Conference/Workshop | Speaker | Talk Title | Talk Type | PWG | Slides | Proceedings | Approval Status |
QNP2015 - 7th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics Valparaiso, Chile March 2 - 6, 2015 |
Raphael Dupre | "Color Propagation and Neutralization in Strongly Interacting Systems" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
IPS 2015, Israeli Physical Society annual meeting Ramat-Gan, Israel December 13 - 14, 2015 |
Or Hen | "Probing Cold Dense Nuclear Matter" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Next-Generation Nuclear Physics with JLab12 and EIC Miami, Florida February 10 - 13, 2016 |
Kawtar Hafidi | "Color tranparency at JLab and EIC" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Michael Paolone | "Probing nuclear color states with J/psi and phi" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Mohammad Hattawy | "Coherent DVCS on 4He" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Or Hen | "Momentum sharing in asymmetric systems" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Or Hen | "Tagging Correlations at an EIC." | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Raphael Dupre | "Energy loss models for e-A" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
International Workshop on Progress on J-PARC Hadron Physics in 2016 Tokai, Japan March 2 - 4, 2016 |
Or Hen | "Short-Range Nuclear Structure" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
International Workshop on Opportunities at the Extended Hadron-Hall at J-PARC Tokai, Japan March 5 - 6, 2016 |
Or Hen | "Opportunities for Short-Range Correlation Studies using Hadronic Beams" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Nuclear Photoproduction with GlueX Newport News, VA April 28 - 29, 2016 |
Or Hen | "Nuclear Structure Studies with GlueX" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
NUSYM16, 6th international symposium on nuclear symmetry energy Beijing, China June 13 - 17, 2016 |
Or Hen | "Short-Range Nuclear Structure and the Nuclear Symmetry Energy" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Gordon Research Conference
Photonuclear Reactions Holderness, NH August 7 - 12, 2016 |
Or Hen | "Short-Range Nuclear Structure" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
23rd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics Aarhus, Denmark August 8 - 12, 2016 |
Or Hen | "Short-Range Fermion Correlations: From neV to MeV" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
CONF12, XII-th Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Thessaloniki, Greece August 29 - September 2, 2016 |
Or Hen | "Scale Separation and Short-Range Universality" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
SPIN2016, 22nd International Symposium on Spin Physics Urbana-Champaign, IL September 25 - 30, 2016 |
Charles Hanretty | "EHD at Jefferson Lab" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
3D Nucleon Tomography Workshop: Modeling and Extracting Methodology Newport News, VA March 15 - 17, 2017 |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "GPD program and confinement studies
in Hall B" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Photon 2017: International Conference on the Structure and the Interactions of the Photon Geneva, Italy May 22 - 27, 2017 |
Yordanka Ilieva | "Overview of Photoproduction Physics at JLab" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
NuInt 17, 11th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering in the Few-GeV Region Ontario,, Canada June 25 - 30, 2017 |
Mariana Khachatryan | "Validation of neutrino energy estimation using electron scattering" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
INT Program INT-17-3: Spatial and Momentum Tomography of Hadrons and Nuclei Seattle, WA, USA August 28 - September 29, 2017 |
William Brooks | "QCD Color Propagation in Matter and in the Vacuum" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
ISMD2017, XLVII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics Tlaxcala, Mexico September 11 - 15, 2017 |
Gerard Gilfoyle | "Measurements of the Nucleon Elastic Electromagnetic Form Factors at Jefferson Lab" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
LASNPA-WONP-NURT 2017, XII Latin-American Symposium on Nucl. Phys. and Applications - Workshops on NP and Nucl. Related Tech Havana, Cuba October 23 - 27, 2017 |
Shalev Gilad | "Study of Nucleon-Nucleon Short-Range Correlations, the EMC Effect, and their relation using Backwards-recoiling Protons" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
TRANSVERSITY 2017, Workshop on 5th International Transverse Polarization Phenomena in Hard Processes Frascati, Italy December 11 - 15, 2017 |
Kawtar Hafidi | "Exclusive Measurement of DVCS off 4He at 6 GeV and proposal for the 12 GeV" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
HEP2018 Valparaiso, Chile January 8 - 12, 2018 |
Axel Schmidt | "Short Range Correlations in Asymmetric Nuclei" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Nuclear ab-initio Theories and Neutrino Physics, Institute for Nuclear Theory (INT) Seattle, Wa February 26 - March 30, 2018 |
Or Hen | "New Results on Short Range Correlations in Nuclei" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Exposing Novel Quark and Gluon Effects in Nuclei Trento, Italy April 16 - 20, 2018 |
William Brooks | "Novel Features and Future Opportunities in Experimental Studies of the Polarized EMC Effect and Color Propagation Studies" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
CIPANP 2018, 13th Conf. on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics Palm Springs, CA May 28 - June 3, 2018 |
Or Hen | "Recent progress in the study of Short-Range Correlations" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Fundamental Physics with Electroweak Probes of Light Nuclei, Institute for Nuclear Theory
(INT) Seattle, WA June 12 - July 13, 2018 |
Or Hen | "Short-Range Correlation and Nuclei and the Generalized Contact Formalism" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
UGM 2018: Annual JLab Users Group Meeting Newport News, VA June 18 - 20, 2018 |
Axel Schmidt | "From 12 GeV to EIC: EMC-SRC" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Barak Schmookler | "EMC effect and correlated nucleons: when one plus one is not two" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Md Latiful Kabir | "The search for color transparency through the A(e, e'p) reaction at 12 GeV" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Taisiya Mineeva | "Color propagation in eA with CLAS, CLAS12 and EIC" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
INT Workshop INT-18-2a: From nucleons to nuclei: enabling discovery for neutrinos, dark matter Seattle, WA June 25 - 29, 2018 |
Adi Ashkenzai | "Electrons for neutrinos: leveraging electron scattering data to constrain neutrino interactions" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
FB22, 22nd International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics Caen, France July 9 - 13, 2018 |
Or Hen | "Short Range Correlations in Asymmetric Nuclei" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Modelling Neutrino-Nucleous Interactions Trento, Italy July 9 - 13, 2018 |
Adi Ashkenzai | "The case of eA scattering to understand QE Scattering" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
EICUGM18: Electron - Ion Collider User Group Meeting 2018 Washington, D.C. July 30 - August 2, 2018 |
Raphael Dupre | "Novel Quark and Gluon Effects in Nuclei" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
William Brooks | "Experimental Overview: Jets, Energy Loss, Hadronization, Nuclear Structure: Nuclear Physics with QCD color" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
DNP - 5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan Waikoloa, HA October 23 - 28, 2018 |
Adi Ashkenzai | "Electrons for neutrinos: leveraging electron scattering data to constrain neutrino interactions" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
Parton Distributions as a Bridge from Low to High Energies Workshop Newport News, VA November 8 - 9, 2018 |
Barak Schmookler | "New Results on the EMC Effect" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
SESAPS 2018 - The 85th annual meeting of the APS Southeastern Section Knoxville, Tennessee November 8 - 10, 2018 |
Florian Hauenstein | "Electrons for Neutrinos: How electron scattering data can improve Neutrino oscillation experiments" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
GHP 2019, 8th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics Denver, Colorado April 10 - 12, 2019 |
Florian Hauenstein | "Investigating the EMC effect in highly-virtual nucleons at Jefferson Lab" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
American Physical Society April Meeting 2019 Denver, Colorado April 13 - 16, 2019 |
Lawrence Weinstein | "Electron Scattering Constraints for Neutrino Nucleus Interactions" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
ELBA 2019, Lepton Interactions with Nucleans and Nuclei Isola d'Elba, Italy June 23 - 29, 2019 |
Lawrence Weinstein | "Validation of neutrino energy estimates from electron scattering data" | General | NP |
| | CSC notified |
2019 JLab Users Organization Meeting Newport News, Virginia June 24 - 26, 2019 |
Efrain Segarra | "Bound and Free Nucleon Structure" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Florian Hauenstein | "Short Range Correlations and Tagged Deep Inelastic Scattering" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Reynier Cruz Torres | "Interpreting Short-Range Correlations: Electron Scattering Data, Quantum Monte-Carlo Calculations, and the GCF" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
Diquark Correlations in Hadron Physics: Origin, Impact and Evidence Villazzano, Italy September 23 - 27, 2019 |
William Brooks | "Probing diquark degrees of freedom using hadron formation dynamics" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
The Future of Color Transparency and Hadronization Studies at Jefferson Lab and Beyond Zoom, Online June 7 - 8, 2021 |
Lamiaa El Fassi | "Chasing QCD Signatures in Nuclei using Color Coherence Phenomena" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |
STRONG2020 (Second STRONG online Workshop) York, UK September 14 - 16, 2021 |
Mikhail Bashkanov | "Review of recent progress
in di-baryonic sector" | General | NP |
 | | CSC notified |