Conference/Workshop | Speaker | Talk Title | Talk Type | PWG | Slides | Proceedings | Approval Status |
Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Reactions Holderness, NH August 10 - 15, 2014 |
Or Hen | "Correlations in Asymmetric Interacting Fermi Systems" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IX Madrid, Spain August 30 - September 3, 2010 |
Chaden Djalali | "The In-medium Mass and Widths of light Vector Mesons" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
PSHP2010 Frascati, Italy October 18 - 21, 2010 |
William Brooks | "Quark hadronization in the nuclear medium" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
DNP 2013 Newport News, VA October 23 - 26, 2013 |
William Brooks | "The Emergence of Hadrons from QCD Color" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
PSHP2013 Frascati, Italy November 11 - 13, 2013 |
William Brooks | "Hadronization in the Nuclear Medium:
Exploring Fundamental QCD Processes
Using New Experimental Tools" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
QNP2015 - 7th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics Valparaiso, Chile March 2 - 6, 2015 |
Or Hen | "Short range correlations in nuclei and applications" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
High Energy Nuclear Physics with Spectator Tagging Norfolk, VA March 9 - 11, 2015 |
Lawrence Weinstein | "Tag! You're It! Bound Nucleon Structure at JLab" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
New Directions in Nuclear Deep Inelastic Scattering ECT* in Trento, Italia June 8 - 12, 2015 |
Gabriel Charles | "A Low Energy Recoil Tracker (ALERT)" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Nuclear Photoproduction with GlueX Newport News, VA April 28 - 29, 2016 |
Kawtar Hafidi | "Color Transparency Experiments Overview" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Michael Paolone | "Probing Nuclear Color Fields with Phi and J/psi" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Baryons 2016, International Conference on the Structure of Baryons Tallahassee, FL May 16 - 20, 2016 |
Charles Hanretty | "The Charged Life of HDice at Jefferson Lab" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
INPC 2016, International Nuclear Physics Conference Adelaide, Australia September 11 - 16, 2016 |
William Brooks | "Experimental Studies Of Fundamental
Processes In QCD Color Propagation And
Neutralization" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Joint CTEQ Meeting and 7th International Conference on Physics Opportunities at an EIC (POETIC 7) Philadelphia, PA November 14 - 18, 2016 |
Or Hen | "Short-Range Nuclear Structure: From JLab12 to an EIC" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Raphael Dupre | "Tomographic image of the proton from DVCS data" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
3D Parton Distributions: Path to the LHC Frascati, Italy November 29 - December 2, 2016 |
Raphael Dupre | "Exclusive processes and GPDs" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
NuInt 17, 11th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering in the Few-GeV Region Ontario,, Canada June 25 - 30, 2017 |
Or Hen | "Short Range Correlations in Heavy Nuclei" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
9th Workshop on Hadron physics in China and Opportunities Worldwide Nanjing, China July 24 - 29, 2017 |
Axel Schmidt | "Highlights and recent development in short range correlation" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
INT Program INT-17-3: Spatial and Momentum Tomography of Hadrons and Nuclei Seattle, WA, USA August 28 - September 29, 2017 |
Raphael Dupre | "From the DVCS measurements to the tomography of the nucleon and the nucleus" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Sylvester Joosten | "Heavy Quarkonium Production: From JLab to an EIC" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Whitney Armstrong | "TOPSiDE and Transformative Measurements at the EIC: Studying nuclear effects from JLab to the EIC" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Hadronic Physics with Lepton and Hadron Beams Newport News, VA September 5 - 8, 2017 |
Raphael Dupre | "Results on DCVS" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
EINN 2017, 12th European Research Conference on Electromagnetic Interactions of Nucleons and Nuclei Paphos, Cyprus October 29 - November 4, 2017 |
Axel Schmidt | "New Insights into Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Eli Piasetzky | "Nuclear Matter at Short Range" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
TRANSVERSITY 2017, Workshop on 5th International Transverse Polarization Phenomena in Hard Processes Frascati, Italy December 11 - 15, 2017 |
Zein-Eddine Meziani | "The SIDIS program at Jefferson Lab" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Exposing Novel Quark and Gluon Effects in Nuclei Trento, Italy April 16 - 20, 2018 |
Raphael Dupre | "Tagging at JLab and EIC" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
2018 Frontiers in Nuclear Science Workshop (CFNS): Short-range Nuclear Correlations at an Electron-Ion Collider Upton, NY September 5 - 7, 2018 |
Lawrence Weinstein | "Spectator tagging and bound nucleon structure at Jlab" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Or Hen | "Short-range correlations: overview of recent results" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Raphael Dupre | "From mean-field to short range correlated pairs" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
SPIN 2018, 23RD INTERNATIONAL SPIN SYMPOSIUM Ferrara, Italy September 10 - 14, 2018 |
Igor Korover | "Spin, Isospin and the Short Range Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
CPHI - International Conference on Correlations in Partonic and Hadronic Interactions Yerevan, Armenia September 24 - 28, 2018 |
Eli Piasetzky | "SRC studies with Proton and Electron Beams" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions Seattle, WA October 1 - November 16, 2018 |
Or Hen | "EMC & SRC:New Results from EIC Phase-0" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
DNP - 5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan Waikoloa, HA October 23 - 28, 2018 |
Erez Cohen | "New results from studies of two- and three-nucleon correlations in nuclei" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Or Hen | "Results from new studies of short-ranged correlations in nuclei and their implications" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
QNP2018, 8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics Tsukuba, Japan November 13 - 18, 2018 |
Eli Piasetzky | "Short-range correlation in nuclei" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Inaugural Symposium and the first review of the Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science Stony Brook, NY November 28 - 30, 2018 |
Barak Schmookler | "Studying Nucleon Structure through
Inclusive Electron Scattering" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
2nd Workshop on Quantitative Challenges in SRC and EMC Research Cambridge, Massachusetts March 20 - 23, 2019 |
Axel Schmidt | "GCF Generator" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Eli Piasetzky | "SRC in, FSI out?" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Lawrence Weinstein | "Future SRC Measurements" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
GHP 2019, 8th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics Denver, Colorado April 10 - 12, 2019 |
Zein-Eddine Meziani | "Towards a 3D Landscape of Nucleon and Nuclei" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
American Physical Society April Meeting 2019 Denver, Colorado April 13 - 16, 2019 |
Eli Piasetzky | "Bound Nucleon Structure in Neutron Rich Nuclei" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
INPC 2019, 27th International Nuclear Physics Conference Glasgow, United Kingdom July 29 - August 2, 2019 |
Or Hen | "Probing the strong nuclear interaction at neutron-star densities" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
2019 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics Arlington, VA October 14 - 17, 2019 |
Or Hen | "Stuart Jay Freedman Award Talk: From Electrons to Neutrinos: Nuclear Effects in Oscillation Measurements" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
Or Hen | "Short-Range Correlations And The Quarks Within" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |
EINN2109, 13th European Research Conference on Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei Paphos, Cyprus October 27 - November 2, 2019 |
Axel Schmidt | "Nucleon-nucleon correlations and the EMC effect" | General | NP |
 | | CSC NOT notified |
Axel Schmidt | "Modified structure of protons and neutrons in correlated pairs" | General | NP |
| | CSC NOT notified |