Software installation instructions (1.3.1)

These instructions apply to JLAB_VERSION 1.3.1 (patch). You must have 1.3 installed to proceed.
You can find the 1,3 installation instructions below:

Patching 1.3:

  1. To create the 1.3.1 directory:
     mkdir -p $JLAB_ROOT/1.3.1
    Set the environment variables. You should have these lines in your login script:
     setenv JLAB_ROOT /opt/jlab_software
     source $JLAB_ROOT/1.3.1/ce/jlab.csh
  2. Get the installation scripts:
     cd $JLAB_ROOT
     tar -zxpvf ceInstall_1.3.1.tar.gz
  3. Start a new shell. Now you should see a log similar to this
     > Common Environment Version: <1.3.1>  (Sun June 19 2016)
     > Running as ungaro on Maurizios-Mac-Pro.local
     > OS Release:    Darwin__macosx10.11-x86_64-clang7.0.2
     > JLAB_ROOT set to:     /opt/jlab_software
     > /opt/jlab_software/1.3/Darwin__macosx10.11-x86_64-clang7.0.2 is not a directory. Creating it.
     ? Attention: No CLHEP installation found.
     ? Attention: No XERCES installation found.
     ? Attention: No mysql installation found.
     ? Attention: No QTDIR installation found.
     ? Attention: No GEANT4 installation found.
     ? Attention: No ROOT installation found.
     ? Attention: No GEMC installation found.
     ? Attention: No JANA installation found.
     ? Attention: No Scons Script installation found.
     ? Attention: No EVIO installation found.
     ? Attention: No BANKS installation found.
  4. If you do, great. You're ready to run the patch installation script.
    Notice: if you already have some existing environment variable that you want to keep, use the option "keepmine":
     source $JLAB_ROOT/1.3.1/ce/jlab.csh keepmine
  5. Choose the packages you wish to install by executing the corresponding script:
     cd $JLAB_ROOT/1.3.1
    This will make symbolic links to the 1.3 packages except for the gemc package, which is now at version 2.4 and is installed from source.

Please email any comments/corrections/bug report/feature requests to Maurizio Ungaro.