Software installation instructions (JLAB_VERSION 2.5)

These instructions are verified on: These are instructions to install JLAB_VERSION 2.5. You can find supported JLAB_VERSION releases instructions below:

General Requirements:

NOTICE: if you try these and see packages are missing or not needed anymore, please let me know.


  1. (Optional): create a file in your home directory:
    that contains one line only, with the packages you're interested in. The default (also works if .jlab_software is not present) is:
    banks ccdb clhep evio geant4 gemc glibrary hipo mlibrary mysql qt root scons xercesc

    Only the packages inside .jlab_software will be considered when setting the environment.

  2. Choose a place to install the software. This place will be called JLAB_ROOT. Create the dir and change ownership:

    A standard (but not necessary) choice for JLAB_ROOT is /opt/jlab_software:
    set JLAB_ROOT=/opt/jlab_software
    mkdir -p $JLAB_ROOT/2.5
    chown -R `whoami` $JLAB_ROOT
  3. Get the installation scripts:
    cd $JLAB_ROOT
    wget -c
    tar -zxpf ceInstall_2.5.tar.gz --strip-components 1 -C 2.5
    Set the environment variables. You should put these lines in your login script:
    setenv JLAB_ROOT /opt/jlab_software
    source $JLAB_ROOT/2.5/ce/jlab.csh
  4. Start a new shell. Now you should see a log similar to this
    > Common Environment Version: <2.5>  (Wed March 30 2022)
    > Running as ungaro on
    > OS Release:    Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6
    > JLAB_ROOT set to:     /opt/jlab_software
    > JLAB_SOFTWARE set to: /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6
    !! Attention:  BANKS  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/banks/1.8/bin  not found
    !! Attention:  CCDB  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/ccdb/ccdb-1.07.00/lib  not found
    !! Attention:  CLHEP  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/clhep/  not found
    !! Attention:  EVIO  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/evio/5.1/bin  not found
    !! Attention:  GEANT4  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/geant4/4.11.01/bin  not found
    !! Attention:  GEMC  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/gemc/2.9  not found
    !! Attention:  GLIBRARY  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/glibrary/1.0  not found
    !! Attention:  HIPO  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/hipo/1.4/lib/libhipo4.a  not found
    !! Attention:  MLIBRARY  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/mlibrary/1.5/lib  not found
    !! Attention:  MYSQL  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/mysql/lib  not found
    !! Attention:  QT    installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/qt/system/clang_64/lib  not found
    !! Attention:  ROOT  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/root/6.24.06/bin/root-config  not found
    !! Attention:  SCONS  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/scons_bm/1.10/site_tools  not found
    !! Attention:  XERCESC  installation check /opt/jlab_software/2.5/Darwin_macosx12.3-clang13.1.6/xercesc/3.2.3/  not found
    If you do, great! The enviroment seems correct and you're ready to run the installation scripts. Every script that you run below will replace the corresponding warning log with a successful one.

    Notice: if you want to preserve some environment variables use the option "keepmine" :
    source $JLAB_ROOT/2.5/ce/jlab.csh keepmine
  5. Execute the go script for the packages you wish to install:
    cd $JLAB_ROOT/2.5/install
    ./go_qt system
    (use ./go_qt to compile qt from scratch)
    (use go_gemc 3.0 for gemc 3.0 installation)
    ./go_root system
    (use ./go_root to compile root from scratch)
    Note: The order of the packages above reflect the packages dependencies

  6. Typical installation times:

    Package Approx Installation Time
    clhep 1-2 minutes
    xercesc 2 minute2
    qt (if system installed) 1 second
    qt (if installatin from scratch)• 20 minutes
    geant4† 10 minutes
    sconsscript 1 second
    evio 10 seconds
    mysql 1 second
    ccdb 20 seconds
    mlibrary‡ 2-3 minutes
    gemc 2 minutes
    root 25 minutes
    banks 5 seconds

    Total (system qt) 40 minutes
    Total (qt from scratch) 1 hour
† (needs fast connection to download the cross section data)
‡ you will see a lot of warnings you can ignore related to assimp.
• This links qt to the system installation. If you want to install qt using their offline installer, set the environment variable QT_VERSION then use 'keepmine' on the jlab script:

		setenv QT_VERSION 5.10.1
		source $JLAB_ROOT/devel/ce/jlab.csh keepmine

Please email any comments/corrections/bug report/feature requests to Maurizio Ungaro.