Resolution in pT2 and z.

Fig.0a LEFT 3x3 PANEL: X axis is resolution in pT2, where res(pT2)= pT2(gen)-pT2(rec) in total of 9 bins in pT2(gen):
RIGHT 3x3 PANEL: X axis is resolution in z where z(res)=z(gen)-z(rec) in total of 9 bins on z(gen)

Fig.0b LEFT - mean value of resolution obtained from the fit on Fig.0a plotted vs gennerated variable;
MIDDLE - 1sigma width of the resolution obtained from the fit on Fig.0a vs generated variable ;
RIGHT - sigma/< generated variable> as a function of generated variable ;
TOP PANEL - resolution of pT2; BOTTOM PANEL - resolution of z:

Resolution in pT2.

Resolution,i.e GEN-REC events, in pT2.
Fig.1 pT2 resolution for pi0 when sample is choosen sich that:
black - 2photon pairs inside 3sigma of Pi0 mass; yellow - same as black +Angle of Gen, Rec >3 deg;
violet - same as yellow with the background unedr 3sigma peak sideband subtracted:

Fig.2a pi0 pT2 res. as a fnc of electron res.: Left - vs res. on e momentum; Middle- vs res. on e theta; Right-vs res. on e phi;

Fig.2b pi0 pT2 res. as a fnc of REC electron Mometum(left), Theta(middle) and Phi(right):

Fig.2c pi0 pT2 res. as a fnc of REC electron Mometum(left); vs Sector Number (middle); vs Nphe (right):

Fig.3a pi0 pT2 res. as a fnc of its energy res.:

Fig.3b pi0 pT2 res. as a fnc of its REC: energy; pT2;
angle between GEN,REC photons; opening angle of 2 photons:

Fig.3c pi0 pT2 res as a fnc of photon number for the first(left) and second (right) photon in the event:


Bin Migration

Fig.4 Each of 9 (N of pT2bins=9) 3x3 panel contains Mass distribution of pi0 in a given pT2 generated bin and reconstructed everywhere else.
Number in BLUE is N of generated pi0 in this bin. Number in RED is number of reconstructed pi0 calculated from Gaus fit
BLACK distributions & entries in TPaveStat are reconstructed pi0 that were generated in a bin with a blue number
RED distributios and Entries in TPaveStat are total number of reconstructed events in each bin.
NOTE: Reconstructed distributions were extracted using MATCHING technique

Fig.5 Each of three (selected is every fifth generated bin in Z, N bins in Z =15) 3x5 panel contains Mass distribution of pi0 in a given Z generated bin and reconstructed everywhere else
COLOR scheme is the same as for pT2 in Fig.4

All plots for z-resolution can be found here

Fig.6 Bin distribution in pT2:

Fig.6a Bin migration in pT2:

Fig.10 Generated Bins vs Reconstructed in Q2, Nu, z, pT2 and phi:

Fig.10a Reconstructed Bins vs Reconstructed distributions Q2, Nu, z, pT2 and phi:

Resolution in inclusive observables.

Fig.10a Resolution in X, Y

Fig.10b Resolution in Q2, W:

Range of generated events.

Choosing folowing kinematic cuts in Lepto would yield following distributions:
User applied cuts (+ phase space) :
9.0000E-02 < x < 1.000
0.000 < y < 1.000
0.8000 < Q**2 < 10.00
3.900 < W**2 < 20.00
1.000 < nu < 5.014

Effective ranges (from above cuts):
9.0000E-02 < x < 0.6791
0.4059 < y < 1.000
0.8000 < Q**2 < 6.390
3.900 < W**2 < 9.443
1.000 < nu < 5.014


Changing 'user applied cuts' in W2 such that: 4.< W2 <20. :
Effective ranges (from above cuts):
9.0000E-02 < x < 0.6685
0.4166 < y < 1.000
0.8000 < Q**2 < 6.290
4.000 < W**2 < 9.443
1.000 < nu < 5.014