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Look at normalized yield for pass2a

1. For first pass replay looked at normalized yield for each combination of high/low HMS momentum setting, top/bottom target cups, NH3/ND3 targets and parallel/perpendicular target field setting. First ran a tcl script which used the file /work/hallc/e93026/rss/pass2a/allruns.csv
and produced files with the charge ( from the syncfilter.log files in mC ) and for the fiducial tracking efficiency ( from the stats*.txt files).

Used the kumac to extract the yield (with cuts: 0.8 < W < 2.0 , abs(hsdelta)< 8% and hsshtrk > 3.0)
and produced files with the normalized yield = yield/charge/(tracking eff)  and error.  The deadtime correction is not needed, since the scalers which determine the charge was ANDed with the TSLIVE signal. This meant the the charge is only for the recorded data.

In general, the normalized yields ( corrected by the fiducial tracking efficiency) are constant with a setting. Plots are included of the normalized yields ( corrected by lifetime and fiducial tracking efficiency) show bumps that are correlated with changes in the lifetime which demostrate that the data should NOT be corrected for the lifetime.

There are some isolated runs with significant deviations from the average. These runs need to be looked at more closely:

b)  For parallel ND3 bottom p_cent = 4.095 : Run 44030 needs to be replayed again . Looking at logs/syncfilter.44030 there is error with buffer size.

c)  For parallel ND3 top p_cent = 4.723 : Run 43828 fideff =0 since cerenkov is off.

d)  Runs 43299-43305 . The HV for the some HMS scintillators was changed ( see logbook entry 46239 for list) during run 43299. During run 43301-2 more HV channels were changed (see logbook entry 46249) ). This was done to because there was not an equal number of hits for the opposite ends of the scintillator for some paddles ( see logbook entry 46242 ). The HV were set back to the original values during run 43305 ( see logbook entry 46263). All runs except 43300 are about 5% high compare to the average normalized yield which indicates that the scintillator trigger efficiency did improve for these runs.

e)  For perp ND3 top p_cent = 4.095: runs 43485-6 has fiducual eff=0 since cerenkov is off.

f) Run 43572. Runsheet states that the drift chambers tripped at end of run. Maybe the shift crew did not stop the run in time.

g) Run 43340. Runsheet states that the drift chambers tripped at end of run.

h) Run 43307 Part of calorimeter was off during run. Need to make as junk.

i) Run 43611.

2. Parallel target field. ( dat file is list of run number, counts, norm yield, err, charge (mC), correction factor)

ND3, top cup, HMS p cent=4.095
(dat file)        (ratio file)  
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) Yields within +/- 1.5%

ND3, bottom cup, HMS p cent=4.095
 (dat file)     (ratio file)  
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) Yields within +/- 0.5%
b) run 44030 problem with replay.

NH3, top cup, HMS p cent=4.095
(dat file)      (ratio file)
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) Yields within +/- 1.0%

NH3, bottom cup, HMS p cent=4.095
(dat file)     (ratio file) 
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) run 43736 3% low.
ND3, top cup, HMS p cent=4.723
(dat file)     (ratio file)    
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) Majority of yields within +-1%
b) run 43828 fiducial eff = 0
ND3, bottom cup, HMS p cent=4.723
 (dat file)     (ratio file) 
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a)Yields within +-2%

NH3, top cup, HMS p cent=4.723
(dat file)     (ratio file)
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) Yields within +2% and -1%

NH3, bottom cup, HMS p cent=4.723
(dat file)    (ratio file) 
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) 2% jump between groupings

3. Perpendicular target field.

ND3, top cup, HMS p cent=4.095
(dat file)    (ratio file) 
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number

a) 1% jump between groups
b) run 43485-6 has fiducual eff=0

ND3, bottom cup, HMS p cent=4.095
(dat file)    (ratio file) 
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) Most yields within +/-1%
b) Run 43572 7% off

NH3, top cup, HMS p cent=4.095
(dat file)     (ratio file)
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) Most yields within +/-1%
b) run 43340 -7% off. Drift chamber trip.

NH3, bottom cup, HMS p cent=4.095
(dat file)     (ratio file)  
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) yields within +/-1%

ND3, top cup, HMS p cent=4.723
 (dat file)     (ratio file)    
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) Beginning five runs +3% compared to later runs.

ND3, bottom cup, HMS p cent=4.723
(dat file)      (ratio file)   
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) Yields within +-2%
b) run 43611 7% off.

NH3, top cup, HMS p cent=4.723
(dat file)       (ratio file) 
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) Run 43307 part of calorimeter is off.
b) runs 43303-5 +5% off.
c) rest within +/-1.5%
NH3, bottom cup, HMS p cent=4.723
 (dat file)        (ratio file)
Ratio of normalized yield not using lifetime to average

Lifetime and Fideff versus run number
a) Most within +/- 1.5%
b) runs 43299,43301-2 +5% off