Conference/Workshop | Speaker | Talk Title | Talk Type | PWG | Slides | Proceedings | Approval Status |
MENU2010 Williamsburg, VA May 31 - June 4, 2010 |
Kei Moriya | "Experimental results of photoproduction of Λ(1405) off a proton target"" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Maurizio Ungaro | "π and η production in CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Michael Dugger | "Photon beam asymmetries for π0and π+ γ-production from the proton" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Ryan Dickson | "Photoproduction and decay modes of the X(1280) meson" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Victor Mokeev | "Transition nucleon resonance electrocouplings from the CLAS data on π+ π- p electroproduction off protons&" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
ICHEP2010 Paris, France July 21 - 28, 2010 |
Chaden Djalali | "Medium Modification of Vector Mesons" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Reactions Holderness, NH August 10 - 15, 2014 |
Ralf Gothe | "Transition Form Factors" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
GHP2011 Anaheim, CA April 27 - 29, 2011 |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Scaling and Resonances in Elementary K+ Lambda Photoproduction" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
APS2011 Anaheim, CA April 30 - May 3, 2011 |
Gagik Gavalian | "Photo-production of Σ*+(1385) with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Liam Casey | "Search for Missing Resonances in γp→K+Λ" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Maurizio Ungaro | "Electroproduction of π0 in the resonance region at high Q2 with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
NSTAR2011 Newport News, VA May 17 - 20, 2011 |
Biplab Dey | "CMU partial wave analysis of γp→K+Λ/Σ0" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Charles Hanretty | "Measurement of Is and Ic observables in
γp→pπ+π" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Gleb Fedotov | "Electroproduction of pπ+π- in the 2nd resonance region on proton" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Haiyun Lu | "Electroproduction of Λ(1405) hyperon" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Hideko Iwamoto | "Helicity asymmetry for π0 photoproduction with FROST" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Josephine McAndrew | "Measurement of the G Double-Polarisation Observable in Pion Photoproduction" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Kei Moriya | "Studying the Λ(1405) Hyperon using photoproduction at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Marianna Gabrielyan | "Measurement of the Induced Λ(1116) polarization in K+ electro-production at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Maurizio Ungaro | "Single pion electroproduction with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Paul Mattione | "K*0(892)Λ and K+Σ*-(1385) Photoproduction on the Deuteron" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Hyperons: Scaling, N* Resonances, and the Λ(1405)" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Steffen Strauch | "Helicity asymmetry E in γp→π+n with FROST" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Sungkyun Park | "Helicity difference in γp→pπ+π-production with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Zhiwen Zhao | "Photoproduction of the Λ(1520) off protons and neutrons in deuterium" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
HADRON 2011 Munchen, Germany June 13 - 17, 2011 |
Chaden Djalali | "Light Vector Meson Photoproduction off of H at Jefferson Lab and ρ-ω Interference in the Leptonic Decay Ch" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Craig Bookwalter | "The Search for Exotic Mesons in γp→pπ+π+π-n with CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Dennis Weygand | "Hadron Spectroscopy at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Michael Kunkel | "Dalitz Decay of Pseudoscalar Mesons from Photoproduction on Hydrogen Target with CLAS" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Victor Mokeev | "Nucleon resonance electrocouplings from CLAS data on pion electroproduction" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Volker Crede | "Overview on CLAS baryon results" | Invited | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
PANIC11 Cambridge, MA July 24 - 29, 2011 |
Kei Moriya | "Lambda(1405) Hyperon Studied at CLAS Using Photoproduction" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Scaling and Resonances in Elementary K^+ Λ Photoproduction" | Poster | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
DNP2011 East Lansing, MI October 26 - 29, 2011 |
Brian Morrison | "Measurements of the helicity asymmetry E for eta meson photoproduction on the proton" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Chandra Nepali | "Transverse Polarization of Σ<sup>+</sup>(1189) in Photoproduction on Hydrogen Target with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
IOP Nuclear Physics Group Conference 2012 Brighton, UK April 2 - 4, 2012 |
Mark Anderson | "Hadron Spectroscopy with the HDIce Experiment at Jefferson Laboratory" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
CIPANP 2012 St.Petersburg, FL May 28 - June 2, 2012 |
Andy Sandorfi | "Extraction of Reaction Amplitudes
from Complete Photo-Production Experiments" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Jason Bono | "Polarization of the cascade baryon in photoproduction off a proton target" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Jixie Zhang | "Differential cross section of exclusive $pi^-$ electro-production from deuterium" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Marianna Gabrielyan | "Measurement of the Induced Λ(1116)
Polarization in K+ Electroproduction
at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Paul Eugenio | "Search for exotic mesons in photoproduction at JLab CLAS (20') (files Slides pdf file )" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
EMIN-2012 XIII International Seminar on Electromagnetic Interactions of Nuclei Moscow, Russia September 20 - 23, 2012 |
Philip Cole | "Photoproduction of phi mesons with linearly polarized photons at threshold energies" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Quark Confinement Xth Munich, Germany October 8 - 12, 2012 |
Diane Schott | "The search for exotic mesons in eta pi- from photoproduction with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Fall DNP Meeting Long Beach, CA October 24 - 27, 2012 |
Brian Vernarsky | "First Measurements of the Spin Density Matrix Elements in $gamma p rightarrow pomega$ using CLAS at JLab" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
NSTAR2013 Peniscola, Spain May 27 - 30, 2013 |
Igor Senderovich | "Determination of E and G observables in eta photo-production on the CLAS Frozen Spin Target
(FROST)" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Kei Moriya | "Photoproduction of the Lambda(1405) at CLAS and Future Spectroscopy Studies at Gluex" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Sungkyun Park | "Measurement of polarization observables in γ p -> p π+ π- with pthe CLAS spectrometer at Jeffe" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Baryons 2013 Glasgow, Great Britain June 24 - 28, 2013 |
Michael McCracken | "A search for baryon-number violating Lambda-> ml decays using CLAS @ JLab" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Differential Photoproduction Cross
Sections for the Sigma0(1385), Lambda(1405), and Lambda(1520)" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
MENU 2013 Roma, Italya September 30 - October 4, 2013 |
Daria Sokhan | "Beam-spin asymmetry measurement in pion photoproduction on the neutron using CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
DNP 2013 Newport News, VA October 23 - 26, 2013 |
Franz J. Klein | "Polarization Observables for $gamma prightarrow K^{+}Lambda$ using polarized photons on a longitudinally polarized target" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Jason Bono | "Ξ− Polarization in Photoproduction with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Michael Paolone | "A Study of the ρ--ω Interference in the Leptonic Decay Channel from Photoproduction off of a 1H target at " | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Nikolay Markov | "Exclusive π0 electroproduction in the resonance region" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Peng Peng | "G14 Polarization Observables for Double Charged Pion Photo-production." | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Priyashree Roy | "Preliminary Results on Polarization Observables for Double-Pion Photoproduction from FROST" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Will Phelps | "Baryon Antibaryon Photoproduction using CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Hadron 2013 Nara, Japan November 4 - 8, 2013 |
Chaden Djalali | "A Study of the ρ-ω Interference in the e+e- decay channel from γp->e+e-X" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
X Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications Montevideo, Uruguay December 1 - 6, 2013 |
Dennis Weygand | "ρ−ω Interference in the Leptonic Decay Channel from Photoproduction off of a 1H target at JLab" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
APS Meeting in Savannah, Georgia Savannah, Georgia April 5 - 8, 2014 |
Andrey Kim | "Single and double polarization asymmetries from deeply virtual pi0 production" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Dasuni Adikaram | "Positron-proton to electron-proton elastic cross section ratios from CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Dipak Rimal | "Polarization Observables for Measurement of two-photon exchange effects in CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Priyashree Roy | "Polarization Observables for Double-Pion Photoproduction with Linearly Polarized Photons and Transverse Target from FROST" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
ECT* Workshop: Exciting Baryons: Design and Analysis of Complete Experiments for Meson Photoproduction Trento, Italy June 30 - July 4, 2014 |
Daniel Watts | "Future prospects of resonance physics
with polarization degrees of freedom" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
David Ireland | "The information content of complete experiments" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Ralf Gothe | "Q2 evolution of baryon electrocouplings" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Volker Crede | "Polarization observables in photoproduction:
What have we learned about nucleon resonances in recent experiments?" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
PANIC: 20th Particles and Nuclei International Conference Hamburg, Germany August 25 - March 29, 2014 |
William Levine | "Measurement of spin density matrix elements in $Lambda(1520)$ photoproduction with the CLAS detector" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XI St. Petersburg, Russia September 8 - 12, 2014 |
Volker Crede | "Open Issues in Light Baryon Spectroscopy" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
DNP2014 Waikaloa, HI October 7 - 11, 2014 |
Kenneth Hicks | "Baryon Spectroscopy from Two-Pion Production Data" | General | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Paul Eugenio | "Search for Hybrid Mesons via Photoproduction at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
EMP - Exclusive Meson Production and Short-Range Hadron Structure Newport News, VA January 22 - 24, 2015 |
Mac Mestayer | "Exclusive limit of string fragmentation" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
2015 JLab Users Group Meeting Newport News, VA June 1 - 3, 2015 |
Will Phelps | "Baryon Antibaryon Photoproduction using CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
The 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP 2015) Sendai, Japan September 7 - 12, 2015 |
Natalie Walford | "Polarization observables in γp->KΛ & KΣ using circularly polarized photons on a polarized" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Hadron2015 Newport News, VA September 13 - 18, 2015 |
Michael Kunkel | "Precise Measurement of the π0 Differential Cross-Section with CLAS and outlook into 12 GeV Hall C" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Michael Kunkel | "Light Meson Decays in CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Raphael Badui | "The Beam-Helicity Asymmetry for γp→pK+K−" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Zulkaida Akbar | "Measurement of cross-sections in π+π- and ω Photo-production and Beam-Helicity Asymmetries using " | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
ELECTRON ION COLLIDER USER GROUP MEETING 2016 Berkeley, CA January 6 - 9, 2016 |
Nikolay Markov | "Single pion electroproduction off protons in the second and third resonance regions with CLAS" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Baryons 2016, International Conference on the Structure of Baryons Tallahassee, FL May 16 - 20, 2016 |
Alexander Ostrovidov | "Meson Spectroscopy of the 3π decay channel in g12 run of CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Gleb Fedotov | "New results on nucleon resonance analysis of the γvp→π+π−p cross sections" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Paul Mattione | "Searching for d* Dibaryons with CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
INT workshop 2016 Seattle, WA November 14 - 18, 2016 |
Philip Cole | "Spectrum and Structure of Excited Nucleons from Exclusive Electroproduction" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
YSTAR2016, Excited Hyperons in QCD Thermodynamics at Freeze-Out Newport News, VA November 16 - 17, 2016 |
Volker Crede | "The Very Strange Spectroscopy Program at Jefferson Lab" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Excited QCD 2017 Sintra, Portugal May 7 - 13, 2017 |
Paul Eugenio | "Photoproduction of Light Exotic and Strange Mesons" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Space-like and time-like electromagnetic baryonic transitions Trento, Italy May 8 - 12, 2017 |
Kyungseon Joo | "Single pion electroproduction off proton in the resonance region with CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
NSTAR 2017, The 11th International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons Columbia, SC August 20 - 23, 2017 |
Evan Phelps | "Response Functions from Exclusive Measurements of ω Meson Electroproduction off the Proton" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Hao Jiang | "Polarization Observables T and F in the γp → π0p Reaction" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
Hadron 2017, XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure Salamanca, Spain September 25 - 29, 2017 |
Nicholas Zachariou | "Study of Initial- and Final-state effects through polarisation Observables" | Contributed | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
APS April Meeting 2018 Columbus, Ohio April 14 - 17, 2018 |
Gleb Fedotov | "The prospect for studying nπ+π0 electroproduction off protons with CLAS12" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Igor Strakovsky | "Polarization Observables from Strangeness Photoproduction on a Frozen Spin Target at Jefferson Lab" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Shankar Adhikari | "Measurement of Polarization Observables for the Λ in the reaction γp→K+Λ" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Utsav Shrestha | "A study of the γp→K+Λ∗ reaction" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
CIPANP 2018, 13th Conf. on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics Palm Springs, CA May 28 - June 3, 2018 |
Shankar Adhikari | "Measurement of Polarization Observables in the Reaction γp→K+Λ" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
The Nature of Hadron Mass and Quark-Gluon Confinement from JLab Experiments in the 12-GeV Era Pohang, Korea July 1 - 4, 2018 |
Igor Strakovsky | "GW Partial Wave Analyses: From Photo- to Electro-production" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
DNP - 5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan Waikoloa, HA October 23 - 28, 2018 |
Alessandra Filippi | "Analysis of the γp → K+π+π-(π-)missp Photoproduction Reaction with CLAS" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Joseph Newton | "J/ψ Photoproduction near threshold with CLAS12" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Kenneth Hicks | "A study of Lambda-Nucleon scattering using the CLAS detector" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Nikolay Markov | "First Measurements of Inclusive Electron Scattering off Protons with CLAS12" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
GHP 2019, 8th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics Denver, Colorado April 10 - 12, 2019 |
Igor Strakovsky | "Non-Strange and Strange Baryon Spectroscopy at GW" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Marco Battaglieri | "Light and heavy quark spectroscopy at EIC" | General | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
American Physical Society April Meeting 2019 Denver, Colorado April 13 - 16, 2019 |
Utsav Shrestha | "Photoproduction of Λ* resonances at CLAS" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
HADRON 2019 Guilin, China August 16 - 21, 2019 |
Stefan Diehl | "Review of light baryon spectroscopy" | General | HS |
 |  | CSC NOT notified |
2019 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics Arlington, VA October 14 - 17, 2019 |
Brandon Clary | "Exclusive 𝜙 Meson Electroproduction with CLAS12" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Kenneth Hicks | "Analysis of 𝛾 p → p 𝜋0𝜋0 Reaction at CLAS*" | Poster | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
2020 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics New Orleans, LA October 29 - November 1, 2020 |
Victor Mokeev | "Beam asymmetry for exclusive 𝜋0p, 𝜋+n electroproduction in the resonance region with the CLAS12" | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |
9th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP) Virtual, USA April 13 - 16, 2021 |
Taya Chetry | "Hunting Dibaryons:
A study of the 𝛾𝑑→ 𝜋+𝜋
-𝑑 reactio" | Contributed | HS |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
APS April Meeting 2021 Virtual, USA April 17 - 20, 2021 |
Chan Kim | "Double Polarization Observable 𝐸 for 𝛾𝑝→𝜋0𝑝 from JLAB " | Contributed | HS |
| | CSC NOT notified |