c This is the set of user routines which can be used to read the CJ PDF c tables and extract values of the CJ PDFs at specified values of c momentum fraction x and factorization scale Q. c c c Patterned after the CTEQ6 PDF routines c c J.F. Owens June 2012 - December 2012 c c Three sets of PDFs are available: CJ12_min, CJ12_mid, and CJ12_max c corresponding to the minimum, midddle, and maximum nuclear corrections. c c The following numbering scheme is used for the variable ISET c c ISET PDF c c 100 | CJ12_min central PDF c 101-138 | CJ12_min error PDF sets c | c 200 | CJ12_mid central PDF c 201-238 | CJ12_mid error PDF sets c | c 300 | CJ12_max central PDF c 301-338 | CJ12_max error PDF sets c c The tables cover the x range 10^-6 < x < 1. and Q range 1.3 < Q < 10^5 GeV. c Values outside these ranges must be considered as extrapolations. c c The user should initalize the PDF set by first calling SetCJ(ISET) c c A function call to CJpdf(Iptn,x,Q) returns the number density PDF of c flavor Iptn at momentum fraction x and factorization scale Q c c A subroutine call to CJpdf_all(x,Q,bb,cb,sb,db,ub,g,u,d,s,c,b) returns all c the PDFs with one call c c Flavor index: Iptn = -5:5 for bb, cb, sb, db, ub, g, u, d, s, c, b, c c For the CJ12 PDFs b=bb, c=cb, and s=sb c c An example of how to use the CJ PDFs is included in the program tst_CJpdf.f c This will produce a table of PDFs for a specified value of ISET c Function CJpdf(Iptn, x, Q) Implicit double precision (A-H,O-Z) Common/CJPAR2/Nx, Nq, Nfmx Common/QCDtable/Alam, Nfl, Iord If(x.lt.0.d0.or.x.gt.1.d0)then Print*,'x out of range in CJPDF:',x Stop Endif If(Q.lt.Alam)then Print*,'Q out of range in CJpdf:',Q Stop Endif If(Iptn.lt.-Nfmx.or.Iptn.gt.Nfmx)then Print*,'Iptn out of range in CJpdf:',Iptn Print*,'Maximum number of flavors is:',Nfmx Stop Endif CJpdf=Getpdf(Iptn,x,Q) c if(CJpdf.lt.0.d0)CJPDF=0.d0 Return End Subroutine CJpdf_all(x,Q,bb,cb,sb,db,ud,g,u,d,s,c,b) Implicit Double Precision (a-h,o-z) bb=CJpdf(-5,x,Q) cb=CJpdf(-4,x,Q) sb=CJpdf(-3,x,Q) db=CJpdf(-2,x,Q) ub=CJpdf(-1,x,Q) g=CJpdf(0,x,Q) u=CJpdf(1,x,Q) d=CJpdf(2,x,Q) s=sb c=cb b=bb return end Subroutine SetCJ(Iset) Implicit Double Precision (A-H,O-Z) Character Flnm(3)*9, nn*3, Tablefile*40 Data (Flnm(I), I=1,3) > / 'CJ12_min_', 'CJ12_mid_', 'CJ12_max_' / Data Isetold/-1/ save C If data file not initialized, do so. If(Iset.ne.Isetold) then IU= NextUn() If (Iset.ge.100 .and. Iset.le.140) Then write(nn,'(I3)') Iset Tablefile='CJ12Tables/'//Flnm(1)//nn(2:3)//'.tbl' Elseif (Iset.ge.200 .and. Iset.le.240) Then write(nn,'(I3)') Iset Tablefile='CJ12Tables/'//Flnm(2)//nn(2:3)//'.tbl' Elseif (Iset.ge.300 .and. Iset.le.340) Then write(nn,'(I3)') Iset Tablefile='CJ12Tables/'//Flnm(3)//nn(2:3)//'.tbl' Else Print *, 'Invalid Iset number in SetCJ :', Iset Stop Endif print*,'Opening ',Tablefile Open(IU, File=Tablefile, Status='OLD', Err=100) 21 Call ReadTbl (IU) Close (IU) Isetold=Iset Endif Return 100 Print *, ' Data file ', Tablefile, ' cannot be opened ' >//'in SetCJ!!' Stop C ******************** End Subroutine ReadTbl (Nu) Implicit Double Precision (A-H,O-Z) Character Line*80 PARAMETER (MXX = 105, MXQ = 25, MXF = 6) PARAMETER (MXPQX=(MXF+3)*MXQ*MXX) Common > / CJPAR1 / Al, XV(MXX), QV(MXQ), SV(MXQ), UPD(MXPQX) > / CJPAR2 / Nx, NQ, NfMx > / XQrange / Qini, Qmax, Xmin > / QCDtable / Alam, Nfl, Iorder > / Masstbl / Amass(6) Read (Nu, '(A)') Line Read (Nu, '(A)') Line Read (Nu, *) Dr, Fl, Al, (Amass(I),I=1,6) Iorder = Nint(Dr) Nfl = Nint(Fl) Alam = Al Read (Nu, '(A)') Line Read (Nu, *) NX, NQ, NfMx Read (Nu, '(A)') Line Read (Nu, *) QINI, QMAX, (QV(I), I =1, NQ) Read (Nu, '(A)') Line Read (Nu, *) XMIN, (XV(I), I =1, NX) Do 11 Iq = 1, NQ SV(Iq) = Log(Log (QV(Iq) /Alam)/Log(Qini/Alam)) 11 Continue c Nblk=Nx*NQ Npts=Nblk*(NfMx+3) Read(Nu,'(A)') Line Read(Nu,25,err=999) (UPD(I), I=1,Npts) 25 format(5E14.4) Return 999 print*,i,UPD(i-1),UPD(i) stop End Function NextUn() C Returns an unallocated FORTRAN i/o unit. Logical EX C Do 10 N = 10, 300 INQUIRE (UNIT=N, OPENED=EX) If (.NOT. EX) then NextUn = N Return Endif 10 Continue Stop ' There is no available I/O unit. ' C ************************* End C Function GetPDF(Iptn,x,Q) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) PARAMETER (MXX = 105, MXQ = 25, MXF = 6) PARAMETER (MXPQX=(MXF+3)*MXQ*MXX) Common > / CJPAR1 / Al, XV(MXX), QV(MXQ), SV(MXQ), UPD(MXPQX) > / CJPAR2 / Nx, NQ, NfMx > / XQrange / Qini, Qmax, Xmin > / QCDtable / Alam, Nfl, Iorder > / Masstbl / Amass(6) c c Linear interpolation in s c s=log(log(Q/Alam)/log(Qini/Alam)) do 2 j=1,NQ if(s.lt.SV(j))then J2=J if(J2.eq.1)J2=2 J1=J2-1 S2=SV(j2) S1=SV(j2-1) goto 1 endif 2 continue 1 continue c c In CJ12 s=sbar, c=cbar, and b=bbar c if(Iptn.gt.2)then Iptn_temp=-Iptn else Iptn_temp=Iptn endif A1=GetFV(Iptn_temp,x,J1) A2=GetFV(Iptn_temp,x,J2) ANS=A1*(S-S2)/(S1-S2)+A2*(S-S1)/(S2-S1) if(ans.lt.0.d0)ans=0.d0 GetPDF=ANS RETURN END c FUNCTION GetFV(Iptn,x,J) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) PARAMETER (MXX = 105, MXQ = 25, MXF = 6) PARAMETER (MXPQX=(MXF+3)*MXQ*MXX) Dimension xx(4),fx(4) Common > / CJPAR1 / Al, XV(MXX), QV(MXQ), SV(MXQ), UPD(MXPQX) > / CJPAR2 / Nx, NQ, NfMx > / XQrange / Qini, Qmax, Xmin > / QCDtable / Alam, Nfl, Iorder > / Masstbl / Amass(6) c c Interpolate in x using the form A*x**alpha*(1-x)**beta c which is locally valid for each PDF c DO 1 I=1,Nx IF(X.LT.XV(I)) GO TO 2 1 CONTINUE c 2 I=I-1 2 I=I-2 If(I.le.0.d0) I=2 if(i.gt.(nx-3))i=nx-3 In1=I+Nx*(J-1)+Nx*NQ*(Iptn+5) xx(1)=xv(I) xx(2)=xv(i+1) xx(3)=xv(I+2) xx(4)=xv(I+3) fx(1)=UPD(In1) fx(2)=UPD(In1+1) fx(3)=UPD(In1+2) fx(4)=UPD(In1+3) c call polint(xx,fx,4,x,ans,dy) call polint4(xx,fx,x,ans) getfv=ans END SUBROUTINE POLINT4 (XA,YA,X,Y) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) C The POLINT4 routine is based on the POLINT routine from "Numerical Recipes", C but assuming N=4, and ignoring the error estimation. C suggested by Z. Sullivan. DIMENSION XA(*),YA(*) H1=XA(1)-X H2=XA(2)-X H3=XA(3)-X H4=XA(4)-X W=YA(2)-YA(1) DEN=W/(H1-H2) D1=H2*DEN C1=H1*DEN W=YA(3)-YA(2) DEN=W/(H2-H3) D2=H3*DEN C2=H2*DEN W=YA(4)-YA(3) DEN=W/(H3-H4) D3=H4*DEN C3=H3*DEN W=C2-D1 DEN=W/(H1-H3) CD1=H3*DEN CC1=H1*DEN W=C3-D2 DEN=W/(H2-H4) CD2=H4*DEN CC2=H2*DEN W=CC2-CD1 DEN=W/(H1-H4) DD1=H4*DEN DC1=H1*DEN If((H3+H4).lt.0D0) Then Y=YA(4)+D3+CD2+DD1 Elseif((H2+H3).lt.0D0) Then Y=YA(3)+D2+CD1+DC1 Elseif((H1+H2).lt.0D0) Then Y=YA(2)+C2+CD1+DC1 ELSE Y=YA(1)+C1+CC1+DC1 ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE POLINT(XA,YA,N,X,Y,DY) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) PARAMETER (NMAX=25) DIMENSION XA(N),YA(N),C(NMAX),D(NMAX) NS=1 DIF=ABS(X-XA(1)) DO 11 I=1,N DIFT=ABS(X-XA(I)) IF (DIFT.LT.DIF) THEN NS=I DIF=DIFT ENDIF C(I)=YA(I) D(I)=YA(I) 11 CONTINUE Y=YA(NS) NS=NS-1 DO 13 M=1,N-1 DO 12 I=1,N-M HO=XA(I)-X HP=XA(I+M)-X W=C(I+1)-D(I) DEN=HO-HP IF(DEN.EQ.0.)then print*,xa(i),xa(i+m),x print*, 'Enter to continue' read(*,*) endif DEN=W/DEN D(I)=HP*DEN C(I)=HO*DEN 12 CONTINUE IF (2*NS.LT.N-M)THEN DY=C(NS+1) ELSE DY=D(NS) NS=NS-1 ENDIF Y=Y+DY 13 CONTINUE RETURN END