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CLAS Speakers Committee Page

The role of the CLAS Speakers Committee (CSC) is to supervise and promote the accurate and broad dissemination of results to the scientific community by talks from members of the CLAS Collaboration. This is an interface to the CSC database, containing conferences and requests for talks. After login, CSC members can use this interface to manage conferences and speaker requests.

If you would like to give a talk or show a poster:
Please log in, then revisit this page to submit your request to the CSC.

You will be able to trace the status of your request in the section below.

Registered speakers

All future and previous conferences from this calendar year are listed below. For the full list, including past years, click here. CLAS12 talks are highlighted in green.

Conference/WorkshopSpeakerTalk TitleTalk TypePWGSlidesProceedingsApproval Status
Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Reactions
Holderness, NH
August 10 - 15, 2014
Hao Jiang"Polarization Observables T and F in the gamma p →pi0 p Reaction"PosterHS CSC notified
Natalie Walford"Polarization Observables using a Transverse Frozen Polarized Target in CLAS"PosterHS CSC notified
Gordon Conference
Holderness, NH
August 5 - 10, 2012
Andrea Celentano"The Forward Tagger detector for CLAS12 experiment at Jefferson Lab"PosterHS CSC notified
Natalie Walford"Double Polarization Data using Polarized Frozen Spin Targets"PosterHS CSC notified
SESAPS14, 81st Annual Meeting of the APS Southeastern Section
Columbia, SC
November 12 - 15, 2014
Lelia Net"Polarization observables in double pion photo-production- circularly polarized photons off transversely polarized protons"PosterHS CSC notified
German Physical Society
Heidelberg, Germany
March 23 - 27, 2015
Susan Schadmand"Towards Measuring the Electromagnetic Structure of eta'- Mesons with the CLAS g12 Experiment"PosterHS CSC notified
The 21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB21)
Chicago, IL
May 18 - 22, 2015
Nicholas Compton"Cross Sections of K0Λ Photoproduction off the Deuteron"PosterHS CSC notified
SNP 2015, International School for Strangeness Nuclear Physics
Sendai, Japan
September 3 - 5, 2015
Natalie Walford"Polarization Observables in Kaon Photoproduction"PosterHS CSC notified
Nicholas Compton"Photoproduction of KΛ from the neutron at CLAS"PosterHS CSC notified
2016 JLab Users Group Meeting
Newport News, VA
June 20 - 22, 2016
Nicholas Compton"Differential Cross Sections of $K^{0}Lambda$ Photoproduction off the Deuteron"PosterHS CSC notified
olga cortes"Beam Spin Asymmetry in Exclusive ω Photoproduction off the Bound Proton"PosterHS CSC notified
Gordon Research Conference Photonuclear Reactions
Holderness, NH
August 7 - 12, 2016
Colin Gleason"Determination of Hyperon Induced Polarization and Polarization Transfer Coefficients for Quasi-Free Hyperon Photoproduction"PosterHS CSC notified
Natalie Walford"Polarization Observables in gamma p Reactions Using Circularly Polarized Photons on a Polarized Frozen Target"PosterHS CSC notified
olga cortes"Beam Spin Asymmetry in Exclusive ω Photoproduction off the Bound Proton"PosterHS CSC notified
Taya Chetry"Study of Coherent Vector Meson Photoproduction off Deuteron and a possible d* resonance"PosterHS CSC notified
Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society 2017
Muenster, Germany
March 27 - 31, 2017
Stefan Diehl"Search for hadronic decays of cascading nucleon and delta resonances with the CLAS detector at JLAB"PosterHS CSC notified
668. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Baryon Form Factors: Where do we stand?
Bad Honnef, Germany
April 23 - 27, 2018
Susan Schadmand"Time-like Formfactors of Hadrons"PosterHS CSC notified
UGM 2018: Annual JLab Users Group Meeting
Newport News, VA
June 18 - 20, 2018
Taya Chetry"Study of Coherent Vector Meson Photoproduction off Deuteron and a possible d* resonance"PosterHS CSC notified
HYP2018: The 13th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics
Portsmouth, VA
June 24 - 29, 2018
John Price"Lambda Proton Elastic Scattering in CLAS"PosterHS CSC notified
INPC 2019, 27th International Nuclear Physics Conference
Glasgow, United Kingdom
July 29 - August 2, 2019
Robert Wishart"Analysis of the Three Pion Production Channel using Bayesian Analysis Techniques"PosterHS CSC notified
JLUO2020: JLab User Organization Annual Meeting
Newport News, VA
June 22 - 24, 2020
Joseph Newton"J/Psi Photoproduction Near Threshold With CLAS12"PosterHS CSC notified
IOP Joint APP, HEPP and NP Conference 2021
Online, United Kingdom
April 12 - 15, 2021
Nicholas Zachariou"Investigating the Strangeness of Neutron Stars"PosterHS CSC notified
William Booth"Measuring Neutron Polarization using the CLAS start counter at Jefferson Lab"PosterHS CSC notified
STRONG2020 (Second STRONG online Workshop)
York, UK
September 14 - 16, 2021
Letterio Biondo"Preliminary results for observation of exclusive π0 electroproduction"PosterHS CSC notified
William Booth"Measuring Neutron Polarization using the CLAS start counter at Jefferson Lab"PosterHS CSC notified
APS 4CS 2021 Meeting
Boulder, Colorado
October 8 - 9, 2021
Nicholas Zachariou"Search for high-mass resonances decaying to $K^+ Lambda^*$"PosterHS CSC notified
Photonuclear Gordon Conference
Holderness, NH
August 7 - 12, 2022
Achyut Khanal"Search for excited Cascade hyperons using CLAS12."PosterHS CSC notified
Iuliia Skorodumina"Double-pion electroproduction off protons in deuterium: measurements of quasi-free cross sections"PosterHS CSC notified

Found a total of 28 HS Poster talks with status 'CSC notified' between Jan 04, 2010 and Dec 31, 2025

Legend: PWG stands for Physics Working Group and can be HS (Hadron Spectroscopy), DP (Deep Processes) or NP (Nuclear Physics). Empty field means an overview talk.

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