Key for left end of run data summary table $n refers to the nth field in the raw data file this notation is useful for use with awk User name $10 Log entry time $2:$3:$4 on $5 $6, $7 Entry number $8 keyword=$9_Run_$106 **************************** Run_type=$11,beam_energy=$12,beam_halfwaveplate=$13,beam_raster=$14,comment_text=$15,daq_mode=$16,kin_name=$17,leftarm_p=$18,leftarm_theta=$19,rightarm_p=$20,rightarm_theta=$21,target_halfwaveplate=$22,target_name=$23,target_polarization=$24,target_type=$25 COMMENTS $283 PRESCALE FACTORS:ps1=$26 ps2=$27 ps3=$28 ps4=$29 ps5=$30 ps8=$33 EVENTS[0]: $34 [+]: $35 [-]: $36 TIME [0]: $37 mins [+]: $38 mins [-]: $39 mins LIVE [0]: $40% [+]: $41% [-]: $42% TRIGGER RATES T1[0] [PRES/REAL]: $43/$44 Hz T2[0] [PRES/REAL]: $45/$46 Hz T3[0] [PRES/REAL]: $47/$48 Hz T4[0] [PRES/REAL]: $296/$297 Hz T5[0] [PRES/REAL]: $298/$299 Hz T8[0] [PRES/REAL]: $300/$301 Hz T1[+] [PRES/REAL]: $49/$50 Hz T2[+] [PRES/REAL]: $51/$52 Hz T3[+] [PRES/REAL]: $53/$54 Hz T4[+] [PRES/REAL]: $302/$303 Hz T5[+] [PRES/REAL]: $304/$305 Hz T8[+] [PRES/REAL]: $306/$307 Hz T1[-] [PRES/REAL]: $55/$56 Hz T2[-] [PRES/REAL]: $57/$58 Hz T3[-] [PRES/REAL]: $59/$60 Hz T4[-] [PRES/REAL]: $308/$309 Hz T5[-] [PRES/REAL]: $310/$311 Hz T8[-] [PRES/REAL]: $312/$313 Hz TRIGGER TOTALS T1[0] [PRES/REAL]: $61/$62 T2[0] [PRES/REAL]: $63/$64 T3[0] [PRES/REAL]: $65/$66 T4[0] [PRES/REAL]: $314/$315 T5[0] [PRES/REAL]: $316/$317 T8[0] [PRES/REAL]: $318/$319 T1[+] [PRES/REAL]: $67/$68 T2[+] [PRES/REAL]: $69/$70 T3[+] [PRES/REAL]: $71/$72 T4[+] [PRES/REAL]: $320/$321 T5[+] [PRES/REAL]: $322/$323 T8[+] [PRES/REAL]: $324/$325 T1[-] [PRES/REAL]: $73/$74 T2[-] [PRES/REAL]: $75/$76 T3[-] [PRES/REAL]: $77/$78 T4[-] [PRES/REAL]: $326/$327 T5[-] [PRES/REAL]: $328/$329 T8[-] [PRES/REAL]: $330/$331 AVERAGE CURRENT BCM x1 : $79 uA BCM x3 : $80 uA BCM x3 : $81 uA APPROXIMATE CURRENT ASYMMETRIES BCM u1 : $82 ppm BCM u3 : $83 ppm BCM u10: $84 ppm BCM d1 : $85 ppm BCM d3 : $86 ppm BCM d10: $87 ppm APPROXIMATE BCM CHARGES (C) BCM u1 [0]: $88 BCM u3 [0]: $89 BCM u10[0]: $90 BCM u1 [+]: $91 BCM u3 [+]: $92 BCM u10[+]: $93 BCM u1 [-]: $94 BCM u3 [-]: $95 BCM u10[-]: $96 BCM d1 [0]: $97 BCM d3 [0]: $98 BCM d10[0]: $99 BCM d1 [+]: $100 BCM d3 [+]: $101 BCM d10[+]: $102 BCM d1 [-]: $103 BCM d3 [-]: $104 BCM d10[-]: $105 **************************** End-of-run EPICS data for Run Number $1 at Day $107 $108 $109:$110:$111 EDT $112 Right Arm D1 momentum : $115 Right Arm arm angle : $116 Tiefenbach Hall A energy : $119 Right Arm arm mispointing (HPT) : $121 Right septum set current : $126 Right septum current readback : $127 Right Arm Q1 power supply current : $142 Right Arm Q1 momentum : $143 Right Arm Q1 gauss meter : $144 Right Arm Q1 power supply polarity : $145 Right Arm Q2 power supply current : $146 Right Arm Q2 momentum : $147 Right Arm Q2 gauss meter : $148 Right Arm Q2 power supply polarity : $149 Right Arm D1 power supply current : $150 Right Arm D1 NMR : $151 Right Arm Q3 power supply current : $152 Right Arm Q3 momentum : $153 Right Arm Q3 gauss meter : $154 Right Arm Q3 power supply polarity : $155 Left Arm Q1 power supply current : $128 Left Arm Q1 momentum : $129 Left Arm Q1 gauss meter : $130 Left Arm Q1 power supply polarity : $131 Left Arm Q2 power supply current : $132 Left Arm Q2 momentum : $133 Left Arm Q2 gauss meter : $134 Left Arm Q2 power supply polarity : $135 Left Arm D1 power supply current : $136 Left Arm D1 momentum : $113 Left Arm D1 NMR : $137 Left Arm Q3 power supply current : $138 Left Arm Q3 momentum : $139 Left Arm Q3 gauss meter : $140 Left Arm Q3 power supply polarity : $141 Average current of the two cavities : $156 Current on Unser monitor : $157 Current on Upstream bcm : $158 Current on Downstream bcm : $159 Upstream Cavity Coefficient : $160 Downstream Cavity Coefficient : $161 Current on IBC0L02 (source) : $162 MBSY1c Hall A Beam energy : $164 MBSY1c magnet current (amp) : $165 MBSY1c Bdl : $166 MBSY3c Hall C Beam energy : $167 HALLA:p : $117 HALLA:dpp : $118 Tiefenbach Hall C energy : $168 Delta(E)/E width (MV_AI_DXWID) : $169 IPM1C12.XPOS : $170 IPM1H04A.XPOS : $171 IPM1H04A.YPOS : $172 IPM1H04B.XPOS : $173 IPM1H04B.YPOS : $174 Right Arm Arm Collimator : $184 Left Arm Arm Collimator : $175 HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : $187 HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : $188 HacR_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : $189 HacR_alignROLL : $190 HacR_alignPITCH : $191 HacR_alignHPT : $192 HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch58 : $178 HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch55 : $179 HacL_HPE1313A:0_Ch54 : $180 HacL_alignROLL : $181 HacL_alignPITCH : $182 HacL_alignHPT : $183 Wien angle : $193 Helicity Mode ON/OFF Random/Toggle : $194 Wien BDL : $195 Wien field : $196 Laser attenuation Hall A : $197 Laser power Hall A : $198 Half-wave plate (off=out) : $199 rotating waveplate : $200 Beam Half-wave plate (off=out) : $201 G0 Helicity Settle Set : $202 G0 Helicity Delay Set : $203 G0 Helicity Pattern Set : $204 G0 Helicity Settle Read : $205 G0 Helicity Delay Read : $206 G0 Helicity Pattern : $207 Polarized 3He Target RTD #1 : $220 Polarized 3He Target RTD #2 : $221 Polarized 3He Target RTD #3 : $222 Polarized 3He Target RTD #4 : $223 Polarized 3He Target RTD #5 : $224 Polarized 3He Target RTD #6 : $225 Polarized 3He Target RTD #7 : $226 Polarized 3He Ref. Cell RTD #8 : $227 Polarized 3He Ref. Cell RTD #9 : $228 Polarized 3He Ref. Cell RTD #10 : $229 Polarized 3He Target Ref. Cell Gas Pres. : $230 Polarized 3He Target Ref. Cell Sys.Vac. : $231 Polarized 3He Target Cooling Jet : $232 Polarized 3He Target OVEN RTD : $233 Polarized 3He Target OVEN SP1 SET : $234 Polarized 3He Target OVEN SP1 : $235 Polarized 3He Target OVEN AL1 SET : $236 Polarized 3He Target OVEN AL1 : $237 Polarized 3He Target OVEN AL1 STATUS : $238 Polarized 3He Target Half-Wave Plate DIST: $239 Polarized 3He Target Half-Wave Plate STAT: $240 Polarized 3He Target Position (PA) : $241 Polarized 3He Target Position (POS) : $242 Polarized 3He Target Position (DA) : $243 Polarized 3He Target Position (SS9) : $244 Polarized 3He Target Position (SA10) : $245 Polarized 3He Target Position (SA9) : $246 Polarized 3He Laser#1 State : $247 Polarized 3He Laser#1 Current : $248 Polarized 3He Laser#1 Temperature : $249 Polarized 3He Laser#2 State : $250 Polarized 3He Laser#2 Current : $251 Polarized 3He Laser#2 Temperature : $252 Polarized 3He Laser#3 State : $253 Polarized 3He Laser#3 Current : $254 Polarized 3He Laser#3 Temperature : $255 Polarized 3He Laser#4 State : $256 Polarized 3He Laser#4 Current : $257 Polarized 3He Laser#4 Temperature : $258 Polarized 3He Laser#5 State : $259 Polarized 3He Laser#5 Current : $260 Polarized 3He Laser#5 Temperature : $261 Polarized 3He Laser#6 State : $262 Polarized 3He Laser#6 Current : $263 Polarized 3He Laser#6 Temperature : $264 Polarized 3He Laser#7 State : $265 Polarized 3He Laser#7 Current : $266 Polarized 3He Laser#7 Temperature : $267 Polarized 3He Coil Current Longitudinal : $268 Polarized 3He Coil Current Transverse : $269 Transverse gradient coils (A) setup current : $270 Transverse gradient coils (A) readback current : $271 Longitudinal upstream gradient coil (B) setup current : $272 Longitudinal upstream gradient coil (B) readback current : $273 Longitudinal downstream gradient coil (C) setup current : $274 Longitudinal downstream gradient coil (C) readback current : $275 Small vertical gradient coils (D) setup current : $276 Small vertical gradient coils (D) readback current : $277 Target OTR x-position : $208 Target OTR y-position : $209 Target OTR x-width : $210 Target OTR y-width : $211 Target OTR data valid flag : $212 Target OTR In/Out : $213 Arc OTR x-position : $214 Arc OTR y-position : $215 Arc OTR x-width : $216 Arc OTR y-width : $217 Arc OTR data valid flag : $218 Arc OTR In/Out : $219 Log book entry time is secs from midnnight April 20 : $281 Run stop time is secs from midnnight April 20 : $282 Number of end of run summary files for this run : $284