**        XEMC: Quasielastic Cross Section Model
**         Developed and maintained by Zhihong Ye.
**         630-252-2305, yez@jlab.org
**         Last update: 05/31/2017
  • Note: This package is on GitHub now. Please check out the newest version there

  • Check the files here(Note: might not be up to date)

  • Download the Package here (all in C++ now)

  • Download the Package with only F1F2IN06 code for DIS (complete C++ but run slow with Radiative-Correction)

  • Download Fy Fitting code here

  • In this code, both the unradiated (Born) Cross Section and the Radiated Cross Section are given.
    The DIS part of the Born Cross Section is based on Peter Bosted's F1F2IN09 model (good for 6GeV Kinematic)
    and the F2ALLM97 model (good for 12GeV kinematic and it is the default DIS model now).
    the QE part is based on the F(y) scalling function with the parameters fitted from the
    Hall-C E02-019 data and Hall-A E08-014 data. These two models are default in the code,
    and a DIS model which was twisted for EMC study from Peter's F1F2IN06 fit is also given in the code.
    The QFS model is also embeded inside for other purposes.

    For the Radiated Cross Section, the Peaking Approximation method is used to evaluated
    the radiation effect. The method has been compared with a more advanced radiation
    correction method with full integrals, and in the QE region, the Peaking-Approximation
    give 3% less radiation effect. Keep in mind that the Coulomb Effect is considered when
    calculating Radiated Cross Section.

    All parameters related to the target system, the spectrometer windows are given in the
    ./input/ where each target is given by a separated file. The list of targets which this
    code can calculate is given in ./SRC/target.table. You can add the input parameter
    file if you want to add a new target included in the list.

    An example, Check_XS.C, is included in this file so you can understand how to make use
    of this code. Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions.