Analysis of 82deg data

This week I have run 82deg data on FARM (approx. 200 RUNS). I have just transfered all the data to my computer and have not been able to perform complete analysis. Here are some preliminary results for longitudinal asymmetry.


Comparison with 14deg data:

I tried to compare these results to the 75deg data (I also call them 14.5 deg data). Therefore I calculated the averaged value of the asymmetry for missing momenta up to 0.25 GeV/c in different Missing Energy bins. The comparison of the data is shown in the bottom plot. The results agree in the 3BBU region while they disagree in the 2BBU region.


Old Definition of the Missing Energy (ie. Excess Energy):

I have also compared the new 82deg data (with new definition of Missing Energy) to the 14.5 deg data that were determined with the old definition of the missing Energy. Need to discard old results and concentrate only on the new ones.


(14.5, -75)deg Data:

Here is the set of plots that I consider for calculating mean asymmetry as a function of Missing Energy.


(14.5, -82)deg Data:

Here is the set of plots that I consider for calculating mean asymmetry as a function of Missing Energy.


Quick Comparison with the theory:

The possible discrepancy between 82deg and 14.5deg data in the 2bbu region could be explained by the jump in the asymmetry at large pmiss. This has to be investigated in more detail.

Another problem with this calculation is that we do not know for which kinematics setting was calculated: perpendicular or parallel?

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Last modified: 02/15/12