Smearing of Beta for simulations (path & time)


Fig.1: 1.Time vs Energy (Edep/0.273) 2. Mean time curve 3. Sigma of mean time 4.Fit mean value+- 2.5 sigma

Fig2: 1.Time vs path, mean value fit 2. sigma of the fit


Fig.3: 1.Time vs Energy. Mean value is fitted with second order pol 2.sigma of the second order pol fit

Fig.4 1.Time vs path, mean value fit 2. sigma of the fit

Fig 1.DATA -> Time (time_ec-time_hit) vs path && Beta.

Fig2.SIMULATION -> WRONG DONE but top is smeared time of photon vs bath &&resulting smeared beta; bottom is time vs path && beta (unsmeared)

Time (time_ec-time_hit) vs path for photon

Time vs energy deposited in EC for photon

Data. Neutrons. 3&4 -> mean and width of time are fitted as second order polinamial of energy.