Conference/Workshop | Speaker | Talk Title | Talk Type | PWG | Slides | Proceedings | Approval Status |
Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Reactions Holderness, NH August 10 - 15, 2014 |
Nicholas Zachariou | "Study of the Hyperon Nucleon Interaction in Exclusive Lambda photoproduction off the deuteron" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Tongtong Cao | "Measurement of Double Polarization Observables Cx and Cz for the Final-State Interactions in γd->KΛn" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
PANIC11 Cambridge, MA July 24 - 29, 2011 |
Gabriel Niculescu | "Sigma Minus Electroproduction on Nuclei Using the CLAS Detector at Jefferson Lab" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Gordon Conference Holderness, NH August 5 - 10, 2012 |
Lamiaa El Fassi | "Search for the Onset of Color Transparency in Rho^0 Electroproduction off Nuclei" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Nicholas Zachariou | "Determination of the Azimuthal Asymmetry of Deuteron Photodisintegration" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
EINN2013 Paphos, Cyprus October 29 - November 2, 2013 |
Mohammad Hattawy | "Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off 4He" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
SESAPS14, 81st Annual Meeting of the APS Southeastern Section Columbia, SC November 12 - 15, 2014 |
Colin Gleason | "Determination of Polarization Transfer Coefficients for Quasi-Free Hyperon Photoproduction off the Bound Neutron" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
MIPEGE doctoral school: PhD Days 2015 Orsay, France May 20 - 21, 2015 |
Mohammad Hattawy | "Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off He-4" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
2016 JLab Users Group Meeting Newport News, VA June 20 - 22, 2016 |
Mariana Khachatryan | "Comparing neutron and proton momentum distributions in 3He" | Poster | NP |
|  | CSC notified |
Particle Physics (GRC),
Pushing the Frontiers of Particle Physics During the LHC Run II Era Hong Kong, China June 25 - 30, 2017 |
Taisiya Mineeva | "Exploring Hadronization Mechanisms in Deep-Inelastic Scattering" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
16th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium Mississippi State, MS February 17 - 18, 2018 |
Lamiaa El Fassi | "Color Transparency Experiment: Motivation and Setup" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
UM–MSU 2018 Joint Physics Research Symposium Oxford, MS April 8 - 9, 2018 |
Lamiaa El Fassi | "Color Transparency Experiment: Motivation and Setup." | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
APS April Meeting 2018 Columbus, Ohio April 14 - 17, 2018 |
Md Latiful Kabir | "CLAS12 Drift Chamber Tracking and Calibration" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
UGM 2018: Annual JLab Users Group Meeting Newport News, VA June 18 - 20, 2018 |
Mariana Khachatryan | "Validation of neutrino energy estimation using electron-scattering data" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Photonuclear Reactions
Gordon Research Conference Holderness, NH August 5 - 10, 2018 |
Md Latiful Kabir | "The search for color transparency through the A(e, e$^prime$p) reaction at 12 GeV" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
American Physical Society April Meeting 2019 Denver, Colorado April 13 - 16, 2019 |
Holly Szumila-Vance | "A new CLAS12 experiment to study exclusive Short Range Correlations
in Nuclei" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
2019 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics Arlington, VA October 14 - 17, 2019 |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Event selection in electron scattering from an unpolarized deuterium target." | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "CLAS12 Drift Chamber Reconstruction Code Validation" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
IOP Joint APP, HEPP and NP Conference 2021 Online, United Kingdom April 12 - 15, 2021 |
Rhidian Williams | "Many Proton Knock-Out From Nuclear Targets Using Real Photon Beams" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
The 12th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors Birmingham, UK September 12 - 17, 2021 |
Raphael Dupre | "ALERT Hyperbolic Drift Chamber" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
STRONG2020 (Second STRONG online Workshop) York, UK September 14 - 16, 2021 |
Rhidian Williams | "Many Proton Knock-Out From Nuclear Targets Using Real Photon Beams" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
2021 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics Boston, MA October 10 - 14, 2021 |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Simulation of Neutron Detection Efficiency in the CLAS12 detector" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Analysis and Validation of Reconstruction Resolution for CLAS12" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
2022 JLUO Annual Meeting Newport News, USA June 13 - 15, 2022 |
Erin Seroka | "Measurements and Simulations of (e,e'n)/(e,e'p) in 3He for High and Low Momentum Nucleons in CLAS6" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society New Orleans, USA June 26 - July 3, 2022 |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Study of Missing Mass Background in the CLAS12 Detector" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Photonuclear Gordon Conference Holderness, NH August 7 - 12, 2022 |
Brandon Tumeo | "Feasibility Study of Lambda d Elastic Scattering in
Data From Photoproduction Off Deuteron" | Poster | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Erin Seroka | "Measurements and Simulations of (e,e'n)/(e,e'p) in 3He for Low and High Momentum Nucleons in CLAS6" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
The 2022 Fall Meeting of the APS DNP (DNP22) New Orleans, Louisiana October 27 - 30, 2022 |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Extracting Neutron Yield From High Mass Background" | Poster | NP |
 | | CSC notified |