Options to Mix Events. Illustrated on MC with smeablue photons

Below examples cover following kinematical range: 0.2 < z < 1. , 0.01 < pT2 < 0.9 , 1.
1. Photon Rotation + 2Photon Mixing in (Q2,Nu) bins
Photons from gamma*1 are rotated by dPhi = Phi(gamma*_1) - Phi(gamma*2).
Photon Energy order of mixing is conserved. E > 0.15 GeV, 8 < Theta < 45
Fig.1 Inv Mass fitted with gaus+[par]*pol4; Ngaus = Npi0 in gaus; Npeak = N_tot - N_backgr. Z, pT2, Q2,Nu bins

2. No Photon Rotation + Mixing in (Q2,nu,z, pT2) bins
Fig.2 a Full range in E and Theta of Photons

Fig.2b E > 0.15 GeV, 8 < Theta < 45

3. Rotation + Mixing in (Q2,nu,z, pT2) bins
Fig.3a Full range in E and Theta of Photons

Fig.3b E > 0.15 GeV, 8 < Theta < 45

4. Rotation + Mixing in (Q2,nu,z, pT2) + delta_Energy(Momentum) of Gamma*(1-2) < 50GeV
Fig.4 E > 0.15 GeV, 8 < Theta < 45
