Conference/Workshop | Speaker | Talk Title | Talk Type | PWG | Slides | Proceedings | Approval Status |
High Energy Physics in the LHC Era Valparaiso, Chile January 4 - 8, 2010 |
Elton Smith | "The 12 GeV JLab Upgrade Project" | General | |
 | | CSC notified |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Meson photoproduction with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Hayk Hakobyan | "Quark propagation and hadron formation in the nucleus" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Mikhail Osipenko | "Semi-inclusive production of pions and protons with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
KEK theory center workshop on high-energy hadron physics with hadron beams Tsukuba, Japan January 6 - 8, 2010 | No speakers |
Electron-Ion Collider Collaboration Meeting Stony Brook, NY January 10 - 12, 2010 | No speakers |
New Frontiers in QCD 2010 Kyoto, Japan January 18 - March 19, 2010 |
Kei Moriya | "Results on Photoproduction of the Lambda(1405) Using CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Excited QCD Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia January 31 - February 6, 2010 |
Volker Crede | "The Study of Excited Baryon Resonances" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
High Energy Nuclear Physics and QCD Miami, FL February 3 - 6, 2010 |
Hovanes Egiyan | "DVCS in Nuclei" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
Lawrence Weinstein | "From 2N to 3N" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Sebastian Kuhn | "Spectator tagging - quo vadis?" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Workshop on 3D Nucleon Partonic Structure Saclay, France February 8 - 10, 2010 | No speakers |
APS2010 Washington, DC February 13 - 17, 2010 |
Anna Micherdzinska | "φ(1020) Photoproduction on the Neutron" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Dennis Weygand | "Cascade Spectroscopy and Recent Photo-production Results from CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Dustin Keller | "Branching Ration of the radiative decay of the Σ+(1385)" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Edwin Munevar | "Exclusive Analysis of the (pol)γn→K+(pol)Σ- Reaction at Eγ=1.1-2.3 GeV" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Haiyun Lu | "The Photoproduction of K+Σ*-(1385)" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Harut Avakian | "Measurements of Spin-Orbit Correlations at CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Hideko Iwamoto | "The helicity asymmetry measurements for pi0 photoproduction with FROST at Jlab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Kawtar Hafidi | "Transverse momentum and orbital angular momentum of light quarks in the nucleon" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Kijun Park | "Measuerment of generalized form factors near the pion threshold in high Q2 region with CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) on a Longitudinally Polarized Proton Target Using CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "The CLAS12 Detector and Its Physics Program at the JLAB 12 GEV Energy Upgrade" | Contributed | |
| | CSC notified |
Liam Casey | "Search for Missing Resonances in γp→K+Λ using circularly polarized photons" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Megh Niroula | "Recent Results From the Two Photon Exchange Experiment at CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Mukesh Saini | "Search for Strangeonia in Photoproduction using CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Paul Mattione | "K*0(892)Λ & K+Σ-(1385) Photoproduction on the Deuteron" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Puneet Khetarpal | "Near Threshold Pion Electroproduction at High Q2" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Rakhsha Nasseripour | "Coherent π+ Photoproduction on 3He" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Raphael Dupre | "Study of Hadronization Dynamics at JLab" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Steffen Strauch | "Polarization Observable E in the p(γ,π+)n Reaction" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Victor Mokeev | "First results on the electrocouplings of high lying N* states with the CLAS detector" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Wei Tang | "Photoproduction of the exclusive γp→K*+Y reaction (Y=Λ or Σ0) at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Wes Gohn | "Semi-Inclusive Pion Electroproduction in Deep Inelastic Scattering" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Zhiwen Zhao | "The Photoproduction of Λ*(1520)" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
The 13th International Moscow School of Physics Moscow, Russia February 13 - 20, 2010 | No speakers |
EIC Workshop on Partonic Transverse Momentum in Hadrons: Quark Spin-Orbit Correlations and Quark-Gluon Interactions Duke University, NC March 12 - 13, 2010 |
Marco Contalbrigo | "Prospects in Transverse Spin Physics at CLAS12" | Invited | NP |
 |  | Nominated by the CSC |
EIC Workshop on Electron-Nucleon Exclusive Reactions Rutgers University, NJ March 14 - 15, 2010 |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "DVCS on the pion cloud" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Michel Guidal | "Vector meson production with 6/12 GeV and EIC" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Stepan Stepanyan | "Timelike Compton Scattering" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
The 11th Hadron Physics Conference Sao Paulo, Brazil March 21 - 26, 2010 |
Maurik Holtrop | "Physics results and achievements at CLAS" | Invited | |
 |  | Nominated by the CSC |
EIC Workshop on Nuclear Chromo-Dynamic Studies with a Future Electron Ion Collider Argonne, IL April 7 - 9, 2010 |
Harut Avakian | "Modification of Transverse Momentum Distributions in Nuclei" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
Lamiaa El Fassi | "Color Transparency on ρ Production" | Invited | NP |
| | Approved |
Raphael Dupre | "Monte Carlo Tools and Simulations" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
Taisiya Mineeva | "JLab Data Overview" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
William Brooks | "Coming Unglued: the Life and Times of Quasi-Free Quarks" | Invited | NP |
| | Approved |
NUC10 Edinburgh, UK April 19 - 21, 2010 |
David Ireland | "Hadron Physics - Recent Results and Prospects" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Josephine McAndrew | "Measurement of the G Double Polarisation Observable in Pion Photoproduction" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Stuart Fegan | "Polarization Observables in K-Λ photoproduction at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
DIS2010 Florence, Italy April 19 - 23, 2010 |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "GPDs studies with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Nominated by the CSC |
Hovanes Egiyan | "Hard exclusive processes on helium" | General | DP |
| | Approved |
Kyungseon Joo | "N* transition form factors with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Nominated by the CSC |
Patrizia Rossi | "Transverse spin physics in Hall B" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
William Brooks | "Property of QCD from the nuclear medium, results on color transparency at Clas" | Invited | NP |
 | | Nominated by the CSC |
William Brooks | "Physics with nuclei at EIC" | General | |
| | CSC NOT notified |
RICH10 Cassis, France May 3 - 7, 2010 |
Marco Contalbrigo | "The CLAS12 large area RICH detector" | Poster | |
| | CSC notified |
EIC Workshop on Electroweak Physics Williamsburg, VA May 17 - 18, 2010 |
Sebastian Kuhn | "Polarized and Unpolarized Structure Functions" | Invited | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
The 4th Workshop on Exclusive Reactions at High Momentum Transfer Newport News, VA May 18 - 21, 2010 |
Ahmed Fradi | "Exclusive Vector Meson Production at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 |  | Approved |
Brahim Moreno | "DeltaVCS at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Measuring the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor in CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Kijun Park | "Measurement of generalized form factors near the pion threshold in high Q^2 region with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Kyungseon Joo | "Nucleon Transition Form Factors with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Maurizio Ungaro | "CLAS data and progress in the investigation of electroexcitation of nucleon resonances" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Patrizia Rossi | "Studies of TMDs with CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 |  | Approved |
Puneet Khetarpal | "Near Threshold Neutral Pion Electroproduction at High Q^2" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Deeply Virtual Meson Production with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
CLAS12 Software Workshop Richmond, VA May 25 - 26, 2010 | No speakers |
NUPECC Town Meeting 2010 Madrid, Spain May 31 - June 2, 2010 | No speakers |
MENU2010 Williamsburg, VA May 31 - June 4, 2010 |
Ahmed Fradi | "Exclusive electroproduction of ρ+ meson on the proton at CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Angela Biselli | "Nucleon spin structure at JLab" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Annalisa D'Angelo | "Complete Photoproduction Experiments" | General | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Daria Sokhan | "The present generation of CLAS photoproduction experiments on baryon resonances" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "Latest DVCS results from Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Jixie Zhang | "Exclusive π- electroproduction from the neutron in the resonance region" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Kei Moriya | "Experimental results of photoproduction of Λ(1405) off a proton target"" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Kenneth Hicks | "Electromagnetic production of hyperon resonances" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Maurizio Ungaro | "π and η production in CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Michael Dugger | "Photon beam asymmetries for π0and π+ γ-production from the proton" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Patrizia Rossi | "Recent results on SIDIS from pion production at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Raffaella De Vita | "Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12: the present and the future" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Rakhsha Nasseripour | "Coherent π+ γ-production on 3He" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Ralf Gothe | "N* resonance form factors and the transition to large momentum transfer" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Electromagnetic Strangeness Production" | General | |
 | | Approved |
Ryan Dickson | "Photoproduction and decay modes of the X(1280) meson" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Victor Mokeev | "Transition nucleon resonance electrocouplings from the CLAS data on π+ π- p electroproduction off protons&" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Users Group 2010 Newport News, VA June 7 - 9, 2010 |
Mac Mestayer | "Overview on the Electromagnetic production of open strangeness" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Raffaella De Vita | "Low Q tagging and spectroscopy with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Svyatoslav Tkachenko | "Results from the BoNuS Experiment" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Yelena Prok | "The Spin Structure Program with CLAS – latest results" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
MESON2010 Cracow, Poland June 10 - 15, 2010 |
Dennis Weygand | "Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Nominated by the CSC |
Michael Wood | "Vector Meson Modifications in the Nuclear Medium" | Invited | HS |
 | | Nominated by the CSC |
Volker Burkert | "Recent results and future perspective at CLAS" | Invited | |
 |  | Approved |
Workshop on High Luminosity Polarized Targets for the 12GeV Era Newport News VA, June 17 - 18, 2010 |
Andy Sandorfi | "The HDice target" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Joshua Pierce | "Polarized target for CLAS12" | Invited | |
| | Not approved |
Narbe Kalantarians | "CLAS12 Measurements with Polarized Targets" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
QCD@Work Lecce, Italy June 18 - 21, 2012 | No speakers |
Workshop on Transverse Momentum Distributions Trento, Italy June 21 - 25, 2010 |
Harut Avakian | "TMDs at JLab Hall B" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Sucheta Jawalkar | "Using SIDIS asymmetries to get TMDs" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Electron-Nucleus Scattering XI Elba, Italy June 21 - 25, 2010 |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "The Hall B 12 GeV Upgrade" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
BEACH 2010
IX International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons Perugia, Italy June 21 - 26, 2010 |
Kenneth Hicks | "Strangeness production" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Nominated by the CSC |
Silvia Niccolai | "The physics program of CLAS12" | Invited | |
 |  | Approved |
15th International QCD Conference Montpellier, France June 28 - July 3, 2010 |
Derek Glazier | "A photon tagging facility for CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Kijun Park | "The N* program at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Silvia Pisano | "The GPD program at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 |  | Approved |
INPC2010 Vancouver, Canada July 4 - 9, 2010 | No speakers |
SPIN-PRAHA-2010 Prague, Czech Republic July 18 - 24, 2010 |
Sergio Pereira | "Hyperon Production and Polarization with CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Not approved |
ICHEP2010 Paris, France July 21 - 28, 2010 |
Chaden Djalali | "Medium Modification of Vector Mesons" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Michel Guidal | "Extraction of Compton Form Factors from DVCS data" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Deeply Virtual Exclusive Reactions with CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Second Workshop on
Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities with 12 GeV JLab Beijing, China July 28 - 31, 2010 |
Jixie Zhang | "The BONUS experiment" | Invited | DP |
 | | Asking for invitation |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "The GPD program at CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Philip Cole | "Baryon Resonance Studies with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
EIC Workshop Washington, DC July 29 - 31, 2010 | No speakers |
Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Reactions Holderness, NH August 10 - 15, 2014 |
Andy Sandorfi | "Meson Photo-Production from Polarized Neutrons in HD at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Hao Jiang | "Polarization Observables T and F in the gamma p →pi0 p Reaction" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Kawtar Hafidi | "Nuclear Deep-Inelastic Scattering" | Invited | NP |
| | Not approved |
Natalie Walford | "Polarization Observables using a Transverse Frozen Polarized Target in CLAS" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Nicholas Zachariou | "Study of the Hyperon Nucleon Interaction in Exclusive Lambda photoproduction off the deuteron" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Or Hen | "Correlations in Asymmetric Interacting Fermi Systems" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Ralf Gothe | "Transition Form Factors" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Susan Schadmand | "Study of the omega-pi0 transition form factor with CLAS data on gamma + p reactions" | Poster | HS |
| | Approved |
Tongtong Cao | "Measurement of Double Polarization Observables Cx and Cz for the Final-State Interactions in γd->KΛn" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
EFB21 Salamanca, Spain August 29 - September 3, 2010 |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Few Body Physics with CLAS" | Invited | NP |
 | | Nominated by the CSC |
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IX Madrid, Spain August 30 - September 3, 2010 |
Chaden Djalali | "The In-medium Mass and Widths of light Vector Mesons" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Eugene Pasyuk | "The N* program at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Nominated by the CSC |
Marco Battaglieri | "Search for Exotica at CLA12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Yordanka Ilieva | "Study of Few-Nucleon Systems in CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Nominated by the CSC |
Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics Zakopane, Poland August 31 - September 7, 2014 | No speakers |
Diffraction 2010 Otranto, Italy September 10 - 15, 2010 |
Sebastian Kuhn | "DIS and SIDIS at Jefferson Lab" | General | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
PrimeNet workshop Lisbon, Portugal September 16 - 18, 2010 |
Aleksandr Starostin | "Possibilities for eta_prime physics at JLab" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Searching for a New Gauge Boson at JLab Newport News, VA September 20 - 21, 2010 | No speakers |
SIF Congress Bologna, Italy September 20 - 24, 2010 |
Marco Mirazita | "Physics perspectives at JLab with 12 GeV beam" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
T(r)opical QCD Cairns, Australia September 26 - October 2, 2010 |
Raffaella De Vita | "Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12: the present and the future" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
SPIN2010 Juelich, Germany September 27 - October 2, 2010 |
Mher Aghasyan | "Studies of Spin-Orbit correlations at JLab" | Contributed | DP |
 | | Approved |
NAPP2010 Dubrovnik, Croatia October 3 - 8, 2010 |
Volker Burkert | "Meson Production and Baryon Resonances with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Hard Photon and Meson Production Trento, Italy October 10 - 15, 2010 |
Franck Sabatié | "Review on DVCS experiments" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Harut Avakian | "Transversity program at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Deeply virtual π0 electroproduction with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
The 3rd International Workshop on Nucleon Structure at Large Bjorken x Newport News, VA October 13 - 15, 2010 |
Kawtar Hafidi | "Transverse momentum dependent distributions" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Stephen Bueltmann | "Measurement of the neutron structure function via spectator tagging: the BONUS run" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
PSHP2010 Frascati, Italy October 18 - 21, 2010 |
Igor Strakovsky | "Production of the strangest baryon with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
John Price | "Implications of a RICH detector for the CLAS12 Cascade Physics Program" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Keith Griffioen | "Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering and Kaons from CLAS6" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "CLAS12 baseline equipment and status of the project" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Marco Battaglieri | "Hadron spectroscopy with CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Marco Contalbrigo | "A RICH detector for CLAS12" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Marco Mirazita | "Lambda polarization measurements in SIDIS" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Mikhail Osipenko | "Semi-inclusive kaon electroproduction with CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Stepan Stepanyan | "CLAS 12 Particle Identification" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Volker Burkert | "CLAS12 and its physics program at the JLAB 12 GeV upgrade" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
William Brooks | "Quark hadronization in the nuclear medium" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
APS-CA 2010 Pasadena, CA October 29 - 30, 2010 | No speakers |
DNP2010 Santa Fe, NM November 2 - 6, 2010 |
Chandra Nepali | "Σ+(1189) Hyperon Polarization in Photo-production" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Diane Schott | "The Search for a π1(1400) Exotic Meson in the γ p→Δ++ηπ- System with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Jixie Zhang | "A measurement of the differential cross section for the reaction γ* n → π- p" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Michael Dugger | "Photon beam asymmetries for π0 and π+ photoproduction from the proton" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Michael McCracken | "Mass-independent PWA of K+Λ Photoproduction: Data, Scope, and Techniques" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Michael Paolone | "Light Vector Meson Photoproduction off of 1H at Jefferson Lab and ρ-ω Interference in the Leptonic Decay C" | Contributed | |
| | CSC notified |
Patrick Collins | "Beam asymmetry in η, η', and ω meson photoproduction from the proton" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Sebastian Kuhn | "Neutron Structure Functions at Large x from CLAS Measurements on Deuterium" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Xiaochao Zheng | "The Physics of the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Upgrade" | General | |
| | CSC notified |
SILAFAE Valparaiso, Chile December 6 - 12, 2010 | No speakers |
BARYONS'10 Osaka, Japan December 7 - 11, 2010 |
Angela Biselli | "Spin physics at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Nominated by the CSC |
Biplab Dey | "Vector meson electro and photoproduction" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Nominated by the CSC |
Carlos Salgado | "Meson spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Nominated by the CSC |
Daniel Carman | "The CLAS12 physics program" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
David Ireland | "Baryon spectroscopy at CLAS AND CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
David Tedeschi | "Vector meson electro and photoproduction" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Dennis Weygand | "Medium modification of mesons" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Franck Sabatie | "The CLAS12 physics program" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "The GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Hadronization in nuclei" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Harut Avakian | "Transverse spin physics at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Nominated by the CSC |
Hovanes Egiyan | "Correlations in nuclei" | Invited | NP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Hovhannes Baghdasaryan | "Correlations in nuclei" | Invited | NP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Jacques Ball | "The GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Kawtar Hafidi | "Hadronization in nuclei" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Kenneth Hicks | "K* photoproduction at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Kenneth Livingston | "Baryon spectroscopy at CLAS AND CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Nominated by the CSC |
Kyungseon Joo | "Transition form factor" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Maurizio Ungaro | "Transition form factor" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Michael Paolone | "Medium modification of mesons" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Patrizia Rossi | "TMD flavor decomposition at CLAS12" | Contributed | DP |
 | | Approved |
Pawel Nadel-Turonski | "Light nuclei spectroscopy at CLAS" | Invited | NP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Rakhsha Nasseripour | "Light nuclei spectroscopy at CLAS" | Invited | NP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Sebastien Procureur | "The GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Amplitude Analysis in Hadron Spectroscopy Trento, Italy January 24 - 28, 2011 |
Derek Glazier | "Partial Wave Analysis in CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Marco Battaglieri | "Overview of the CLAS12 spectroscopy physics program" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Raffaella De Vita | "Meson Spectroscopy and Partial Wave Analysis with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Workshop on Excited Hadronic States and the Deconfinement Transition Newport News, VA February 23 - 25, 2011 | No speakers |
NUINT 2011 Deharadun, India March 7 - 11, 2011 |
Steven Manly | "Inclusive pion electro production from nuclear targets" | Invited | NP |
|  | Approved |
IOP Nuclear and Particle Physics Divisional Conference Glasgow, UK April 4 - 7, 2011 |
Derek Glazier | "Meson Spectroscopy with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Douglas MacGregor | "Pseudoscalar meson photoproduction" | General | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Gary Smith | "DVCS spin asymmetries on the proton with the CLAS detector" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Stuart Fegan | "Polarisation Observables for Strangeness Photoproduction on a Frozen Spin Target with CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
DIS2011 Newport News, VA April 11 - 15, 2011 |
Biplab Dey | "Strangeness production in CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Brahim Moreno | "Physics Results and Achievements at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Erin Seder | "Accessing GPD via double-polarization measurements in CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "GPDs with CLAS12" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Karl Slifer | "Recent results in spin physics at CLAS" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Kei Moriya | "Strangeness production in CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Keith Griffioen | "Deep Inelastic and Deep Exclusive Results from JLab" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Marco Mirazita | "Lambda polarization in electroproduction at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Mher Aghasyan | "Transverse spin physics in QCD" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Sebastien Procureur | "Physics Results and Achievements at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Sergio Pereira | "Strangeness production in CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Silvia Pisano | "Physics Results and Achievements at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 |  | Approved |
Sucheta Jawalkar | "Spin Azimuthal Asymmetries on a Longitudinally Polarized Proton" | Invited | DP |
 | | Nominated by the CSC |
Svyatoslav Tkachenko | "Model independent extraction of neutron structure functions from deuterium data" | Contributed | DP |
 |  | CSC notified |
Taisiya Mineeva | "Overview of hadronization data at CLAS" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Vector meson and DVCS at Jlab" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Wes Gohn | "Beam Single Spin Asymmetries in SIDIS from an unpolarized proton" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Yelena Prok | "Spin Physics with CLAS12" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Yohann Perrin | "Coherent deeply virtual Compton scattering off Helium (CLAS)" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
GHP2011 Anaheim, CA April 27 - 29, 2011 |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Towards Complete Experiment in Meson Photoproduction" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Harut Avakian | "Recent Results in Transverse Nucleon Structure" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Scaling and Resonances in Elementary K+ Lambda Photoproduction" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
IFAE2011 Perugia, Italy April 27 - 29, 2011 |
Patrizia Rossi | "The Jefferson Lab program at 12 GeV" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
APS2011 Anaheim, CA April 30 - May 3, 2011 |
Dasuni Adikaram | "The CLAS Two Photon Exchange Experiment: Experimental Methods" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Dipak Rimal | "The CLAS Two Photon Exchange Experiment: Analysis Methods" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Gagik Gavalian | "Photo-production of Σ*+(1385) with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Lamiaa El Fassi | "Hadronization dynamics of Λ0 baryon" | Contributed | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Liam Casey | "Search for Missing Resonances in γp→K+Λ" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Maurizio Ungaro | "Electroproduction of π0 in the resonance region at high Q2 with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
NSTAR2011 Newport News, VA May 17 - 20, 2011 |
Biplab Dey | "CMU partial wave analysis of γp→K+Λ/Σ0" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Brian Morrison | "Preliminary results of the helicity asymmetry E for η photo-production on the proton" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
Charles Hanretty | "Measurement of Is and Ic observables in
γp→pπ+π" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Daniel Carman | "Strangeness Electroproduction on the Nucleon at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Franz J. Klein | "Complete pseudoscalar photo-production measurements" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Not approved |
Gleb Fedotov | "Electroproduction of pπ+π- in the 2nd resonance region on proton" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Haiyun Lu | "Electroproduction of Λ(1405) hyperon" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Hideko Iwamoto | "Helicity asymmetry for π0 photoproduction with FROST" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Josephine McAndrew | "Measurement of the G Double-Polarisation Observable in Pion Photoproduction" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Kei Moriya | "Studying the Λ(1405) Hyperon using photoproduction at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Kijun Park | "Measrement of cross sections of p(e,epi+)n for high lying resonances in high Q2" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
Marianna Gabrielyan | "Measurement of the Induced Λ(1116) polarization in K+ electro-production at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Maurizio Ungaro | "Single pion electroproduction with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Paul Mattione | "K*0(892)Λ and K+Σ*-(1385) Photoproduction on the Deuteron" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Philip Cole | "Polarization observables in the photoproduction of φ mesons with linearly polarized photons" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Ralf Gothe | "Challenges of the N* Program" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Hyperons: Scaling, N* Resonances, and the Λ(1405)" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Steffen Strauch | "Helicity asymmetry E in γp→π+n with FROST" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Stuart Fegan | "Polarisation Observables for Strangeness Photoproduction on a Frozen Spin Target with CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Sungkyun Park | "Helicity difference in γp→pπ+π-production with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Victor Mokeev | "Transition form factors from meson electroproduction data" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Zhiwen Zhao | "Photoproduction of the Λ(1520) off protons and neutrons in deuterium" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
PHOTON 2011 Spa, Belgium May 22 - 27, 2011 |
Michel Guidal | "Exclusive Vector Meson Production in γ* p" | General | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
PWA2011 Washington, DC May 23 - 27, 2011 |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Meson Photoproduction with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Victor Mokeev | "N* electrocouplings and Nππ hadronic decay widths from phenomenological analysis of CLAS data" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
UGM 2011 Newport News, VA June 6 - 8, 2011 |
Alexandre Deur | "Small angle GDH" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "DVCS Studies with CLAS & CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Michael Dugger | "First data from Frost" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
TIPP2011 Chicago, IL June 9 - 14, 2011 |
Ahmed El Alaoui | "A RICH Detector for CLAS12 Spectrometer" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "CLAS12: the future of CLAS at JLab" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "CLAS12: the future of CLAS at JLab" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Stepan Stepanyan | "CLAS12: the future of CLAS at JLab." | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Youri Sharabian | "CLAS12: the future of CLAS at JLab" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
HADRON 2011 Munchen, Germany June 13 - 17, 2011 |
Chaden Djalali | "Light Vector Meson Photoproduction off of H at Jefferson Lab and ρ-ω Interference in the Leptonic Decay Ch" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Craig Bookwalter | "The Search for Exotic Mesons in γp→pπ+π+π-n with CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Dennis Weygand | "Hadron Spectroscopy at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Overview on CLAS baryon results" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Franz J. Klein | "Overview on CLAS baryon results" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Kenneth Hicks | "Highlights from the CLAS detector" | Invited | |
 |  | Approved |
Michael Kunkel | "Dalitz Decay of Pseudoscalar Mesons from Photoproduction on Hydrogen Target with CLAS" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Victor Mokeev | "Nucleon resonance electrocouplings from CLAS data on pion electroproduction" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Volker Crede | "Overview on CLAS baryon results" | Invited | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
PacSPIN2011 Cairns, Australia June 20 - 24, 2011 |
Mher Aghasyan | "Studies of the transverse structure of the nucleon at JLaB" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Hadron Structure '11 Tatranská Štrba, Slovak Republic June 27 - July 1, 2011 |
Brian Raue | "Transition form factors at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Daniel Watts | "Spin response of the proton in the resonance region" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Daria Sokhan | "The N* program at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Transition form factors at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Keith Griffioen | "Structure functions and transition form factors at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Kyungseon Joo | "Structure functions and transition form factors at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Mikhail Osipenko | "Structure functions and transition form factors at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Ralf Gothe | "Transition form factors at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Sebastian Kuhn | "Structure functions and transition form factors at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Hard exclusive processes at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" Varenna, Italy June 28 - July 8, 2011 |
Volker Burkert | "The JLAB 12 GeV upgrade" | General | |
| | CSC notified |
ICHEP2012 Melbourne, Australia July 4 - 11, 2012 | No speakers |
IX LASNPA Quito, Ecuador July 18 - 22, 2011 |
Chaden Djalali | "Absorption of the Omega and Phi Mesons in Nuclei" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Danny Martinez-Pieschacon | "Preliminary Results on the Photon Asymmetry Parameter in the photoproduction of omega mesons" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
Hayk Hakobyan | "Overview of hadronization data at CLAS (Jefferson Lab)" | Contributed | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Michael Paolone | "Recent Studies of the Leptonic Decays of Photoproduced Vector and Pseudoscalar Mesons off of 1H at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Philip Cole | "Photoproduction of phi mesons with linearly polarized photons" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
PANIC11 Cambridge, MA July 24 - 29, 2011 |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Baryon Spectroscopy with CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Gabriel Niculescu | "Sigma Minus Electroproduction on Nuclei Using the CLAS Detector at Jefferson Lab" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Hyon-Suk Jo | "DVCS and meson production at JLab/CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Kei Moriya | "Lambda(1405) Hyperon Studied at CLAS Using Photoproduction" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Paul Eugenio | "Meson spectroscopy at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Pawel Nadel-Turonski | "Timelike Compton Scattering" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Scaling and Resonances in Elementary K^+ Λ Photoproduction" | Poster | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Robert Bennett | "First results from the Two-Photon-Exchange experiment at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Taisiya Mineeva | "Hadronization in Semi-Inclusive DIS via Neutral Pion Electroproduction" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Hard exclusive processes at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Volker Crede | "Light Baryon Spectroscopy" | General | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
William Brooks | "Hadronization Mechanisms using Pion Electroproduction in Deep Inelastic Scattering from Nuclei" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
School on Amplitude Analysis in Modern Physics from hadron spectroscopy to CP phases Bad Honnef, Germany August 1 - 5, 2011 | No speakers |
3rd Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities in US Weihai, Sandong August 8 - 11, 2011 |
Carlos Salgado | "Hadron Spectroscopy Program with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "Hall B program and GPD" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Stepan Stepanyan | "Hadron Spectroscopy Program with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Rutherford Centennial Conference Manchester, UK August 8 - 12, 2011 |
Kenneth Hicks | "The search for scalar mesons at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Kenneth Livingston | "Recent progress in N* physics from Kaon photoproduction experiments at CLAS using polarization observabes" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
William John Briscoe | "The Complete Photoproduction Experiment - an Experimentalist's Point of View" | General | |
 | | CSC notified |
Hall C summer workshop Newport News, VA August 19 - 20, 2011 |
Alexandre Deur | "Longitudinal spin structure studies with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
HEPMAD11 Antananarivo, Madagascar August 25 - 31, 2011 | No speakers |
Transversity 2011 Veli Losinj, Croatia August 28 - September 3, 2011 |
Harut Avakian | "Review talk on the SIDIS measurements" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Mher Aghasyan | "JLab results: TMD measurements" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Volker Burkert | "Study of GPDs at JLab" | General | |
 | | CSC notified |
PAVI 2011 Roma, Italy September 5 - 9, 2011 | No speakers |
Mazurian Lakes Conference 2011 Piaski, Poland September 11 - 18, 2011 | No speakers |
ERICE 2011 Erice, Italy September 16 - 24, 2011 |
Kawtar Hafidi | "Studying color transparency with CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Marco Battaglieri | "The Jefferson Lab program: from 6 GeV operations to 12 GeV upgrade" | Invited | |
 |  | Approved |
Mauro Taiuti | "Transition from factors at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Silvia Niccolai | "GPD's with CLS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 |  | Approved |
PHIPSI11 Novosibirsk, Russia September 19 - 22, 2011 |
Daniel Watts | "Meson spectroscopy at JLAB and JLAB12" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
DSPIN-2011 Dubna, Russia September 20 - 24, 2011 |
Nevzat Guler | "Spin physics at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Robert Fersch | "Spin physics at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Exclusive Electroproduction at Jlab" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
PrimeNet 2011 Juelich, Germany September 26 - 28, 2011 |
Moskov Amaryan | "The Decay of Pseudoscalar Mesons in CLAS at JLAB" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
TWEPP 2011 Vienna, Austria September 26 - 30, 2011 | No speakers |
Strange Hadronic Matter Tranto, Italy September 26 - 30, 2011 |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Experiments in the Production of Strangeness on the Nucleon" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
PINAN11 Marrakech, Morocco September 26 - 30, 2011 |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Future Measurements of the Nucleon Elastic Electromagnetic Form Factors at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "CLAS12 and Its Science Program at the Jefferson Lab Upgrade" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Maurik Holtrop | "CT measurements in rho electroproduction at CLAS" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
Michel Guidal | "Deep exclsuive vector meson" | Invited | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Patrizia Rossi | "TMD measurements - Future" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Raffaella De Vita | "Meson spectroscopy and search for exotics at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Sebastian Kuhn | "Nucleon Spin Structure - Future Experiments" | Invited | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Stepan Stepanyan | "Time-like Compton Scattering" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Deeply Virtual pseudo-scalar meson production with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Volker Burkert | "Overview of baryon resonances" | General | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
SIF 2011 L'Aquila, Italy September 26 - 30, 2011 |
Silvia Pisano | "Study of di-hadron production with CLAS12" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC notified |
ICALEPCS 2011 Grenoble, France October 10 - 14, 2011 | No speakers |
DNP2011 East Lansing, MI October 26 - 29, 2011 |
Andrey Kim | "Single and double polarization asymmetries from deeply virtual $pi^0$ production" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Brian Morrison | "Measurements of the helicity asymmetry E for eta meson photoproduction on the proton" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Chandra Nepali | "Transverse Polarization of Σ<sup>+</sup>(1189) in Photoproduction on Hydrogen Target with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Erin Seder | "Target Single Spin Asymmetry in DVCS" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Raphael Dupre | "Quark Propagation and Hadron Formation in Cold Nuclear Matter" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Sebastian Kuhn | "Structure of the free neutron" | Invited | |
 | | CSC notified |
Yordanka Ilieva | "Study of dimensional scaling in two-body photodisintegration of 3He" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
DNP 11 East Lansing, USA October 26 - 29, 2011 | No speakers |
5th DAE-BRNS Workshop on Hadron Physics Mumbai, India October 31 - November 4, 2011 |
Yordanka Ilieva | "Studies of Baryon Structure and Baryon Interactions at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
EINN2011 Pafos, Cyrprus October 31 - November 4, 2011 |
Annalisa D'Angelo | "Baryon resonances: overview of JLab and GRAAL Results" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Hyon-Suk Jo | "Future GPD measurements at CLAS12" | Poster | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Silvia Pisano | "DiHadron analysis at CLAS" | Poster | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Silvia Pisano | "DiHadron analysis at CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Meson Production at Intermediate and High Energies Messina, Italy November 10 - 11, 2011 |
Daniel Watts | "Study of N* properties at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Marco Mirazita | "Overview of recent results from CLAS" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Short Range Correlations in Nuclei and Hard QCD Phenomena Trento, Italy November 14 - 18, 2011 |
Lawrence Weinstein | "“A short introduction to the data mining project “" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
Lawrence Weinstein | "Measuring relative momenta of SRC: Comparing 3He(e,e’pp) at x>1 and x<1" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
Physics of fundamental interactions Moscow, Russia November 21 - 25, 2011 |
| | CSC notified |
HEP2012 Valparaiso, Chile January 4 - 10, 2012 |
Victor Mokeev | "Nucleon resonance electrocouplings as a window to strong interactions in non-perturbative regime" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics Bormio, Italy January 23 - 27, 2012 |
Keith Griffioen | "Measurements of Transverse Momentum in Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering at CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 |  | CSC notified |
INT Workshop on Orbital Angular Momentum in QCD Seattle, WA February 6 - 17, 2012 |
Charles Hyde | "Experimental Overview of Deeply Virtual Exclusive Reactions" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Harut Avakian | "TMDs with JLab12 and EIC" | General | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Harut Avakian | "DVCS analysis at CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Michel Guidal | "Exclusive vector meson with Jlab 6 and 12 GeV" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Paul Stoler | "Exclusive Pseudoscalar Meson
Electroproduction" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
SNP2012 Tokai, Japan February 12 - 18, 2012 | No speakers |
Hyperon-Hyperon Interactions and Searches for Exotic Di-Hyperons in Nuclear Collisions Upton, NY, USA February 28 - March 2, 2012 |
Lei Guo | "Hypeoron Physics at CLAS" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Workshop on Confinement Physics Newport News, VA March 12 - 15, 2012 |
Ralf Gothe | "Baryon Spectroscopy and Transition Form Factors: a Long Road to QCD in the Confinement Regime" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Victor Mokeev | "Baryon Transition Form Factors From Experiment" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
NPCFiQCD 2012 Philadelphia, PA March 26 - 28, 2012 |
Stepan Stepanyan | "E+e- pair production in Hall B, including J/ψ" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
DIS2012 Bonn, Germany March 26 - 30, 2012 |
Daria Sokhan | "Vector Meson Production and DVCS at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 |  | Approved |
Keith Griffioen | "The CLAS12 Physics Program" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
APS April 2012 Atlanta, Georgia March 31 - April 3, 2012 |
Michael Mayer | "Beam-Target Double Spin Asymmetry in $vec{D}(vec{e},e';p)n$" | Contributed | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Sungkyun Park | "Measurement of the Beam and Target Asymmetry in #gamma p -> p #pi+ #pi- with the CLAS Spectrometer at JLab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Volker Crede | "Baryon Spectroscopy at Jefferson Lab: What have we learned about excited baryons?" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
APS meeting 2012 City of Atlanta, GA March 31 - April 3, 2012 | No speakers |
IOP Nuclear Physics Group Conference 2012 Brighton, UK April 2 - 4, 2012 |
Jamie Fleming | "Current Status of the Forward Tagger for the CLAS12 Upgrade at Jlab" | Contributed | |
| | CSC notified |
Mark Anderson | "Hadron Spectroscopy with the HDIce Experiment at Jefferson Laboratory" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Matthias Hoek | "A RICH detector for the CLAS 12GeV Upgrade" | Contributed | |
| | CSC notified |
BIW12 Newport News, VA April 15 - 19, 2012 | No speakers |
QNP 2012 Palaiseau, France April 16 - 20, 2012 |
Hyon-Suk Jo | "Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) cross sections with CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 |  | CSC notified |
Luciano Pappalardo | "Transverse Momentum Distributions: an experimental update" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Philip Cole | "Polarization observables in the photoproduction of phi mesons with linearly polarized photons at threshold" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Raphael Dupre | "Study of Hadronization Dynamic with Nuclei" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Silvia Niccolai | "Deeply virtual Compton scattering on longitudinally polarized protons and neutrons at CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
William Brooks | "New experimental tools for exploring in-medium parton propagation in QCD" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
XII Hadron Physics Bento Goncalves, Brazil April 23 - 27, 2012 |
Volker Crede | "Baryon Spectroscopy at Jefferson Lab: What have we learned about excited baryons?" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
QCD Evolution Workshop Newport News, VA May 14 - 17, 2012 | No speakers |
12th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors La Biodola, Italy May 20 - 26, 2012 | No speakers |
Drell-Yan scattering and the structure of hadrons Trento, Italy May 21 - 25, 2012 | No speakers |
CIPANP 2012 St.Petersburg, FL May 28 - June 2, 2012 |
Andy Sandorfi | "Extraction of Reaction Amplitudes
from Complete Photo-Production Experiments" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Carlos Salgado | "Hadron Spectroscopy at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "DVCS program at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Hyon-Suk Jo | "Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering with CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Jason Bono | "Polarization of the cascade baryon in photoproduction off a proton target" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Jixie Zhang | "Differential cross section of exclusive $pi^-$ electro-production from deuterium" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Lamiaa El Fassi | "Overview of Color Transparency Measurements" | Invited | NP |
 |  | Approved |
Marianna Gabrielyan | "Measurement of the Induced Λ(1116)
Polarization in K+ Electroproduction
at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Patrick Collins | "Helicity asymmetry in $omega$ meson photoproduction from the proton" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
Paul Eugenio | "Search for exotic mesons in photoproduction at JLab CLAS (20') (files Slides pdf file )" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Pawel Nadel-Turonski | "Timelike Compton Scattering" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Puneet Khetarpal | "Beyond the Born Approximation: The Two-Photon Exchange Experiment in CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Raphael Dupre | "Hadronization measurements in cold nuclear matter" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
Stephen Bueltmann | "The Neutron Structure Function from BoNuS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Valery Kubarovsky | "DVMP program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
MesonNet Krakow, Poland May 29 - 30, 2012 |
Moskov Amaryan | "Photoproduction and Decay of pseudoscalar mesons in CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Meson 2012 Krakow, Poland May 31 - June 5, 2012 |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Meson Photoproduction Experiments with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Volker Burkert | "Excited nucleons and their structure in meson production experiment with CLAS" | Invited | |
 |  | Approved |
Annual User Workshop Newport News, VA June 4 - 6, 2012 |
Andy Sandorfi | "The g14 / HDice experiment (E06-101) in Hall B" | Invited | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Biplab Dey | "Differential cross sections and spin density matrix elements for
gamma p -> p phi from the CLAS g11a
experiment" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Brian Raue | "The TPE experiment with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Dennis Weygand | "Meson spectroscopy with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Harut Avakian | "3D Structure of the Proton" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Hovanes Egiyan | "Recent CLAS Results on Physics of Nuclei" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
Paul Eugenio | "Meson spectroscopy with CLAS" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Ralf Gothe | "Hadron Spectroscopy" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Raphael Dupre | "Hadronization studies with CLAS" | Invited | NP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Robert Bennett | "Beyond the Born Approximation
Measuring the Two Photon Exchange Correction at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
CALOR2012 Santa Fe, NM June 4 - 8, 2012 | No speakers |
1st International Workshop on New Frontiers in Physics Kolymbari, Greece June 10 - 16, 2012 | No speakers |
Daniel Watts | "Strangeness production with CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Hovanes Egiyan | "Nuclear physics with CLAS" | Invited | NP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Kenneth Livingston | "Strangeness production with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Lawrence Weinstein | "Nuclear physics with CLAS" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Maurik Holtrop | "Nuclear physics with CLAS" | Invited | NP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
PHOTODET2012 Orsay, France June 13 - 15, 2012 | No speakers |
ATHOS21012 Camogli, Italy June 20 - 22, 2012 |
Paul Eugenio | "Search for Exotic Mesons in
Photoproduction at JLAB CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Elba XII Marciana Marina (Elba), Italy June 25 - 29, 2012 |
Annalisa DAngelo | "Baryon spectroscopy with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Keith Griffioen | "The Neutron Structure Functions (BoNuS)" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Marco Battaglieri | "Meson spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Marco Contalbrigo | "The TMD experimental program" | General | |
 | | Approved |
Silvia Niccolai | "The GPD Experimental Program" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
XLI PANDA Collaboration Meeting Chicago, US June 25 - 29, 2012 |
Stepan Stepanyan | "The CLAS12 physics program" | Invited | |
| | Approved |
QCD12 Montpellier, France July 2 - 7, 2012 |
Sergio Pereira | "Probing the nucleon structure at Jefferson Lab." | Contributed | DP |
 |  | CSC notified |
Nuclear Structure and Related Topics Dubna, Russia July 2 - 7, 2012 | No speakers |
KITPC Beijing, China July 2 - 20, 2012 |
Raffaella De Vita | "Meson Spectroscopy Experiments" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Volker Burkert | "Electromagnetic meson production and nucleon resonances" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Volker Burkert | "Nucleon Spin Experiments" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
HSQCD Gatchina, Russia July 4 - 8, 2012 |
Carlos Munoz | "The GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Daniel Watts | "Meson spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Daria Sokhan | "The GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Derek Glazier | "Meson spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Evgeny Golovach | "Baryon spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Hyon-Suk Jo | "The GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Jacques Ball | "GPD at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Kenneth Livingston | "Strangeness production with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Marco Contalbrigo | "Transversity at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Marco Mirazita | "Transversity at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Mher Aghasyan | "The TMD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Silvia Pisano | "SIDIS program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Silvia Pisano | "Transversity at cLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Stuart Fegan | "Strangeness production with CLAS" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Experimental and theoretical aspects of the proton form factors S. Petersburg, Russia July 9 - 11, 2012 |
Robert Bennett | "Measuring the Two Photon Exchange Effect at CLAS: Radiative Corrections" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Nuclear Structure and Dynamics Opatija, Croatia July 9 - 13, 2012 | No speakers |
CIAE Beijing, China July 16 - 20, 2012 | No speakers |
NuFact12 Williamburg, VA July 23 - 28, 2012 |
Taisiya Mineeva | "Pion electroproduction at CLAS and other JLab measurements" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
BEACH 2012 Whicita, Kansas July 23 - 28, 2012 |
Daniel Carman | "The physics program of CLAS12" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Hyperon physics with CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Gail Dodge | "The physics program of CLAS12" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Maurizio Ungaro | "The physics program of CLAS12" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Philip Cole | "The physics program of CLAS12" | Invited | |
 |  | Approved |
Stepan Stepanyan | "CLAS and CLAS12 physics" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Gordon Conference Holderness, NH August 5 - 10, 2012 |
Andrea Celentano | "The Forward Tagger detector for CLAS12 experiment at Jefferson Lab" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Brian Raue | "Recent results on studies of two photons exchange effects in extraction of nucleon form factors" | General | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Carlos Munoz | "New results on deeply virtual compton scattering" | General | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Gail Dodge | "SPIN structure studies at JLab" | General | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Kawtar Hafidi | "New results on hadronization in the nuclear medium" | General | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Lamiaa El Fassi | "Search for the Onset of Color Transparency in Rho^0 Electroproduction off Nuclei" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Lawrence Weinstein | "Short range correlation and EMC effect" | General | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Natalie Walford | "Double Polarization Data using Polarized Frozen Spin Targets" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Nicholas Zachariou | "Determination of the Azimuthal Asymmetry of Deuteron Photodisintegration" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Sebastian Kuhn | "Longitudinal quark structure of the neutron" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Stepan Stepanyan | "Time-like Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering" | General | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Yordanka Ilieva | "New Results on Hard Photo-disintegration" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
The 7th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics Newport News, VA August 6 - 10, 2012 |
Yordanka Ilieva | "Photodisintegration of light nuclei" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
EmNN*2012 Columbia, SC August 13 - 15, 2012 |
Kijun Park | "Measurement of the generalized form factors near pion-threshold at high Q2." | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
FB20 Fukuoka, Japan August 20 - 25, 2012 |
Yordanka Ilieva | "Talk on recent results from CLAS in the session of
Few-Hadron Systems and Their Interactions" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
XQCD Washington, DC August 21 - 23, 2012 | No speakers |
Diffraction 2012 Lanzarote, Spain September 10 - 15, 2012 |
Yelena Prok | "Overview of Spin Structure Program at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
International School of Nuclear Physics Erice, Italy September 16 - 24, 2012 | No speakers |
ENPC 2012 Bucharest, Romania September 17 - 21, 2012 |
Douglas MacGregor | "Experimental Hadron and Nuclear Physics carried out by the Glasgow Nuclear Physics group" | General | |
| | Approved |
Franck Sabatie | "GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Gary Smith | "Proton Structure from DVCS with CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Jacques Ball | "GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Kenneth Livingston | "Baryon spectroscopy with CLAS at JLAB" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Sebastien Procureur | "GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Silvia Niccolai | "GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Silvia Pisano | "Analysing nucleon spin structure trough SIDIS at JLab" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
SPIN2012 Dubna, Russia September 17 - 22, 2012 |
Daria Sokhan | "Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering from the Neutron with CLAS and CLAS12" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Eugene Pasyuk | "The CLAS12 physics program" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Harut Avakian | "Studies of transverse structure of the proton at JLab and JLab12" | General | DP |
 |  | CSC notified |
Harut Avakian | "Extracting TMDs from CLAS12 data" | Contributed | DP |
 |  | CSC notified |
Luciano Pappalardo | "The TMD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 |  | Approved |
Rafayel Paremuzyan | "Timelike Compton Scattering at JLab" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Sebastien Procureur | "Physics Results and Achievements at CLAS" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Stuart Fegan | "The spin structure of the nucleon in the resonance region" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Tsuneo Kageya | "Measurement of spin observables for N* resonances in meson production using polarized neutron in solid HD" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
William John Briscoe | "Double-Polarization Experiments at JLab with FROST and HD-ice" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Xiangdong Wei | "HDice, the Polarized Solid HD Target in the Frozen Spin Mode for Experiments with CLAS" | Contributed | |
 | | CSC notified |
EMIN-2012 XIII International Seminar on Electromagnetic Interactions of Nuclei Moscow, Russia September 20 - 23, 2012 |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Meson photoproduction and nucleon resonances" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Evgeny Golovach | "Reaction of two pion photoproduction off proton and the structure of nucleon resonances" | Contributed | HS |
|  | CSC notified |
Philip Cole | "Photoproduction of phi mesons with linearly polarized photons at threshold energies" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
HYP2012 Barcelona, Spain October 1 - 5, 2012 |
Andy Sandorfi | "HDIce program at Jlab: hyperon photoproduction" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Quark Confinement Xth Munich, Germany October 8 - 12, 2012 |
Diane Schott | "The search for exotic mesons in eta pi- from photoproduction with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Volker Crede | "Baryon Spectroscopy at Jefferson Laboratory, ELSA, and MAMI" | General | |
| | Approved |
Strong and Electromagnetic Interactions in High Energy Collisions Messina, Italy October 12 - 13, 2012 |
Andrea Celentano | "Meson spectroscopy at JLab @12 GeV" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
QCD n'12 Bilbao, Spain October 22 - 26, 2012 |
Franck Sabatié | "From DVMP to DVCS" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Harut Avakian | "Studies of 3D partonic distributions at Hall-B" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Hyon-Suk Jo | "Constraining GPDs at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Volker Burkert | "The JLAB12 Science Program" | General | |
 | | CSC notified |
NuInt12 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil October 22 - 27, 2012 | No speakers |
Fall DNP Meeting Long Beach, CA October 24 - 27, 2012 |
Brian Vernarsky | "First Measurements of the Spin Density Matrix Elements in $gamma p rightarrow pomega$ using CLAS at JLab" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Kijun Park | "Measurement of differential cross sections via $p(e,e^prime pi^+)n$ for studying high-lying resonances at high $Q^2$" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Krishna Adhikari | "Deuteron Spin Structure function $g_1$ at low $Q^2$" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Lawrence Weinstein | "Resolving the Proton Form Factor Problem with Positron-Proton Scattering" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
The Proton Radius Puzzle Trento, Italy October 29 - November 2, 2012 |
Brian Raue | "Hall B 2-gamma experiment" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Workshop on Fragmentation Functions and QCD 2012 Riken, Japan November 9 - 11, 2012 | No speakers |
New Hadron 2012 Busan, South Korea November 18 - 21, 2012 |
Lei Guo | "Production of the Strangest Baryons on
the Proton with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Pawel Nadel-Turonski | "Plans to measure J/ψ photoproduction
and TCS on the proton at CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Stuart Fegan | "The CLAS12 Program at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Hadron physics with high-momentum hadron beams at J-PARC Tsukuba, Japan January 15 - 18, 2013 | No speakers |
Excited QCD 2013 Sarajevo, Bosnia February 4 - January 11, 2013 |
Andrea Celentano | "Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Future Prospects of Hadron Physics at J-PARC
and Large Scale Computational Physics in 2013 Tokai, Japan February 11 - 13, 2013 | No speakers |
13th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation Vienna, Austria February 11 - 15, 2013 |
Rachel Montgomery | "A Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector for CLAS12" | Contributed | DP |
|  | CSC notified |
INT Workshop on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics at Short Distances Seattle, WA February 11 - 22, 2013 | No speakers |
Second International School for Strangeness Nuclear Physics Tokai, Japan February 14 - 20, 2013 |
Natalie Walford | "Polarization Observables using Frozen Polarized Target in CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
PWA Tools in Hadron Spectroscopy Mainz, Germany February 18 - 20, 2013 |
Ralf Gothe | "Experimental Studies of the N* Structure with CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
CB@MAMI Collaboration Meeting Pavia, Italy February 21 - 22, 2013 |
Stuart Fegan | "Recent Results in Meson Photoproduction from the N* Program at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
NICA-SPIN 2013 Dubna, Russia March 17 - 19, 2013 | No speakers |
International Workshop on Determination of the Fundamental Parameters of QCD Singapore, March 18 - 21, 2013 | No speakers |
The Second International Conference on QCD and Hadron Physics Lanzhou, China March 30 - April 3, 2013 |
Daniel Watts | "Meson spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Franck Sabatie | "The GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Franz J. Klein | "Nucleon resonances and transition form factors at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
IoP Nuclear Physics Conference York, UK April 7 - 10, 2013 |
Daria Sokhan | "Neutrons in a Spin -- Nucleon Structure at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
IOP Nuclear Physics Group Conference York, UK April 7 - 10, 2013 | No speakers |
GHP2013 Denver, CO April 10 - 12, 2013 |
Angela Biselli | "The GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Dasuni Adikaram | "The CLAS Two Photon Exchange Experiment" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Diane Schott | "Meson spectroscopy with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Diane Schott | "Meson Spectroscopy with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "The GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Kijun Park | "Transition form factors at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Kijun Park | "An update on Transition Form Factors" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Kijun Park | "An update on Transition Form Factors" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Maurizio Ungaro | "Transition form factor measurements at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Philip Cole | "Electroproduction and transition form factors - on the road to a baryon spectrum." | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Stepan Stepanyan | "The physics program of CLAS12" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Taisiya Mineeva | "CT and quark propagation in CLAS" | Invited | NP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
William John Briscoe | "Baryon spectroscopy with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Yuqing Mao | "Polarization Observables in Single- and Double-Pion Photoproduction from the FROST Experiment" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
APS 2013 Denver, CO April 13 - 16, 2013 |
Diane Schott | "The Search for a $pi_1(1400)$ Exotic Meson in the $gamma ptoDelta^{++}etapi^-$ System" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Gleb Fedotov | "$pi^{+}pi^{-} p$ Electroproduction Cross Sections off Protons in the Second Resonance Region" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Michael Dugger | "Latest results from the CLAS N* program" | Invited | HS |
 | | Asking for invitation |
Natalie Walford | "Preliminary Results of Polarization Observables for KLambda Photoproduction from the Proton" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Victor Mokeev | "$gamma_{v}NN^*$ Transition Amplitudes and Excited Baryon Structure from CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
DIS2013 Marseille, France April 22 - 26, 2013 |
Eric Voutier | "Helium Compton Form Factor Measurements at CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Mher Aghasyan | "Studies of TMDs from SIDIS" | Contributed | DP |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
International Workshop on Non Perturbative Aspects of Field Theories Morelia, Mexico May 6 - 10, 2013 |
Ralf Gothe | "How to Measure Nonperturbative Effects between Confinement and
Perturbative QCD" | General | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Photon 2013 Paris, France May 20 - 24, 2013 |
Baptiste Guegan | "Deeply virtual Compton scattering cross section measurement with CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Rafayel Paremuzyan | "Timelike Compton Scattering at JLab" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
ATHOS2013 Kloster Seeon, Germany May 21 - 24, 2013 |
Dennis Weygand | "Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Franz J. Klein | "Baryon spectroscopy with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
NSTAR2013 Peniscola, Spain May 27 - 30, 2013 |
Charles Taylor | "K-short + Lambda Photoproduction on the Neutron within the Resonance Region" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Status of meson photoproduction experiments with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Status of meson photoproduction experiments with CLAS" | Invited | HS |
|  | Approved |
 | | CSC notified |
Igor Senderovich | "Determination of E and G observables in eta photo-production on the CLAS Frozen Spin Target
(FROST)" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Kei Moriya | "Photoproduction of the Lambda(1405) at CLAS and Future Spectroscopy Studies at Gluex" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Kijun Park | "Measurement of differential cross sections of p(e,e'pi+)n for high-lying resonances at Q2 < 5 GeV2" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
Natalie Walford | "Preliminary Results of Polarization Observables for KLambda Photoproduction from the Proton" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Paul Mattione | "K*0 Lambda and K+Sigma*- Photoproduction on the Deuteron" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
Philip Cole | "Polarization observables from the photoproduction of ω-mesons using linearly polarized photons" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Ralf Gothe | "Transition Form Factors: A unique Opportunity to Connect Non-Perturbative Strong Interaction to QCD" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Ross Tucker | "Determination of T and F observables in η photoproduction on the CLAS Frozen Spin Target (FROST)" | Contributed | HS |
|  | CSC notified |
Sungkyun Park | "Measurement of polarization observables in γ p -> p π+ π- with pthe CLAS spectrometer at Jeffe" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Tsuneo Kageya | "Spin observable measurements in pseudo scalar-meson polarized photo-production using polarized neutrons in solid HD" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
Victor Mokeev | "Studies of N* structure from the CLAS meson electroproduction data" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Volker Burkert | "The N* program - what we have achieved and what lies ahead" | Invited | |
 | | CSC notified |
Yuqing Mao | "Polarization Observables in Single- and Double-Pion Photoproduction from the FROST Experiment" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Annual JLab User Meeting Newport News, VA May 29 - 31, 2013 |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "Nucleon Structure studies with CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Taisiya Mineeva | "Hadronization in semi-inclusive pion electroproduction off nuclear targets" | Invited | NP |
 | | Approved |
INPC 2013 Florence, Italy June 2 - 7, 2013 |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "Nucleon structure through GPD" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Harut Avakian | "Structure and spin of the nucleon" | General | DP |
|  | CSC NOT notified |
Marco Mirazita | "Studies of the transverse structure of the nucleon at JLab" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Michel Guidal | "Generalized Parton Distributions: A general unifying tool for exploring the internal structure of hadrons" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Raffaella De Vita | "Meson spectroscopy in the light quark sector" | General | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
International Workshop on the Structure of
Nucleons and Nuclei Como, Italy June 10 - 14, 2013 |
Mher Aghasyan | "TMD extraction using Bessel moments and more" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Michel Guidal | "DVCS at Jlab" | General | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Mikhail Osipenko | "Radiative Corrections in SIDIS" | General | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Sergio Pereira | "Dihadron production at JLab" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Baryons 2013 Glasgow, Great Britain June 24 - 28, 2013 |
Angela Biselli | "Deeply virtual Compton scattering on
longitudinally polarized protons at CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Meson Photoproduction experiments with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Gabriel Charles | "New detectors for meson spectroscopy
in Hall B at JLab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Kenneth Hicks | "Baryon Spectroscopy at JLab and J-PARC" | General | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
 | | CSC notified |
Michael McCracken | "A search for baryon-number violating Lambda-> ml decays using CLAS @ JLab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Rachel Montgomery | "A Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector for CLAS12" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Differential Photoproduction Cross
Sections for the Sigma0(1385), Lambda(1405), and Lambda(1520)" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Stefanie Lewis | "Development of Bayesian analysis program for extraction of polarisation observables at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Stepan Stepanyan | "Beyond the Born approximation:
Resolving the proton form factor puzzle
with positrons at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Stuart Fegan | "Polarisation Observables from Strangeness Photoproduction on a Frozen Spin Target with CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Volker Crede | "Understanding Excited Baryon Resonances: Results from CLAS and CBELSA/TAPS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Isospin Filters Workshop Edinburgh, UK June 29 - 30, 2013 |
Eric Voutier | "Coherent and Incoherent DVCS off nuclei" | Invited | DP |
| | Not approved |
Stepan Stepanyan | "Meson spectroscopy using 4He targets at JLAB" | Invited | HS |
| | Not approved |
QCD in the Nuclear Medium Tel Aviv, Israel June 30 - July 2, 2013 | No speakers |
HS13 Tatranske Matlare, Slovakia June 30 - July 4, 2013 |
Daniel Carman | "The physics program of the CLAS12 experiment at JLab" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Franck Sabatie | "The GPD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Franz J. Klein | "Nucleon resonances and transition form factors at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Luciano Pappalardo | "TMD program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Maurizio Ungaro | "The physics program of the CLAS12 experiment at JLab" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Fifth Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities in US Huangshan City, China July 2 - 6, 2013 |
Patrizia Rossi | "Jefferson Lab at 12 GeV: New Opportunities in Hadronic Physics" | General | |
 | | CSC notified |
IWHSS 2013 Erlangen, Germany July 22 - 24, 2013 |
Volker Burkert | "The JLab 12GeV Upgrade" | General | |
 | | CSC notified |
16th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics Moscow, Russia August 22 - 28, 2013 |
Victor Mokeev | "Excited nucleon state structure from meson electroproduction with CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
PHIPSI13 Roma, Italy September 9 - 12, 2013 |
Daniel Watts | "Highlights form the CLAS physics at 6 GeV" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Stuart Fegan | "Meson spectroscopy at JLab at 12 GeV" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
PSTP2013 Charlottesville, VA September 9 - 13, 2013 | No speakers |
European Few Body Conference Krakow, Poland September 9 - 13, 2013 |
Nicholas Zachariou | "Photodisintegration of Light Nuclei" | Contributed | NP |
 |  | CSC notified |
DSpin 2013 Dubna, Russia September 17 - 21, 2013 |
Robert Fersch | "The spin of the nucleon: recent achievement with CLAS (OR SOMETHING SIMILAR)" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
PWA7 Camogli, Italy September 23 - 27, 2013 |
Dennis Weygand | "Meson Spectroscopy Through Partial Wave Analysis at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Marco Battaglieri | "Hadron spectroscopy with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Philip Cole | "Strange and vector meson photoproduction analysis highlights from ISU." | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Raffaella De Vita | "Partial Wave Analysis of two pion final state at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Workshop on Pion Polarizability Newport News, VA September 27 - 28, 2013 | No speakers |
MENU 2013 Roma, Italya September 30 - October 4, 2013 |
Andrea Celentano | "The Forward Tagger Facility for low-Q2 experiments with CLAS12 at Jefferso Lab" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Barry Ritchie | "Latest Results from FROST at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Brian Raue | "Results from the CLAS Two Photon Exchange Experiment" | Invited | |
| | Approved |
Daria Sokhan | "Beam-spin asymmetry measurement in pion photoproduction on the neutron using CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
David Ireland | "Kaon Production on the Nucleon" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Diane Schott | "Search for exotic mesons in eta-pi final state" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Hyon-Suk Jo | "Deeply virtual Compton scattering cross sections with CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "The CLAS12 experiment at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Luciano Pappalardo | "The RICH detector for CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | DP |
 |  | Approved |
Marco Ripani | "Studies of N* Structure from the CLAS Meson Electroproduction Data" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Peng Peng | "G14 Polarization Observables for Double Charged Pion Photo-production" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Silvia Niccolai | "The DVCS program at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | DP |
 |  | Approved |
Silvia Pisano | "Di-hadron SIDIS measurements at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 |  | Approved |
EMMI 2013 Darmstadt, Germany October 5 - 15, 2013 |
Raphael Dupre | "Medium effects in hadro-production at CLAS" | Invited | NP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
LHPMF 2013 Messina, Italy October 13 - 15, 2013 |
Marco Battaglieri | "Meson spectroscopy at JLab" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
CHEP Amsterdam, The Netherlands October 14 - 18, 2013 |
Stefanie Lewis | "Development of Bayesian analysis program for extraction of polarisation observables at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
QCD Frontier 2013 Newport News, VA October 21 - 22, 2013 | No speakers |
Strangeness in the Universe Trento, Italy October 21 - 25, 2013 |
Daniel Carman | "The CLAS Strangeness Physics Program" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
DNP 2013 Newport News, VA October 23 - 26, 2013 |
Andrey Kim | "Single and Double Spin Asymmetries from Deeply Virtual Exclusive π0 Production on a Long. Polarized Proton with CLA" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Arjun Trivedi | "Beam spin asymmetry observables from electroproduction of pπ + π − off protons" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Danny Martinez-Pieschacon | "Polarization observables from the photoproduction of w-mesons using Linearly Polarized Photons" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
| | CSC notified |
Dasuni Adikaram | "The CLAS Two Photon Exchange Experiment" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Dipak Rimal | "Q2 dependence of Two Photon Exchange Effects at ϵ=0.884" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Erin Seder | "Spin Asymmetry Measurements for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on Polarized Protons" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Eugene Isupov | "Exclusive ppi^{+} pi^{-} electroproduction in the resonance region at high Q^2" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Evan Phelps | "Exclusive omega electroproduction off the proton as a probe of high-lying resonances" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Cross-Sections with CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Franz J. Klein | "Polarization Observables for $gamma prightarrow K^{+}Lambda$ using polarized photons on a longitudinally polarized target" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Gleb Fedotov | "Studies of $pi^+pi^-p$ electroproduction at $W$ from 1.4 to 1.8 GeV and $Q^2$ from 0.4 to 1.1~GeV$^{2}$ with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Igor Senderovich | "Studies of eta photoproduction in the baryon resonance excitation region with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Igor Senderovich | "Double-polarization E and G observables in eta photoproduction on the CLAS Frozen Spin Target" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Jason Bono | "Ξ− Polarization in Photoproduction with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Kijun Park | "Cross section measurement of the exclusive single pion electroproduction for Q2<5 GeV$2 from CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Krishna Adhikari | "Deuteron Spin Structure function g1 at low Q2" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Mac Mestayer | "(Abstract Log Observation of Scaling in the Ratio of Electroproduction Yields of Three Meson-Baryon Final States" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Michael Kunkel | "Dalitz Decay of Pseudoscalar Mesons from Photoproduction on Hydrogen Target with CLAS" | Contributed | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Michael Paolone | "A Study of the ρ--ω Interference in the Leptonic Decay Channel from Photoproduction off of a 1H target at " | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Michael Wood | "Investigation of the In-Medium Kaon-Nucleon Interaction" | Contributed | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Natalie Walford | "Polarization Observables for Kaon Photoproduction from Transversely Polarized Protons" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Nikolay Markov | "Exclusive π0 electroproduction in the resonance region" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Paul Stoler | "Exclusive π0 and η Electroproduction at Multi GeV Energy and Momentum Transfer" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Peng Peng | "G14 Polarization Observables for Double Charged Pion Photo-production." | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Priyashree Roy | "Preliminary Results on Polarization Observables for Double-Pion Photoproduction from FROST" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Ralf Gothe | "Baryon Structure and Spectroscopy at 6 and 12" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Sebastian Kuhn | "Nucleon Spin -- Results from Jefferson Lab" | General | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Shloka Chandavar | "Photoproduction of scalar mesons at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Steffen Strauch | "Polarization Observables in the γp → π+π−p Reaction from FROST" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Suman Koirala | "Target and Beam-Target Double Spin Asymmetry for Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering on Proton and Deuteron" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Taisiya Mineeva | "Experimental studies of hadronization and parton propagation in SIDIS" | Contributed | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Victor Mokeev | "New results in the studies of the high-lying nucleon resonances from the CLAS data on pi^+pi^" | Contributed | HS |
| | Approved |
Volker Burkert | "The study of excited nucleons and their structure" | General | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Wes Gohn | "Beam-spin Asymmetries from Semi-inclusive Pion Electroproduction" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Will Phelps | "Baryon Antibaryon Photoproduction using CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
William Brooks | "The Emergence of Hadrons from QCD Color" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Ye Tian | "Exclusive pi- Electroproduction off the Neutron in Deuterium in the Resonance Region" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Yelena Prok | "Q2-Evolution of the Spin Structure Function g1(x,Q2) of the Proton and the Deuteron" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Yuri Gotra | "Characterization and performance of the Silicon Vertex Tracker modules for the CLAS12 experiment" | Contributed | |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Pacific-Spin2013 Ji'nan, China October 28 - 31, 2013 |
Alexandre Deur | "The SPIN structure functions of the nucleon at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Marco Mirazita | "The TMD program with CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Sebastien Procureur | "The GPD program at CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Sergio Pereira | "The TMD program with CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Yelena Prok | "The SPIN structure functions of the nucleon at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
EINN2013 Paphos, Cyprus October 29 - November 2, 2013 |
Annalisa DAngelo | "Baryon Spectroscopy: Overview" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Mohammad Hattawy | "Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off 4He" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Volker Burkert | "Baryon Spectroscopy" | General | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Hadron 2013 Nara, Japan November 4 - 8, 2013 |
Baptiste Guegan | "Deeply virtual Compton Scattering cross
section measured with CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Chaden Djalali | "A Study of the ρ-ω Interference in the e+e- decay channel from γp->e+e-X" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Daniel Carman | "The physics program of CLAS" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Daria Sokhan | "Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off the Neutron with CLAS and CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
David Ireland | "The physics program of CLAS" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Franck Sabatie | "CLAS12 physics program" | Invited | |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Johann Goetz | "Cascade Photoproduction at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Kenneth Hicks | "The Physics program of CLAS" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Kijun Park | "Exclusive single pion electroproduction off the proton in the high-lying resonances at $Q^2 < 5$ GeV$^2$ from CL AS" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "The CLAS12 physics program" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Paul Mattione | "Gamma D-> K*(892)0 Lamba p, gamma D-> K+ Sigma*(1385)- p, and gamma D ->p p pi- Cross Section Measurements at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC notified |
Tsuneo Kageya | "Spin observable measurements from pseudo scalar-meson polarized photo-production using polarized neutrons in solid HD" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
PSHP2013 Frascati, Italy November 11 - 13, 2013 |
Marco Contalbrigo | "Role of Kaon Production at JLAB12" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Marco Mirazita | "The CLAS12 RICH project" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Mikhail Osipenko | "JLab news on multiplicities and PDF observables" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Raffaella De Vita | "Search for exotic mesons at CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Silvia Pisano | "JLab news on TMD observables" | General | DP |
 | | CSC notified |
William Brooks | "Hadronization in the Nuclear Medium:
Exploring Fundamental QCD Processes
Using New Experimental Tools" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
X Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications Montevideo, Uruguay December 1 - 6, 2013 |
Dennis Weygand | "ρ−ω Interference in the Leptonic Decay Channel from Photoproduction off of a 1H target at JLab" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Jason Bono | "Polarization of the Xi Hyperon in Photoproduction" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Marco Battaglieri | "Hadron spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Sebastian Kuhn | "Collinear Structure Functions of the Nucleon: Status and Future" | General | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Indian-Illinois FF WSP 2013 Bloomington, US December 12 - 14, 2013 |
Silvia Pisano | "The SIDIS program at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Taisiya Mineeva | "Multiplicity ratio measurements at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Hirschegg 2014 Hirschegg, Germany January 12 - 18, 2014 |
Volker Burkert | "Baryon spectroscopy und nucleon structure results from JLAB" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
Lattice QCD and hadron physics Trento, Italy January 14 - 16, 2014 |
Marco Battaglieri | "The hadron spectroscopy program at JLab" | General | |
 | | CSC notified |
Marco Contalbrigo | "The nucleon structure program at JLab" | General | |
 | | CSC notified |
DVCS Bochum workshop Bochum, Germany February 10 - 12, 2014 |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "DVCS with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Not approved |
Light Meson Dynamic Mainz, Germany February 10 - 12, 2014 | No speakers |
Tensor Polarized Solid Target Workshop Newport News, VA March 10 - 12, 2014 | No speakers |
APS Meeting in Savannah, Georgia Savannah, Georgia April 5 - 8, 2014 |
Andrey Kim | "Single and double polarization asymmetries from deeply virtual pi0 production" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
| | CSC notified |
Dasuni Adikaram | "Positron-proton to electron-proton elastic cross section ratios from CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Dipak Rimal | "Polarization Observables for Measurement of two-photon exchange effects in CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Harut Avakian | "Studies of Transverse Momentum Distributions of Partons" | General | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Priyashree Roy | "Polarization Observables for Double-Pion Photoproduction with Linearly Polarized Photons and Transverse Target from FROST" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Silvia Niccolai | "Experimental studies of Generalized Parton Distributions" | Invited | |
| | Approved |
Volker Burkert | "What Nucleons Resonances Teach Us About the Nucleon Structure" | Invited | |
 | | Approved |
IoP Nuclear Physics Group Conference Croyden, Surrey, United Kingdom April 7 - 9, 2014 |
David Ireland | "Progress in light hadron spectroscopy" | General | |
| | CSC notified |
Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics APFB 2014 Hahndorf, Australia April 7 - 11, 2014 |
Andrey Kim | "BONUS Experiment at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Historic Symposium on Quarks and Color College Park, MD April 11 - 12, 2014 | No speakers |
Hadron Physics Symposium at Nagoya University Nagoy, Japan April 17 - 20, 2014 |
Kenneth Hicks | "Selected Results on Hadron Physics from CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
DIS 2014: XXII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects Warsaw, Poland April 28 - May 2, 2014 |
Andrey Kim | "Single and Double Spin Asymmetries from
Deeply Virtual Exclusive pi0 Production on Polarized Proton with CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Sergio Pereira | "Di-hadron production at the Jefferson Lab." | Contributed | DP |
 |  | CSC notified |
QCD Evolution 2014 Santa Fe, NM May 12 - 16, 2014 | No speakers |
Light Cone 2014: Theory and Experiment for Hadrons on the Light-Front Raleigh, NC May 26 - 30, 2014 |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "Experimental Studies of Generalized Parton Distributions" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
MESON2014 Kraków, Poland May 29 - June 3, 2014 |
Diane Schott | "CLAS Results on Meson Spectroscopy" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Stuart Fegan | "The Meson Spectroscopy Program Using the Forward Tagger with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Jefferson Lab Users Group Meeting Newport News, USA June 19 - 21, 2017 |
Annalisa DAngelo | "N* Spectrum and Structure and Search for Hybrid Baryons" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "CLAS12 Project Status and Science Program" | Invited | |
| | Approved |
Meytal Duer | "Kinetic energy inversion of protons and neutrons in asymmetric nuclei" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Priyashree Roy | "Polarization Observables in Vector Meson Photoproduction from the FROST Experiment using CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Workshop on the Proton Radius Puzzle Mainz, Germany June 2 - 6, 2014 | No speakers |
4th International Workshop on Transverse Polarisation Phenomena in Hard Processes "TRANSVERSITY 2014" Chia (Sardinia), Italy June 9 - 13, 2014 |
andrew puckett | "The JLAB 6 GeV TMD program" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Andrey Kim | "Exclusive processes at JLAB at 6 GeV" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Silvia Pisano | "The JLAB 3D program at 12 GeV (TMDs+GPDs)" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Exclusive pseudoscalar meson Electroproduction and their Relationship to Transversity GPDs" | Invited | DP |
| | Nominated by the CSC |
Elba XIII Marciana Marina, Italy June 23 - 27, 2014 |
Brian Raue | "Two-photon exchange effects in e+/e- elastic scattering" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Silvia Pisano | "Experimental investigation of the nucleon transverse structure" | General | DP |
| | CSC notified |
ECT* Workshop: Exciting Baryons: Design and Analysis of Complete Experiments for Meson Photoproduction Trento, Italy June 30 - July 4, 2014 |
Andy Sandorfi | "Polarization observables in Introduction in complete experiments" | General | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Annalisa DAngelo | "Exciting Baryons" | General | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Daniel Carman | "Exclusive KY Electroproduction with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Daniel Watts | "Future prospects of resonance physics
with polarization degrees of freedom" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
David Ireland | "The information content of complete experiments" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Photo-production of strange meson with polarized photons and targets" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Ralf Gothe | "Q2 evolution of baryon electrocouplings" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Volker Burkert | "Status of meson photo-production experiments with all possible degrees
of polarization" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Volker Crede | "Polarization observables in photoproduction:
What have we learned about nucleon resonances in recent experiments?" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
NUCLEUS-2014 Minsk, Belarus July 1 - 4, 2014 |
Gleb Fedotov | "RECENT RESULTS ON pi^+pi^- ELECTROPRODUCTION OFF PROTONS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
ICHEP 2014 Valencia, Spain July 2 - 9, 2014 | No speakers |
PAVI-14 Skaneateles, NY July 14 - 18, 2014 | No speakers |
Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities in US Lanzhou, China July 21 - 24, 2014 |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Future Measurements of the Nucleon Elastic Electromagnetic Form Factors at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | |
| | Approved |
ICNFP 2014 Crete, Greece July 28 - September 6, 2014 | No speakers |
Frontiers and Careers in Photonuclear Physics Cambridge, MA August 7 - 9, 2014 |
Hao Jiang | "Preliminary Results of Polarization Observables T and F in the gamme p →pi0 p Reaction" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Natalie Walford | "Measurement of Polarization Observables in Kaon Photoproduction with the FROST experiment”" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Or Hen | "Short-range correlations in imbalanced Fermi systems" | Invited | NP |
| | Not approved |
Susan Schadmand | "Study of the ωπ transition form factor with the ω→ e- e+ π0 decay in the CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Taisiya Mineeva | "Experimental insights on hadronization mechanisms via neutral pion electroproduction" | Invited | NP |
| | Not approved |
PANIC: 20th Particles and Nuclei International Conference Hamburg, Germany August 25 - March 29, 2014 |
 | | Approved |
William Levine | "Measurement of spin density matrix elements in $Lambda(1520)$ photoproduction with the CLAS detector" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XI St. Petersburg, Russia September 8 - 12, 2014 |
Marco Battaglieri | "Hadron Spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Ralf Gothe | "Exclusive Electroexcitation of Baryon Resonances with CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Electromagnetic Strangeness Production at JLab Energies" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Volker Crede | "Open Issues in Light Baryon Spectroscopy" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Diffraction 2014 Primosten, Croatia September 10 - 16, 2014 | No speakers |
DHF2014 Messina, Italy September 24 - 26, 2014 |
Alessandra Filippi | "The meson spectroscopy program at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Annalisa DAngelo | "The baryon spectroscopy program at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
NPQCD2014 Huelva, Spain September 30 - October 5, 2014 |
Michel Guidal | "GPDs, DVCS and TCS" | General | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Raphael Dupre | "Hadronization in cold nuclear matter" | General | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Victor Mokeev | "Studies of nucleon resonance structure in exclusive meson electroproduction with the CLAS detector" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
DNP2014 Waikaloa, HI October 7 - 11, 2014 |
Andrey Kim | "Studies of Chiral-Odd GPDs in Hard Exclusive Pseudoscalar Meson Production" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Daniel Carman | "Excited Baryon Structure Using KY Exclusive Reactions with CLAS12" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Diane Schott | "Hadron Spectroscopy: Providing the link between experiment and theory in the intermediate energy region at JLAB" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Kenneth Hicks | "Baryon Spectroscopy from Two-Pion Production Data" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Kijun Park | "Exclusive single pion electroproduction off the proton in the high-lying resonances at Q2 < 5 GeV2 from CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "DVCS and 3D imaging" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Nicholas Compton | "Cross Sections of K0ΛPhotoproduction off the Deuteron" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC notified |
Nicholas Zachariou | "Study of the Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction in Exclusive Λ Photoproduction off the Deuteron" | Contributed | |
| | CSC notified |
Paul Eugenio | "Search for Hybrid Mesons via Photoproduction at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Peng Peng | "Polarization observables for double charged pion photo-production with polarized HD target" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Peter Bosted | "New measurements of longitudinal spin asymmetries in pion electroproduction" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Electromagnetic Strangeness Production at GeV Energies" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Silvia Pisano | "3D imaging of the nucleon with JLab experiments" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Taisiya Mineeva | "Exploring hadronization mechanisms via neutral pion electroproduction off D, C, Fe and Pb" | Contributed | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Tsuneo Kageya | "Spin observable measurements in pseudo scalar-meson polarized photo-production using polarized neutrons in solid HD" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Deeply Virtual Meson Production at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
SPIN 2014 Beijing, China October 20 - 24, 2014 |
Andy Sandorfi | "Unraveling Excitations of the Nucleon – Meson Photo-production from Polarized neutrons in HD at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Double polarisation experiments in meson photoproduction at JLab" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Peter Bosted | "New Results on the Longitudinal Spin Structure of the Nucleon from CLAS at
Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Deeply&Virtual&&Meson&
Production&at&Jefferson&Lab" | Invited | DP |
 |  | Approved |
Achievements and Perspectives in Low-Energy QCD with Strangeness Trento, Italy October 27 - 31, 2014 |
Alessandra Filippi | "Lambda(1405) production in electromagnetic processes at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
RSN@CT Catania, Italia November 3 - 7, 2014 |
Kei Moriya | "Production of Resonances Using CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Approved |
Marco Battaglieri | "Exotic resonances at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
The 81st Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society Columbia, SC November 12 - 15, 2014 | No speakers |
SESAPS14, 81st Annual Meeting of the APS Southeastern Section Columbia, SC November 12 - 15, 2014 |
Alexandre Deur | "The QCD coupling at long distances" | General | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Colin Gleason | "Determination of Polarization Transfer Coefficients for Quasi-Free Hyperon Photoproduction off the Bound Neutron" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Hao Jiang | "Preliminary Results of Polarization Observables T and F in the p gamma -> pi0 p Reaction" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Lelia Net | "Polarization observables in double pion photo-production- circularly polarized photons off transversely polarized protons" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Tongtong Cao | "Measurement of the Double Polarization Observables Cx and Cz for Λn Final-state Interactions in γd->K&a" | Contributed | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
HIX2014 Frascati, Italy November 17 - 21, 2014 |
Ioana Niculescu | "Quark Hadron Duality Studies on the Neutron and Longitudinal Structure Functions Results from Jefferson Lab" | Invited | |
| | Approved |
Keith Griffioen | "Spectator Tagging and the BoNuS Experiment" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Silvia Niccolai | "Recent results on DVCS from Jefferson Lab" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
International Conference-Session of the Section of Nuclear Physics of PSD RAS Moscow, Russia November 17 - 21, 2014 |
| | CSC notified |
Future Directions in Spectroscopy Analysis Newport News, VA, USA November 18 - 20, 2014 |
Alessandra Filippi | "Study of KKbarPi and strangeonia states in the (1-3) GeV mass range" | Invited | HS |
| | Approved |
Annalisa DAngelo | "Data analysis techniques in meson photoproduction" | Invited | |
| | Approved |
Marco Battaglieri | "The HASPECT (HAdron SPEctroscopy CenTer) activity and CLAS12" | Invited | |
| | Approved |
Victor Mokeev | "N* electrocouplings and pi Delta, rho p decay widths from pi^+pi^p electroproduction with the CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
XXI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium 2014 Guwahati, India December 8 - 12, 2014 |
Arjun Trivedi | "Charting the evolution of the Strong Interaction’s degrees of freedom" | Contributed | HS |
|  | CSC notified |
LI PANDA Collaboration Meeting Juelich, Germany December 9 - 12, 2014 |
David Ireland | "CLAS and JLab/PANDA Collaboration" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
EMP - Exclusive Meson Production and Short-Range Hadron Structure Newport News, VA January 22 - 24, 2015 |
Andrey Kim | "Polarized observables from Deeply Virtual pi0 and eta0 Production with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Brice Garillon | "Cross sections for ep → epf0/f2" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Charles Hyde | "Deeply Virtual Scalar Production" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "Exclusive phi and gluonic structure" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Harut Avakian | "Transverse distribution of polarized quarks" | General | DP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Mac Mestayer | "Exclusive limit of string fragmentation" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Michel Guidal | "Rho0, Omega, Rho+ exclusive electroproduction on the proton at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Moskov Amaryan | "High-t Exclusive pi^0 Photoproduction" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Rafayel Paremuzyan | "Exclusive J/psi photoproduction with CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Backward meson production at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Deeply Virtual Meson Production and Transversity GPDs" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
CLAS12 European Workshop Catania, Italy February 17 - 20, 2015 |
Andrea Celentano | "Analysis of the ω → π decay from g11 using an extended Veneziano Model" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Angela Biselli | "Overview of eg1-dvcs results" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Aram Movsisyan | "E1-6-dvcs status report" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Brice Garillon | "F0 and f2 cross sections." | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Daniel Carman | "N* physics using strangeness at CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Daria Sokhan | "Neutron DVCS" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Eberhard Klempt | "Baryon Resonances: experiment versus model predictions" | General | |
 | | CSC notified |
Harut Avakian | "Extraction of TMDs from SIDIS data" | Invited | DP |
| | Approved |
Harut Avakian | "Present and Future of Polarized Target Experiment at CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Approved |
Herve Moutarde | "Recent developments in the phenomenology of Generalized Parton Distributions" | General | |
 | | CSC notified |
Irene Zonta | "Photoproduction of the rho vector meson on polarized protons and neutrons" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Jeffrey Phillips | "Semi-inclusive Λ electroproduction with e1f data set from CLAS" | Contributed | DP |
| | CSC notified |
Marco Battaglieri | "Meson spectroscopy with CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |
Mark Anderson | "Spin-Density Matrix Elements and the Σ Observable for the channel γ p → ρ p" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Michael Kunkel | "LMD-Discussion" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC notified |
Mohammad Hattawy | "DVCS off 4He: Data analysis and preliminary measured asymmetries" | Contributed | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Natalie Walford | "Polarization observables T and F in K+Λ and K+Σ0 from FROST data" | Invited | HS |
 | | Approved |