scattering angle in the carbon block. Superimposes events with no cone test with events which passed the conetest and then the events which failed the conetest. For events which pass the conetest calculates the ratio of events which scatter to angles greater than 3 o to number of incoming tracks and the ratio of events which scatter between 5 to 20 degrees to number of incoming tracks and writes them to the file run_th_az.dat . Then calls the kumac show_th_az.kumac which plots the ratios versus run number.
Plots 1-d histograms of zclose with no azimuthal scattering angle and for scattering angles greater than 3 degrees. Draws lines showing the center positions of the different carbon blocks.
Plots 2-d histograms of the front track's x, y, f (dx/dz) , and q (dy/dz) versus the difference of quantities to the corresponding VDC quantity. Then plots 2-d histograms of the rear track's x, y, f (dx/dz) , and q (dy/dz) versus the difference of quantities to the corresponding front chamber quantity.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 0.9.