Hall D physics runs
Year Dates Calendar
ABU Experiment PDL Comment PAC
2016 Feb, 3 - Mar, 23 49 12.0 ? ? E12-06-102 B.Zihlmann Engineering run, solenoid at 1200A 3+25 25
2017 Jan, 30 - Mar, 9 40 11.7 58% 51% E12-06-102 B.Zihlmann Production 20 45
2018 Jan, 12 - Mar, 5 52 11.7 52% 46% E12-06-102 B.Zihlmann Production 26 71
2018 Mar, 29 - May, 6 38 11.7 58% 52% E12-06-102 B.Zihlmann Production 19 90
2018 Sep, 21 - Nov, 26 66 11.7 53% 47% E12-06-102 B.Zihlmann Production 33 123
2018 Nov, 28 - Dec, 9 12 10.3 ? N/A E12-10-011 L.Pentchev Commissioning, low energy N/A
2018 Dec, 12 - Dec, 18 7 9.0 ? N/A E12-10-011 L.Pentchev Commissioning, low energy N/A
2019 Feb, 8 - Feb, 21 13 11.6 45% N/A E12-12-002 B.Zihlmann 1/2 DIRC Commissioning 6 6
2019 Feb, 21 - Mar, 5 15 11.6 52% 37% E12-10-011 L.Pentchev Installation, Production on Be, LHe, FOM=0.974 7.3 7.3
2019 Mar, 8 - Apr, 15 38 11.2 73% 68% E12-10-011 L.Pentchev Production on LHe, FOM=0.854 16.1 23.4
2019 Nov, 25 - Dec, 20 25 11.4 34% 32% E12-12-002 B.Zihlmann DIRC commissioning, actual start Dec, 3. PAC days = 0.32*25 8 14
2020 Jan, 10 - Mar, 24 75 11.4 62% 56% E12-12-002 B.Zihlmann Production with DIRC at high rate. First 2 weeks - lower rate 38 52
2020 Jul, 27 - Sep, 21 56 11.4 46% 38% E12-12-002 B.Zihlmann Production with DIRC at high rate 21.5 73.5
2021 Sep, 16 - Nov, 4 50 10.1 51% 45% E12-10-011 L.Pentchev Production on LHe, FOM=0.564 14 37.4
2021 Nov, 8 - Dec, 21 43 10.9 70% 60% E12-19-003 L.Pentchev Production on LHe, LD, C FOM=0.735 PAC=43*0.6*0.73=19 19 19
2022 Jun, 8 - Aug, 17 71 11.6 46% 41% E12-13-008 S.Taylor CPP/NPP 29 29
2022 Aug, 27 - Dec, 18 113 11.6 64% 59% E12-10-011 L.Pentchev PrimeX-η Production on LHe, FOM=0.914*0.85(TAGM) 51.6 89
2023 Jan, 12 - Mar, 19 67 11.6 48% 42% E12-12-002 B.Zihlmann GlueX-II Production. ABU was used to calculate the PAC days 28.1 102.
23-24 Mar, 20 - , 15 650 FCAL2 installation
2025 Jan,24 - July, 20 178 11.8 E12-12-002 B.Zihlmann GlueX-II + JEF        Schedule pending 89 191.
2026 Jan, 24 - Mar, 24 ? 60 12? E12-12-002 B.Zihlmann GlueX-II + JEF    Assuming 25 weeks/physics in FY26 30 ? 220.
2026 Mar, 24 - July, 20 ? 118 12? ? ? ?    Assuming 25 weeks/physics in FY26 59 ?
26-27 Jul, 21 - Dec, 31 525 Planning:KLF installation

1. ABU - Available Beam in Use (fraction of the calendar time), BANU - Beam Available Not in Use
3. PAC days - Assumed to be 50% of the calendar days
4. The figure-of-merit FOM for PRIMEX-η depends on the beam energy because of the Primakoff cross section and the background levels depends on the energy. The proposal assumed a 12 GeV beam. Our calculations were normalized to 11.7 GeV: FOM(11.7)=1.
5. SRC/CT: Assuming that the coherent edge is selected at the same energy (8.7 GeV) and that the beam current is selected keeping the same low energy flux (0.1-3 GeV), and ignoring the polarization, let us estimate the figure of merit as the beam flux at >8 GeV: FOM(10.9)/FOM(11.7)=73%