Applying for Full Membership in The CLAS Collaboration

(updated June 7, 2000)

To apply for full membership you must login to the CLAS web database and request a change of status to FULL. Complete the form and submit it when you are ready.
In addition it is recommended that you submit supporting material that can be posted on the web. It does not need to be lengthy or greatly detailed, but it should be complete.  The following is a list of information that should be included:

Every prospective new full member or group should ensure that the institute's Statement Of Service has been updated to reflect the addition of a new member. It is also strongly recommended that you discuss the content of your proposed SOS with other members of the collaboration, including Volker Burkert and the relevant technical or physics working group leaders.

The full Membership Committee will discuss each applicant and his/her submitted material at the next collaboration meeting.  The Membership Committee will vote on whether or not to recommend full membership for the applicant.  Additional recommendations may result from this meeting.  The applicant's information will then be submitted to the entire collaboration to support the candidate when he/she comes up for a vote at the following collaboration meeting.

Deadlines and Schedule:

Please address questions or comments to Kevin Giovanetti

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