
Hall B Scientific Staff Bios

Youri Sharabian

Youri Sharabian attended Tbilisi State University, Georgia and graduated in 1971 with a major in Nuclear Physics. After graduation he started his scientific career at Yerevan Physics Institute as a research scientist. Youri received a Ph.D. degree in Elementary Particles and Nuclear Physics at Yerevan Physics Institute in April 1981. He did postdoctoral research with the same institution and as a group leader participated in a number of experiments at the Yerevan Electron Synchrotron. These experiments were dedicated to study properties of nuclear matter at high energies. Since 1984 Youri served as a senior research scientist at YerPhI. He has been deeply involved in the investigations of (e,e'p) quasielastic processes at low momentum transfer. The experiments were utilized to get detailed information on possible nuclear medium modifications, on properties of short-range nucleon correlations, and on non-nucleon degrees of freedom in nuclei. Since 1992 he is essentially involved in the CLAS Collaboration. In 2000, Youri joined JLab as a staff scientist. In the course of his work, he proposed ideas to build and commission the unique equipment for the CLAS experiments. He has over 150 publications. Youri has developed several new detector systems, monitors, and developed other projects resulting in the construction of novel hardware equipment that has become a part of the standard configuration for CLAS and CLAS12 experiments. Some copies of them have been implemented and are being used on a regular basis in other experiments at JLab.

Current Responsibilities in Hall B:

  • Group leader of the CLAS12 High Threshold Cerenkov Counter (HTCC)
  • Leadership with CLAS12 Low Threshold Cerenkov Counter (LTCC) system
  • Novel detector design, testing, and construction