i have setup a mysql server to allow access to the run database from my desktop (uvapos1.jlab.org) in the UVa cubicle (F355). you can issue mysql commands directly to the mysql server. the file "sample_query.sql" contains some example mysql queries and a description of the variables (target type, run type, run number, beam energy , etc...) more information about the meaning of runtype , flag , target1 , target2 etc. can be found at: http://www.jlab.org/~singhj/runsummary/ to access the database: (1) create a file with the name ".my.cnf" in your home directory on the CUE. cut and paste the text that is in between the "----" into the ".my.cnf" file ----- [client] user=gdh_user password=(get password from me or Vince) host=uvapos1.jlab.org database=masterdb ---- (2) get the password from me or Vince and type it into the ".my.cnf" file (3) once the ".my.cnf" file is created, change the permissions with the command "chmod 600 .my.cnf" for security purposes (4) the mysql server will only accept queries from *.jlab.org (5) save the "sample_query.sql" file to your CUE account (6) execute the command "mysql < sample_query.sql | more", you should see a tab sepatated list of non-junk primary runs from the second period with the maximum split file number and beam polarization. the first line contains the column labels. (7) play around with it and send me suggesstions