3He(e,e'd) Asymmetries

TgY Resolution as a function of momentum

The contribution of Multiple-scattering to the BigBite resolution can be divided into two parts. Scattering before spectrometer (inside target enclosure) and scattering inside spectrometer. The first part can be subtracted from our results, since we can get rid of this part by using vacuum. On the other hand, second part remains. Therefore I corrected my plot, by subtracting first part from my results, and showing only a contribution of MS inside BigBite.

1a.) 1b.)

TgY - Charge Normalization (Nitrogen data)

I was able to gain-match two nitrogen runs with different prescale factors, dead times and charges. The analysis works, when using only T3 events. It does not work for T5s.

2a.) 2b.)

Asymmetries (1st approach):

In this approach I sum up missing-momentum histograms from all runs. Once having these histograms I subtract background and plot asymmetries as a function of missing-momentum.


3a.) 4a.) 5a.) 6a.)
3a.) 4a.) 5a.) 6a.)


7a.) 8a.) 9a.) 10a.)
7a.) 8a.) 9a.) 10a.)

Asymmetries (new approach):

Previous technique has a problem. In that approach, dilution factors can not be considered properly, since histograms are summed before asymmetries are calculated. Need to change that, and calculate asymmetries for each run. After that mean asymmetries are calculated. I am still working on this. I have problems with runs with little counts. For these runs, bin values in the subtracted missing-momentum histogram can have negative values. This causes many problems when calculating mean asymmetry.

Old method:


New method (problem at pmiss = 0.14GeV/c):


Last modified: 08/03/11