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1 // $Id: DTrackCandidate_factory_FDCpseudo.cc 2962 2007-11-12 13:44:06Z davidl $
2 //
3 // File: DTrackCandidate_factory.cc
4 // Created: Mon Jul 18 15:23:04 EDT 2005
5 // Creator: davidl (on Darwin wire129.jlab.org 7.8.0 powerpc)
6 //
8 #include <iostream>
9 #include <iomanip>
10 using namespace std;
12 #include <TROOT.h>
14 #include <math.h>
16 #include <JANA/JGeometry.h>
17 using namespace jana;
20 #include "DANA/DApplication.h"
21 #include "DQuickFit.h"
23 #include "DVector2.h"
24 #include "FDC/DFDCGeometry.h"
25 #include "DHoughFind.h"
29  return hit1->hit->wire->origin.Z() < hit2->hit->wire->origin.Z();
30 }
33 //------------------
34 // DTrackCandidate_factory_FDCpseudo
35 //------------------
37 {
38 #if 0
39  // Set defaults
40  MAX_SEED_DIST = 5.0;
42 #endif
43 }
45 //------------------
46 // init
47 //------------------
49 {
50  TARGET_Z_MIN = 65.0 - 15.0;
51  TARGET_Z_MAX = 65.0 + 15.0;
53  MAX_HIT_DIST = 5.0;
56  return NOERROR;
57 }
59 //------------------
60 // brun
61 //------------------
62 jerror_t DTrackCandidate_factory_FDCpseudo::brun(JEventLoop *loop, int32_t runnumber)
63 {
64  return NOERROR;
65 }
67 //------------------
68 // fini
69 //------------------
71 {
72  return NOERROR;
73 }
75 //------------------
76 // evnt
77 //------------------
78 jerror_t DTrackCandidate_factory_FDCpseudo::evnt(JEventLoop *loop, uint64_t eventnumber)
79 {
81  // Get the hits into the trkhits vector
82  GetTrkHits(loop);
84  // Find seeds from X/Y projections
85  vector<DFDCSeed> seeds;
86  FindSeeds(seeds);
88  // Loop over seeds and fit in phi-z plane to find z and theta
89  for(unsigned int i=0; i<seeds.size(); i++){
90  DFDCSeed &seed = seeds[i];
91  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<"----- Seed "<<i<<" ------"<<endl;
92  if(!seed.valid)continue;
94  // Fit seed hits to get theta and vertex z position
95  //FindThetaZ(seed);
96  //if(!seed.valid)continue;
98  // copy fit results to local variables (makes it easier to debug)
99  double p_trans = seed.p_trans;
100  double phi = seed.phi;
101  double q = seed.q;
102  double theta = seed.theta;
103  double z_vertex = seed.z_vertex;
105  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<"p_trans="<<p_trans<<" phi="<<phi<<" theta="<<theta<<" p="<<p_trans/sin(theta)<<endl;
107  //Make a track candidate from results
108  DTrackCandidate *can = new DTrackCandidate;
109  DVector3 pos, mom;
110  pos.SetXYZ(0.0, 0.0, z_vertex);
111  mom.SetMagThetaPhi(p_trans/sin(theta), theta, phi);
112  can->setPosition(pos);
113  can->setMomentum(mom);
114  can->setPID((q > 0.0) ? PiPlus : PiMinus);
116  _data.push_back(can);
117  }
119  return NOERROR;
120 }
122 //------------------
123 // GetTrkHits
124 //------------------
126 {
127  // Clear out old hits
128  for(unsigned int i=0; i<fdctrkhits.size(); i++){
129  delete fdctrkhits[i];
130  }
131  fdctrkhits.clear();
133  // Get hits
134  vector<const DFDCPseudo*> fdcpseudos;
135  loop->Get(fdcpseudos);
137  // Create a DFDCTrkHit object for each DFDCIntersection object
138  for(unsigned int i=0; i<fdcpseudos.size(); i++){
140  DFDCTrkHit *trkhit = new DFDCTrkHit;
141  trkhit->hit = fdcpseudos[i];
142  trkhit->flags = NOISE;
144  fdctrkhits.push_back(trkhit);
145  }
147  // Filter out noise hits. All hits are initially flagged as "noise".
148  // Hits with a neighbor within MAX_HIT_DIST have their noise flags cleared.
149  for(unsigned int i=0; i<fdctrkhits.size(); i++){ // cut above should ensure cdctrkhits.size() is at least 1
150  DFDCTrkHit *trkhit1 = fdctrkhits[i];
151  for(unsigned int j=0; j<fdctrkhits.size(); j++){
152  DFDCTrkHit *trkhit2 = fdctrkhits[j];
153  if(!(trkhit2->flags & NOISE))continue; // this hit already has noise flag cleared
154  double d2 = trkhit1->Dist2(trkhit2);
155  double deltaz = fabs(trkhit1->hit->wire->origin.Z() - trkhit2->hit->wire->origin.Z());
156  if(debug_level>4)_DBG_<<" -- Dist hits "<<i<<" and "<<j<<" : deltaR="<<sqrt(d2)<<" deltaZ="<<deltaz<<endl;
157  if(d2<MAX_HIT_DIST2 && deltaz<12.0){
158  trkhit1->flags &= ~NOISE;
159  trkhit2->flags &= ~NOISE;
160  }// if
161  }// j
162  }// i
163 }
167 //------------------
168 // FindSeeds
169 //------------------
170 void DTrackCandidate_factory_FDCpseudo::FindSeeds(vector<DFDCSeed> &seeds)
171 {
172  // Create a DHoughFind object to find a seed via the Hough Transform method
173  // We create it once here to avoid the overhead of reallocating memory
174  // each time through the loop below.
175  //DHoughFind hough(-400.0, +400.0, -400.0, +400.0, 100, 100);
177  // Loop until we find all seeds
178  unsigned int last_available_hits = 0;
179  for(int i=0; i<12; i++){ // limit the number of iterations in this loop
180  // Check if we should exit the loop due to lack of available
181  // hits. This is the primary point of exit for this loop.
182  unsigned int Navailable_hits = NumAvailableHits();
183  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<"Navailable_hits="<<Navailable_hits<<" last_available_hits="<<last_available_hits<<endl;
184  if(Navailable_hits<3)break;
185  if(Navailable_hits==last_available_hits)break;
186  last_available_hits = Navailable_hits;
188  // Set the limits for the rough Hough histogram
189  hough.SetLimits(-400.0, +400.0, -400.0, +400.0, 100, 100);
190  hough.ClearPoints();
192  // Add all points not already marked as unavailable
193  for(unsigned int i=0; i<fdctrkhits.size(); i++){
194  DFDCTrkHit *fdctrkhit = fdctrkhits[i];
195  if(fdctrkhit->flags&USED)continue;
196  if(fdctrkhit->flags&NOISE)continue;
197  if(fdctrkhit->flags&OUT_OF_TIME)continue;
198  const DFDCPseudo *hit = fdctrkhit->hit;
200  hough.AddPoint(hit->xy.X(), hit->xy.Y());
201  }
203  DVector2 Ro = hough.Find();
204  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<"Rough: GetMaxBinContent="<<hough.GetMaxBinContent()<<" x0="<<Ro.X()<<" y0="<<Ro.Y()<<endl;
205  if(debug_level>6)hough.PrintHist();
206  if(hough.GetMaxBinContent()<10.0)continue;
208  // Zoom in on resonanace a little
209  double width = 60.0;
210  hough.SetLimits(Ro.X()-width, Ro.X()+width, Ro.Y()-width, Ro.Y()+width, 100, 100);
211  Ro = hough.Find();
212  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<"Medium: GetMaxBinContent="<<hough.GetMaxBinContent()<<" x0="<<Ro.X()<<" y0="<<Ro.Y()<<endl;
213  if(debug_level>5)hough.PrintHist();
215  // Zoom in on resonanace once more
216  width = 8.0;
217  hough.SetLimits(Ro.X()-width, Ro.X()+width, Ro.Y()-width, Ro.Y()+width, 100, 100);
218  Ro = hough.Find();
219  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<"Fine: GetMaxBinContent="<<hough.GetMaxBinContent()<<" x0="<<Ro.X()<<" y0="<<Ro.Y()<<endl;
220  if(debug_level>5)hough.PrintHist();
222  DFDCSeed seed;
224  seed.valid = true;
225  seed.q = +1.0;
226  seed.z_vertex = 65.0;
227  seed.theta = M_PI/2.0;
229  seed.r0 = Ro.Mod();
230  seed.x0 = Ro.X();
231  seed.y0 = Ro.Y();
232  seed.p_trans = 0.003*2.1*seed.r0;
234  // Set the VALID_HIT flag on hits consistent with this circle
235  // and calculate the phi angle relative to the center of the
236  // circle for the valid hits.
237  FillSeedHits(seed);
238  if(seed.hits.size()<3)continue; // require at least 5 hits
240  // Set phi here since FillSeedHits may flip the sign of seed.q
241  seed.phi = Ro.Phi() - seed.q*M_PI/2.0;
243  // Find the theta and z-vertex of the seed and flag any used hits as USED
244  FindThetaZ(seed);
246  // Add to list of seeds (i.e. tracks)
247  seeds.push_back(seed);
248  }
249 }
251 //------------------
252 // FillSeedHits
253 //------------------
255 {
256  // Loop over available hits and add any consistent with the circle
257  // parameters to the list of hits for this seed.
258  DVector2 Ro(seed.x0, seed.y0);
259  seed.hits.clear();
260  for(unsigned int i=0; i<fdctrkhits.size(); i++){
261  DFDCTrkHit *fdctrkhit = fdctrkhits[i];
262  fdctrkhit->flags &= ~ON_CIRCLE; // clear ON_CIRCLE flag, it gets set below if applicable
263  if(fdctrkhit->flags&USED)continue;
264  if(fdctrkhit->flags&NOISE)continue;
265  if(fdctrkhit->flags&OUT_OF_TIME)continue;
266  const DFDCPseudo *hit = fdctrkhit->hit;
268  // Calculate distance between Hough transformed line (i.e.
269  // the line on which a circle that passes through both the
270  // origin and the point at hit->pos) and the circle center.
271  DVector2 h(hit->xy.X()/2.0, hit->xy.Y()/2.0);
272  DVector2 g(h.Y(), -h.X());
273  g /= g.Mod();
274  DVector2 Ro_minus_h(seed.x0-h.X(), seed.y0-h.Y());
275  //Ro_minus_h /= Ro_minus_h.Mod();
276  double dist = fabs(g.X()*Ro_minus_h.Y() - g.Y()*Ro_minus_h.X());
278  // If this is not close enough to the found circle's center,
279  // reject it for this seed.
280  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<"dist="<<dist<<endl;
281  if(dist > 2.0){
282  fdctrkhit->flags &= ~VALID_HIT;
283  continue;
284  }
286  fdctrkhit->flags |= ON_CIRCLE | VALID_HIT;
287  seed.hits.push_back(fdctrkhit);
288  }
290  // Sort hits by increasing z
291  sort(seed.hits.begin(), seed.hits.end(), FDCSortByZincreasing);
293  // Below, we fill in the phi_hit field of the DFDCTrkHit objects for
294  // this candidate. We do so incrementally to try and accomodate
295  // phi values greater than 2pi. Initialize the "last" direction as
296  // pointing back to the beamline.
297  DVector2 last_dir = -1.0*Ro/Ro.Mod();
298  double last_phi = 0.0;
300  // Loop over hits, filling in phi_hit
301  int Nq = 0;
302  for(unsigned int i=0; i<seed.hits.size(); i++){
303  DFDCTrkHit *fdctrkhit = seed.hits[i];
304  //const DVector3 &pos = fdctrkhit->hit->pos;
306  // Calculate phi. We do this trivially for now
307  //DVector2 p(fdctrkhit->hit->x , fdctrkhit->hit->y);
308  DVector2 p=fdctrkhit->hit->xy;
309  DVector2 p_minus_Ro = p - Ro;
310  p_minus_Ro/=p_minus_Ro.Mod();
311  double delta_phi = p_minus_Ro.Phi() - last_dir.Phi();
312  while(delta_phi>+M_PI)delta_phi-=2.0*M_PI;
313  while(delta_phi<-M_PI)delta_phi+=2.0*M_PI;
314  fdctrkhit->phi_hit = last_phi + delta_phi;
315  last_phi = fdctrkhit->phi_hit;
316  last_dir = p_minus_Ro;
317  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<"phi_hit="<<fdctrkhit->phi_hit<<" z="<<fdctrkhit->hit->wire->origin.Z()<<" phi_hit/z="<<fdctrkhit->phi_hit/(fdctrkhit->hit->wire->origin.Z()-65.0)<<" delta_phi="<<delta_phi<<endl;
318  if(fdctrkhit->hit->wire->layer<=6){
319  Nq += fdctrkhit->phi_hit>0.0 ? +1:-1;
320  }
321  }
323  // If Nq has too few entries, then look to the second package
324  if(abs(Nq)<2){
325  for(unsigned int i=0; i<seed.hits.size(); i++){
326  DFDCTrkHit *fdctrkhit = seed.hits[i];
327  if(fdctrkhit->hit->wire->layer<=12){
328  Nq += fdctrkhit->phi_hit>0.0 ? +1:-1;
329  }
330  }
331  }
333  if(Nq<0)seed.q = -seed.q;
334 }
336 //------------------
337 // NumAvailableHits
338 //------------------
340 {
341  // Loop over all hits and count the ones that are still
342  // available for making a new seed.
343  unsigned int N=0;
344  for(unsigned int i=0; i<fdctrkhits.size(); i++){
345  DFDCTrkHit *fdctrkhit = fdctrkhits[i];
346  if(fdctrkhit->flags&USED)continue;
347  if(fdctrkhit->flags&NOISE)continue;
348  if(fdctrkhit->flags&OUT_OF_TIME)continue;
349  if(fdctrkhit->flags&CANT_BE_IN_SEED)continue;
350  N++;
351  }
353  return N;
354 }
356 //------------------
357 // FindThetaZ
358 //------------------
360 {
361  FindTheta(seed, TARGET_Z_MIN, TARGET_Z_MAX);
362  FindZ(seed, seed.theta_min, seed.theta_max);
364  // If z_vertex is not inside the target limits, then flag this
365  // seed as invalid.
366  if(seed.z_vertex<TARGET_Z_MIN || seed.z_vertex>TARGET_Z_MAX){
367  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<"Seed z-vertex outside of target range (z="<<seed.z_vertex<<" TARGET_Z_MIN="<<TARGET_Z_MIN<<" TARGET_Z_MAX="<<TARGET_Z_MAX<<endl;
368  seed.valid=false;
369  }
371  // If the seed is valid, mark all hits that are consistent with the track
372  // as USED
373  if(seed.valid){
374  for(unsigned int i=0; i<seed.hits.size(); i++){
375  DFDCTrkHit *trkhit = seed.hits[i];
376  if(trkhit->flags&IN_Z_RANGE)trkhit->flags |= USED;
377  }
378  }else{
379  // If the seed is not valid, then we need to mark at least one of the
380  // hits us unusable on the next seed. Otherwise, the same seed will be found
381  // over and over and over... We just mark the first hit in the seed.
382  for(unsigned int i=0; i<seed.hits.size(); i++){
383  DFDCTrkHit *trkhit = seed.hits[i];
384  if(trkhit->flags&ON_CIRCLE)trkhit->flags |= CANT_BE_IN_SEED;
385  }
386  }
388  return;
389 }
391 //------------------
392 // FindTheta
393 //------------------
394 void DTrackCandidate_factory_FDCpseudo::FindTheta(DFDCSeed &seed, double target_z_min, double target_z_max)
395 {
396  /// Find the theta value using the hits from <i>seed</i>.
397  /// The value of seed.r0 is used to calculate theta.
398  ///
399  /// This uses a histogramming technique that looks at the overlaps of the
400  /// angle ranges subtended by each hit between the given target limits.
401  /// The overlaps usually lead to a range of values for theta. The limits
402  /// of these are stored in the theta_min and theta_max fields of the seed.
403  /// The centroid of the range is stored in the theta field.
405  // We use a simple array to store our histogram here. We don't want to use
406  // ROOT histograms because they are not thread safe.
407  unsigned int Nbins = 1000;
408  unsigned int hist[Nbins];
409  for(unsigned int i=0; i<Nbins; i++)hist[i] = 0; // clear histogram
410  double bin_width = 2.0*M_PI/(double)Nbins;
411  double hist_low_limit = -M_PI; // lower edge of histogram limits
413  // Loop over valid hits, filling the histogram
414  double &r0 = seed.r0;
415  for(unsigned int i=0; i<seed.hits.size(); i++){
416  DFDCTrkHit *trkhit = seed.hits[i];
417  if(!trkhit->flags&VALID_HIT)continue;
418  if(!trkhit->flags&ON_CIRCLE)continue;
420  // Calculate upper and lower limits in theta
421  double alpha = r0*trkhit->phi_hit;
422  if(seed.q<0.0)alpha = -alpha;
423  double z_hit = trkhit->hit->wire->origin.Z();
424  double tmin = atan2(alpha, z_hit - target_z_min);
425  double tmax = atan2(alpha, z_hit - target_z_max);
426  if(tmin>tmax){
427  double tmp = tmin;
428  tmin=tmax;
429  tmax=tmp;
430  }
431  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<" -- phi_hit="<<trkhit->phi_hit<<" z_hit="<<z_hit<<endl;
432  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<" -- tmin="<<tmin<<" tmax="<<tmax<<endl;
434  // Copy theta limits into trkhit
435  trkhit->theta_min = tmin;
436  trkhit->theta_max = tmax;
438  // Find index of bins corresponding to tmin and tmax
439  unsigned int imin = (unsigned int)floor((tmin-hist_low_limit)/bin_width);
440  unsigned int imax = (unsigned int)floor((tmax-hist_low_limit)/bin_width);
442  // If entire range of this hit is outside of the histogram limit
443  // then discard this hit.
444  if(imin>=Nbins)continue;
446  // Clip limits of bin range to our histogram limits
447  if(imin>=Nbins)imin=Nbins-1;
448  if(imax>=Nbins)imax=Nbins-1;
450  // Increment all bins between imin and imax
451  for(unsigned int j=imin; j<=imax; j++)hist[j]++;
452  }
454  // Look for the indexes of the plateau
455  unsigned int istart=0;
456  unsigned int iend=0;
457  for(unsigned int i=1; i<Nbins; i++){
458  if(hist[i]>hist[istart]){
459  istart = i;
460  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<" -- istart="<<istart<<" (theta="<<hist_low_limit + bin_width*(0.5+(double)istart)<<" , N="<<hist[i]<<")"<<endl;
461  }
462  if(hist[i] == hist[istart])iend = i;
463  }
465  // If there are no entries in the histogram, then flag this seed as invalid
466  if(hist[istart]==0.0){
467  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<" - No entries in theta hist. Seed aborted."<<endl;
468  seed.valid=false;
469  }
471  // Calculate theta limits
472  seed.theta_min = hist_low_limit + bin_width*(0.5+(double)istart);
473  seed.theta_max = hist_low_limit + bin_width*(0.5+(double)iend);
474  seed.theta = (seed.theta_max + seed.theta_min)/2.0;
475  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<"istart="<<istart<<" iend="<<iend<<" theta_min="<<seed.theta_min<<" theta_max="<<seed.theta_max<<endl;
477  // Mark all of the on circle hits that have a theta range consistent with seed.theta
478  // as being IN_THETA_RANGE.
479  for(unsigned int i=0; i<seed.hits.size(); i++){
480  DFDCTrkHit *trkhit = seed.hits[i];
481  trkhit->flags &= ~IN_THETA_RANGE;
482  if(!trkhit->flags&VALID_HIT)continue;
483  if(!trkhit->flags&ON_CIRCLE)continue;
484  if(trkhit->theta_min > seed.theta)continue;
485  if(trkhit->theta_max < seed.theta)continue;
486  trkhit->flags |= IN_THETA_RANGE;
487  }
489  // If theta is negative, then we probably chose the wrong sign. Flip
490  // it now.
491  if(seed.theta<0.0){
492  seed.theta_min *= -1.0;
493  seed.theta_max *= -1.0;
494  seed.theta *= -1.0;
495  seed.q *= -1.0;
496  seed.phi += M_PI;
497  if(seed.phi > 2.0*M_PI)seed.phi -= 2.0*M_PI;
498  }
499 }
501 //------------------
502 // FindZ
503 //------------------
504 void DTrackCandidate_factory_FDCpseudo::FindZ(DFDCSeed &seed, double theta_min, double theta_max)
505 {
506  /// Find the z value of the vertex using the valid stereo hits from <i>seed</i>. The values
507  /// for phi_hit and pos.Z() are assumed to be valid as is the status of the
508  /// VALID_HIT bit in flags.
509  ///
510  /// This uses a histogramming technique that looks at the overlaps of the
511  /// z ranges subtended by each hit between the given theta limits.
512  /// The overlaps usually lead to a range of values for z_vertex. The limits
513  /// of these are stored in the z_min and z_max fields of the seed.
514  /// The centroid of the range is stored in the z_vertex field.
516  // We use a simple array to store our histogram here. We don't want to use
517  // ROOT histograms because they are not thread safe.
518  unsigned int Nbins = 300;
519  unsigned int hist[Nbins];
520  for(unsigned int i=0; i<Nbins; i++)hist[i] = 0; // clear histogram
521  double bin_width = 0.5; // bins are 5mm
522  double hist_low_limit = 0.0; // lower edge of histogram limits
524  // We effectively extend the theta_min and theta_max angles here
525  // a bit to include some error. The motivation is that if
526  // theta_min == theta_max that leads to z_min == z_max so there
527  // is little or no overlap of the z ranges of separate hits.
528  // For now, we hardwire this to 1 degree
529  double theta_err = 1.0/57.3;
531  // Loop over valid hits, filling the histogram
532  double r0 = seed.r0;
533  double tan_alpha_min = tan(theta_min - theta_err)/r0;
534  double tan_alpha_max = tan(theta_max + theta_err)/r0;
535  if(tan_alpha_min<0.0)tan_alpha_min=0.0;
536  for(unsigned int i=0; i<seed.hits.size(); i++){
537  DFDCTrkHit *trkhit = seed.hits[i];
538  if(!trkhit->flags&VALID_HIT)continue;
539  if(!trkhit->flags&ON_CIRCLE)continue;
540  if(!trkhit->flags&IN_THETA_RANGE)continue;
542  // Calculate upper and lower limits in z
543  double q_sign = seed.q>0.0 ? +1.0:-1.0;
544  double z_hit = trkhit->hit->wire->origin.Z();
545  double zmin = z_hit - q_sign*trkhit->phi_hit/tan_alpha_min;
546  double zmax = z_hit - q_sign*trkhit->phi_hit/tan_alpha_max;
547  if(zmin>zmax){
548  double tmp = zmin;
549  zmin=zmax;
550  zmax=tmp;
551  }
553  // Copy z limits into trkhit
554  trkhit->zmin = zmin;
555  trkhit->zmax = zmax;
557  // Find index of bins corresponding to tmin and tmax
558  unsigned int imin = zmin<hist_low_limit ? 0:(unsigned int)floor((zmin-hist_low_limit)/bin_width);
559  unsigned int imax = zmax<hist_low_limit ? 0:(unsigned int)floor((zmax-hist_low_limit)/bin_width);
561  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<" -- phi_hit="<<trkhit->phi_hit<<" z_hit="<<z_hit<<endl;
562  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<" -- zmin="<<zmin<<" zmax="<<zmax<<endl;
563  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<" -- imin="<<imin<<" imax="<<imax<<endl;
565  // If entire range of this hit is outside of the histogram limit
566  // then discard this hit.
567  if(imax<=0 || imin>=Nbins)continue;
569  // Clip limits of bin range to our histogram limits
570  if(imin>=Nbins)imin=Nbins-1;
571  if(imax>=Nbins)imax=Nbins-1;
573  // Increment all bins between imin and imax
574  for(unsigned int j=imin; j<=imax; j++)hist[j]++;
575  }
577  // Look for the indexes of the plateau
578  unsigned int istart=(unsigned int)((TARGET_Z_MIN-hist_low_limit)/bin_width);
579  unsigned int iend=0;
580  for(unsigned int i=1; i<Nbins; i++){
582  // Only look in Target area
583  double z = hist_low_limit + bin_width*(0.5+(double)i);
584  if(z<TARGET_Z_MIN || z>TARGET_Z_MAX)continue;
586  if(hist[i]>hist[istart]){
587  istart = i;
588  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<" -- istart="<<istart<<" (z="<<hist_low_limit + bin_width*(0.5+(double)istart)<<" , N="<<hist[i]<<")"<<endl;
589  }
590  if(hist[i] == hist[istart])iend = i;
591  }
593  // If there are no entries in the histogram, then flag this seed as invalid
594  if(hist[istart]==0.0){
595  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<" - No entries in z-vertex hist. Seed aborted."<<endl;
596  seed.valid=false;
597  }
599  // Calculate z limits
600  seed.z_min = hist_low_limit + bin_width*(0.5+(double)istart);
601  seed.z_max = hist_low_limit + bin_width*(0.5+(double)iend);
602  seed.z_vertex = (seed.z_max + seed.z_min)/2.0;
603  if(debug_level>3)_DBG_<<"istart="<<istart<<" iend="<<iend<<" z_min="<<seed.z_min<<" z_max="<<seed.z_max<<" hits[istart]="<<hist[istart]<<endl;
605  // Mark all of the hits that have a theta range consistent with seed.theta
606  // and a z_vertex consistent with seed.z_vertex as being IN_Z_RANGE.
607  for(unsigned int i=0; i<seed.hits.size(); i++){
608  DFDCTrkHit *trkhit = seed.hits[i];
609  trkhit->flags &= ~IN_Z_RANGE;
610  if(!trkhit->flags&VALID_HIT)continue;
611  if(!trkhit->flags&ON_CIRCLE)continue;
612  if(!trkhit->flags&IN_THETA_RANGE)continue;
613  if(trkhit->zmin > seed.z_vertex)continue;
614  if(trkhit->zmax < seed.z_vertex)continue;
615  trkhit->flags |= IN_Z_RANGE;
616  }
617 }
void setMomentum(const DVector3 &aMomentum)
DVector2 xy
rough x,y coordinates in lab coordinate system
Definition: DFDCPseudo.h:100
TVector2 DVector2
Definition: DVector2.h:9
TVector3 DVector3
Definition: DVector3.h:14
const DFDCWire * wire
DFDCWire for this wire.
Definition: DFDCPseudo.h:92
double zmax
class DFDCPseudo: definition for a reconstructed point in the FDC
Definition: DFDCPseudo.h:74
void FindZ(DFDCSeed &seed, double theta_min, double theta_max)
int layer
Definition: DFDCWire.h:16
const double alpha
void FindTheta(DFDCSeed &seed, double target_z_min, double target_z_max)
virtual jerror_t brun(JEventLoop *loop, int32_t runnumber)
#define _DBG_
Definition: HDEVIO.h:12
bool FDCSortByZincreasing(DTrackCandidate_factory_FDC::DFDCTrkHit *const &hit1, DTrackCandidate_factory_FDC::DFDCTrkHit *const &hit2)
virtual jerror_t fini(void)
Invoked via JEventProcessor virtual method.
&lt;A href=&quot;index.html#legend&quot;&gt; &lt;IMG src=&quot;CORE.png&quot; width=&quot;100&quot;&gt; &lt;/A&gt;
void setPID(Particle_t locPID)
double sqrt(double)
double sin(double)
virtual jerror_t evnt(JEventLoop *loop, uint64_t eventnumber)
Invoked via JEventProcessor virtual method.
void setPosition(const DVector3 &aPosition)
double zmin
int seed
TH1F * hist[Idx+1]
Definition: readhist.C:10