Meeting No6 - DB problems

On the last meeting that I joined I mentioned that I was facing problems with the analyzer. When I switched version from 1.5.0 to 1.5.11 I realized that I got very different results for the "". You suggested to check if I am using the right DB. Today I realized that this was a very useful hint and that my problem was really with the DBs.

1.) Since I am working on two different experiments I decided to compleyely separate these two analysis including the DB folders. When I was moving the DBs that correspond to each experiment, to different analysis folders I forgot to remove the LEDEX DB from the Analyzer's original directory. Therefore I analyzed all the Pi0 data with the LEDEX database instead of the Pi0 database. This problem needs to be fixed instantly.

2.) When I finally used the correct Pi0 database I realized, that DB-20080402 (I believe it is the first DB used in this experiment) is not good. The Tantalum peaks that suppose to be very sharp are smeared around. Therefore I was trying to locate a better DB. I found DB-20080508, which gives much better results. Can I use this DB for my analysis or should I use some other DB?

Comparison of the results with different DBs and Analyzers

Last modified: 10/06/09