subroutine left_init_r_function c c initializes arrays etc in the common block of the r-function package c contains some diagnostic write statements you can comment them out if you want c You must call left_init_r_function once before calling left_rfunction(which you can then c do over and over again without reinitializing). c -JJL 6/6/01 parameter (narray=1400) common /lines/rline(12,narray,6),tmin(narray),tmax(narray) + ,phimin(narray),phimax(narray),dy,dd,npts integer ndum character*24 daet c c for each of the 12 lines defining the theta, phi acceptance of the form: c 0=A*theta+B*phi+C c rline(i,n,1)= yn (y value of nth set) i refers to the line number c rline(i,n,2)= deltan (delta value for nth set) c rline(i,n,3)=A (for the nth set) c rline(i,n,4)=B c rline(i,n,5)=C c rline(i,n,6)=R^2 or 2 for vertical lines or 3 for lines through the origin c c read in the files with the line parameters c open(11,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line1.dat',status='old') open(12,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line2.dat',status='old') open(13,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line3.dat',status='old') open(14,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line4.dat',status='old') open(15,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line5.dat',status='old') open(16,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line6.dat',status='old') open(17,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line7.dat',status='old') open(18,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line8.dat',status='old') open(19,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line9.dat',status='old') open(20,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line10.dat',status='old') open(21,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line11.dat',status='old') open(22,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/line12.dat',status='old') open(23,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/dy-dd.dat',status='old') open(30,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/min-max.dat',status='old') read(23,*)dy,dd !y and delta grid spacing close(23) !write(6,*)"initializing r-function arrays" open(31,file='./New-Left/no-collimator/information.dat' &,status='old') read(31,'(a24)')daet !write(6,*)"Files generated on:" !write(6,'(a24)')daet read(31,'(a24)')daet !write(6,'(a24)')daet read(31,'(a24)')daet !write(6,'(a24)')daet close(31) do 10 i=1,narray do 11 n=1,12 nin=n+10 read(nin,*,end=12)ndum,(rline(n,i,j),j=1,6) 11 continue read(30,*)ydum,ddum,tmin(i),tmax(i),phimin(i),phimax(i) 10 continue 12 npts=i if( write(6,*)"ERROR in init-r-function: Need to increase narray" endif return end subroutine left_getindex(y,d,index) c for given y and delta (y,d) find index for line parameters parameter (narray=1400) common /lines/rline(12,narray,6),tmin(narray),tmax(narray) + ,phimin(narray),phimax(narray),dy,dd,npts real y,d,ddummy,testa integer index ddummy=100000. index=0 c write(6,*)"npts=",npts !print*,y,d do i=1,npts a=((y-rline(1,i,1))**2)+((d-rline(1,i,2))**2) if( index=i ddummy=a endif enddo c write(6,*)index c test to see that a is not too big ddummy=sqrt(ddummy) testa=sqrt(dd**2+dy**2)/2 c write(6,*)dd,dy,testa,ddummy if( index=0 !outside the grid return end real function left_rfunction(y,d,theta,phi) c c sample left_rfunction call c y is in meters (y0) c d (delta) is a fraction c theta and phi are radians (theta_0 and phi_0) c c sample left_rfunction call: answer=left_rfunction(y,d,theta,phi) c c answer is the distance in phi/theta space of the given c theta and phi point from the edge of the acceptance for the given y and d c negative numbers are outside the acceptance (-1000. is the default outside value) c parameter (narray=1400) common /lines/rline(12,narray,6),tmin(narray),tmax(narray) + ,phimin(narray),phimax(narray),dy,dd,npts real y,d,theta,phi,dline(16) integer index left_rfunction=100000. !print*,"in F,y=",y," d=",d," theta=",theta," phi=",phi call left_getindex(y,d,index) !write(6,*)"index=",index,y,d if( do 10 i=1,12 !loop through the 12 lines c c set up the signs (see notes: 5/25-30/01) c if(rline(i,index,4).eq.0.) go to 10 !ignore vertical lines, the box takes care of it if(rline(i,index,6).eq.3.) go to 10 !ignore lines through the origin em=-rline(i,index,3)/rline(i,index,4) !conventional slope of the line isign=+1 if((tmax(index).gt.0.).and.(tmin(index).lt.0.))then !origin is inside the acceptance go to 7 !all signs positive else left_rfunction=-1000. return endif c c dline is the distance from the point to the line c 7 dline(i)=isign*( + (rline(i,index,3)*theta) + +(rline(i,index,4)*phi) + + rline(i,index,5)) + /sqrt(rline(i,index,3)**2+rline(i,index,4)**2) c c then find the minimum c if(dline(i).lt.left_rfunction)left_rfunction=dline(i) 10 continue c c make the simple box c dline(13)=tmax(index)-theta if(dline(13).lt.left_rfunction)left_rfunction=dline(13) dline(14)=theta-tmin(index) if(dline(14).lt.left_rfunction)left_rfunction=dline(14) dline(15)=phimax(index)-phi if(dline(15).lt.left_rfunction)left_rfunction=dline(15) dline(16)=phi-phimin(index) if(dline(16).lt.left_rfunction)left_rfunction=dline(16) else left_rfunction=-1000. !default no acceptance value endif return end