3He(e,e'd) Analysis

EPR Calibration (unfinished)

01.) TargetStuff.pdf: A pdf containing various plots regarding EPR calibration and spin orientation.


BigBite Field Orientation:


04.) 05.) 06.) 07.)
08.) 09.) 10.) 11.)

Background Subtraction:

Using T3 cut, I was trying to eliminate background noise from various histograms. Some noise in the ADC spectra persists. I believe that persisting noise is not a consequence of the presence of random coincidences:

Momentum Background:

13.) 14.)

ADC-dE Background:

15.) 16.) 17.) 18.)

2D E, dE Background:


20.) 21.)


Persisting background:

Random T3 coincidences are mostly protons, that all lie on the regular E/dE curve. The additional straight line seen in ADC spectra originates from somewhere else.

23.) 24.)
Last modified: 07/06/11