1. This code uses a quasi-free scattering model to estimate inelastic cross sections for nuclei.
  2. ->Tarball of modified qfs code along with write-up and original code.
  3. ->Short report on the nqfs and nradcor codes.


  1. This code can be used to perform radiative corrections on inelastic cross sections.
  2. ( Fixed some minor bugs 2/19/05 )
  3. ->Tarball of modified radcor code along with write-up and original code.
  4. ->Short report on the nqfs and nradcor codes.


  1. This code calculates elastic tails (polarized and unpolarized) for a variety of nuclei.
  2. ( Fixed minor bug 3/21/05 ) Error in average over acceptance fixed.
  3. ( Improvement 3/21/05 ) Can now calculate polarized proton elastic tail.
  4. ( Fixed major bug 01/26/2007 ) Fixed incorrect values of of proton and neutron anomolous magnetic moment in subroutine NFORM when IG.EQ.15.
  5. ->Tarball


  1. This code can be used to perform radiative corrections on polarized inelastic cross sections.
  2. Major modifications to the original code were performed by Seonho Choi with some additional mods by me.
  3. ( Fixed major bug 2/19/05. ) Variable PI was undefined in "interpol_2dim.f".
  4. ( Fixed minor bug 3/10/05. ) Modified integration limits.
  5. ( Fixed minor bug 5/04/05. ) Undefined PI variable in G2_FROM_DATA
  6. ->Tarball of modified POLRAD code.


  1. This code calculates radiative corrections to elastic eP scattering cross sections and asymmetries.
  2. ->Code