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Below are 5 lists: CLAS PhD work in progress, CLAS12 PhD theses completed, CLAS PhD theses completed, Master's theses completed, and nonCLAS/Hall B theses completed
Maintained and updated by Michael Wood.
Previously maintained by Reinhard Schumacher and coded by Haiyun Lu.
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, last updated February 6, 2025.

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(sort by column-heading click)
First Name Last Name Institution Advisor ____________________Topic____________________ Run Period Experiment
Juan Sebastian Alvarado Galeano IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Adam Hobart, Eric Voutier DVCS, DVπ0 production, and DVCS Simulations with a transverse target CLAS12 RG-A, RG-B, RG-H
Zachary Beach Florida State University Volker Crede Polarized SDME's for the γ p --> p ω Reaction g8b
William Booth University of York Dan Watts, Nick Zachariou Measuring neutron polarisation in pn production using CLAS g13 E06-103
Richard Capobianco University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo Measurements of the cos φ and cos 2 φ Moments of the Unpolarized SIDIS π+ Cross-section at CLAS12 CLAS12 RG-A
Geraint Clash University of York Mikhail Bashkanov, Nick Zachariou First Search for Experimental Evidence of Strange Hexaquark Using CLAS12 CLAS12 RG-A, RG-B Very Strange Experiment
Caleb Folger Old Dominion University Larry Weinstein The 4.2 GeV Inclusive Pion Electroproduction in RGB CLAS12 RG-B
Sudeep Ghosh Indian Inst. of Tech, Indore & ODU Ankhi Roy, M. Amaryan Dalitz Plot Analysis of Hadronic Decays of η and η' Mesons g11 CAA LMD
Yu-Chun Hung Old Dominion University Stephen Bueltmann Quasi-Free Neutron Structure RG-F Bonus12
Robert Johnston Massachusetts Institute of Technology Richard Milner Deeply Virtual π0 Production Cross Section CLAS12 RG-A
Daniel Matamoros IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Raphael Dupre Exploring TMDs with cos φ and cos 2φ moments of SIDIS on nuclear targets CLAS12 RG-D E12-06-106A
Matthew Maynes Mississippi State University Lamiaa El Fassi Study of Color Transparency Phenomenon in ρ0 Electroproduction off Nuclei CLAS12 RG-D E12-06-106
Patrick Moran Massachusetts Institute of Technology Richard Milner Deeply Virtual φ Meson Electroproduction off a Hydrogen Target CLAS12 RG-A PR12-12-007
Paul Naidoo University of Glasgow Daria Sokhan & Bryan McKinnon Hard exclusive π0 production from the neutron and proton in deuterium CLAS12 RG-B
Krishna Neupane University of South Carolina Ralf Gothe CLAS12 Two-Pion Electroproduction Channel Analysis CLAS12 RG-A
Madhusudhan Pokhrel Old Dominion University Stephen Bueltmann Neutron Structure with Bonus12 CLAS12 RG-F Bonus12
Samy Polcher Rafael CEA Saclay Francesco Bossu DVCS on longitudinally polarized protons CLAS12 RG-C E12-06-119
Sara Ratliff The George Washington University Axel Schmidt Exploring the SRC-EMC Hypothesis in Recoil-Tagged DIS on Nuclei CLAS12 RG-M E12-17-006A
Erin Seroka The George Washington University Axel Schmidt Mapping the NN Tensor-to-Scalar Transition using the Isospin Composition of Short-Range Correlated Pairs in the CLAS12 Detector CLAS12 RG-M E12-17-006A
Suman Shrestha Temple Univ. & Mississippi State Univ. Nikos Sparveris, Hamza Atac, Lamiaa El Fassi Exploring TMDs with cos φ and cos 2φ Moments of Charged Pions SIDIS off Nuclei CLAS12 RG-D E12-06-106A
Mariana Tenorio Pita Old Dominion University Stepan Stepanyan J/ψ Production off a Proton Target at CLAS12 CLAS12 RG-A
Kemal Tezgin University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo PDF Extractions using CLAS e1f Measurements e1f
Darren Upton Old Dominion University Sebastian Kuhn Spin Structure of the Deuteron CLAS12 RG-C
Simone Vallarino University of Ferrara, Italy Marco Contalbrigo Beam Spin Asymmetries of KAON SIDIS with unpolarized deuterium target CLAS12 RG-B
Uditha Weerasinghe Mississippi State University Lamiaa El Fassi Exploring Lambda SIDIS Production in the Target and Current Fragmentation Regions CLAS12 RG-E E12-06-117
Isaac Newton Trinity College Cambridge Terra Mater Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica All E00-000

(sort by column-heading click)
First Name Last Name Graduation Date Institution Advisor ____________________Title____________________ Run Period Experiment
Noemie Pilleux 2024 November IJCLab, Univ. Paris Saclay Silvia Niccolai Nucleon structure studies at Jefferson Lab and the Electron-Ion Collider CLAS12 RG-C
Valerii Klimenko 2024 October University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo Differential Cross Sections from CLAS12 RG-A Inclusive Electron Scattering CLAS12 RG-A
Isabella Illari 2024 May The George Washington University Igor Strakovsky, William Briscoe, Volker Burkert Exclusive η Electro-Production Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements using CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab CLAS12 RG-A, RG-K
Mathieu Ouillon 2024 April IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Raphael Dupre Tagged neutron DVCS with Bonus12 and CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab CLAS12 RG-F E12-06-113A, BONUS12
Jose Carvajal 2024 March Florida International University Lei Guo Electroproduction of Ground State Cascade (Ξ*(1320)) at CLAS12 CLAS12 E12-11-005A
Pushpa Pandey 2024 February Old Dominion University Sebastian Kuhn Inclusive Spin Structure Functions CLAS12 RG-C E12-06-109
Lamya Baashen 2023 December Florida International University Brian Raue, Gerald Gilfoyle Neutron Magnetic Form Factor Gnm Measurement at High Q2 with CLAS12 CLAS12 RG-B E12-07-104
Aron Kripko 2023 November U. of Giessen, Germany Kai Brinkmann Studying the hadron structure with PANDA and CLAS using machine learning techniques CLAS12 RG-A
Dilini Bulumulla 2023 August Old Dominion University Charles Hyde Deep Virtual Pion Pair Production CLAS12 RG-A E12-12-007
Victoria Lagerquist 2023 May Old Dominion University Sebastian Kuhn Design and Construction of a Longitudinally Polarized Solid Nuclear Target for CLAS12 CLAS12 RG-C
Richard Tyson May 2023 University of Glasgow David Ireland, Bryan McKinnon J/ψ Near-Threshold Photoproduction off the Proton and Neutron with CLAS12 CLAS12 RG-B
Robert Wishart 2023 April University of Glasgow Derek Glazier, Dave Ireland Analysis of Three Body Decays in Quasi-Real Photoproduction CLAS12 RG-A MesonEx
Achyut Khanal 2022 October Florida International University Brian Raue, Lei Guo Search for Excited Cascade Hyperons (Ξ*-) using the CLAS12 Spectrometer at Jefferson Laboratory CLAS12 RG-A E12-11-005A
Matthew Nicol 2022 October University of York Mikhail Bashkanov, Nick Zachariou Exploring The Strong Interaction Through Electroproduction of Exotic Particles CLAS12 RG-A, RG-B
Sangbaek Lee 2022 September Massachusetts Institute of Technology Richard Milner Measurement of the Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Cross Section from the Proton at 10.6 GeV using the CLAS12 Detector CLAS 12 RG-A E12-06-119
Efrain Segarra 2022 June Massachusetts Institute of Technology Or Hen Disentangling the EMC effect: from free to bound nucleon structure CLAS 12 RG-B BAND
Jiwan Poudel 2022 May Old Dominion University Stephen Bueltmann Studies of the BONUS12 Radial GEM Detector and TCS Beam Spin Asymmetry in CLAS12 CLAS12 RG-F, RG-A Bonus12, TCS
Joseph Newton 2021 August Old Dominion University Stepan Stepanyan J/ψ Photoproduction Near Threshold with CLAS12 CLAS12 RG-A
Giovanni Angelini 2021 July George Washington University William Briscoe & Patrizia Rossi (JLab) Probing Quark Dynamics in Semi-Inclusive Charged Pion Electroproduction with CLAS12 CLAS12
Guillaume Christiaens 2021 May University of Glasgow & CEA Saclay D. Sokhan & M. Defurne DVCS Beam Spin Asymetries at 10.6 GeV with the CLAS12 Spectrometer CLAS12 RG-A E12-06-119
David Payette 2021 May Old Dominion University Sebastian Kuhn Spectator Proton Detection and Reconstruction in Deep Inelastic D(e,eps) SCATTERING CLAS12 BONUS12
Timothy Hayward 2021 March William and Mary Keith Griffioen Dihadron Beam Spin Asymmetries on an Unpolarized Hydrogen Target with CLAS12 CLAS12 RG-A
Brandon Clary 2020 August University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo Exclusive φ Production Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements with CLAS12 CLAS12 RG-A
Pierre Chatagnon 2020 October IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Silvia Niccolai Nucleon Structure studies with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab: Timelike Compton Scattering and the Central Neutron Detector CLAS12 RG-A E12-12-001
Nathan Dzbenski 2020 May Old Dominion University Gail Dodge Simulation and Development of the Radial Time Projection Chamber for the BONUS12 Experiment in CLAS12 CLAS 12 RG-F BONUS12
Ilaria Balossino 2018 February INFN Ferrara Marco Contalbrigo Studies of Innovative Photon Detectors Working in the Single-Photon Regime for the RICH Detector of the CLAS12 Experiment CLAS12 RICH E12-09-008
Lucilla Lanza 2017 March University of Rome, Tor Vergata Annalisa D'Angelo Search for Hybrid Mesons with CLAS12 Experimental Setup
Matteo Turisini 2017 March INFN Ferrara Marco Contalbrigo The CLAS12 RICH Readout Electronics: Design, Development, and Test CLAS12 RICH E12-09-008
Andrea Celentano 2014 March Genova Mauro Taiuti & Marco Battaglieri The Forward Tagger Detector for CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab and the MesonEx Experiment CLAS12 E12-11-005
Gabriel Charles 2013 September Universite Paris-Sud XI F. Kunne & S. Procureur Mise au Point de Detecteurs Micromegas pour le Spectrometre CLAS12 au Laboratoire Jefferson (in French) CLAS12

(sort by column-heading click)
First Name Last Name Graduation Date Institution Advisor ____________________Title____________________ Run Period Experiment
Christopher McLauchlin 2024 December University of South Carolina Ralf Gothe Measurement of Single Differential Cross Sections, Polarization Observables, and Beam-Spin Asymmetry for Charged Two-Pion Electroproduction off the Proton with CLAS. e1-6, e1f
Trevor Reed 2024 April Florida International University Brian Raue Cross-Section Measurements of Λ(1405): Photo-production from CLAS g12 Data g12
Yeranuhi Ghandilyan Yerevan State University Stepan Stepanyan Coherent Production of Proton - Anti-proton Pairs on Deuterium eg3
Louise Clark 2022 June University of Glasgow Dave Ireland, Bryan McKinnon Hadron Spectroscopy of Pseudoscalar and Vector Meson Photoproduction Using Linearly Polarised Photons at CLAS g8
Chan Kim 2022 January The George Washington University Igor Strakovsky, William Briscoe Measurement of the Helicity E for the γ p -> p π0 Reaction in the Resonance Region g9 FROST
Joseph Rowley 2021 December Ohio University Ken Hicks, Chaden Djalali Improved Λ p Elastic Scattering Cross Sections Between 0.9 and 2.0 GeV/c and Connections to Neutron Stars g12
Iuliia Skorodumina 2021 August University of South Carolina Ralf Gothe π+ π- Electroproduction off Protons in Deuterium: Measurements of Quasi-Free Cross Sections and Kinematic Probing of Final State Interactions e1e
Mathieu Ehrhart 2021 July IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Raphael Dupre Nucleon structure studies with CLAS at Jefferson Lab: Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on nitrogen eg1-DVCS
Nicholas Tyler 2021 June University of South Carolina Ralf Gothe Measurement of N* Cross-Sections from Single-Pion Electroproduction at low Q2 e1d
Utsav Shrestha 2021 January Ohio University Ken Hicks Photoproduction of Lambda* Resonances g12
Gary Hollis 2020 December University of South Carolina Ralf Gothe Fermi-Unsmearing in Single Charged Pion Electroproduction Cross-Section Measurements for the Neutron and Proton in Deuterium e1-e
Torri Roark 2020 December Old Dominion Universtity M. Amaryan Measurement of Pion-Pion Final State Interactions in η --> π+ π γ with CLAS at Jefferson Lab g11
Mariana Khachatryan 2019 December Old Dominion University Lawrence Weinstein Electrons for Neutrinos: Beam Energy Reconstruction e2
David Riser 2019 June University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo Studies of Quark Momentum in the Proton by Use of the SIDIS Process e1f
Frank Cao 2019 May University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo Beam-Spin Asymmetry of Exclusive Coherent Electroproduction of the π0 off 4He eg6
Taya Chetry 2019 May Ohio University Ken Hicks A Study of the Reaction γ d --> π+ π- d (From Vector Mesons to Possible Dibaryons) g10
Ivana Stankovic 2019 April Edinburgh University Daniel Watts New scintillation hodoscope for CLAS12 and partial wave analysis of the channel γ p --> p K+ K- g11 HASPECT
Gavin Murdoch 2019 March Glasgow University Daria Sokhan & David Ireland Beam-, Target-, and Double-Spin Asymmetry Measurements in Deeply Virtual π0, π+ and π- Meson Production eg1-DVCS
Shankar Adhikari 2018 November Florida International University Lei Guo, Brian Raue Polarization Observables for γ p --> K0+ Λ at Photon Energies up to 5.,45 GeV g12
Barak Schmookler 2018 September Massachusetts Institute of Technology Or Hen, Shalev Gilad Nucleon Structure and Its Modification in Nuclei. eg2 E02-104
Zulkaida Akbar 2018 July Florida State University Volker Crede The Search For N* Resonances: Measurement of Differential Cross Sections and Polarization Observables for γ p --> p ω and γ p --> K0Σ+ Using Circularly-Polarized Photons at CLAS, JEFFERSON LAB g12
Orlando Soto 2018 July Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria Hayk Hakobyan Hadronization Studies of η Mesons Using the CLAS Spectrometer eg2 E02-104
Olga Cortes Becerra 2018 May Idaho State University Philip Cole Beam Asymmetry for Photoproduced ω Mesons off Bound Protons in Deuterons g13b
Simon Hughes 2017 November Edinburgh University Daniel Watts A Fast Timing Hodoscope for CLAS12 and the First Measurement of the γp -> ωππp Decay Channel g11, CLAS12
William Phelps 2017 November Florida International University Lei Guo Antibaryon Photoproduction using CLAS at Jefferson Lab g12 E04-005
Colin Gleason 2017 August University of South Carolina Yordanka Ilieva Determination of Polarization Transfer Coefficients and Hyperon Induced Polarization for Quasi-Free Hyperon Photoproduction off the Bound Neutron g13a E06-103
Hao Jiang 2017 August University of South Carolina Steffen Strauch Polarization Observables T and F in the γ p to π0 p Reaction g9b E06-013
Lelia Aneta Net 2017 May University of South Carolina Steffen Strauch Polarization Observables in Double-Pion Photoproduction with Circularly Polarized Photons off Transversely Polarized Protons g9b E06-013
Evan Phelps 2017 May University of South Carolina Ralf Gothe Electroproduction of ω Mesons off Protons in the Third Resonance Region and Beyond e1-6, e1f
Georgie Mbianda Njencheu 2017 May Old Dominion University Moskov Amaryan Photoproduction and Radiative Decay of η' Meson in CLAS at JLab g11 CAA LMD
Nicholas Compton 2017 April Ohio University Ken Hicks The Differential Cross Section and Λ Recoil Polarization from γ d to K0Λ(p) g10, g13
Arjun Trivedi 2016 December University of South Carolina Ralf Gothe Measurement of New Observables from the π+ π- Electroproduction off the Proton e1-6
Ye Tian 2016 December University of South Carolina Ralf Gothe Exclusive π- Electroproduction off the Neutron in Deuterium in the Resonance Region e1e
Bayram Torayev 2016 December Old Dominion University Stephen Bueltmann Electroproduction of Neutral Pion off 4He eg6
Priyashree Roy 2016 November Florida State University Volker Crede Measurement of Polarization Observables in Vector Meson Photoproduction Using a Transversely-Polarized Frozen-Spin Target and Polarized Photons at CLAS, Jefferson Lab g9b, g8b FROST
Christopher Zeoli 2016 October Florida State University Volker Crede A Daltiz Plot Analysis and Extraction of Spin Density Matrix Elements for the ω --> 3 π Decay g12
Rafael Badui 2016 June Florida International University Lei Guo & Brian Raue The Beam-Helicity Asymmetry for γ p to p π+ π- and γ p to p K+ K- and a Partial Wave Analysis for Excited Baryons g12
Jamie Fleming 2016 June Edinburgh University Daniel Watts First Measurement of the E Double-polarization Observable for the γ n to K+ Σ- with CLAS & a New Forward Tagger Hodoscope for CLAS12 g14 HD-Ice
Cathrina Sowa 2016 June Ruhr/Bochum U. Wiedner (Bochum), M. Amaryan (ODU) Search for Excited η Mesons in Photoproduction at CLAS g12
Aristeidis Tsaris 2016 May Florida State University Paul Eugenio A Study of 3π Production in γ p to n π+ π+ π- and γ p to Δ++ π+ π- π- with CLAS at Jefferson Lab g12
Tongtong Cao 2016 May University of South Carolina Yordanka Ilieva Determination of the Polarization Observables Cx, Cz, and Py for Final-State Interactions in the Reaction γ d to K+ Λ n g13a E06-103
Ross Tucker 2016 May Arizona State University Barry Ritchie Spin Observables in η Meson Photoproduction on the Proton g9b FROST
Hussein Al Ghoul 2016 April Florida State University Paul Eugenio The Photoproduction of Strangeness in γ p --> K+ π+ π- Λ with CLAS at Jefferson Lab g12 E004-05
William Levine 2016 February Carnegie Mellon University Curtis Meyer Measurement of Spin Density Matrix Elements in the Reaction γ p to K+ Λ(1520) Using CLAS at Jefferson Lab g11
Peng Peng 2015 December University of Virginia Blaine Norum Polarization Observables for Single and Double Charged Pion Photo-production with Polarized HD Target g14 HD-Ice
Or Hen 2015 November Tel-Aviv University Eli Piasetzky (Tel Aviv), L. Weinstein (ODU) High-Momentum Nucleons in Nuclei eg2 SRC
Brice Garillon 2015 September IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Silvia Niccolai Electroproduction Exclusive des Mesons f0(980) et f2(1270) sur le Proton a JLab avec le Detecteur CLAS (in French) e1-6 E99-105
Mark Anderson 2015 September Glasgow University K. Livingston & D. Ireland Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements for Two Pion Photoproduction at CLAS g8b FROST
Jeffrey Phillips 2015 September Glasgow University K. Livingston & M. Mirazita (INFN) Semi-Inclusive Lambda Electroproduction in the Target Fragmentation Region at CLAS e1f
Mohammad Hattaway 2015 September IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Michel Guidal & Raphael Dupre Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off 4He eg6 E-08-024
Nathan Harrison 2015 August University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo Exploring the Structure of the Proton via Semi-Inclusive Pion Electroproduction e1f
Dao Ho 2015 August Carnegie Mellon University Reinhard Schumacher Measurement of the E Polarization Observable for γ d to π- p (ps), γ d to K0 Λ (ps), and γ d to π+ π- d (0) using CLAS g14 data at Jefferson Lab g14 HD-Ice
Shloka Chandavar 2015 August Ohio University Ken Hicks Photoproduction of Scalar Mesons Using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) g12
Irene Zonta 2015 May University of Rome, Tor Vergata Annalisa D'Angelo Polarization Observables from Two Pion and rho Photoproduction on Polarized HD Target at JLab g14 HD-Ice
Michael Kunkel 2014 December Old Dominion University Moskov Amaryan Photoproduction of π0 on Hydrogen with CLAS from 1.1 GeV - 5.45 GeV Using e+ e- γ Decay g12
Yuqing Mao 2014 November University of South Carolina Steffen Strauch Measurement of Polarization Observables Pz, Pzs and Pzc in Double-Pion Photoproduction off the Proton g9a FROST
Natalie Walford 2014 October Catholic Univ. of America Franz Klein The Search for Missing Resonances in γ p to K+ + Λ and K+ + Σ0 Using Circularly Polarized Photons on a Transversely Polarized Frozen Spin Target g9b
Suman Koirala 2014 August Old Dominion University Sebastian Kuhn Measurement of Single and Double Spin Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering on Proton and Deuteron eg1-dvcs
Jason Bono 2014 August Florida International University Lei Guo First Time Measurement of Polarization Observables for the Charged Cascade Hyperon in Photoproduction g12 E04-005
Dasuni Adikaram 2014 May Old Dominion University Larry Weinstein Direct Measurements of Two Photon Exchange on Lepton-proton Elastic Scattering Using Simulaneous Electron-positron Beams in CLAS TPE E07-005
Stefanie Lewis 2014 June Glasgow University David Ireland Bayesian Data Analysis in Baryon Spectroscopy g8b, g1c
Brian Vernarsky 2014 April Carnegie Mellon University Curtis Meyer First Measurements of the Polarized Spin Density Matrix Elements along with a Partial-Wave Analysis for γ p to p ω using CLAS at Jefferson Lab g1c, g8b
Dipak Rimal 2014 April Florida International University Brian Raue Proton Form Factor Puzzle and the CLAS Two Photon Exchange Experiment TPE E07-005
Edwin Munevar 2014 January George Washington University Jerry Feldman & Pawel Nadel-Turnonski (JLab) Photon Beam Asymmetry Measurement from the γ n to K+Σ- Reaction g13 E06-103
Krishna Adhikari 2013 December Old Dominion University Sebastian Kuhn Measurement of the Spin Structure Function g1D of the Deuteron and its Moments at Low Q2 eg4
Andrey Kim 2013 December Kyungpook National University Wooyoung Kim Single and Double Spin Asymmetries for Deeply Virtual Exclusive π0 Production on Longitudinally Polarized Proton Target with CLAS eg1-dvcs
Taisiya Mineeva 2013 December University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo Hadronization Studies via π0 Electroproduction off D, C, Fe, and Pb eg2 E02-104
Vivien Laine 2013 November Universite Blaise Pascal Alexandre Deur Polarimetry of the Polarized Hydrogen Deuteride HD-Ice Target Under an Electron Beam g14 HD-Ice
Erin Seder 2013 October University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo Target-Spin Asymmetry Measurements for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on Longitudinally Polarized Protons eg1-dvcs
Ivan Bedlinskiy 2013 September ITEP, Moscow V. Kubarovsky (JLab) Measurement of Differential Cross Sections of π0-meson Electroproduction at Non-resonant Kinematic Region with CLAS Detector (in Russian) e1-DVCS E01-113
Gary Smith 2013 September Glasgow University David Ireland Measurement of Spin Asymmetries for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off the Proton using the Extended Maximum Likelihood Method eg1-dvcs
Nicholas Kwaltine 2013 August University of Virginia Don Crabb Spin Structure Function g1 of the Deuteron eg1-dvcs
Sungkyun Park 2013 July Florida State University Volker Crede Measurement of Polarization Observables in \vec{γ} \vec{p} to p π+ π- Using Circular Beam and Longitudinal Target Polarization and the CLAS Spectrometer at Jefferson Laboratory g9 FROST
Nicholas Saylor 2013 August RPI / IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Paul Stoler & Michel Guidal A Measurement of Unpolarized Cross Sections and Polarized Cross Section Differences of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on the Proton at Jefferson Laboratory using CLAS e1-dvcs2 E06-003
Michael Mayer 2013 May Old Dominion University Sebastian Kuhn Beam Target Double Spin Asymmetry in (pol)d((pol)e,e'p)n eg1
Mukesh Saini 2013 March Florida State University Paul Eugenio Search for New and Unusual Stangonia using CLAS g12 HyCLAS
Baptiste Guegan 2013 January IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay / RPI Michel Guidal & Paul Stoler Study of Generalized Parton Distributions and Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on the nucleon with the CLAS and CLAS12 e1-dvcs2 E06-003
Lewis Graham 2012 December University of South Carolina Ralf Gothe Study of the Two-pion Photoproduction on the Deuteron eg3
Charles Taylor 2012 December Idaho State University Philip Cole KS Λ Photoproduction on the Neutron within the Resonance Region g13
Wei Tang 2012 December Ohio University Ken Hicks Photoproduction of K*+ Λ/Σ0 and K0Σ+ from the Proton Using CLAS at Jefferson Lab g11
Tamar Didberidze 2012 December Idaho State University Tony Forest A Measurement of Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering Pion Asymmetries to Test Independent Fragmentation eg1b
Yohann Perrin 2012 October Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble Eric Voutier Etude de la Structure Partonique du Noyau d'Helium (in French) eg6
Wesley Gohn 2012 August University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo Probing the Proton's Quark Dynamics in the Semi-inclusive Pion Electroproduction e1f
Diane Schott 2012 August Florida International University Brian Raue A Search for an Exotic Meson in the γ + p to Δ++ + π- + η Reaction g12 E04-005
Craig Bookwalter 2012 June Florida State University Paul Eugenio A Search for Exotic Mesons in γ p to π+ π+ π- n with CLAS at Jefferson Lab g12 E04-005
Nikolay Markov 2012 May University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo Single π0 Electroproduction off the Proton in the Resonance Region e1e
Sharon Careccia 2012 May Old Dominion University Gail Dodge Single and Double Spin Asymmetries for π- Electro-Production from the Deuteron in the Resonance Region eg1b
Nicholas Zachariou 2012 May George Washington University B.L. Berman & J. Ilieva & G. Feldman Determination of the Azimuthal Asymmetry of Deuteron Photodisintegration in the Energy Region Eg = 1.1 - 2.3 GeV g13 CAA 7-01
Marianna Gabrielyan 2012 March Florida International University Brian Raue Measurement of the Induced Polarization of Λ(1116) in Kaon Electroproduction with CLAS e1f E00-112
Sucheta Jawalkar 2012 January College of William & Mary Keith Griffioen Measurement of Single and Double Spin Asymmetries in \vec{p}(e,e' π+-,0)X Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering eg1-dvcs
Heghine Seraydaryan 2011 December Old Dominion University Moskov Amaryan Photoproduction of the φ(1020) Meson in Neutral Decay Mode γ + p to φ + p to KS KL p g11
Brian Morrison 2011 November Arizona State University Barry Ritchie Helicity Asymmetry E in η(547) Meson Photoproduction from the Proton g9a FROST
Raphael Dupre 2011 November Argonne Nat'l Laboratory & Univ. of Lyon Kawtar Hafidi Quark Fragmentation and Hadron Formation in Nuclear Matter eg6
Stuart Fegan 2011 October Glasgow University David Ireland & Ken Livingston Polarization Observables from Strangeness Photoproduction on a Frozen Spin Target with CLAS at Jefferson Lab g9 FROST
Josephine McAndrew 2011 July Edinburgh University Daniel Watts Measurement of the G Double-Polarization Observable in Positive Pion Photoproduction g9a FROST
Hideko Iwamoto 2011 August George Washington University Bill Briscoe Helicity Asymmetry Measurement for π0 Photoproduction with FROST FROST E03-105
Biplane Dey 2011 July Carnegie Mellon University Curtis Meyer Differential Cross Section and Polarization Extractions for γ p --> K+ Σ0 and γ p --> φ p using CLAS at Jefferson Lab, Towards a Partial Wave Analysis in Search of Missing Baryon Resonances g11
Ryan Dickson 2011 July Carnegie Mellon University Reinhard Schumacher Photoproduction of the f1(1285)/η(1295) Mesons Using CLAS at Jefferson Lab g11
Liam Casey 2011 May Catholic Univ. of America Franz Klein The Search for Missing Resonances in γ p to K+ Λ Using Circularly Polarized Photons on a Longitudinally Polarized Frozen Spin Target g8b CAA01-003
Paul Mattione 2011 April Rice University Gordon Mutchler & P.Padley & Daniel Carman(JLab) K*(892)0 Λ and K+ Σ*(1385)- Photoproduction on the Deuteron g13
Piotr Konczykowski 2010 December CEA-Saclay Franck Sabatie Etude de l'Asymetrie de Spin du Faisceau Dans l'Electroproduction de Photons Aupres du Spectrometre CLAS au Jefferson Lab et Developpement de Detecteurs Micromegas Pour le Futur Spectrometre CLAS12 (in French) e1-dvcs2 E06-003
Kangkang Kovacs 2010 December University of Virginia Don Crabb Measurement of the Longitudinal Spin Asymmetry of the Deuteron in the Resonance Region eg4
Charles Hanretty 2010 December Florida State University Volker Crede Measurement of the Polarization Observables IS and IC for γ p to p π+ π- Using the CLAS Spectrometer g8b FROST
Dustin Keller 2010 October Ohio University Ken Hicks U-Spin Symmetry Test of the Σ*+ Electromagnetic Decay g11
John Goetz 2010 October Univ. of California at Los Angeles Bernard Nefkens Cascade Hyperon Photoproduction from Threshold to 5.4 GeV with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer g12
Kei Moriya 2010 October Carnegie Mellon University Reinhard Schumacher Measurement of the Lineshape, Differential Photoproduction Cross Section, Spin and Parity of the Λ(1405) Using CLAS at Jefferson Lab g11
Zhiwen Zhao 2010 August University of South Carolina Ralf Gothe Photoproduction of the Λ(1520) Hyperon off Protons and Neutrons in Deuterium eg3
Puneet Khetarpal 2010 August Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Paul Stoler Near Threshold Neutral Pion Electroproduction at High Momentum Transfers e16,e1f
Neil Hassall 2010 June Glasgow University Ken Livingston & Gunter Rosner Spin Observables in Kaon Photoproduction from the Neutron in a Deuterium Target with CLAS g13 E06-103
Rafayel Paremuzyan 2010 June Yerevan State University Stepan Stepanyan Timelike Compton Scattering e1-6, e1f
Haiyun Lu 2010 June University of South Carolina Ralf Gothe Exclusive Photo-Production Measurement of K+ Σ*+ off Quasi-Free Neutrons in Deuterium eg3
Wei Chen 2010 May Duke University Haiyan Gao A Measurement of the Differential Cross Section for the Reaction γ n to π- p from Deuterium g10 CAA
Jixie Zhang 2010 May Old Dominion University Gail Dodge Exclusive π- Electro-Production from the Neutron in the Resonance Region e6 BoNuS
Lorenzo Zana 2010 May University of New Hampshire Maurik Holtrop Search for the Onset of Color Transparency Through ρ Electroproduction on Nuclei eg2 E02-110
Megh Niroula 2010 May Old Dominion University Larry Weinstein & H. Areti (JLab) Beyond the Born Approximation: a Precise Comparison of e+p and e-p Elastic Scattering in the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) TPE
Russell Johnstone 2010 April Glasgow University David Ireland & Ken Livingston The Photon Beam Asymmetry for KY Production from the Bound Proton in Deuterium g13 E06-103
Nathan Baillie 2010 January College of William & Mary Keith Griffioen Electron Scattering from an Almost Free Neutron in Deuterium e8 E03-012
Slava Tkachenko 2009 December Old Dominion University Sebastian Kuhn Tagged Neutron Structure Function Measured with Spectator Tagging e8 E03-012
Nevzat Guler 2009 December Old Dominion University Sebastian Kuhn Spin Structure of the Deuteron eg1b
Julian Salamanca 2009 October Idaho State University Philip Cole The Photoproduction of φ-Mesons off Protons by Using a Beam of Linearly Polarized Photons at Threshold Energies g8b
Daria Sokhan 2009 August Edinburgh University Daniel Watts Beam Asymmetry Measurement from Pion Photoproduction on the Neutron g13 CAA
Patrick Collins 2009 August Arizona State University Barry Ritchie Beam Asymmetry in η(547) and η(958) Meson Photoproduction from the Proton g8b
Brahim Moreno 2009 July IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Marion MacCormick Etude de l'Asymetrie de Spin du Faisceau a 6 GeV Pour l'Electroproduction d'un Etat Resonnant π+ et d'un Photon sur le Proton (e p to e π+ g) avec le Detecteur CLAS (in French) e1-dvcs E01-113
Ahmed Fradi 2009 July IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Michel Guidal Electroproduction Exclusive du Meson ρ+ sur le Proton a JLab avec le Detecteur CLAS (in French) e1-dvcs E01-113
Nathan Baltzell 2009 May University of South Carolina David Tedeschi A Search for the Exotic Θ+ Pentaquark in γ D to p p K0 K- g10 E03-113
Maryam Moteabbed 2009 March Florida International University Brian Raue A Precise Measurement of the Two-Photon Exchange Effect TPE
Jorge de Oliveira Echeimberg 2009 January Rome & Sao Paulo Patrizia Rossi Differential Cross Section Measurement for the Reaction of γ p to K+ Λ (in Portuguese) g10
Bo Zhao 2008 December University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements from Deeply Virtual Meson Production e1 dvcs
Hayk Hakobyan 2008 December Yerevan State University Will Brooks & A. Danagulyan Observation of Quark Propagation Pattern in Nuclear Medium eg2 E02-104
Narbe Kalantarians 2008 August University of Houston Ed Hungerford Semi-Inclusive Single Pion Electroproduction From Deuteron and Proton Targets e8e6 E03-012
Robert Fersch 2008 August College of William & Mary Keith Griffioen Measurement of Inclusive Proton Double-Spin Asymmetries and Polarized Structure Functions eg1b
Atilla Gonenc 2008 June Florida International University Brian Raue Coherent ρ Meson Electroproduction off Deuteron e5, e6
Craig Paterson 2008 June Glasgow University Gunter Rosner & David Ireland Polarization Observables in Strangeness Photoproduction with CLAS at Jefferson Lab g8b
Lamiaa El Fassi 2008 May University Mohammed V, Morocco Kawtar Hafidi Etude de la Transparence de Couleur du Meson Vecteur ρ0 (in French) eg2 E02-110
Joshua Pierce 2008 January University of Virginia Don Crabb Double Spin Asymmetry in Exclusive π+ Electroproduction with CLAS eg1b
Michael McCracken 2007 November Carnegie Mellon University Curtis Meyer A Study of K+ Λ Photoproduction in the CLAS g11a Dataset: Differential Cross Section, Recoil Polarization, and a Partial-Wave Analysis g11
Michael Williams 2007 November Carnegie Mellon University Curtis Meyer Measurement of Differential Cross Sections and Spin Density Matrix Elements along with a Partial Wave Analysis for γ p to p ω using CLAS at Jefferson Lab g11
Zebulun Krahn 2007 October Carnegie Mellon University Curtis Meyer Production of η and η_prime mesons using CLAS at JLab g11
Hovhannes Baghdasaryan 2007 May Old Dominion University Larry Weinstein Measurements of Correlated Pair Momentum Distributions in 3He(e,e'pp)n with CLAS e2b E89-027
Hyon-Suk Jo 2007 March IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Michel Guidal Etude de la Diffusion Compton Profondement Virtuelle sur le nucleon avec le detecteur CLAS deJefferson Lab: mesure des sections efficaces polarisees et nonpolarisees(in French) e1-dvcs E01-113
Francois-Xavier Girod 2006 December CEA-Saclay Michel Garçon Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (Beam Spin Asymmetries) for the study of Generalized Parton Distributions (in French) e1-dvcs E01-113
Natasha Dashyan 2006 November Yerevan State University Kim Egiyan Measuring the probability of two-nucleon correlations in nuclei (in Russian) e2 E89-036
Burnham Stokes 2006 Fall Florida State University Paul Eugenio Search for Resonances in the Photoproduction of Proton-Antiproton Pairs g6
Kijun Park 2006 May Kyungpook National University Wooyoung Kim & Volker Burkert (JLab) Measurement of cross section and electron asymmetry of the p(\vec{e},e' π+)n reaction in the Δ(1232) and higher resonances for Q2 <= 5.0 GeV2 e1-6 E89-042
Bryan McKinnon 2006 May Glasgow University James Kellie Search for the Θ+ Pentaquark in the Reaction γ d -> p K+ K- n g10 E03-113
Shifeng Chen 2006 February Florida State University Paul Eugenio First Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering with a Polarized Proton Target eg1
Ishaq Hleiqawi 2006 February Ohio University Ken Hicks K*0 Photoproduction and Electroproduction Measured at CLAS e1
Cornel Butuceanu 2005 December College of William & Mary Keith Griffioen Quasi-Elastic Electron Scattering from a High-Momentum Nucleon in Deuterium e6 E93-019
Joe Donnelly 2005 September Glasgow University David Ireland Multipole Analysis of the Δ(1232) in He3 e2b E89-017
Jeffrey Lachniet 2005 June Carnegie Mellon University Brian Quinn A high precision measurement of the neutron magnetic form factor using the CLAS detector e5 E94-017
Clarisse Tur 2005 August University of South Carolina Chaden Djalali Search for modification of vector meson properties in nuclei g7 E01-112
Robert Bradford 2005 May Carnegie Mellon University Reinhard Schumacher Measurement of Differential Cross Sections and Cx and Cz for γ p to K+ Λ and γ p to K+ Σ0Using CLAS at Jefferson Lab g1 E89-004
Joseph Melone 2005 March Glasgow University James Kellie Measurement of the photon asymmetry for the p(pol. γ, K+)Λ0 reaction at CLAS from 1.6 to 2.0 GeV g8
Joseph Santoro 2004 August Virginia Polytechnic Institute John Ficenec & Elton Smith (JLab) Electroproduction of φ(1020) Mesons at High Q2 with CLAS e1-6
Rakhsha Nasseripour 2004 July Florida International University Brian Raue Measurement of Single Spin Asymmetry and Fifth Structure Function for the p(pol)(e,e' K+)Λ Reaction with CLAS e1c
Yelena Prok 2004 May University of Virginia Don Crabb GDH Integral on the Proton from Asymmetries eg1b E91-023
Alexei Klimenko 2004 May Old Dominion University Sebastian Kuhn Electron Scattering From a High-Momentum Neutron in Deuterium e6
Vipuli Dharmawardane 2004 May Old Dominion University Gail Dodge Spin Structure Functions of the Deuteron Measured with CLAS in and Above the Resonance Region eg1 E93-009
Lei Guo 2004 May Vanderbilt University David Ernst & D. Weygand (JLab) Search for S=+1 exotic baryon in γ p to K+K-π+(n) g6
Sylvain Bouchigny 2004 April IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Michel Guidal Development of a pure HD polarized target: HD analysis and distillation.Resonant virtual Compton scattering on the nucleon (in French) e1-6
Christopher Gordon 2004 March Glasgow University G. Rosner ρ0 Photoproduction using Linearly Polarised Photons with the CLAS Detector g8
Gagik Gavalian 2004 January University of New Hampshire Maurik Holtrop Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements in Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering e1d
Matthew Bellis 2003 December Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Jim Napolitano A Search for Missing Baryon States g1
Ji Li 2003 December Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Gary Adams Search for Exotic Mesons in π+ π- π0 Decay g6
Ludyvine Morand 2003 December CEA-Saclay Michel Garçon Deeply Virtual ω Electroproduction and the Study of Generalized Parton Distributions (JLab thesis prize 2003) e1-6 E99-105
Maurizio Ungaro 2003 December Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Paul Stoler π0 Electroproduction off the Δ(1232) Resonance at High Momentum Transfer e1 E91-002
Westley Ingram 2003 June Glasgow University David Ireland Semi-exclusive studies of Δ(1232) electroproduction in 3He e2 E89-017
Federico Ronchetti 2003 June INFN-Frascati Enzo De Sanctis Complete angular distributions of the γ d -> pn reaction in the few GeV region g2 E93-017
Michael Klusman 2003 xxxx Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Jim Napolitano A search for missing Baryons formed in γ p to p π+ π- using the CLAS at CEBAF g1 E93-033
Rustam Niyazov 2003 May Old Dominion University Larry Weinstein Measurement of Correlated Pair Momentum Distributions in 3He(e,e'pp)n with CLAS e2 E89-027
Brian Carnahan 2003 July Catholic Univ. of America Franz Klein Strangeness Photoproduction in the γ p to K0 Σ+Reaction g1 E89-004
Silvia Niccolai 2003 May George Washington University B.L. Berman Three-body Forces in Photoreactions on 3He g3
Bin Zhang 2003 February MIT William Bertozzi Searching for Short Range Correlations Using (e,e'NN) Reactions eg1
Steve McLauchlin 2003 January Glasgow University James Kellie Δ(1232) electroproduction in 12C e2 E89-017
Dan Protopopescu 2002 December University of New Hampshire William Hersman A Survey of Beam Asymmetries in Semi-Exclusive Electron Scattering on 4He and 12C e2 E89-031
Mehmet Bektasoglu 2002 December Old Dominion University Gail Dodge Measurement of the Double Spin Asymmetry in π- Electroproduction with CLAS eg1 E93-009
John McNabb 2002 December Carnegie Mellon University Reinhard Schumacher Photoproduction of Λ and Σ0 Hyperons off Protons in the Nucleon Resonance Region using CLAS at Jefferson Lab g1 E89-004
Cynthia Hajidakis 2002 December IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Michel Guidal ρ meson electroproduction at intermediate virtuality at JLab with the CLAS detector (in French) e1-6 E99-105
Robert Feuerbach 2002 December Carnegie Mellon University Reinhard Schumacher Measurement of the Unpolarized K+ Λ and K+ Σ0 Electroproduction Cross Sections and Interference Terms from the Proton with the CLAS Detector. e1 E93-030
Haluk Denizli 2002 October University of Pittsburgh James Mueller η Electroproduction at and Above the Region of S11(1535) Baryon Resonance e1
Mikhail Osipenko 2002 October Moscow State University G. Ricco Moments of the F2 Structure Function of the Proton e1-e2
Ana C.S. Lima 2002 September Sao Paulo Univerity B.L. Berman Study of Kaon Photoproduction on Deuterium g2 E89-045
Junho Yun 2002 May Old Dominion University Sebastian Kuhn Inclusive Spin Structure Functions of the Deuteron eg1 E93-009
Angela Biselli 2002 March Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Paul Stoler Study of the Δ(1232) using double polarization experiments eg1 E94-003
Mathieu Guillo 2002 February University of South Carolina Chaden Djalali Search for unusual mesons in photoproduction in CLAS g6
Sasha Philips 2002 January George Washington University B.L. Berman Resonance Production through the Two Neutral-Pion Channel g1
Simeon McAleer 2002 January Florida State University Larry Dennis A Measurement of the Recoil Polarization of Electroproduced Λ(1116) e1 E89-043
Renee Fatemi 2002 January University of Virginia Don Crabb The Spin Structure of the Proton in the Resonance Region eg1 E91-023
Michael Dugger 2001 December Arizona State University Barry Ritchie η(547) and η(958) Meson Photoproduction on the Proton g1 E91-008
Hovanes Egiyan 2001 September College of William & Mary Keith Griffioen & Volker Burkert (JLab) Single π+ Electroproduction in the First and Second Resonance Regions Using CLAS e1 E89-037
Raffaella DeVita 2001 January INFN Genova G. Ricco Measurement of the double spin asymmetry in π+ electroproduction with CLAS eg1 E93-036
Catalina Cetina 2001 January George Washington University B.L. Berman Photofission of heavy nuclei from .2 to 3.8 GeV g5
Alex Skabelin 2000 December MIT William Bertozzi GDH Integral on the Proton from Cross Section Differences eg1 E91-023
Alan Coleman 2000 November College of William & Mary Herb Funsten Electroproduction of ω(783) mesons using CLAS at Jefferson Lab e1 E91-024
Simon Taylor 2000 May Rice University Gordon Mutchler Radiative Decays of Low-Lying Excited-State Hyperons g1 E89-024
Burin Asavapibhop 2000 May University of Massachusetts Rory Miskimen Study of the Axial Anomaly using the γ p to π+ π0 n Reaction Near Threshold g1 E94-015
Richard Thompson 2000 March University of Pittsburgh Steve Dytman η Electroproduction in the Region of the Isospin One Half, Spin One Half 1535 MeV Baryon Resonance e1 E89-039
Eric Anciant 2000 March CEA-Saclay Jean-Marc Laget Photoproduction de Mesons φ a Grand Moment Transfere (in French) g6 E93-031
Konstantin Loukachine 2000 February Virginia Polytechnic Institute John Ficenec & Elton Smith (JLab) Measurement of the Polarization of the φ(1020) in Electroproduction e1 E93-022
Thierry Auger 1999 August CEA-Saclay Jean-Marc Laget & Claude Marchand Photoproduction de Mesons Vecteurs: Permiers Resultats Avec CLAS (in French) g1
Michel Guidal 1996 December IJCLab, Univ. Paris-Saclay Jean-Marc Laget Photoproduction de Mesons sur le Nucleon aux Energies Intermediaire (in French)

(sort by column-heading click)
First Name Last Name Graduation Date Institution Advisor ____________________Title____________________ Run Period Experiment
Esteban Molina Cardenas 2021 March Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria Hayk Hakobyan Experimental Measurement and Phenomenological Study of Positive Pion Production in Nuclear Media eg2 E02-104
Andres Borquez Carcamo 2021 May Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria Hayk Hakobyan The ω Hadronization Studies in the Nuclear Medium with the CLAS Spectrometer eg2 E02-104
Sebastian Moran Vasquez 2021 March Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria Hayk Hakobyan Study of Hadronization Process Using Positive Pions with CLAS in Jefferson Lab eg2 E02-104
Antonio Radic Brito 2021 March Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria Hayk Hakobyan Two-Pion Bose-Einstein Correlation Measurements with CLAS Detector eg2 E02-104
Jose Fransico Gonzalez Ledesma 2020 December Florida State University Volker Crede The Study of Beam-Recoil Polarization Observables for γ p --> K0Σ+ g12
Joseph Rowley 2018 December Ohio University Kenneth Hicks A Study of Lambda-Nucleon Scattering Using the CLAS Detector g12
Andres Melo 2016 March Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay Carlos Salgado and Gabriel Gonzalez-Sprinberg Analysis of the ω -> π+ π- π0 decay using the CLAS at Jefferson Lab g12

(sort by column-heading click)
First Name Last Name Graduation Date Institution Advisor ____________________Title____________________ Run Period Experiment
Thomas O'Connell 2022 March University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo and Andrew Sandorfi Measurements of Electron Beam-Induced Spin-Relaxation in Frozen-Spin Hydrogen-Deuteride (HD) Upgraded Injector Test Facility
Kevin Wei 2021 November University of Connecticut Kyungseon Joo and Andrew Sandorfi The Response of Polarized Protons in Solid Hydrogen-Deuteride(HD) to Electron Beams Upgraded Injector Test Facility
Bradley Yale 2019 September University of New Hampshire Maurik Holtrop Heavy Photon Displaced Vertex Search at 2.3 GeV with Prospects for True Muonium Discovery HPS