BigBite Optics et cetera #17

Results of the Th/Ph optics calibration:

Run #3488 : Hydrogen Elastic

Run #3489 : Carbon Quasielastic

Run #3490 : Carbon Quasielastic

Run #3491 : Carbon Quasielastic

Run #3493 : Carbon Quasielastic - BigBite Field off

This run was used only for the calibration of holes on top.

Run #3495 : Carbon Quasielastic - BigBite Field off

This run was used only for the calibration of holes on top.

Run #3496 : Empty Cell run- No sieve

Th - Offset correction

We still have problems with the offsets in both, vertical and horizontal axis. The results for the elastic hydrogen run are not consistent with the left-arm results:
Where do these offsets come from?

Hydrogen Elastic run - HRSL vs. BigBite

From plots below we can see that elastic protons which correspond to scattered electrons with TgTh = 0, do not go through the center line of holes in BB Sieve, but hit the collimator somewhere between the central line and one line below:

Short schematic explanation: PDF with schematics.

Results after a correction?

Our best survey from 2 years ago : Survey.
My Change in the HRS-L Optics matrix : The Matrix.

Last modified: 07/28/10