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CLAS Speakers Committee Page

The role of the CLAS Speakers Committee (CSC) is to supervise and promote the accurate and broad dissemination of results to the scientific community by talks from members of the CLAS Collaboration. This is an interface to the CSC database, containing conferences and requests for talks. After login, CSC members can use this interface to manage conferences and speaker requests.

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Registered speakers

All future and previous conferences from this calendar year are listed below. For the full list, including past years, click here. CLAS12 talks are highlighted in green.

Conference/WorkshopSpeakerTalk TitleTalk TypePWGSlidesProceedingsApproval Status
High Energy Physics in the LHC Era
Valparaiso, Chile
January 4 - 8, 2010
Eugene Pasyuk"Meson photoproduction with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Mikhail Osipenko"Semi-inclusive production of pions and protons with CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
High Energy Nuclear Physics and QCD
Miami, FL
February 3 - 6, 2010
Hovanes Egiyan"DVCS in Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
Washington, DC
February 13 - 17, 2010
Kawtar Hafidi"Transverse momentum and orbital angular momentum of light quarks in the nucleon"InvitedDP Approved
EIC Workshop on Electron-Nucleon Exclusive Reactions
Rutgers University, NJ
March 14 - 15, 2010
Francois-Xavier Girod"DVCS on the pion cloud"InvitedDP Approved
Michel Guidal"Vector meson production with 6/12 GeV and EIC"Invited Approved
Stepan Stepanyan"Timelike Compton Scattering"InvitedDP Approved
EIC Workshop on Nuclear Chromo-Dynamic Studies with a Future Electron Ion Collider
Argonne, IL
April 7 - 9, 2010
Harut Avakian"Modification of Transverse Momentum Distributions in Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
Lamiaa El Fassi"Color Transparency on ρ Production"InvitedNP Approved
Raphael Dupre"Monte Carlo Tools and Simulations"InvitedNP Approved
Taisiya Mineeva"JLab Data Overview"InvitedNP Approved
William Brooks"Coming Unglued: the Life and Times of Quasi-Free Quarks"InvitedNP Approved
Edinburgh, UK
April 19 - 21, 2010
David Ireland"Hadron Physics - Recent Results and Prospects"Invited Approved
Florence, Italy
April 19 - 23, 2010
Hovanes Egiyan"Hard exclusive processes on helium"GeneralDP Approved
Patrizia Rossi"Transverse spin physics in Hall B"InvitedDP Approved
The 4th Workshop on Exclusive Reactions at High Momentum Transfer
Newport News, VA
May 18 - 21, 2010
Ahmed Fradi"Exclusive Vector Meson Production at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Brahim Moreno"DeltaVCS at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Gerard Gilfoyle"Measuring the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor in CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Kijun Park"Measurement of generalized form factors near the pion threshold in high Q^2 region with CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Maurizio Ungaro"CLAS data and progress in the investigation of electroexcitation of nucleon resonances"InvitedHS Approved
Patrizia Rossi"Studies of TMDs with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Williamsburg, VA
May 31 - June 4, 2010
Daria Sokhan"The present generation of CLAS photoproduction experiments on baryon resonances"InvitedHS Approved
Kenneth Hicks"Electromagnetic production of hyperon resonances"InvitedHS Approved
Patrizia Rossi"Recent results on SIDIS from pion production at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Raffaella De Vita"Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12: the present and the future"InvitedHS Approved
Ralf Gothe"N* resonance form factors and the transition to large momentum transfer"InvitedHS Approved
Reinhard Schumacher"Electromagnetic Strangeness Production"General Approved
Users Group 2010
Newport News, VA
June 7 - 9, 2010
Mac Mestayer"Overview on the Electromagnetic production of open strangeness"InvitedHS Approved
Raffaella De Vita"Low Q tagging and spectroscopy with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Svyatoslav Tkachenko"Results from the BoNuS Experiment"InvitedDP Approved
Yelena Prok"The Spin Structure Program with CLAS – latest results"InvitedDP Approved
Cracow, Poland
June 10 - 15, 2010
Volker Burkert"Recent results and future perspective at CLAS"Invited Approved
Workshop on Transverse Momentum Distributions
Trento, Italy
June 21 - 25, 2010
Sucheta Jawalkar"Using SIDIS asymmetries to get TMDs"InvitedDP Approved
Electron-Nucleus Scattering XI
Elba, Italy
June 21 - 25, 2010
Latifa Elouadrhiri"The Hall B 12 GeV Upgrade"Invited Approved
BEACH 2010 IX International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons
Perugia, Italy
June 21 - 26, 2010
Silvia Niccolai"The physics program of CLAS12"Invited Approved
QCD10 15th International QCD Conference
Montpellier, France
June 28 - July 3, 2010
Derek Glazier"A photon tagging facility for CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Kijun Park"The N* program at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Silvia Pisano"The GPD program at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Second Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities with 12 GeV JLab
Beijing, China
July 28 - 31, 2010
Latifa Elouadrhiri"The GPD program at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Philip Cole"Baryon Resonance Studies with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Reactions
Holderness, NH
August 10 - 15, 2014
Andy Sandorfi"Meson Photo-Production from Polarized Neutrons in HD at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Susan Schadmand"Study of the omega-pi0 transition form factor with CLAS data on gamma + p reactions"PosterHS Approved
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IX
Madrid, Spain
August 30 - September 3, 2010
Marco Battaglieri"Search for Exotica at CLA12"InvitedHS Approved
SIF Congress
Bologna, Italy
September 20 - 24, 2010
Marco Mirazita"Physics perspectives at JLab with 12 GeV beam"Invited Approved
T(r)opical QCD
Cairns, Australia
September 26 - October 2, 2010
Raffaella De Vita"Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12: the present and the future"InvitedHS Approved
Juelich, Germany
September 27 - October 2, 2010
Mher Aghasyan"Studies of Spin-Orbit correlations at JLab"ContributedDP Approved
Dubrovnik, Croatia
October 3 - 8, 2010
Volker Burkert"Meson Production and Baryon Resonances with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Hard Photon and Meson Production
Trento, Italy
October 10 - 15, 2010
Valery Kubarovsky"Deeply virtual π0 electroproduction with CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
The 3rd International Workshop on Nucleon Structure at Large Bjorken x
Newport News, VA
October 13 - 15, 2010
Stephen Bueltmann"Measurement of the neutron structure function via spectator tagging: the BONUS run"InvitedHS Approved
Frascati, Italy
October 18 - 21, 2010
John Price"Implications of a RICH detector for the CLAS12 Cascade Physics Program"InvitedHS Approved
Marco Battaglieri"Hadron spectroscopy with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Mikhail Osipenko"Semi-inclusive kaon electroproduction with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Stepan Stepanyan"CLAS 12 Particle Identification"Invited Approved
Volker Burkert"CLAS12 and its physics program at the JLAB 12 GeV upgrade"Invited Approved
Osaka, Japan
December 7 - 11, 2010
Kenneth Hicks"K* photoproduction at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Patrizia Rossi"TMD flavor decomposition at CLAS12"ContributedDP Approved
Amplitude Analysis in Hadron Spectroscopy
Trento, Italy
January 24 - 28, 2011
Derek Glazier"Partial Wave Analysis in CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Marco Battaglieri"Overview of the CLAS12 spectroscopy physics program"InvitedHS Approved
Raffaella De Vita"Meson Spectroscopy and Partial Wave Analysis with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
NUINT 2011
Deharadun, India
March 7 - 11, 2011
Steven Manly"Inclusive pion electro production from nuclear targets"InvitedNP Approved
IOP Nuclear and Particle Physics Divisional Conference
Glasgow, UK
April 4 - 7, 2011
Derek Glazier"Meson Spectroscopy with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Newport News, VA
April 11 - 15, 2011
Marco Mirazita"Lambda polarization in electroproduction at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Sergio Pereira"Strangeness production in CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Silvia Pisano"Physics Results and Achievements at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"Vector meson and DVCS at Jlab"InvitedDP Approved
Perugia, Italy
April 27 - 29, 2011
Patrizia Rossi"The Jefferson Lab program at 12 GeV"Invited Approved
Newport News, VA
May 17 - 20, 2011
Daniel Carman"Strangeness Electroproduction on the Nucleon at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Ralf Gothe"Challenges of the N* Program"InvitedHS Approved
Victor Mokeev"Transition form factors from meson electroproduction data"InvitedHS Approved
Washington, DC
May 23 - 27, 2011
Eugene Pasyuk"Meson Photoproduction with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Victor Mokeev"N* electrocouplings and Nππ hadronic decay widths from phenomenological analysis of CLAS data"InvitedHS Approved
UGM 2011
Newport News, VA
June 6 - 8, 2011
Alexandre Deur"Small angle GDH"InvitedDP Approved
Munchen, Germany
June 13 - 17, 2011
Eugene Pasyuk"Overview on CLAS baryon results"InvitedHS Approved
Kenneth Hicks"Highlights from the CLAS detector"Invited Approved
Hadron Structure '11
Tatranskį Štrba, Slovak Republic
June 27 - July 1, 2011
Daniel Watts"Spin response of the proton in the resonance region"InvitedHS Approved
Daria Sokhan"The N* program at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Keith Griffioen"Structure functions and transition form factors at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"Hard exclusive processes at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Cambridge, MA
July 24 - 29, 2011
Hyon-Suk Jo"DVCS and meson production at JLab/CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Robert Bennett"First results from the Two-Photon-Exchange experiment at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"Hard exclusive processes at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
3rd Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities in US
Weihai, Sandong
August 8 - 11, 2011
Carlos Salgado"Hadron Spectroscopy Program with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Rutherford Centennial Conference
Manchester, UK
August 8 - 12, 2011
Kenneth Hicks"The search for scalar mesons at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Hall C summer workshop
Newport News, VA
August 19 - 20, 2011
Alexandre Deur"Longitudinal spin structure studies with CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
ERICE 2011
Erice, Italy
September 16 - 24, 2011
Marco Battaglieri"The Jefferson Lab program: from 6 GeV operations to 12 GeV upgrade"Invited Approved
Mauro Taiuti"Transition from factors at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Silvia Niccolai"GPD's with CLS and CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Novosibirsk, Russia
September 19 - 22, 2011
Daniel Watts"Meson spectroscopy at JLAB and JLAB12"InvitedHS Approved
Dubna, Russia
September 20 - 24, 2011
Valery Kubarovsky"Exclusive Electroproduction at Jlab"InvitedDP Approved
PrimeNet 2011
Juelich, Germany
September 26 - 28, 2011
Moskov Amaryan"The Decay of Pseudoscalar Mesons in CLAS at JLAB"InvitedHS Approved
Strange Hadronic Matter
Tranto, Italy
September 26 - 30, 2011
Reinhard Schumacher"Experiments in the Production of Strangeness on the Nucleon"InvitedHS Approved
Marrakech, Morocco
September 26 - 30, 2011
Gerard Gilfoyle"Future Measurements of the Nucleon Elastic Electromagnetic Form Factors at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Latifa Elouadrhiri"CLAS12 and Its Science Program at the Jefferson Lab Upgrade"Invited Approved
Maurik Holtrop"CT measurements in rho electroproduction at CLAS"InvitedNP Approved
Patrizia Rossi"TMD measurements - Future"InvitedDP Approved
Raffaella De Vita"Meson spectroscopy and search for exotics at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Stepan Stepanyan"Time-like Compton Scattering"InvitedDP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"Deeply Virtual pseudo-scalar meson production with CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
5th DAE-BRNS Workshop on Hadron Physics
Mumbai, India
October 31 - November 4, 2011
Yordanka Ilieva"Studies of Baryon Structure and Baryon Interactions at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility"InvitedHS Approved
Pafos, Cyrprus
October 31 - November 4, 2011
Annalisa D'Angelo"Baryon resonances: overview of JLab and GRAAL Results"InvitedHS Approved
Meson Production at Intermediate and High Energies
Messina, Italy
November 10 - 11, 2011
Daniel Watts"Study of N* properties at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Marco Mirazita"Overview of recent results from CLAS"Invited Approved
Short Range Correlations in Nuclei and Hard QCD Phenomena
Trento, Italy
November 14 - 18, 2011
Lawrence Weinstein"“A short introduction to the data mining project “"InvitedNP Approved
Lawrence Weinstein"Measuring relative momenta of SRC: Comparing 3He(e,e’pp) at x>1 and x<1"InvitedNP Approved
Valparaiso, Chile
January 4 - 10, 2012
Victor Mokeev"Nucleon resonance electrocouplings as a window to strong interactions in non-perturbative regime"InvitedHS Approved
INT Workshop on Orbital Angular Momentum in QCD
Seattle, WA
February 6 - 17, 2012
Harut Avakian"DVCS analysis at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Hyperon-Hyperon Interactions and Searches for Exotic Di-Hyperons in Nuclear Collisions
Upton, NY, USA
February 28 - March 2, 2012
Lei Guo"Hypeoron Physics at CLAS"Invited Approved
Bonn, Germany
March 26 - 30, 2012
Daria Sokhan"Vector Meson Production and DVCS at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Keith Griffioen"The CLAS12 Physics Program"Invited Approved
APS April 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
March 31 - April 3, 2012
Volker Crede"Baryon Spectroscopy at Jefferson Lab: What have we learned about excited baryons?"InvitedHS Approved
XII Hadron Physics
Bento Goncalves, Brazil
April 23 - 27, 2012
Volker Crede"Baryon Spectroscopy at Jefferson Lab: What have we learned about excited baryons?"InvitedHS Approved
St.Petersburg, FL
May 28 - June 2, 2012
Carlos Salgado"Hadron Spectroscopy at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Francois-Xavier Girod"DVCS program at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Hyon-Suk Jo"Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Lamiaa El Fassi"Overview of Color Transparency Measurements"InvitedNP Approved
Raphael Dupre"Hadronization measurements in cold nuclear matter"InvitedNP Approved
Stephen Bueltmann"The Neutron Structure Function from BoNuS"InvitedDP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"DVMP program at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Krakow, Poland
May 29 - 30, 2012
Moskov Amaryan"Photoproduction and Decay of pseudoscalar mesons in CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Meson 2012
Krakow, Poland
May 31 - June 5, 2012
Volker Burkert"Excited nucleons and their structure in meson production experiment with CLAS"Invited Approved
Annual User Workshop
Newport News, VA
June 4 - 6, 2012
Hovanes Egiyan"Recent CLAS Results on Physics of Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
Ralf Gothe"Hadron Spectroscopy"InvitedHS Approved
Robert Bennett"Beyond the Born Approximation Measuring the Two Photon Exchange Correction at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Varenna, Italy
June 11 - 15, 2012
Daniel Watts"Strangeness production with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Camogli, Italy
June 20 - 22, 2012
Paul Eugenio"Search for Exotic Mesons in Photoproduction at JLAB CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Elba XII
Marciana Marina (Elba), Italy
June 25 - 29, 2012
Annalisa DAngelo"Baryon spectroscopy with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Keith Griffioen"The Neutron Structure Functions (BoNuS)"InvitedDP Approved
Marco Battaglieri"Meson spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Marco Contalbrigo"The TMD experimental program"General Approved
Silvia Niccolai"The GPD Experimental Program"InvitedDP Approved
XLI PANDA Collaboration Meeting
Chicago, US
June 25 - 29, 2012
Stepan Stepanyan"The CLAS12 physics program"Invited Approved
Beijing, China
July 2 - 20, 2012
Raffaella De Vita"Meson Spectroscopy Experiments"InvitedHS Approved
Volker Burkert"Electromagnetic meson production and nucleon resonances"InvitedHS Approved
Volker Burkert"Nucleon Spin Experiments"InvitedDP Approved
Gatchina, Russia
July 4 - 8, 2012
Daniel Watts"Meson spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Experimental and theoretical aspects of the proton form factors
S. Petersburg, Russia
July 9 - 11, 2012
Robert Bennett"Measuring the Two Photon Exchange Effect at CLAS: Radiative Corrections"InvitedDP Approved
Williamburg, VA
July 23 - 28, 2012
Taisiya Mineeva"Pion electroproduction at CLAS and other JLab measurements"InvitedNP Approved
BEACH 2012
Whicita, Kansas
July 23 - 28, 2012
Eugene Pasyuk"Hyperon physics with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Philip Cole"The physics program of CLAS12"Invited Approved
Gordon Conference
Holderness, NH
August 5 - 10, 2012
Sebastian Kuhn"Longitudinal quark structure of the neutron"InvitedDP Approved
Yordanka Ilieva"New Results on Hard Photo-disintegration"InvitedNP Approved
The 7th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics
Newport News, VA
August 6 - 10, 2012
Yordanka Ilieva"Photodisintegration of light nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
Columbia, SC
August 13 - 15, 2012
Kijun Park"Measurement of the generalized form factors near pion-threshold at high Q2."InvitedDP Approved
Fukuoka, Japan
August 20 - 25, 2012
Yordanka Ilieva"Talk on recent results from CLAS in the session of Few-Hadron Systems and Their Interactions"InvitedNP Approved
Diffraction 2012
Lanzarote, Spain
September 10 - 15, 2012
Yelena Prok"Overview of Spin Structure Program at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
ENPC 2012
Bucharest, Romania
September 17 - 21, 2012
Douglas MacGregor"Experimental Hadron and Nuclear Physics carried out by the Glasgow Nuclear Physics group"General Approved
Dubna, Russia
September 17 - 22, 2012
Luciano Pappalardo"The TMD program at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Sebastien Procureur"Physics Results and Achievements at CLAS"Invited Approved
William John Briscoe"Double-Polarization Experiments at JLab with FROST and HD-ice"InvitedHS Approved
EMIN-2012 XIII International Seminar on Electromagnetic Interactions of Nuclei
Moscow, Russia
September 20 - 23, 2012
Eugene Pasyuk"Meson photoproduction and nucleon resonances"InvitedHS Approved
Barcelona, Spain
October 1 - 5, 2012
Andy Sandorfi"HDIce program at Jlab: hyperon photoproduction"InvitedHS Approved
Quark Confinement Xth
Munich, Germany
October 8 - 12, 2012
Volker Crede"Baryon Spectroscopy at Jefferson Laboratory, ELSA, and MAMI"General Approved
Strong and Electromagnetic Interactions in High Energy Collisions
Messina, Italy
October 12 - 13, 2012
Andrea Celentano"Meson spectroscopy at JLab @12 GeV"InvitedHS Approved
QCD n'12
Bilbao, Spain
October 22 - 26, 2012
Harut Avakian"Studies of 3D partonic distributions at Hall-B"InvitedDP Approved
Hyon-Suk Jo"Constraining GPDs at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
Fall DNP Meeting
Long Beach, CA
October 24 - 27, 2012
Lawrence Weinstein"Resolving the Proton Form Factor Problem with Positron-Proton Scattering"InvitedDP Approved
The Proton Radius Puzzle
Trento, Italy
October 29 - November 2, 2012
Brian Raue"Hall B 2-gamma experiment"InvitedDP Approved
New Hadron 2012
Busan, South Korea
November 18 - 21, 2012
Lei Guo"Production of the Strangest Baryons on the Proton with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Pawel Nadel-Turonski"Plans to measure J/ψ photoproduction and TCS on the proton at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Stuart Fegan"The CLAS12 Program at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Excited QCD 2013
Sarajevo, Bosnia
February 4 - January 11, 2013
Andrea Celentano"Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
PWA Tools in Hadron Spectroscopy
Mainz, Germany
February 18 - 20, 2013
Ralf Gothe"Experimental Studies of the N* Structure with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
CB@MAMI Collaboration Meeting
Pavia, Italy
February 21 - 22, 2013
Stuart Fegan"Recent Results in Meson Photoproduction from the N* Program at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
IoP Nuclear Physics Conference
York, UK
April 7 - 10, 2013
Daria Sokhan"Neutrons in a Spin -- Nucleon Structure at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Denver, CO
April 10 - 12, 2013
Dasuni Adikaram"The CLAS Two Photon Exchange Experiment"InvitedDP Approved
Diane Schott"Meson spectroscopy with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Diane Schott"Meson Spectroscopy with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Kijun Park"An update on Transition Form Factors"InvitedHS Approved
Kijun Park"An update on Transition Form Factors"InvitedHS Approved
Philip Cole"Electroproduction and transition form factors - on the road to a baryon spectrum."InvitedHS Approved
APS 2013
Denver, CO
April 13 - 16, 2013
Victor Mokeev"$gamma_{v}NN^*$ Transition Amplitudes and Excited Baryon Structure from CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Kloster Seeon, Germany
May 21 - 24, 2013
Dennis Weygand"Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Franz J. Klein"Baryon spectroscopy with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Peniscola, Spain
May 27 - 30, 2013
Eugene Pasyuk"Status of meson photoproduction experiments with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Eugene Pasyuk"Status of meson photoproduction experiments with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Natalie Walford"Preliminary Results of Polarization Observables for KLambda Photoproduction from the Proton"InvitedHS Approved
Ralf Gothe"Transition Form Factors: A unique Opportunity to Connect Non-Perturbative Strong Interaction to QCD"InvitedHS Approved
Victor Mokeev"Studies of N* structure from the CLAS meson electroproduction data"InvitedHS Approved
Annual JLab User Meeting
Newport News, VA
May 29 - 31, 2013
Francois-Xavier Girod"Nucleon Structure studies with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Taisiya Mineeva"Hadronization in semi-inclusive pion electroproduction off nuclear targets"InvitedNP Approved
INPC 2013
Florence, Italy
June 2 - 7, 2013
Francois-Xavier Girod"Nucleon structure through GPD"InvitedDP Approved
International Workshop on the Structure of Nucleons and Nuclei
Como, Italy
June 10 - 14, 2013
Sergio Pereira"Dihadron production at JLab"InvitedDP Approved
Baryons 2013
Glasgow, Great Britain
June 24 - 28, 2013
Stepan Stepanyan"Beyond the Born approximation: Resolving the proton form factor puzzle with positrons at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Volker Crede"Understanding Excited Baryon Resonances: Results from CLAS and CBELSA/TAPS"InvitedHS Approved
16th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics
Moscow, Russia
August 22 - 28, 2013
Victor Mokeev"Excited nucleon state structure from meson electroproduction with CLAS at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Roma, Italy
September 9 - 12, 2013
Daniel Watts"Highlights form the CLAS physics at 6 GeV"InvitedHS Approved
Stuart Fegan"Meson spectroscopy at JLab at 12 GeV"InvitedHS Approved
Camogli, Italy
September 23 - 27, 2013
Dennis Weygand"Meson Spectroscopy Through Partial Wave Analysis at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Marco Battaglieri"Hadron spectroscopy with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Philip Cole"Strange and vector meson photoproduction analysis highlights from ISU."InvitedHS Approved
Raffaella De Vita"Partial Wave Analysis of two pion final state at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
MENU 2013
Roma, Italya
September 30 - October 4, 2013
Andrea Celentano"The Forward Tagger Facility for low-Q2 experiments with CLAS12 at Jefferso Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Barry Ritchie"Latest Results from FROST at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Brian Raue"Results from the CLAS Two Photon Exchange Experiment"Invited Approved
David Ireland"Kaon Production on the Nucleon"InvitedHS Approved
Diane Schott"Search for exotic mesons in eta-pi final state"InvitedHS Approved
Latifa Elouadrhiri"The CLAS12 experiment at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
Luciano Pappalardo"The RICH detector for CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Marco Ripani"Studies of N* Structure from the CLAS Meson Electroproduction Data"InvitedHS Approved
Silvia Niccolai"The DVCS program at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Silvia Pisano"Di-hadron SIDIS measurements at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
LHPMF 2013
Messina, Italy
October 13 - 15, 2013
Marco Battaglieri"Meson spectroscopy at JLab"InvitedHS Approved
Strangeness in the Universe
Trento, Italy
October 21 - 25, 2013
Daniel Carman"The CLAS Strangeness Physics Program"InvitedHS Approved
DNP 2013
Newport News, VA
October 23 - 26, 2013
Kijun Park"Cross section measurement of the exclusive single pion electroproduction for Q2<5 GeV$2 from CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Ralf Gothe"Baryon Structure and Spectroscopy at 6 and 12"InvitedHS Approved
Steffen Strauch"Polarization Observables in the γp → π+π−p Reaction from FROST"InvitedHS Approved
Victor Mokeev"New results in the studies of the high-lying nucleon resonances from the CLAS data on pi^+pi^"ContributedHS Approved
Paphos, Cyprus
October 29 - November 2, 2013
Annalisa DAngelo"Baryon Spectroscopy: Overview"InvitedHS Approved
Hadron 2013
Nara, Japan
November 4 - 8, 2013
Kenneth Hicks"The Physics program of CLAS"Invited Approved
Latifa Elouadrhiri"The CLAS12 physics program"Invited Approved
Frascati, Italy
November 11 - 13, 2013
Raffaella De Vita"Search for exotic mesons at CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
X Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications
Montevideo, Uruguay
December 1 - 6, 2013
Marco Battaglieri"Hadron spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Indian-Illinois FF WSP 2013
Bloomington, US
December 12 - 14, 2013
Silvia Pisano"The SIDIS program at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Hirschegg 2014
Hirschegg, Germany
January 12 - 18, 2014
Volker Burkert"Baryon spectroscopy und nucleon structure results from JLAB"Invited Approved
APS Meeting in Savannah, Georgia
Savannah, Georgia
April 5 - 8, 2014
Silvia Niccolai"Experimental studies of Generalized Parton Distributions"Invited Approved
Volker Burkert"What Nucleons Resonances Teach Us About the Nucleon Structure"Invited Approved
Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics APFB 2014
Hahndorf, Australia
April 7 - 11, 2014
Andrey Kim"BONUS Experiment at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Hadron Physics Symposium at Nagoya University
Nagoy, Japan
April 17 - 20, 2014
Kenneth Hicks"Selected Results on Hadron Physics from CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Kraków, Poland
May 29 - June 3, 2014
Diane Schott"CLAS Results on Meson Spectroscopy"InvitedHS Approved
Jefferson Lab Users Group Meeting
Newport News, USA
June 19 - 21, 2017
Annalisa DAngelo"N* Spectrum and Structure and Search for Hybrid Baryons"InvitedHS Approved
Latifa Elouadrhiri"CLAS12 Project Status and Science Program"Invited Approved
Priyashree Roy"Polarization Observables in Vector Meson Photoproduction from the FROST Experiment using CLAS at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Marciana Marina, Italy
June 23 - 27, 2014
Brian Raue"Two-photon exchange effects in e+/e- elastic scattering"InvitedDP Approved
ECT* Workshop: Exciting Baryons: Design and Analysis of Complete Experiments for Meson Photoproduction
Trento, Italy
June 30 - July 4, 2014
Daniel Carman"Exclusive KY Electroproduction with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Eugene Pasyuk"Photo-production of strange meson with polarized photons and targets"InvitedHS Approved
Volker Burkert"Status of meson photo-production experiments with all possible degrees of polarization"InvitedHS Approved
Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities in US
Lanzhou, China
July 21 - 24, 2014
Gerard Gilfoyle"Future Measurements of the Nucleon Elastic Electromagnetic Form Factors at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
PANIC: 20th Particles and Nuclei International Conference
Hamburg, Germany
August 25 - March 29, 2014
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XI
St. Petersburg, Russia
September 8 - 12, 2014
Marco Battaglieri"Hadron Spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Reinhard Schumacher"Electromagnetic Strangeness Production at JLab Energies"InvitedHS Approved
Messina, Italy
September 24 - 26, 2014
Alessandra Filippi"The meson spectroscopy program at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Annalisa DAngelo"The baryon spectroscopy program at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Huelva, Spain
September 30 - October 5, 2014
Victor Mokeev"Studies of nucleon resonance structure in exclusive meson electroproduction with the CLAS detector"InvitedHS Approved
Waikaloa, HI
October 7 - 11, 2014
Diane Schott"Hadron Spectroscopy: Providing the link between experiment and theory in the intermediate energy region at JLAB"InvitedHS Approved
Latifa Elouadrhiri"DVCS and 3D imaging"InvitedDP Approved
Reinhard Schumacher"Electromagnetic Strangeness Production at GeV Energies"InvitedHS Approved
Silvia Pisano"3D imaging of the nucleon with JLab experiments"InvitedDP Approved
SPIN 2014
Beijing, China
October 20 - 24, 2014
Andy Sandorfi"Unraveling Excitations of the Nucleon – Meson Photo-production from Polarized neutrons in HD at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Eugene Pasyuk"Double polarisation experiments in meson photoproduction at JLab"InvitedHS Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"Deeply&Virtual&&Meson& Production&at&Jefferson&Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Achievements and Perspectives in Low-Energy QCD with Strangeness
Trento, Italy
October 27 - 31, 2014
Alessandra Filippi"Lambda(1405) production in electromagnetic processes at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Catania, Italia
November 3 - 7, 2014
Kei Moriya"Production of Resonances Using CLAS at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Marco Battaglieri"Exotic resonances at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Frascati, Italy
November 17 - 21, 2014
Ioana Niculescu"Quark Hadron Duality Studies on the Neutron and Longitudinal Structure Functions Results from Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
Keith Griffioen"Spectator Tagging and the BoNuS Experiment"InvitedDP Approved
Silvia Niccolai"Recent results on DVCS from Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Future Directions in Spectroscopy Analysis
Newport News, VA, USA
November 18 - 20, 2014
Alessandra Filippi"Study of KKbarPi and strangeonia states in the (1-3) GeV mass range"InvitedHS Approved
Annalisa DAngelo"Data analysis techniques in meson photoproduction"Invited Approved
Marco Battaglieri"The HASPECT (HAdron SPEctroscopy CenTer) activity and CLAS12"Invited Approved
Victor Mokeev"N* electrocouplings and pi Delta, rho p decay widths from pi^+pi^p electroproduction with the CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
LI PANDA Collaboration Meeting
Juelich, Germany
December 9 - 12, 2014
David Ireland"CLAS and JLab/PANDA Collaboration"InvitedHS Approved
EMP - Exclusive Meson Production and Short-Range Hadron Structure
Newport News, VA
January 22 - 24, 2015
Andrey Kim"Polarized observables from Deeply Virtual pi0 and eta0 Production with CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Brice Garillon"Cross sections for ep → epf0/f2"InvitedDP Approved
Francois-Xavier Girod"Exclusive phi and gluonic structure"InvitedDP Approved
CLAS12 European Workshop
Catania, Italy
February 17 - 20, 2015
Angela Biselli"Overview of eg1-dvcs results"InvitedDP Approved
Daniel Carman"N* physics using strangeness at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Harut Avakian"Extraction of TMDs from SIDIS data"InvitedDP Approved
Harut Avakian"Present and Future of Polarized Target Experiment at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Marco Battaglieri"Meson spectroscopy with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Natalie Walford"Polarization observables T and F in K+Λ and K+Σ0 from FROST data"InvitedHS Approved
Or Hen"Momentum sharing in imbalanced Fermi systems"InvitedNP Approved
Silvia Niccolai"Proton DVCS"InvitedDP Approved
Silvia Pisano"Study of the nucleon structure at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
QNP2015 - 7th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics
Valparaiso, Chile
March 2 - 6, 2015
Francois-Xavier Girod"Generalized Parton Distribution studies with CLAS at 6 and 12 GeV"InvitedDP Approved
Hyon-Suk Jo"Deeply virtual Compton scattering cross sections with CLAS and generalized parton distributions"InvitedDP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"Deeply pseudoscalar meson production and Generalized Transversity Distributions"InvitedDP Approved
High Energy Nuclear Physics with Spectator Tagging
Norfolk, VA
March 9 - 11, 2015
Barak Schmookler"The ‘Tagged’ EMC Effect"InvitedNP Approved
Excited QCD 2015
Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia
March 9 - 13, 2015
Derek Glazier"Meson Spectroscopy with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Institute of Physics Particle, Astroparticle, and Nuclear Physics groups Conference 2015
Manchester, UK
March 30 - April 2, 2015
Daria Sokhan"Quarks in confinement: mapping the nucleon through electron scattering"Invited Approved
6th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics
Baltimore, MD
April 8 - 10, 2015
Dasuni Adikaram"Towards a resolution of the proton form factor problem: new electron and positron scattering data"InvitedDP Approved
Diane Schott"Hadron Spectroscopy: Providing the link between experiment and theory in the intermediate energy region at JLAB"InvitedHS Approved
Michael Kunkel"Light Meson Decays from Photon-Induced Reactions with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Ralf Gothe"Nucleon Resonances and their Structure"Invited Approved
APS April Meeting
Baltimore, MD
April 11 - 14, 2015
Reinhard Schumacher"Photoproduction of Structure in the $dpi$ System Near the $NDelta$ mass: Sign of a Quasi-Bound State?"InvitedHS Approved
Washington, DC
April 13 - 17, 2015
Andrea Celentano"Application of the Veneziano model to the light meson decays"InvitedHS Approved
Lei Guo"Excited Hyperons at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Marco Battaglieri"The MesonEx program at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Moskov Amaryan"Meson Spectroscopy with CLAS6 and CLAS12"Invited Approved
Victor Mokeev"Resonance Parameters from $pi^+pi^-p$ Photo- and Electroproduction"InvitedHS Approved
First Italian Workshop on Hadron Physics and Non-Perturbative QCD (NPQCD 2015)
Cortona, Italy
April 20 - 22, 2015
Silvia Pisano"GPDs in experiments"InvitedDP Approved
5th International Workshops on Non Perturbative Aspects of Quantum Field Theories (WNPAFT 2015)
Morelia, Mexico
May 4 - 8, 2015
Ralf Gothe"Nucleon Resonances, their Structure, and Non-Perturbative QCD"InvitedHS Approved
The International Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy (IWHSS-15)
Suzdal, Russia
May 18 - 20, 2015
Aram Movsisyan"Recent results from CLAS and CLAS-12 future plans"InvitedDP Approved
Steffen Strauch"Baryon Spectroscopy with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
The 21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB21)
Chicago, IL
May 18 - 22, 2015
Victor Mokeev"Studies of excited nucleon state structure with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
CIPANP2015 - Conference on the Intersetions of Particle and Nuclear Physics
Vail, CO
May 19 - 24, 2015
Angela Biselli"Results on deeply virtual Compton scattering at Jefferson Laboratory."InvitedDP Approved
Sebastian Kuhn"Modifications of Nucleons in Nuclei"Invited Approved
Steffen Strauch"Baryon Spectroscopy with Polarization Observables from CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Volker Burkert"Results and Experimental program for the nucleon transition form factors at JLab"InvitedHS Approved
Osaka, Japan
May 25 - 28, 2015
David Ireland"Photoproduction for N* physics with complete experiments from CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Lei Guo"Excited Hyperons at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Ralf Gothe"Nucleon Electroexcitation and Baryon Structure with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
2015 JLab Users Group Meeting
Newport News, VA
June 1 - 3, 2015
Angela Biselli"What Have we Learned from DVCS Experiments at 6 GeV about Nucleon Structure"InvitedDP Approved
Reinhard Schumacher"Hyperon Photoproduction: What has been Learned at Jefferson Lab?"Invited Approved
New Directions in Nuclear Deep Inelastic Scattering
ECT* in Trento, Italia
June 8 - 12, 2015
Mohammad Hattawy"Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off He-4"InvitedNP Approved
Sebastian Kuhn"The Polarized EMC Effect"Invited Approved
NuFact15 : XVII International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Future Neutrino Facilities
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
August 10 - 15, 2015
Gail Dodge"The BONuS Experiment: New Results and Future Plans"InvitedNP Approved
Groningen, The Netherlands
August 31 - September 4, 2015
Silvia Niccolai"Experimental studies of Generalized Parton Distributions"InvitedDP Approved
The 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP 2015)
Sendai, Japan
September 7 - 12, 2015
Kenneth Hicks"An update on a search for the pentaquark at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Newport News, VA
September 13 - 18, 2015
Daniel Carman"Excited Baryon Structure Using Exclusive Reactions with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
David Ireland"Baryon spectroscopy from JLab"InvitedHS Approved
Derek Glazier"Analysis Tools for MesonEx at CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Light Cone 2015
Frascati, Italy
September 21 - 25, 2015
Raffaella De Vita"The hadron spectroscropy program at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Silvia Pisano"OAM measurements from DVCS at JLab"InvitedDP Approved
Pacific Spin 2015
Taipei, Taiwan
October 5 - 8, 2015
Silvia Pisano"Studies of nucleon GPD properties at JLAB"InvitedDP Approved
XIV International Seminar on Electromagnetic Interactions of Nuclei. (EMIN-2015)
Moscow, Russia
October 5 - 8, 2015
Eugene Isupov"Two Pion Electroproduction at Large Virtualities"InvitedHS Approved
Eugene Pasyuk"Complete Experiment in Kaon Photoproduction"InvitedHS Approved
Evgeny Golovach"New results on N* parameters from reactions of two pion photo and electroproduction off proton"InvitedHS Approved
Ralf Gothe"Nucleon Electroexcitation Physics with CLAS12"Invited Approved
Nucleon Resonances: From Photoproduction to High Photon Virtualities
Trento, Italy
October 12 - 16, 2015
Annalisa DAngelo"From Complete Photoproduction Reactions to Electroproduction of N* Resonances"InvitedHS Approved
Daniel Carman"Nucleon Structure Studies Via Exclusive KY Electroproduction"Invited Approved
Steffen Strauch"Baryon spectroscopy with polarization observables from CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Victor Mokeev"Updates on the Studies of N* Structure with CLAS and the Prospects with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
EINN2015, 11th European Research Conference on Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei
Paphos, Cyprus
November 3 - 7, 2015
Marco Contalbrigo"Hall B nucleon spin physics results"InvitedDP Approved
Nathan Baltzell"He-4 DVCS at CLAS"InvitedNP Approved
Raffaella De Vita"Meson spectroscopy at JLab/Hall-B"InvitedHS Approved
Silvia Niccolai"Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering: results and future perspectives"Invited Approved
10th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the Few-GeV Region (NuInt15)
Osaka, Japan
November 16 - 21, 2015
Hyupwoo Lee"Single charged pion production in eA at CLAS"InvitedNP Approved
The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society (SESAPS)
Mobile, Alabama
November 18 - 21, 2015
Andrey Kim"Studies of the 3D structure of the proton at JLab"InvitedDP Approved
The 11th Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications
Medellķn, Colombia
November 30 - December 4, 2015
Philip Cole"What nucleon resonances teach us about the nucleon structure"Invited Approved
KL2016, Physics with Neutral Kaon Beam at JLab Workshop
Newport News, VA
February 1 - 3, 2016
Reinhard Schumacher"Strangeness Physics at CLAS in the 6 GeV Era"InvitedHS Approved
Next-Generation Nuclear Physics with JLab12 and EIC
Miami, Florida
February 10 - 13, 2016
Lamiaa El Fassi"Hadronization with 12 GeV"InvitedNP Approved
Sebastian Kuhn"Neutron structure with BoNuS"InvitedNP Approved
Excited QCD 2016
Costa da Caparica, Portugal
March 6 - 12, 2016
Priyashree Roy"Recent Progress in the Understanding of the Baryon Spectrum"InvitedHS Approved
Partons Transverse Momentum Distributions at Large x: A Window into Partons Dynamics in Nucleon Structure within QCD
Trento, Italy
April 11 - 15, 2016
Marco Contalbrigo"JLab CLAS12 TMDs Program"InvitedDP Approved
DIS 2016
Hamburg, Germany
April 11 - 15, 2016
Silvia Niccolai"Experimental overview of DVCS and Generalized Parton Distributions at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
APS April Meeting 2016
Salt Lake City, UT
April 16 - 19, 2016
Andrey Kim"Studies of chiral-odd GPDs using pseudoscalar meson production at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Probing transverse nucleon structure at high momentum transfer
April 18 - 22, 2016
Gerard Gilfoyle"Future Measurements of the Nucleon Elastic Electromagnetic Form Factors at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
Nuclear Photoproduction with GlueX
Newport News, VA
April 28 - 29, 2016
Eugene Pasyuk"Meson photoproduction with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Yordanka Ilieva"Deuteron Photodisintegration with CLAS"InvitedNP Approved
Many manifestations of nonperturbative QCD (under the Southern Cross)
Ilhabela, Sćo Paulo, Brazil
May 1 - 7, 2016
Ralf Gothe"Nucleon Excitations and their Structure - a Gateway to Non-Perturbative QCD"Invited Approved
Baryons 2016, International Conference on the Structure of Baryons
Tallahassee, FL
May 16 - 20, 2016
Bryan McKinnon"Photoproduction of Hyperons with Linear Polarised Photons at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Gabriel Niculescu"The Structure of the Neutron and the BoNuS Experiment"InvitedNP Approved
Krishna Adhikari"New results on spin structure functions at very low momentum transfers from Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Ralf Gothe"Electroproduction of Nucleon Resonances"Invited Approved
MESON 2016, 14th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction
Krakow, Poland
June 2 - 7, 2016
Latifa Elouadrhiri"CLAS12,science program status and plans"Invited Approved
Michael Kunkel"Light Meson Decays in CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
2016 JLab Users Group Meeting
Newport News, VA
June 20 - 22, 2016
Bryan McKinnon"Photoproduction of Hyperons with Linearly Polarized Photons at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Mohammad Hattawy"DVCS off He-4: Updated analysis and future perspective"InvitedNP Approved
Lepton-Nucleus Scattering XIV
Marciana Marina, Italy
June 27 - July 1, 2016
Raffaella De Vita"Hadron spectroscopy in the light quark sector"InvitedHS Approved
QCD 16, 19th High-Energy Physics International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
Montpellier, France
July 4 - 8, 2016
Michel Guidal"Generalized Parton Distributions of the Nucleon"InvitedDP Approved
Raphael Dupre"Toward a 3D Tomography of Partons in Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
QCD-N'16, 4th Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon
Getxo, Spain
July 11 - 15, 2016
Silvia Pisano"TMD measurements at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
MENU 2016, 14th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon
Kyoto, Japan
July 25 - 29, 2016
Raffaella De Vita"The CLAS12 physics program"Invited Approved
Ralf Gothe"Nucleon Resonances and their Structure"Invited Approved
Gordon Research Conference Photonuclear Reactions
Holderness, NH
August 7 - 12, 2016
Alessandra Filippi"Hadron Spectroscopy at CLAS in Conjunction with JPARC"InvitedHS Approved
23rd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
Aarhus, Denmark
August 8 - 12, 2016
Nicholas Zachariou"Study of the Few Nucleon Systems at CLAS"InvitedNP Approved
INPC 2016, International Nuclear Physics Conference
Adelaide, Australia
September 11 - 16, 2016
David Ireland"N* Physics With Meson Photoproduction"InvitedHS Approved
Philip Cole"Electroproduction And Transition Form Factors - On The Road To A Baryon Spectrum"InvitedHS Approved
Silvia Niccolai"Experimental studies of hadron structure via Generalized Parton Distributions"Invited Approved
XXIII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems "Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodyna
Dubna, Russia
September 19 - 24, 2016
Evgeny Golovach"New states of hadronic matter from the data on exclusive meson production with the CLAS/CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
SPIN2016, 22nd International Symposium on Spin Physics
Urbana-Champaign, IL
September 25 - 30, 2016
Steffen Strauch"Baryon Spectroscopy with Polarized Photoproduction Observables from CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Stepan Stepanyan"Nucleon and Nuclear structure studies in electroproduction with CLAS at JLAB"Invited Approved
Volker Burkert"Physics at CEBAF with 12 GeV Electron Beams"Invited Approved
Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy
Durham, United Kingdom
April 19 - 21, 2023
Nicholas Zachariou"Shining light on strangeness"InvitedHS Approved
Nonperturbative QCD 2016
Sevilla, Spain
October 17 - 21, 2016
Ralf Gothe"Baryon Structure - Accessing the Transition Region from NPQCD to PQCD"Invited Approved
ECT* 2016, Nucleon and Nuclear structure through dilepton production
Trento, Italy
October 24 - 28, 2016
Nathan Baltzell"CLAS12 DDVCS"InvitedNP Approved
INT workshop 2016
Seattle, WA
November 14 - 18, 2016
Annalisa DAngelo"Nucleon resonance spectrum from exclusive meson photo/electroproduction"InvitedHS Approved
Kijun Park"Extracting Resonance Parameters from Measurements of the Exclusive Single-Pion Electroproduction off the Proton at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
3D Parton Distributions: Path to the LHC
Frascati, Italy
November 29 - December 2, 2016
Michael Paolone"Vector Meson Production Near Threshold at JLAB12"InvitedNP Approved
61st DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics
Kolkata, India
December 5 - 9, 2016
Yordanka Ilieva"Studies of Baryon Structure and Baryon Interactions at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility"InvitedNP Approved
GHP2017, 7th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics
Washington, DC
February 1 - 3, 2017
Daniel Lersch"Investigation of the Hadronic Decay eta->pi+pi-pi0 with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
PWA9/ATHOS4, Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy
Bad Honnef, Germany
March 13 - 17, 2017
Ralf Gothe"Electroexcitation of Nucleon Resonances: Status and Future"Invited Approved
DIS17, 25th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Topics
Birmingham, United Kingdom
April 3 - 7, 2017
Daria Sokhan"Nucleon tomography through Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering"InvitedDP Approved
Sixth International Workshop on Non-Perturbative Aspects of Quantum Field Theories
Tuxtla Gutiérrez, México
April 24 - 28, 2017
Daria Sokhan"Quarks in the spot-light: Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Ralf Gothe"N* Structure of Free and Quasi-Free Electroexcited Nucleons"Invited Approved
Space-like and time-like electromagnetic baryonic transitions
Trento, Italy
May 8 - 12, 2017
Annalisa DAngelo"Search for Hybrid Baryos at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Ralf Gothe"Nucleon Resonance Electroexcitations off Free and Quasi-Free Nucleons"Invited Approved
Nucleon and Resonance Structure with Hard Exclusive Processes
Orsay, France
May 29 - 31, 2017
Latifa Elouadrhiri"DVCS with CLAS and CLAS12"Invited Approved
Philip Cole"Electroproduction and Transition Form Factors: on the Road towards Understanding Baryon Structure"Invited Approved
Stepan Stepanyan"Coherent and incoherent DVCS and pi0 production on 4He with CLAS"InvitedNP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"Tomographic Transversity Distributions and Deeply Exclusive Meson Production"Invited Approved
PhiPsi 2017, International Workshop on e+e- collisions from Phi to Psi 2017
Mainz, Germany
June 26 - 29, 2017
Susan Schadmand"Measurements of meson decays and meson transition form factors at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
International workshop on (e,e’p) processes
Bled, Slovenia
July 2 - 6, 2017
Sebastian Kuhn"Spectator-Tagged Structure Functions with CLAS/CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
QCD Downunder 2017
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
July 10 - 14, 2017
Ralf Gothe"QCD where it Matters"InvitedHS Approved
Quarks in Beijing and Virginia: A Workshop on Common Topics
Beijing, China
August 17 - 19, 2017
Derek Glazier"HASPECT : collaborating with experimentalists and theorists"InvitedHS Approved
ICNFP 2017, 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics
Crete, Greece
August 17 - 26, 2017
Raffaella De Vita"Exotic Hadrons at CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
NSTAR 2017, The 11th International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons
Columbia, SC
August 20 - 23, 2017
Andy Sandorfi"New Results on gamma d -> p pi-(n) with HDice"InvitedHS Approved
Annalisa DAngelo"Hybrid Baryon Search at CLAS12"Invited Approved
Daniel Carman"CLAS N* Excitation Results from Pion and Kaon Electroproduction"InvitedHS Approved
Eugene Pasyuk"Advances in N* spectroscopy from Exclusive Photoproduction at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Francois-Xavier Girod"Unraveling confinement forces with DVCS"Invited Approved
Kijun Park"Extracting Resonance Parameters from Exclusive Electroproduction off Protons at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Latifa Elouadrhiri"Confinement in N* and DIS Physic"InvitedDP Approved
Robert Fersch"Measurements of the Nucleon Spin-Structure Functions in and above the Resonance Region from the Hall-B EG1 experiment"InvitedDP Approved
Victor Mokeev"Nucleon resonance structure from exclusive meson electroproductionwith CLAS"Invited Approved
Volker Crede"Understanding the Spectrum of Excited Nucleons using CLAS at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
INT Program INT-17-3: Spatial and Momentum Tomography of Hadrons and Nuclei
Seattle, WA, USA
August 28 - September 29, 2017
Silvia Niccolai"DVCS and DVMP: results from CLAS and the experimental program of CLAS12"Invited Approved
Hadronic Physics with Lepton and Hadron Beams
Newport News, VA
September 5 - 8, 2017
Lei Guo"Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Victor Mokeev"Electrocouplings with CLAS and Prospects for CLAS12"Invited Approved
Dubna, Russia
September 11 - 15, 2017
Gavin Murdoch"Pi^- Electroproduction from the Neutron at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Nicholas Zachariou"Polarisation Observables in Few Nucleon Systems with CLAS"InvitedNP Approved
Hadron 2017, XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure
Salamanca, Spain
September 25 - 29, 2017
Kenneth Hicks"Recent results from CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Raphael Dupre"Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off 4 He: Toward the 3D Tomography of the Atomic Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
3rd Resonance Workshop in Bergamo
Bergamo, Italy
October 10 - 13, 2017
Marco Battaglieri"Exotic resonances at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
EINN 2017, 12th European Research Conference on Electromagnetic Interactions of Nucleons and Nuclei
Paphos, Cyprus
October 29 - November 4, 2017
Natalie Walford"Polarization Observables in Kaon Photoproduction"InvitedHS Approved
84th Annual Meeting of the APS Southeastern Section
Milledgeville, GA
November 16 - 18, 2017
Latifa Elouadrhiri"Nucleon Tomography"InvitedDP Approved
42th Reimei Workshop “Hadronic Resonances and Dense Nuclear Matter”
Tokai, Japan
December 11 - 13, 2017
Ralf Gothe"Baryon Spectroscopy and Structure from CLAS and CLAS12"Invited Approved
Valparaiso, Chile
January 8 - 12, 2018
Andy Sandorfi"Excitations of the Nucleon – N* spectroscopy with CLAS"Invited Approved
Latifa Elouadrhiri"“The DVCS program in Hall B at Jefferson Lab: Results and Future Prospects”"InvitedDP Approved
Taisiya Mineeva"Color transparency and hadronization"InvitedNP Approved
Pion-Kaon Interactions Workshop
JLAB Newport News, USA
February 14 - 15, 2018
Alessandra Filippi"Strange meson spectroscopy in CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Bound states in strongly coupled systems
Florence, Italy
March 12 - 16, 2018
Marco Battaglieri"Present and future hadron spectroscopy at JLab"Invited Approved
APS April Meeting 2018
Columbus, Ohio
April 14 - 17, 2018
Viktor Mokeev"New Results on the Nucleon Resonance Spectrum and Structure from Photo- and Electro- production Experiments"Invited Approved
Exposing Novel Quark and Gluon Effects in Nuclei
Trento, Italy
April 16 - 20, 2018
Mohammad Hattawy"3D partonic structure of Nucleons and Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
Whitney Armstrong"Spectator-Tagged Exclusive Processes on Light Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
DIS 2018, XXVI International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects
Kobe, Japan
April 16 - 20, 2018
Andrey Kim"Studies of 3D PDFs with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Robert Fersch"Recent Spin Structure Function Measurements from CLAS at Jefferson Laboratory"InvitedDP Approved
Many manifestations of nonperturbative QCD
Sao Paulo, Brazil
April 30 - May 5, 2018
Daria Sokhan"Nucleons under the electron microscope: Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at JLab in the 6 GeV and 11 GeV eras"InvitedDP Approved
Ralf Gothe"Strong Interaction from Quarks to Nuclei"Invited Approved
Workshop on two-pion and e+e- production in hadronic reactions
Orsay, France
May 22 - 24, 2018
Victor Mokeev"Results from two-pion production in electron scattering experiments: From CLAS legacy to the new era with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
CIPANP 2018, 13th Conf. on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics
Palm Springs, CA
May 28 - June 3, 2018
Whitney Armstrong"Understanding the EMC effect through tagged processes with ALERT"InvitedNP Approved
NFQCD 2018: New Frontiers in QCD 2018 -- Confinement, Phase Transition, Hadrons, and Hadron Interactions --
Kyoto, Japan
May 28 - June 29, 2018
Susan Schadmand"Transition Form Factors of Light Mesons"InvitedHS Approved
Next-generation GPD studies with exclusive meson production at EIC
Stony Brook, NY
June 4 - 6, 2018
Rafayel Paremuzyan"J/psi production near threshold at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Krakow, Poland
June 7 - 12, 2018
Lei Guo"The CLAS12 experiment: status and plans"InvitedHS Approved
Volker Crede"Spectroscopy of Excited Baryon Resonances at CLAS: A Review of the 6-GeV Program"InvitedHS Approved
HYP2018: The 13th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics
Portsmouth, VA
June 24 - 29, 2018
John Price"Lambda-Proton Elastic Scattering in CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Natalie Walford"Recent Measurements of Hyperon Photoproduction Spin Observables in CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
QCD@Work, International Workshop on QCD, theory and experiment
Matera, Italy
June 25 - 28, 2018
The Nature of Hadron Mass and Quark-Gluon Confinement from JLab Experiments in the 12-GeV Era
Pohang, Korea
July 1 - 4, 2018
Kijun Park"Recent Results of the Exclusive Single Pion Electroproduction off the Proton from CLAS"Invited Approved
Victor Mokeev"Excited Nucleon Structure and Strong QCD from Experiments with Electromagnetic Probes"InvitedHS Approved
Nucleon Spin Structure at Low Q: A Hyperfine View
Trento, Italy
July 2 - 6, 2018
Marco Ripani"Results from the JLab CLAS EG4 experiment"InvitedDP Approved
Sebastian Kuhn"Overview of new measurements of electromagnetic form factors, polarizabilities and spin structure function functions"InvitedDP Approved
FB22, 22nd International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
Caen, France
July 9 - 13, 2018
Ralf Gothe"Nucleon resonances and their quark structure"Invited Approved
The 10th Workshop on Hadron physics in China and Opportunities Worldwid
Weihai, China
July 26 - 30, 2018
Lei Guo"Hadron Spectroscopy at CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
EICUGM18: Electron - Ion Collider User Group Meeting 2018
Washington, D.C.
July 30 - August 2, 2018
Lamiaa El Fassi"QCD Signature in Nuclei: Highlights of Color Transparency and Hadronization studies at CLAS6/CLAS12"InvitedNP Approved
XIII Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum
Maynooth, Ireland
August 1 - 6, 2018
Alessandra Filippi"Hadron spectroscopy with photons at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Photonuclear Reactions Gordon Research Conference
Holderness, NH
August 5 - 10, 2018
Mariana Khachatryan"Validation of neutrino energy estimation using electron scattering data"InvitedNP Approved
Ralf Gothe"From Meson-Baryon to Quark Degrees of Freedom"Invited Approved
Raphael Dupre"Exploring the Nucleus with GPDs"InvitedNP Approved
Silvia Niccolai"Exploring nucleon structure with > Generalized Parton Distributions"InvitedDP Approved
NuFact 2018, 20th International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators
Blacksburg, VA
August 12 - 18, 2018
Lawrence Weinstein"Electrons 4 Neutrinos"InvitedNP Approved
EuNPC, 2018 European Nuclear Physics Conference
Bologna, Italy
September 2 - 7, 2018
Susan Schadmand"Electromagnetic Transition Form Factors of Light Mesons"InvitedHS Approved
Ferrara, Italy
September 10 - 14, 2018
Carlos Ayerbe Gayoso"The neutron structure function $F_2$ at high-$x$ with BONuS at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Marco Ripani"Results from the JLab CLAS EG4 Experiment"InvitedDP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"Status of the experimental studies on DVMP and transversity GPDs"InvitedDP Approved
Emergent mass and its consequences in the Standard Model
Trento, Italy
September 17 - 21, 2018
Ralf Gothe"Experimental Access to the Emergence of Mass"Invited Approved
Victor Mokeev"Insight to hadron mass generation from the nucleon resonance electroexcitation"Invited Approved
The XXIVth International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems
Dubna, Russia
September 17 - 22, 2018
Eugene Pasyuk"CLAS meson photoproduction experiments and N* spectroscopy"InvitedHS Approved
Quark Hadron Duality Workshop
Harrisonburg, VA
September 23 - 25, 2018
Ralf Gothe"Overview of the N* program"Invited Approved
CPHI - International Conference on Correlations in Partonic and Hadronic Interactions
Yerevan, Armenia
September 24 - 28, 2018
Patrizia Rossi"Studies of TMD Partonic Distributions at JLab"InvitedDP Approved
Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions
Seattle, WA
October 1 - November 16, 2018
Raphael Dupre"Exploring the Nucleus in 3D"InvitedNP Approved
EMIN-2018, XV International Seminar on Electromagnetic Interactions of Nuclei
Moscow, Russia
October 8 - 11, 2018
Ralf Gothe"Electroproduction Results from JLab"Invited Approved
Victor Mokeev"Spectrum and Structure of Excited Nucleons from Experiments with Electromagnetic Probes"InvitedHS Approved
DNP - 5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Waikoloa, HA
October 23 - 28, 2018
Victor Mokeev"Advances in the studies of the nucleon resonance spectrum in experiments with electromagnetic probes."InvitedHS Approved
QNP2018, 8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics
Tsukuba, Japan
November 13 - 18, 2018
Kyungseon Joo"Nucleon resonance structure in experiments with CLAS and future prospects with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Women in Nuclear and Hadron Theoretical Physics: the last frontier - WTPLF 2018
Genova, Italy
December 10 - 11, 2018
Alessandra Filippi"Hadron spectroscopy with photons at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
DAE-International Symposium on Nuclear Physics
Mumbai, India
December 10 - 14, 2018
Susan Schadmand"The Value of Electromagnetic Transition Form Factors of Light Mesons"InvitedHS Approved
The Spectroscopy Program at EIC and Future Accelerators
Trento, Italy
December 19 - 21, 2018
Annalisa DAngelo"Hybrid Baryons at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
The 52nd Reimei Workshop
Tokai, Japan
January 9 - 11, 2019
Stefan Diehl"Extraction of beam spin asymmetry moments from deeply virtual meson production with CLAS and CLAS12 at JLAB"InvitedDP Approved
FF2019, Workshop on Novel Probes of the Nucleon Structure in SIDIS, e+e- and pp
Durham, USA
March 14 - 16, 2019
Harut Avakian"Correlated di-hadron production"InvitedDP Approved
DIS 2019, XVII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering
Torino, Italy
April 8 - 12, 2019
Harut Avakian"Studies of nucleon structure with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
GHP 2019, 8th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics
Denver, Colorado
April 10 - 12, 2019
Victor Mokeev"New Baryon States from Exclusive Meson Photo-/Electroproduction off Proton Data"Invited Approved
American Physical Society April Meeting 2019
Denver, Colorado
April 13 - 16, 2019
Axel Schmidt"Recent developments in understanding short-range correlations"InvitedNP Approved
Daniel Carman"CLAS12 First Experiments and Hadron Structure"Invited Approved
Steffen Strauch"Nucleon-resonance studies with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Torri Roark"Analysis of Radiative Decay of Eta Meson in CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
QCD Evolution 2019
Argonne, IL
May 13 - 17, 2019
Andrey Kim"Study of chiral-odd GPDs using pseudoscalar meson electroproduction with CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
MENU 2019, International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon
Pittsburgh, PA
June 2 - 7, 2019
Annalisa DAngelo"Phisics from CLAS12"Invited Approved
Daniel Carman"Excited Nucleon Spectrum and Structure Studies with CLAS and CLAS12"Invited Approved
Fatiha Benmokhtar"Studies of Partonic Distributions using Kaon SIDIS"InvitedDP Approved
NSTAR2019, The 12th International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons
Bonn, Germany
June 10 - 14, 2019
Annalisa DAngelo"Hybrid Baryon Search at CLAS 12"Invited Approved
David Ireland"New Results in Strangeness Production with Polarization Observables"InvitedHS Approved
Ralf Gothe"Nucleon Electroexcitations and their Structure"Invited Approved
Steffen Strauch"Non-strange baryons (CLAS)"InvitedHS Approved
Victor Mokeev"Two Pion Photo- and Electroproduction with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
2019 JLab Users Organization Meeting
Newport News, Virginia
June 24 - 26, 2019
Guillaume Christiaens"Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at 10.6 GeV with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Joseph Newton"J/Psi Photoproduction Near Threshold"InvitedHS Approved
Katheryne Price"Highlights from Run Group B"Invited Approved
Mariana Khachatryan"Constraining neutrino-nucleus interactions with electron scattering data"InvitedNP Approved
Mohammad Hattawy"3D partonic structure of nucleons and light nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
Olga Cortes-Becerra"Omega-Meson Sigma-Beam Asymmetry in Photoproduction on the Bound Proton"InvitedHS Approved
Raffaella De Vita"Hall-B 12 GeV Overview: the CLAS12 experiment"InvitedHS Approved
Sar WorS 2019
Cagliari, Italy
July 8 - 10, 2019
Marco Contalbrigo"The 3D nucleon structure program at JLab"InvitedDP Approved
Challenges in theory of heavy nuclei
York, United Kingdom
July 17 - 20, 2019
Daria Sokhan"Tomography of the nucleon: experimental study of its parton distributions in 3D"InvitedDP Approved
David Ireland"New Results in Lambda Hyperon Decay"InvitedHS Approved
Guilin, China
August 16 - 21, 2019
Daria Sokhan"Nucleon structure in 3D: experimental status and perspectives"InvitedDP Approved
5th International Workshop on the Structure of the Nucleon at Large Bjorken x (HiX2019)
Kolumbari, Greece
August 16 - 21, 2019
Eric Christy"Free neutron structure at Large x from the BONuS12 experiment"InvitedDP Approved
Sebastian Kuhn"The JLab Hall B Experimental Program of Nucleon Spin Structure Functions."InvitedDP Approved
The 11th Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities Worldwide
Tianjin, China
August 22 - 28, 2019
Daria Sokhan"Experimental study of generalised parton distributions at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
19th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics
Moscow, Russia
August 22 - 28, 2019
Eugene Isupov"Proton structure study with CLAS and CLAS12"Invited Approved
XVth Rencontres du Vietnam Perspectives in Hadron Physics
Quy Nhon, Vietnam
September 22 - 28, 2019
Daria Sokhan"Experimental Study of Generalised Parton Distributions at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
The XXIV International Workshop High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory
Sochi, Russia
September 22 - 29, 2019
Eugene Isupov"Electromagnetic form factors of nucleon resonances from CLAS"Invited Approved
NUSTEC workshop on Neutrino Nucleus Cross sections in the Resonance Region
Pittsburgh, PA
October 2 - 5, 2019
Lawrence Weinstein"Electron-scattering constraints for neutrino-nucleus interactions"InvitedNP Approved
Mécanique des Détecteurs et Systčmes Similaires (MDS2)
Orsay, France
October 7 - 8, 2019
Mohammad Hattawy"Conception et construction de la chambre ą projection temporelle radiale de BONuS12"InvitedDP Approved
2019 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
Arlington, VA
October 14 - 17, 2019
Joshua Artem Tan"Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at CLAS12 with Multi-Energy Polarized Electron Beams"InvitedDP Approved
Raffaella De Vita"The CLAS12 experiment at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
Strong QCD from Hadron Structure Experiments
Nanjing, China
June 7 - 10, 2021
Daniel Carman"Advances in the Search for New Baryon States in Experiments with Electromagnetic Probes and New Opportunities with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Stefan Diehl"GPDs in nucleon to resonance transitions"InvitedDP Approved
Victor Mokeev"EHM from resonance electrocouplings"Invited Approved
SESAPS 2019, 86th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society
Wilmington, NC
November 8 - 9, 2019
Andrey Kim"Study of Chiral-Odd GPDs using Deeply Virtual Pseudoscalar Meson Electroproduction measurements at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Giovanni Angelini"SIDIS with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy Workshop
York, UK
December 13 - 14, 2019
Bryan McKinnon"Search for Hidden-Charm Pentaquarks with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Nuclear Physics UK community meeting 2020
Warwick, United Kingdom
January 6 - 7, 2020
Nicholas Zachariou"Shining Light on Strangness"InvitedNP Approved
Exploring QCD with light nuclei at EIC
Stony Brook, NY
January 21 - 24, 2020
Angela Biselli"Neutron GPD measurements at JLab"Invited Approved
Raphael Dupre"Nuclear partonic structure from breakup measurements A >= 2"InvitedNP Approved
Excited QCD 2020
Krynica Zdrój, Poland
February 2 - 8, 2020
Volker Crede"A fresh look at the excited baryon spectrum: What have we learned?"InvitedHS Approved
Workshop on Correlations in Partonic and Hadronic Interactions (CPHI-2020)
Geneva, Switzerland
February 3 - 7, 2020
Harut Avakian"SSAs in Electroproduction"InvitedDP Approved
Michael Wood"Present and Future Studies of Color Transparency and Hadronization in Hall B"InvitedNP Approved
Patrizia Rossi"The Jefferson Lab TMD Studies at 12 GeV"Invited Approved
Stefan Diehl"SIDIS Single Pion Beam Spin Asymmetry measurements with CLAS 12"InvitedDP Approved
Timothy Hayward"Dihadron beam-spin asymmetries at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"Studies of Transversity GPDs"Invited Approved
Perceiving the Emergence of Hadron Mass Through AMBER@CERN
Geneve, Switzerland
May 10 - 13, 2022
Victor Mokeev"Insight into EHM from results on electroexcitation of Delta(1600)3/2+ resonance"Invited Approved
APR20 April APS meeting 2020
Washington, DC
April 18 - 21, 2020
Sebastian Kuhn"Nucleon Spin Structure at Large Distances - given by Xiaochao Zheng, UVa"General Approved
Transversity 2020
Pavia, Italy
May 25 - 29, 2020
Stefan Diehl"Single Pion SIDIS with CLAS12 at JLAB"InvitedDP Approved
MESON2020: 16th International Workshop on Meson Physics
Krakow, Poland
June 4 - 9, 2020
Stefan Diehl"Exploring the 3D nucleon structure with CLAS and CLAS12 at JLAB"InvitedDP Approved
JLUO2020: JLab User Organization Annual Meeting
Newport News, VA
June 22 - 24, 2020
Maxime Defurne"DVCS studies on the proton with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Silvia Niccolai"Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering from the Neutron with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Stefan Diehl"SIDIS Single Pion and Di-hadron Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
William Phelps"Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Quantum Computing"Invited Approved
Perceiving the Emergence of Hadron Mass through AMBER@CERN
CERN (online), Online
November 30 - December 4, 2020
Stefan Diehl"Investigation of the nucleon structure with single pion SIDIS with CLAS12 at JLab"InvitedDP Approved
2020 Photonuclear Reactions Gordon Research Conference
Holderness, New Hampshire
August 9 - February 14, 2020
Annalisa DAngelo"Baryon and meson spectroscopy results from CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
LXX International conference "NUCLEUS – 2020. Nuclear physics and elementary particle physics. Nuclear physics technol
Saint Petersburg, Russia
October 11 - 17, 2020
Eugene Isupov"Advances in N* physics with CLAS/CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
2020 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
New Orleans, LA
October 29 - November 1, 2020
Anselm Vossen"Insights from and Prospects for Belle (II) and JLab"Invited Approved
Francois-Xavier Girod"Mechanical properties of the nucleon with the CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Kyungseon Joo"Studies of Excited Nucleon Structure with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Stefan Diehl"N→N* transition GPD measurements with CLAS12 at JLAB"InvitedDP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"3D Nucleon Structure and Deeply Virtual Meson Productio"InvitedDP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"The CLAS12 Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counter"Invited Approved
Veronique Ziegler"CLAS12 Detector and Data Processing Overview"Invited Approved
Victor Mokeev"New N'(1720)3/2+ Resonance from Combined Studies of π+π-p Photo-/Electroproduction"Invited Approved
Opportunities with Heavy Flavor at the EIC
Stony Brook, NY
November 4 - 6, 2020
William Brooks"Hadron Suppression in DIS"Invited Approved
Trieste, Italy
November 15 - 20, 2020
Maxime Defurne"Recent CLAS12 results on Deep exclsuive processes"InvitedDP Approved
Trieste, Italy
November 16 - 18, 2020
Patrizia Rossi"Some highlights of the Jefferson Lab program at 6 and 12 GeV"Invited Approved
IRIS Collaboration 2020 Meeting
Remote, United Kingdom
November 17 - 18, 2020
Bryan McKinnon"CLAS12 offsite compute resources on IRIS"Invited Approved
Third international workshop on quantitative challenges in EMC and SRC research
Virtual, US
March 22 - 26, 2021
Sebastian Kuhn"BONUS & BONUS12​ experiments and results"InvitedDP Approved
3rd Workshop on Quantitative Challenges in EMC and SRC Research
Online, USA
March 22 - 26, 2021
Axel Schmidt"NN Core Studies in A(e, e′NN)"InvitedNP Approved
IOP Joint APP, HEPP and NP Conference 2021
Online, United Kingdom
April 12 - 15, 2021
Stuart Fegan"Electrons for Neutrinos at Jefferson Lab"ContributedNP Approved
9th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP)
Virtual, USA
April 13 - 16, 2021
Christopher Dilks"Accessing Helicity-Dependent Fragmentation with SIDIS Dihadron Beam Spin Asymmetries at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Raphael Dupre"Nuclear DVCS from CLAS to EIC"InvitedNP Approved
APS April Meeting 2021
Virtual, USA
April 17 - 20, 2021
Holly Szumila-Vance"SRC and Few Body Precision Measurements on 3H and 3He mirror nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
Mass in the Standard Model and Consequences of its Emergence
Trento, Italy
April 19 - 23, 2021
Daniel Carman"Strangeness Electroproduction with CLAS/CLAS12 as a Tool for N* Exploration"InvitedHS Approved
Perceiving the Emergence of Hadron Mass through AMBER@CERN-V
Geneve, Switzerland
April 27 - 30, 2021
Victor Mokeev"Synergies with EHM at Jlab"Invited Approved
Kickoff meeting - GDR-QCD: Simple and Multiple Interactions between Partons
Remote, France
June 21 - 23, 2021
Raphael Dupre"Nuclear GPDs with the ALERT Detector"InvitedNP Approved
19th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure
Mexico City, Mexico
July 26 - 31, 2021
Daniel Carman"Nucleon Resonance Studies Via Exclusive KY Electroproduction with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Nicholas Zachariou"Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Victor Mokeev"New Baryon States in Exclusive Meson Photo-/Electroproduction with CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Sar Wors 2021
Cagliari, Italy
September 6 - 8, 2021
Giovanni Angelini"TMD studies at JLab: present and future"InvitedDP Approved
Marco Battaglieri"The JLab CLAS12 present and future physics program"Invited Approved
PWA12/ATHOS7 The International Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy
Bristol, England, UK
September 6 - 10, 2021
Annalisa DAngelo"Baryon spectroscopy with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
STRONG2020 (Second STRONG online Workshop)
York, UK
September 14 - 16, 2021
Annalisa DAngelo"Progress in Diffraction and Annihilation Production and Exotic Baryons"InvitedHS Approved
5th Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon (QCD-N2021)
Alcala, Sapin
October 4 - 8, 2021
Timothy Hayward"Early CLAS12 Results on the 3D Structure of the Nucleon"InvitedDP Approved
2021 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
Boston, MA
October 10 - 14, 2021
Tyler Kutz"Preliminary results from neutron-tagged DIS measurements at JLab with CLAS12 and BAND"InvitedDP Approved
The 2021 School on the Physics of Baryons
Seville, Spain
October 18 - 22, 2021
Ralf Gothe"JLab's Unique Contributions to Strong QCD: Recent Results and Future Goals"Invited Approved
Victor Mokeev"Photo- and electro-couplings of nucleon resonances"Invited Approved
Victor Mokeev"Photo- and Electrocouplings of Nucleon Resonances"Invited Approved
Workshop on Hadron Structure at High-Energy, High-Luminosity Facilities
Nanjing, China
October 24 - 27, 2021
Victor Mokeev"EHM and Nucleon Resonance"Invited Approved
Fragmentation Functions 2021
Seattle, WA
November 1 - 5, 2021
Christopher Dilks"Dihadron Fragmentation Functions at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Light Cone 2021
Jeju-do (and online), South Korea
November 29 - December 4, 2021
Silvia Niccolai"DVCS on the neutron with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Victor Mokeev"Advances in Exploration of the Nucleon Resonance Spectrum and Structure"InvitedHS Approved
Correlations in Partonic and Hadronic Interactions (CPHI 2022)
Durham, NC, USA
March 7 - 12, 2022
Harut Avakian"Spin Structure from JLab"InvitedDP Approved
Timothy Hayward"Accessing fracture functions in back-to-back dihadron production at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Messina (virtual), Italy
March 28 - 30, 2022
Annalisa D'Angelo"Instrumentation for high luminosity upgrade of CLAS12"Invited Approved
Derek Glazier"Spectroscopy (Experiment)"Invited Approved
Harut Avakian"Opportunities for semi-inclusive studies at high-energy (experiment)"InvitedDP Approved
Sebastian Kuhn"A possible physics program to measure (un-)polarized PDFs at 24 GeV and high luminosity"Invited Approved
Sebastian Kuhn"Nucleon (Spin) Structure at High X"Invited Approved
Volker Burkert"CLAS - CLAS12 - CLAS24"Invited Approved
Santiago de Compolesta, Spain
May 2 - 6, 2022
Miguel Arratia"A new way to study hadron production with nuclear DIS"InvitedNP Approved
Stepan Stepanyan"CLAS12 luminosity upgrade and future physics opportunities"Invited Approved
INFN 2022
May 9 - 11, 2022
Annalisa DAngelo"Baryons Spectrum and Structure"Invited Approved
Transversity 2022
Pavia, Italy
May 23 - 27, 2022
Adam Hobart"The nucleon structure and the Generalized Parton Distributions"Invited Approved
Fatiha Benmokhtar"Multi-Dimensional studies of the ep->e'p'+X Single Spin Asymmetries"Invited Approved
Raphael Dupre"Exploring the Nucleus in 3D with GPDs and TMDs"InvitedNP Approved
XXX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
Seoul, Korea
May 30 - June 4, 2022
Or Hen"Electrons for Neutrinos"Invited Approved
2022 JLUO Annual Meeting
Newport News, USA
June 13 - 15, 2022
Victor Mokeev"Electrocouplings of Nucleon Resonances"Invited Approved
IUPAP Nuclear Science Symposium and IUPAP WG.9 Annual General Meeting
Washington, DC
June 14 - 15, 2022
Silvia Niccolai"The structure of the nucleon"Invited Approved
Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society
New Orleans, USA
June 26 - July 3, 2022
Victor Mokeev"New Opportunities for Insight into the Emergence of Hadron Mass from Studies of Nucleon Resonance Electroexcitation"Invited Approved
Prague, Czech Republic
June 27 - July 1, 2022
Nicholas Zachariou"Lambda-p elastic scattering data measured by the CLAS Collaboration"InvitedHS Approved
The Next Generation of 3D Imaging
Newport NEws, USA
July 7 - 8, 2022
Harut Avakian"CLAS20+ simulations/projections"InvitedDP Approved
APCTP Workshop on Nuclear Physics 2022: Physics of Excited Hadrons in the Present and Future Facilities
Pohang, South Korea
July 11 - 16, 2022
Victor Mokeev"Nucleon Resonance Electrocouplings and Emergence of Hadron Mass"Invited Approved
Towards improved hadron femtography with hard exclusive reactions
Virginia Tech, VA, USA
July 18 - 22, 2022
Stepan Stepanyan"Overview of hard exclusive measurements in Hall-B at JLab, from 6 to 12 GeV"Invited Approved
APCTP Focus Program in Nuclear Physics 2022: Hadron Physics Opportunities with JLab Energy and Luminosity Upgrade
Pohang, South Korea
July 18 - 23, 2022
Andrey Kim"Exclusive meson production program with CLAS12 at 12 and 20+ GeV"Invited Approved
Christopher Dilks"JLab Upgrade Opportunities for SIDIS Dihadrons at CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Harut Avakian"3D Structure of the Nucleon: from JLab12 to JLab24"InvitedDP Approved
Kyungseon Joo"Exclusive Processes and GPDs"InvitedDP Approved
Kyungseon Joo"𝑁→Δ Transition GPDs off Proton with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Timothy Hayward"Inclusive electron scattering off the proton with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Timothy Hayward"Accessing Target Fragmentation: Prospects and Results from CLAS"InvitedDP Approved
Victor Mokeev"Insight into Emergence of Hadron Mass in the Exploration of N* Structure at JLab after Energy and Luminosity Increase"Invited Approved
Pitlochry, Scotland
July 31 - August 5, 2022
Timothy Hayward"Accessing target fragmentation at CLAS12 with multidimensional $ep rightarrow e’pX$ SSAs"InvitedDP Approved
Photonuclear Gordon Conference
Holderness, NH
August 7 - 12, 2022
Raphael Dupre"The BONuS12 Experiment"InvitedDP Approved
Raphael Dupre"Tagged Measurements with Bonus12"Invited Approved
Conference on the Intersection of Particle and Nuclear Physics
Orlando, FL
August 28 - September 4, 2022
Timothy Hayward"Accessing nucleonic structure with early CLAS12 results"InvitedDP Approved
Online, Online
September 5 - 9, 2022
Annalisa DAngelo"Hadron Spectroscopy ith CLAS and CLAS12-RG-K"InvitedHS Approved
Harut Avakian"3D structure of the nucleon: challenges and prospects"InvitedDP Approved
Silvia Niccolai"Deeply virtual Compton Scattering on the proton and the neutron at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Cape Town, South Africa
September 12 - 16, 2022
Silvia Niccolai"3D Investigation of nucleon structure"InvitedDP Approved
STRONG2020 Hadron Spectroscopy (HaSP) General Workshop
Munich, Germany
September 13 - 16, 2022
Alessandra Filippi"Pi+pi- photoproduction on the nucleon"InvitedHS Approved
Derek Glazier"MesonEx with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Stuart Fegan"Polarisation Observables at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Light Cone 2022
Online, Online
September 19 - 23, 2022
Fatiha Benmokhtar"First Multidimensional ep to e’p’X Single Spin Asymmetries in the Target Fragmentation at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Opportunities with JLab Energy and Luminosity Upgrade
Trento, Italy
September 26 - 30, 2022
Ralf Gothe"Hall B: Hadron Structure Opportunities at 20+ GeV"Invited Approved
Silvia Niccolai"Status and prospectives for GPDs"InvitedDP Approved
Stefan Diehl"Exploring the 3D structure of resonances based on transition GPDs at JLAB and JLab20+"InvitedDP Approved
NSTAR 2022
Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy
October 17 - 21, 2022
Alessandra Filippi"Results on pi+pi- photoproduction"InvitedHS Approved
Daniel Carman"“N* Studies from Exclusive Electroproduction off Protons with CLAS and CLAS12"Invited Approved
Olga Cortes Becerra"Beam asymmetry of the photoproduction of the $omega$ meson off bound protons in CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Philip Cole"Exploring the production of N*s with pion and electron beams"Invited Approved
Ralf Gothe"Resonance Electroexcitation of Free and Bound Nucleons"Invited Approved
SESAPS 2022 (89th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society)
Oxford, MS
November 3 - 5, 2022
Taya Chetry"Exploring Hadronization Mechanisms with SIDIS Production off Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
Baryon 22 International Conference on the Structure of Baryons
Seville, Spain
November 7 - 11, 2022
Daniel Carman"Studies of Excited Nucleon States via Exclusive KY Electroproduction"Invited Approved
Ralf Gothe"Electroexcitation of Bound Nucleons Compared to What We Have Learnt from the Free Proton"Invited Approved
Jefferson Lab, USA
November 14 - 16, 2022
Raffaella De Vita"Status and perspectives in hadron spectroscopy with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
EICUG First meeting on the 2nd Detector at IR8
Stony Brook, New York
December 6 - 8, 2022
Pierre Chatagnon"Timelike Compton Scattering with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Workshop on kaons with CLAS12
Frascati, Italy
December 13 - 16, 2022
Maurizio Ungaro"Integrating Cherenkov detectors for PID"Invited Approved
8th International Conference on High Energy Physics in the LHC Era
Valparaiso, Chile
January 9 - 13, 2023
Sebastian Kuhn"Nucleon structure functions at large x"Invited Approved
Third International Workshop on the Extension Project for the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility
Tokai, Japan
March 14 - 16, 2023
Nicholas Zachariou"The hyperon Nucleon Interaction with the CLAS detector"InvitedHS Approved
Patrick Achenbach"Hadron Structure Studies with CLAS12"Invited Approved
86th Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting
Dresden, Germany
March 20 - 24, 2023
Stefan Diehl"Exploring the 3D nucleon structure with CLAS and CLAS12 at JLAB"InvitedDP Approved
CLAS Workshop
Paris, France
March 21 - 24, 2023
Adam Hobart"Beam spin asymmetries for DVCS on proton and neutron from a deuterium target"InvitedDP Approved
Andrey Kim"Beam Spin Asymmetry measurements of Deeply Virtual pi0 Production with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Daniel Matamoros"Preparation of nuclear TMD analysis with SIDIS in RG-D Simulations"ContributedNP Approved
Erin Seroka"CND Neutron Detection"InvitedNP Approved
Juan Sebastian Alvarado"A Machine Learning approach for DVCS identification without proton detection"InvitedNP Approved
Lamiaa El Fassi"Update on RG-D Status and Run Preparation"InvitedNP Approved
Marco Battaglieri"The MesonEx experiment"InvitedHS Approved
Mathieu Ouillon"NDVCS with tagged spectator proton"InvitedDP Approved
Nicholas Zachariou"Beam helicity asymmetry from pion photoproduction (FROST)"InvitedHS Approved
Noémie Pilleux"RG-C end of run and first look at physics"Invited Approved
Patrick Achenbach"Status of Hall B"Invited Approved
Pierre Chatagnon"Toward measurement of the photoprodution of JPsi with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Rafayel Paremuzyan"Luminosity upgrade for CLAS12"Invited Approved
Rhidian Williams"Mapping Neutrino-Nuclei Interactions Using Electrons"InvitedNP Approved
Richard Capobianco"Measurements of the Cosφ and Cos2φ Moments of the Unpolarized SIDIS π+ Cross-section at CLAS12"ContributedDP Approved
Richard Tyson"/ψ Near-Threshold Photoproduction off the Proton and Neutron with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Sebastian Kuhn"Update on RG-G preparation"Invited Approved
Sebouh Paul"Multi-dimensional analysis of correlations in di-pion electro-production off nuclei with EG2 data"InvitedNP Approved
Stefan Diehl"First measurement of hard exclusive pi-Delta++ electroproduction beam-spin asymmetries off the proton"InvitedDP Approved
Stuart Fegan"Polarisation Observables from Strangeness Photoproduction on g9a"InvitedHS Approved
Stuart Fegan"RGM Update"InvitedNP Approved
Susan Schadmand"Light Meson Decays at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
Timothy Hayward"The next steps for fracture functions at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Veronique Ziegler"CVT Tracking Status and Plans"Invited Approved
IOP - UK Nuclear Physics Conference 2023
York, United Kingdom
April 4 - 6, 2023
Nicholas Zachariou"Experimental aspects of Hyperon Nucleon Interaction"InvitedHS Approved
Rhidian Williams"Mapping Neutrino-Nuclei Interactions Using Electrons"InvitedNP Approved
APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP2023)
Minneapolis, Minnesota
April 12 - 14, 2023
Lamiaa El Fassi"Probing Hadronization Dynamics with SIDIS Production off Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
April APS Quarks to Cosmos 2023
Minneapolis, Minnesota
April 15 - 18, 2023
Richard Capobianco"Recent Activities Report from Hall B"Invited Approved
QCD Evolution
Orsay, France
May 22 - 26, 2023
Daria Sokhan"Studying GPDs and TMDs at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Genova, Italy
June 5 - 9, 2023
Adam Hobart"Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off proton and neutron from deuterium with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Derek Glazier"Meson spectroscopy with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Lucilla Lanza"Search for hybrid baryons with CLAS12 and KY electroproduction"InvitedHS Approved
Maxime Defurne"Experimental studies of GPDs at JLab"InvitedDP Approved
Pierre Chatagnon"Exploring the gravitational structure of the proton with the dilepton final state at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Richard Tyson"/Ļˆ Near-Threshold Photoproduction off the Proton and Neutron with CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
Victor Mokeev"Insight into strong QCD and the emergence of mass from N* experiments"Invited Approved
Yordanka Ilieva"Measurements of Cross Sections and Polarizations of Lambda-Nucleon and Lambda-Deuteron Elastic Scattering"InvitedNP Approved
Symposium: Nucleon and nuclei structure from inclusive measurements
Blacksburg, VA
June 20 - 21, 2023
Stephen Bueltmann"The Bonus Experiment at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
TMDs: Towards a Synergy between Lattice QCD and Global Analysis
Stony Brook University, New York
June 21 - 23, 2023
Stefan Diehl"Accessing TMDs from single pion and kaon SIDIS with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
International Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy 2023
Prague, Czechia
June 25 - 28, 2023
Matthew McEneaney"Spin Transfer to Lambda Hyperons at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Silvia Niccolai"GPD measurements at JLab"InvitedDP Approved
CFNS workshop: Electron-Nuclei Interaction at EIC
Stony Brook, NY
July 5 - 7, 2023
Sebastian Kuhn"Spectator Tagging with BONuS12"InvitedDP Approved
Short-Distance Nuclear Structure and PDFs
Trento, Italy
July 17 - 21, 2023
Justin Estee"Universality in Short Range Correlations in Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
Mathieu Ouillon"Tagged neutron DVCS mesurement"InvitedNP Approved
Raphael Dupre"Helium DVCS with CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedNP Approved
Electron-Ion Collider User Group meeting 2023
Warsaw, Poland
July 23 - 31, 2023
Pierre Chatagnon"TCS measurements with CLAS12 and perspectives with a second interaction point at the EIC"InvitedDP Approved
Towards improved hadron femtography with hard exclusive reactions 2023
August 7 - 11, 2023
Stepan Stepanyan"DDVCS at JLAB Hall-B"Invited Approved
Workshop on "Exploring resonance structure with transition GPDs"
Trento, Italy
August 21 - 25, 2023
Andrey Kim"Beam Spin Asymmetry for deeply virtual šœŒ meson electroproduction with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Hyon-Suk Jo"DVCS with CLAS12"Invited Approved
Pierre Chatagnon"TCS measurements at JLAB and future perspectives"InvitedDP Approved
Stefan Diehl"Experimental investigation of transition GPDs with CLAS12 at JLAB and future opportunities"InvitedDP Approved
ECT* Parton distribution functions at a crossroad
Trento, Italy
September 18 - 22, 2023
Ralf Gothe"Opportunities for EHM Measurements at JLab: Presence and Future"Invited Approved
Durham, North Carolina
September 24 - 29, 2023
Alexandre Deur"Proton spin structure at long distances"InvitedDP Approved
Axel Schmidt"Physics with a Positron Beam at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
Christopher Dilks"Future studies of dihadron production in SIDIS"InvitedDP Approved
Gregory Matousek"Spin observables in Deep Processes with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
Noemie Pilleux"DVCS on Polarized Nucleons with the CLAS12 experiment at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Pierre Chatagnon"Exploring the gravitational structure of the proton using the CLAS12 detector at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Silvia Niccolai"Experimental aspects of GPDs"InvitedDP Approved
MENU 2023
Mainz, Germany
October 16 - 20, 2023
Alessandra Filippi"Results on polarization observables in two pion photoproduction at CLAS"InvitedHS Approved
Anselm Vossen"Perspectives of SIDIS measurements"InvitedDP Approved
EINN 2023
Paphos, Cyprus
October 29 - 30, 2023
Annalisa DAngelo"Baryon spectroscopy: new results and perspectives"Invited Approved
Silvia Niccolai"Experimental measurements of GPDsā€” From fixed target experiments to the future Collider (EIC)."InvitedDP Approved
XX Mexican School on Particles and Fields 2023
MƩrida, YucatƔn, MƩxico
October 30 - November 3, 2023
Patrick Achenbach"Study of Nucleon Resonance Electroexcitations at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
2nd Workshop on Advancing the Understanding of Non-perturbative QCD using Energy Flow
Stony Brook, USA
November 6 - 9, 2023
Lamiaa El Fassi"Latest Results from the CLAS Collaboration on Fragmentation"InvitedNP Approved
Maria Zurek"3D Structure Overview at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
2023 Fall Meeting of APS DNP and JPS
Hawaii, Hawaii, USA
November 26 - December 1, 2023
Patrick Achenbach"Studies of Nucleon Resonance Electroexcitations"Invited Approved
2nd Workshop on the Physics of Electron Ion Collider: ePIC Physics and Detectors
Daegu, South Korea
November 30 - December 2, 2023
Pierre Chatagnon"Di-lepton photo- and electro-production with the CLAS12 experiment"InvitedDP Approved
Silvia Niccolai"Experimental measurements of GPDs From fixed target experiments to the future EIC"Invited Approved
60th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics
Bormio, Italy
January 22, 2024 - January 26, 2023
Patrick Achenbach"Studies of the Structure of Excited Nucleons at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
Fourth International Workshop on HEF-ex
Tokai, Japan
February 19 - 21, 2024
Kyungseon Joo"Transition GPDs with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Patrick Achenbach"Hadron and Strangeness Physics with CLAS12"Invited Approved
Positron Working Group Workshop
Washington, DC, USA
March 18 - 20, 2024
Juan Sebastian Alvarado"DVCS identification with $egamma$ detection @CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Hadron Spectroscopy with Strangeness
Glasgow, UK
April 3 - 5, 2024
Stuart Fegan"Strangeness Analyses with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab"InvitedHS Approved
APS 2024 April Meeting:
Sacramento, USA
April 3 - 6, 2024
Lamiaa El Fassi"Probing Hadronization Dynamics and Diquarks Structure via Lambda Production off Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
Michael Wood"Measurement of multidimensional multiplicity ratios for proton production"InvitedNP Approved
The XXXI International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS2024)
Grenoble, France
April 8 - 12, 2024
Mariangela Bondi"The CLAS12 luminosity upgrade and future physics opportunities"Invited Approved
14th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions
Sao Paolo, Brazil
April 11 - 20, 2024
Julia Tena Vidal"Electrons for neutrinos"Invited Approved
Strong QCD from Hadron Structure Experiments - VI
Nanjing, China
May 14 - 17, 2024
Ralf Gothe"Probing Bound Quark States as a Window into Strong QCD"Invited Approved
International Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy
Williamsburg, USA
May 28 - June 1, 2024
Stuart Fegan"Meson Spectroscopy With CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab"ContributedHS Approved
HPS Collaboration Meeting
Newport News, USA
June 3 - 5, 2024
Patrick Achenbach"Hall-B Status and Plans"Invited Approved
BEACH 2024
Charleston, USA
June 3 - 7, 2024
Yordanka Ilieva"Hyperon Physics at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
Transversity 2024
Trieste, Italy
June 3 - 7, 2024
Stefan Diehl"TMD measurements at CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
2024 JLUO Annual Meeting
Newport News, USA
June 10 - 12, 2024
Daniel Carman"Baryon Spectroscopy and Structure Studies in Hall B"Invited Approved
Lamiaa El Fassi"Probing Hadronization Mechanisms and Diquark Structure via Lambda Electroproduction off Nuclei"InvitedNP Approved
Raffaella De Vita"Meson Spectroscopy at CLAS and CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
SoLID Opportunities and Challenges of Nuclear Physics at the Luminosity Frontier
Lemont, USA
June 17 - 20, 2024
Pierre Chatagnon"Extraction of the Cross-section of the Photoproduction of J/Ļˆ Near-threshold with the CLAS12 Experiment"InvitedDP Approved
NSTAR 2024 Conference
York, UK
June 17 - 21, 2024
Alessandra Filippi"Exploring Polarization Variables in Two-Pion Photoproduction: Insights from the CLAS Experiment"InvitedHS Approved
Daniel Carman"Nucleon Resonance Studies from Exclusive KY Electroproduction"InvitedHS Approved
Lucilla Lanza"Search for hybrid baryons and KY electroproduction at CLAS12"ContributedHS Approved
NoƩmie Pilleux"The First Polarized DVCS Experiment with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab"InvitedDP Approved
Patrick Achenbach"N* Physics with CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
Ralf Gothe"Probing bound three-quark excitations from low to high photon virtualities"Invited Approved
Stefan Diehl"Exploring resonance structure with N to N* transition GPDs"InvitedDP Approved
Victor Mokeev"N* Structure and the Emergence of Hadron Mass"Invited Approved
Exotic multi-quark states and baryon spectroscopy workshop
Bonn, Germany
June 25 - 27, 2024
Lucilla Lanza"N* studies using KY Electroproduction at CLAS12"InvitedHS Approved
3D Structure of the Nucleon via Generalized Parton Distributions
Jung-gu, Korea
June 25 - 28, 2024
Raphael Dupre"Nuclear DVCS from JLab to EIC"InvitedNP Approved
Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy Workhop 2024
Swansea, UK
July 2 - 4, 2024
Bryan McKinnon"Near-threshold photoproduction cross-section of J/psi with CLAS12"InvitedDP Approved
Towards improved hadron tomography with hard exclusive reactions
Trento, Italy
August 5 - 9, 2024
Stepan Stepanyan"CLAS12 GPD program"Invited Approved
Joint 20th International Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy Interactions
Yerevan, Armenia
September 30 - October 4, 2024
Adam Hobart"First Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on the Neutron with Detection of the Active Neutron"InvitedDP Approved
Connor Pecar"Measurement of A_{LU} in semi-inclusive production of K^+pi^-, pi^+K^-, and K^+K^- pairs in deep inelastic scattering with"InvitedDP Approved
Lamiaa El Fassi"Study of Hadronization Dynamics via Electroproduction off Nuclei at Jefferson Lab"InvitedNP Approved
Raffaella De Vita"Artificial Intelligence in CLAS12"Invited Approved
Stefan Diehl"Nucleon Resonances and Deep Processes"InvitedDP Approved
Valery Kubarovsky"Hard exclusive scalar meson studies at Jlab"InvitedDP Approved
2024 Fall Meeting of APS DNP
Boston, USA
October 7 - 10, 2024
Sangbaek Lee"3D Imaging of Quarks and Gluons in the Nucleons and Nuclei"InvitedDP Approved
Hadron Physics 2030
Paris, France
October 21 - November 8, 2024
Raphael Dupre"Nuclear GPDs with the ALERT program at Jefferson Lab"Invited Approved
Jefferson Lab at 22 GeV (LNF-INFN 2024)
Frascati, Italy
December 9 - 13, 2024
Christopher Dilks"SIDIS MC including polarization effects"InvitedDP Approved
Mathieu Ouillon"Study of Tagged Processes with 4He and ALERT at 22 GeV"InvitedNP Approved
Patrick Achenbach"Resonance electroexcitations at high momentum transfers at JLab 22"InvitedHS Approved
Timothy Hayward"Back-to-back SIDIS at 22 GeV"InvitedDP Approved
Volker Burkert"The gravitational structure of the proton"Invited Approved
NPTwins 2024
Genoa, Italy
December 16 - 18, 2024
Raffaella De Vita"AI for low level data reconstruction"Invited Approved
Quarkonia as tools 2025
Aussois, France
January 6 - 11, 2025
Pierre Chatagnon"Quarkonia threshold production at Jefferson Lab and at the EIC"InvitedDP Approved
11th workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics
Anaheim, CA, USA
March 14 - 16, 2025
NoƩmie Pilleux"DVCS at CLAS12 on Longitudinally Polarized Protons and Neutrons in Deuterium"InvitedDP Approved
Sebastian Kuhn"Nucleon structure in the extreme valence region"InvitedDP Approved

Found a total of 727 talks with status 'Approved' between Jan 04, 2010 and Dec 31, 2025

Legend: PWG stands for Physics Working Group and can be HS (Hadron Spectroscopy), DP (Deep Processes) or NP (Nuclear Physics). Empty field means an overview talk.

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