Conference/Workshop | Speaker | Talk Title | Talk Type | PWG | Slides | Proceedings | Approval Status |
New Frontiers in QCD 2010 Kyoto, Japan January 18 - March 19, 2010 |
Kei Moriya | "Results on Photoproduction of the Lambda(1405) Using CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Excited QCD Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia January 31 - February 6, 2010 |
Volker Crede | "The Study of Excited Baryon Resonances" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
High Energy Nuclear Physics and QCD Miami, FL February 3 - 6, 2010 |
Lawrence Weinstein | "From 2N to 3N" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Sebastian Kuhn | "Spectator tagging - quo vadis?" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
The 4th Workshop on Exclusive Reactions at High Momentum Transfer Newport News, VA May 18 - 21, 2010 |
Kyungseon Joo | "Nucleon Transition Form Factors with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Puneet Khetarpal | "Near Threshold Neutral Pion Electroproduction at High Q^2" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Deeply Virtual Meson Production with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
MENU2010 Williamsburg, VA May 31 - June 4, 2010 |
Angela Biselli | "Nucleon spin structure at JLab" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Workshop on High Luminosity Polarized Targets for the 12GeV Era Newport News VA, June 17 - 18, 2010 |
Andy Sandorfi | "The HDice target" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Joshua Pierce | "Polarized target for CLAS12" | Invited | |
| | Not approved |
Narbe Kalantarians | "CLAS12 Measurements with Polarized Targets" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Workshop on Transverse Momentum Distributions Trento, Italy June 21 - 25, 2010 |
Harut Avakian | "TMDs at JLab Hall B" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
SPIN-PRAHA-2010 Prague, Czech Republic July 18 - 24, 2010 |
Sergio Pereira | "Hyperon Production and Polarization with CLAS at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Not approved |
Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Reactions Holderness, NH August 10 - 15, 2014 |
Kawtar Hafidi | "Nuclear Deep-Inelastic Scattering" | Invited | NP |
| | Not approved |
Hard Photon and Meson Production Trento, Italy October 10 - 15, 2010 |
Harut Avakian | "Transversity program at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
PSHP2010 Frascati, Italy October 18 - 21, 2010 |
Igor Strakovsky | "Production of the strangest baryon with CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Keith Griffioen | "Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering and Kaons from CLAS6" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "CLAS12 baseline equipment and status of the project" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Marco Contalbrigo | "A RICH detector for CLAS12" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
GHP2011 Anaheim, CA April 27 - 29, 2011 |
Eugene Pasyuk | "Towards Complete Experiment in Meson Photoproduction" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
NSTAR2011 Newport News, VA May 17 - 20, 2011 |
Franz J. Klein | "Complete pseudoscalar photo-production measurements" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Not approved |
UGM 2011 Newport News, VA June 6 - 8, 2011 |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "DVCS Studies with CLAS & CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Michael Dugger | "First data from Frost" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
3rd Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities in US Weihai, Sandong August 8 - 11, 2011 |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "Hall B program and GPD" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
INT Workshop on Orbital Angular Momentum in QCD Seattle, WA February 6 - 17, 2012 |
Michel Guidal | "Exclusive vector meson with Jlab 6 and 12 GeV" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Paul Stoler | "Exclusive Pseudoscalar Meson
Electroproduction" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Workshop on Confinement Physics Newport News, VA March 12 - 15, 2012 |
Ralf Gothe | "Baryon Spectroscopy and Transition Form Factors: a Long Road to QCD in the Confinement Regime" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Victor Mokeev | "Baryon Transition Form Factors From Experiment" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
NPCFiQCD 2012 Philadelphia, PA March 26 - 28, 2012 |
Stepan Stepanyan | "E+e- pair production in Hall B, including J/ψ" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
QNP 2012 Palaiseau, France April 16 - 20, 2012 |
William Brooks | "New experimental tools for exploring in-medium parton propagation in QCD" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Annual User Workshop Newport News, VA June 4 - 6, 2012 |
Biplab Dey | "Differential cross sections and spin density matrix elements for
gamma p -> p phi from the CLAS g11a
experiment" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
INPC 2013 Florence, Italy June 2 - 7, 2013 |
Marco Mirazita | "Studies of the transverse structure of the nucleon at JLab" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Isospin Filters Workshop Edinburgh, UK June 29 - 30, 2013 |
Eric Voutier | "Coherent and Incoherent DVCS off nuclei" | Invited | DP |
| | Not approved |
Stepan Stepanyan | "Meson spectroscopy using 4He targets at JLAB" | Invited | HS |
| | Not approved |
PSHP2013 Frascati, Italy November 11 - 13, 2013 |
Marco Mirazita | "The CLAS12 RICH project" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
DVCS Bochum workshop Bochum, Germany February 10 - 12, 2014 |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "DVCS with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
| | Not approved |
Light Cone 2014: Theory and Experiment for Hadrons on the Light-Front Raleigh, NC May 26 - 30, 2014 |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "Experimental Studies of Generalized Parton Distributions" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Jefferson Lab Users Group Meeting Newport News, USA June 19 - 21, 2017 |
Meytal Duer | "Kinetic energy inversion of protons and neutrons in asymmetric nuclei" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
4th International Workshop on Transverse Polarisation Phenomena in Hard Processes "TRANSVERSITY 2014" Chia (Sardinia), Italy June 9 - 13, 2014 |
Andrey Kim | "Exclusive processes at JLAB at 6 GeV" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Silvia Pisano | "The JLAB 3D program at 12 GeV (TMDs+GPDs)" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Frontiers and Careers in Photonuclear Physics Cambridge, MA August 7 - 9, 2014 |
Natalie Walford | "Measurement of Polarization Observables in Kaon Photoproduction with the FROST experiment”" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Or Hen | "Short-range correlations in imbalanced Fermi systems" | Invited | NP |
| | Not approved |
Taisiya Mineeva | "Experimental insights on hadronization mechanisms via neutral pion electroproduction" | Invited | NP |
| | Not approved |
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XI St. Petersburg, Russia September 8 - 12, 2014 |
Ralf Gothe | "Exclusive Electroexcitation of Baryon Resonances with CLAS and CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
EMP - Exclusive Meson Production and Short-Range Hadron Structure Newport News, VA January 22 - 24, 2015 |
Michel Guidal | "Rho0, Omega, Rho+ exclusive electroproduction on the proton at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Moskov Amaryan | "High-t Exclusive pi^0 Photoproduction" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Rafayel Paremuzyan | "Exclusive J/psi photoproduction with CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Backward meson production at CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Valery Kubarovsky | "Deeply Virtual Meson Production and Transversity GPDs" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
High Energy Nuclear Physics with Spectator Tagging Norfolk, VA March 9 - 11, 2015 |
Svyatoslav Tkachenko | "Neutron Structure with BONuS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
CIPANP2015 - Conference on the Intersetions of Particle and Nuclear Physics Vail, CO May 19 - 24, 2015 |
Reinhard Schumacher | "Hyperon photoproduction: What has been learned at Jefferson Lab?" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
New Directions in Nuclear Deep Inelastic Scattering ECT* in Trento, Italia June 8 - 12, 2015 |
Lorenzo Zana | "Search for the onset color transparency through p0 electroproduction on nuclei" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
TMDe2015 - A path towards TMD extraction Trieste, Italy September 2 - 4, 2015 |
Marco Mirazita | "Lambda production in the DIS target-fragmentation region: the CLAS12 program" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Nucleon Resonances: From Photoproduction to High Photon Virtualities Trento, Italy October 12 - 16, 2015 |
Kijun Park | "Exclusinve Single Pion off the Proton: Results from CLAS" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
The 11th Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications Medellín, Colombia November 30 - December 4, 2015 |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "Hall B 12 GeV upgrade science program" | Invited | |
|  | Not approved |
Shalev Gilad | "Tagged EMC - Exploring the correlations between the EMC effect and nucleon-nucleon short-range correlations" | Invited | NP |
|  | Not approved |
DIS 2016 Hamburg, Germany April 11 - 15, 2016 |
Kyungseon Joo | "Exclusive Hard Processes with CLAS and Generalized Parton Distributions" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Nuclear Photoproduction with GlueX Newport News, VA April 28 - 29, 2016 |
Michael Wood | "Vector Mesons in Medium" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Pawel Nadel-Turonski | "J/psi Photoproduction with CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Precision Radiative Corrections for Next Generation Experiments Newport News, VA May 16 - 19, 2016 |
Brian Raue | "Positron vs Electron scattering on protons and TPE" | Invited | DP |
| | Not approved |
Nathan Harrison | "Radiative corrections in SIDIS from CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Victor Mokeev | "Resonant contributions to DIS/SIDIS from gvNN* electrocouplings" | Invited | HS |
 |  | Not approved |
2016 JLab Users Group Meeting Newport News, VA June 20 - 22, 2016 |
Marco Contalbrigo | "CLAS TMDs" | Invited | DP |
| | Not approved |
Narbe Kalantarians | "The Structure of the Free Neutron at Large Bjorken x (BONuS12)" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Nonperturbative QCD 2016 Sevilla, Spain October 17 - 21, 2016 |
Victor Mokeev | "New results from CLAS on the N* spectrum
and structure" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
INT workshop 2016 Seattle, WA November 14 - 18, 2016 |
Ralf Gothe | "Nucleon Excitations of Protons and Neutrons at High Photon Virtualities" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
Victor Mokeev | "New results on N* spectrum/structure with CLAS and preparation for the CLAS12 era" | Invited | HS |
| | Not approved |
YSTAR2016, Excited Hyperons in QCD Thermodynamics at Freeze-Out Newport News, VA November 16 - 17, 2016 |
Lei Guo | "Opportunities for Excited Hyperon Spectroscopy at CLAS12" | Invited | HS |
| | Not approved |
GHP2017, 7th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics Washington, DC February 1 - 3, 2017 |
Peter Bosted | "Another spin puzzle: large beam-target spin asymmetries in exclusive pion electroproduction" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Study of high-density nuclear matter with Hadron beams Rehovot, Israel March 28 - 31, 2017 |
Erez Cohen | "The center of mass motion of short-range correlated nucleon pairs" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Meytal Duer | "Probing high-momentum protons and neutrons in asymmetric nuclei" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Nucleon and Resonance Structure with Hard Exclusive Processes Orsay, France May 29 - 31, 2017 |
Angela Biselli | "Study of the resonance region with pion electro-production" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Nicholas Hirlinger Saylor | "DVCS cross sections from CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Paul Stoler | "Opportunites for CLAS12 experiments on exclusive pi0,eta and phi electroproduction." | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Pion and Kaon Structure at an Electron-Ion Collider Argonne, IL June 1 - 2, 2017 |
Whitney Armstrong | "ALERT - A Low Energy Recoil Tracker
EIC nuclear physics before the EIC" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
International workshop on (e,e’p) processes Bled, Slovenia July 2 - 6, 2017 |
Meytal Duer | "Recent results from SRC studies using (e,e'p) and (e,e'n) scattering off medium and heavy nuclei" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
NSTAR 2017, The 11th International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons Columbia, SC August 20 - 23, 2017 |
Ye Tian | "Exclusive π− Electroproduction off the Neutron in Deuterium in the Resonance Region" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
INT Program INT-17-3: Spatial and Momentum Tomography of Hadrons and Nuclei Seattle, WA, USA August 28 - September 29, 2017 |
Mohammad Hattawy | "Partonic Structure of Light Nuclei" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
DNP 2017, 2017 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics Pittsburgh, PA October 25 - 28, 2017 |
Franck Sabatié | "Novel Micromegas trackers" | Invited | DP |
| | Not approved |
Patrizia Rossi | "Hybrid RICH detector" | Invited | DP |
| | Not approved |
EINN 2017, 12th European Research Conference on Electromagnetic Interactions of Nucleons and Nuclei Paphos, Cyprus October 29 - November 4, 2017 |
Meytal Duer | "Probing high-momentum protons and
neutrons in asymmetric nuclei" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
84th Annual Meeting of the APS Southeastern Section Milledgeville, GA November 16 - 18, 2017 |
Priyashree Roy | "Spectroscopy Results with Polarization Observables in Vector Meson Photoproduction at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Not approved |
TRANSVERSITY 2017, Workshop on 5th International Transverse Polarization Phenomena in Hard Processes Frascati, Italy December 11 - 15, 2017 |
Kyungseon Joo | "Exclusive meson production with CLAS/CLAS12 and transverse GPDs" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
DIS 2018, XXVI International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects Kobe, Japan April 16 - 20, 2018 |
Stephen Bueltmann | "Future of 3D Imaging at Jefferson Lab
with Focus on CLAS12" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
The Nature of Hadron Mass and Quark-Gluon Confinement from JLab Experiments in the 12-GeV Era Pohang, Korea July 1 - 4, 2018 |
Andrey Kim | "Studies of GPDs with CLAS" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Photonuclear Reactions
Gordon Research Conference Holderness, NH August 5 - 10, 2018 |
Meytal Duer | "Probing High-Momentum Protons and Neutrons in Asymmetric Nuclei" | Invited | NP |
| | Not approved |
Quark Hadron Duality Workshop Harrisonburg, VA September 23 - 25, 2018 |
Nikolay Markov | "Resonant contribution to inclusive electron scattering from the experimental results on resonance
electrocouplings" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
DNP - 5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan Waikoloa, HA October 23 - 28, 2018 |
Kenneth Hicks | "A measurement of Lambda-proton scattering cross sections at CLAS" | Invited | HS |
| | Not approved |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "Nucleon Tomography Studies at Jefferson Lab" | Invited | DP |
| | Not approved |
Prospects for extraction of GPDs from global fits of current and future data Warsaw, Poland January 22 - 25, 2019 |
Francois-Xavier Girod | "CLAS12 Deep Virtual φ" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Stefan Diehl | "Beam spin asymmetries from hard exclusive pion electro-production in the deeply virtual region with CLAS and CLAS 12" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
FF2019, Workshop on Novel Probes of the Nucleon Structure in SIDIS, e+e- and pp Durham, USA March 14 - 16, 2019 |
Stefan Diehl | "Recent SIDIS results from HallB" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
NSTAR2019, The 12th International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Nucleons Bonn, Germany June 10 - 14, 2019 |
Gleb Fedotov | "The prospect for studying nπ⁺ π° electroproduction off protons" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
2019 JLab Users Organization Meeting Newport News, Virginia June 24 - 26, 2019 |
Joshua Artem Tan | "Overview of CLAS12 Run Group K Experiments" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
The 11th Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities Worldwide Tianjin, China August 22 - 28, 2019 |
Stefan Diehl | "3D nucleon structure in Hall B at JLab" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
JLUO2020: JLab User Organization Annual Meeting Newport News, VA June 22 - 24, 2020 |
Or Hen | "Spin-dependent electron scattering from a
Polarized 3He Target
And precision measurement of A=3 in Hall B" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Correlations in Partonic and Hadronic Interactions (CPHI 2022) Durham, NC, USA March 7 - 12, 2022 |
Andrey Kim | "Deeply Virtual Meson Electroproduction at Jefferson Lab with CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
APS April meeting 2022 New York & Online, USA April 9 - 12, 2022 |
Stefan Diehl | "Exploring the 3D Nucleon Structure" | Invited | DP |
| | Not approved |
Valerii Klimenko | "Measurements of the Inclusive Electron Scattering off Protons with CLAS12" | Invited | DP |
| | Not approved |
SRC Workshop Boston, MA August 2 - 4, 2022 |
Andrew Denniston | "Recent Analysis Results RG-M" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Justin Estee | "Run Group M Analysis Update" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Sara Ratliff | "BAND Efficiency Study
with RGM Data" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Tyler Kutz | "Bound proton structure with BAND" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Baryon 22 International Conference on the Structure of Baryons Seville, Spain November 7 - 11, 2022 |
Igor Strakovsky | "Vector meson-proton scattering lengths from omega to upsilon" | Invited | HS |
 | | Not approved |
William Brooks | "Exploring the potential role of
diquarks in hadronization using
SIDIS on nuclear targets" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Tomography of light nuclei at an EIC Rome, Italy November 9 - 10, 2022 |
Raphael Dupre | "Nuclear DVCS experiments" | Invited | DP |
 | | Not approved |
Workshop on kaons with CLAS12 Frascati, Italy December 13 - 16, 2022 |
Armen Gyurjinyan | "ML for the RICH alignment" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Connor Pecar | "Graph Neural Networks for
RICH Reconstruction" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics (GHP2023) Minneapolis, Minnesota April 12 - 14, 2023 |
Axel Schmidt | "Short-Range Correlations in Nuclei" | Invited | NP |
 | | Not approved |
Florian Hauenstein | "Understanding the EMC effect with tagged DIS measurements" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Harut Avakian | "Experimental Studies of Evolution Properties of Structure Functions in Polarized SIDIS" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Latifa Elouadrhiri | "Gravitational form factors and mechanical
properties of the proton" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |
Patrizia Rossi | "JLab physics program & future initiatives" | Invited | |
 | | Not approved |