Geometry of the CDC

<#1587#>Figure<#1587#> 4: <#1588#>Geometry of the CDC<#1588#>
Image /u/home/marki/public_html/rezest//CDC_geometry.png

Fig.~#fig:CDC#204> shows a schematic of the CDC chamber displaying some of the parameters that serve as input to the estimate:

minimum radius of the CDC tracking volume
maximum radius of the CDC tracking volume
#tex2html_wrap_inline513#-coordinate distance from center of target to downstream end of the CDC
Other parameters, not shown in Fig.~#fig:CDC#210> are:
minimum radius of the CDC stereo layers
maximum radius of the CDC stereo layers
number of radiation lengths measured transverse to the tracking layers, <#215#>i.~e.<#215#>, at #tex2html_wrap_inline521# in the lab (#math46##tex2html_wrap_inline523#)
number of radiation lengths in the material inside the CDC (target, scattering chamber, start counter, <#218#> etc.<#218#>), measured radially from the beam line.
number of radiation lengths in the downstream CDC endplate, measured along the beam direction
number of position measurements for a track which passes through all layers of the CDC (sum of number of axial and stereo layers)
number of position measurements in stereo layers
Table~#tab:cdc-geometry#223> gives the values for these parameters in the current design.

<#1645#>Table<#1645#> 1: <#1646#>Values of geometry parameters for the CDC in the current design.<#1646#>
Parameter Value
#tex2html_wrap_inline533# 0.10960~m
#tex2html_wrap_inline535# 0.56534~m
#tex2html_wrap_inline537# 1.02~m
#math50##tex2html_wrap_inline539# 0.16304~m
#math51##tex2html_wrap_inline541# 0.39473~m
#math52##tex2html_wrap_inline543# 0.03437
#math53##tex2html_wrap_inline545# 0.01437
#math54##tex2html_wrap_inline547# 0.02810
#tex2html_wrap_inline549# 25
#math55##tex2html_wrap_inline551# 8

For the CDC, #math56##tex2html_wrap_inline553# is the radial thickness of the active volume. Then #math57##tex2html_wrap_inline555# and #math58##tex2html_wrap_inline557#.

For tracks that exit the end of the CDC, the straight-line track approximation is used to scale the number of measurements, the number of radiation lengths and the transverse length of the track (#tex2html_wrap_inline559#). Also for tracks exiting through the end-plate, the material in the endplate is used as the material in front of the FDC.