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GSIM is the official CLAS Geant simulation framework. It consists of a central steering and control package that calls a number of independent detector geometry and response packages.

GSIM is modular in that it is relatively easy to replace a detector package with another, or to add an additional detector package.

Numerous user hooks are supplied to allow users to customize the run. Sensible defaults are provided for all options, including the user routines.

GSIM is officially a subroutine library. The example main programs and executables are probably sufficient for most applications.

It is very simple to get started if default settings are acceptable.


GSIM doesn't use patchy
KUIP is not used in the batch version
GSIM has no built-in histogram package

See the Reference section for a list of useful references.

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Elliott Wolin
Tue Apr 2 15:43:53 EST 1996