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CLAS Speakers Committee Page

The role of the CLAS Speakers Committee (CSC) is to supervise and promote the accurate and broad dissemination of results to the scientific community by talks from members of the CLAS Collaboration. This is an interface to the CSC database, containing conferences and requests for talks. After login, CSC members can use this interface to manage conferences and speaker requests.

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You will be able to trace the status of your request in the section below.

Registered speakers

All future and previous conferences from this calendar year are listed below. For the full list, including past years, click here. CLAS12 talks are highlighted in green.

Conference/WorkshopSpeakerTalk TitleTalk TypePWGSlidesProceedingsApproval Status
NUSYM15, 5th International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry Energy
Krakow, Poland
June 29 - July 2, 2015
Or Hen"Symmetry energy of nucleonic matter with tensor correlations"General CSC notified
EMMI 2015, Cold dense nuclear matter - from short-range nucleon correlations to neutron stars
Darmstadt, Germany
October 13 - 17, 2015
Or Hen"SRC and EMC effects"General CSC notified
DNP 2015, Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics
Santa Fe, NM
October 28 - 31, 2015
Or Hen"Studying Short-Range Correlations at the EIC"General CSC notified
EINN2015, 11th European Research Conference on Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei
Paphos, Cyprus
November 3 - 7, 2015
Or Hen"Short-Range Correlations and the bound nucleon structure"General CSC notified
HST15, High-resolution Spectroscopy and Tensor interactions
Osaka, Japan
November 16 - 19, 2015
Or Hen"Correlation Studies via (e,e'2N) Reactions and Implications"General CSC notified
IPS 2015, Israeli Physical Society annual meeting
Ramat-Gan, Israel
December 13 - 14, 2015
Or Hen"Probing Cold Dense Nuclear Matter"GeneralNP CSC notified
CUSTIPEN/SINAP 2015, Clusters and Correlations in Nuclei, Nuclear Reactions and Neutron Stars
Shanghai, China
December 24 - 18, 2015
Or Hen"Short Range Nucleon-Nucleon Correlations in Nuclei"General CSC notified
54th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics
Bormio, Italy
January 25 - 29, 2016
Or Hen"Short-Range Correlations in Nuclei"General CSC notified
Next-Generation Nuclear Physics with JLab12 and EIC
Miami, Florida
February 10 - 13, 2016
Or Hen"Momentum sharing in asymmetric systems"GeneralNP CSC notified
Or Hen"Tagging Correlations at an EIC."GeneralNP CSC notified
International Workshop on Progress on J-PARC Hadron Physics in 2016
Tokai, Japan
March 2 - 4, 2016
Or Hen"Short-Range Nuclear Structure"GeneralNP CSC notified
International Workshop on Opportunities at the Extended Hadron-Hall at J-PARC
Tokai, Japan
March 5 - 6, 2016
Or Hen"Opportunities for Short-Range Correlation Studies using Hadronic Beams"GeneralNP CSC notified
Nuclear Photoproduction with GlueX
Newport News, VA
April 28 - 29, 2016
Or Hen"Nuclear Structure Studies with GlueX"GeneralNP CSC notified
NUSYM16, 6th international symposium on nuclear symmetry energy
Beijing, China
June 13 - 17, 2016
Or Hen"Short-Range Nuclear Structure and the Nuclear Symmetry Energy"GeneralNP CSC notified
2016 JLab Users Group Meeting
Newport News, VA
June 20 - 22, 2016
Or Hen"Short-Range Correlations and Implications"General CSC notified
The Electron Ion Collider User Group Meeting
Argonne, IL
July 7 - 9, 2016
Or Hen"Nuclear and Bound Nucleon Structure Studies at an EIC"General CSC notified
Gordon Research Conference Photonuclear Reactions
Holderness, NH
August 7 - 12, 2016
Or Hen"Short-Range Nuclear Structure"GeneralNP CSC notified
23rd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
Aarhus, Denmark
August 8 - 12, 2016
Or Hen"Short-Range Fermion Correlations: From neV to MeV"GeneralNP CSC notified
CONF12, XII-th Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum
Thessaloniki, Greece
August 29 - September 2, 2016
Or Hen"Scale Separation and Short-Range Universality"GeneralNP CSC notified
Theoretical Developments in Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (INT-16-63W)
Seattle, WA
December 5 - 9, 2016
Or Hen"Universality in Short-Range Correlations"General CSC notified
Nuclear ab-initio Theories and Neutrino Physics, Institute for Nuclear Theory (INT)
Seattle, Wa
February 26 - March 30, 2018
Or Hen"New Results on Short Range Correlations in Nuclei"GeneralNP CSC notified
CIPANP 2018, 13th Conf. on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics
Palm Springs, CA
May 28 - June 3, 2018
Or Hen"Recent progress in the study of Short-Range Correlations"GeneralNP CSC notified
Fundamental Physics with Electroweak Probes of Light Nuclei, Institute for Nuclear Theory (INT)
Seattle, WA
June 12 - July 13, 2018
Or Hen"Short-Range Correlation and Nuclei and the Generalized Contact Formalism"GeneralNP CSC notified
FB22, 22nd International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
Caen, France
July 9 - 13, 2018
Or Hen"Short Range Correlations in Asymmetric Nuclei"GeneralNP CSC notified

Found a total of 24 General talks with status 'CSC notified' given by Or Hen between Jan 04, 2010 and Dec 31, 2025

Legend: PWG stands for Physics Working Group and can be HS (Hadron Spectroscopy), DP (Deep Processes) or NP (Nuclear Physics). Empty field means an overview talk.

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