Jefferson Lab > Physics > Hall C
Privacy and Security Notice

Target Call List

If you need to reach a target expert first try the pager specific to the person on the call list on that date. If you do not get a response try the office phone number. The primary person on call rotates according to the list below. If you still don't get a response, then go to one of the backup experts listed below. It can happen that the primary person cannot hear your page. But give the primary person at least 5 minutes to respond before giving up on them.

Date Contact Pager
Jul 1- Greg Smith 584-5405

If the relevant person on the above call list does not respond, then use the following backup list in the given order:

ExpertPagerHome Phone
Greg Smith584-5405565-9883
Mike Seely584-5036223-1216
Dave Meekins  584-5434874-4750
Chris Keith584-5878596-3002
Thia Keppel584-7580