OPERA/TOSCA files: halld_XXt.opc - TOSCA MODELER file (geometry, material, boundaries etc). XX - field in the center on dipole in kOe. halld_XX.op3 - TOSCSA Post-Processor file (result of calculation with magnetic fields etc.) halld_ps_XXkg.table - the dipole field map X: -14cm <--> 14cm Step 0.5cm Y: -2cm <--> 2cm Step 0.5cm Z: -150cm <--> 150cm Step 1.0cm Maximal magnetic field By in the center of pair spectrometer (X=0, Y=0, Z=0) file Field, Oe halld_ps_10kg.table 10003.0 halld_ps_13kg.table 13155.4 halld_ps_15kg.table 15011.1 halld_ps_16kg.table 15947.0 halld_ps_17kg.table 16953.0 halld_ps_18kg.table 18001.7 halld_ps_19kg.table 19038.7 halld_ps_20kg.table 19987.8 ps_2dz_yXX_YYt.kumac - PAW files to compare TOSCA calculations and measurements ps_2d_yXX_YYt_Z.txt - files with measurement results for comparison halld_2dz_yXX_YYt_Zc.table - files with TOSCA results for comparison