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1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This class has been automatically generated on
3 // Fri Jul 15 08:54:12 2016 by ROOT version 5.34/34
4 // from TTree bcal_hadronic_eff/bcal_hadronic_eff
5 // found on file: /cache/halld/RunPeriod-2016-02/recon/ver99/tree_bcal_hadronic_eff/011529/tree_bcal_hadronic_eff_011529_000.root
6 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 #ifndef Read_bcal_hadronic_eff2_h
9 #define Read_bcal_hadronic_eff2_h
11 #include <TROOT.h>
12 #include <TChain.h>
13 #include <TFile.h>
14 #include <TSelector.h>
16 // Header file for the classes stored in the TTree if any.
18 // include histogram declarations
26  TH1F *h1_pid_pdg;
29  TH1F *h1_layer_up;
38  TH1F *h1_eff_up;
39  TH1F *h1_eff_down;
43  TH1F *h1_diff_up;
44  TH1F *h1_diff_down;
50  TH1F *h1_mom_proj;
51  TH1F *h1_mom_up;
52  TH1F *h1_mom_down;
65  TH1F *h1_z_proj;
66  TH1F *h1_z_up;
67  TH1F *h1_z_down;
72  TH1F *h1_z_up_rand;
75  TH1F *h1_eff_z_up;
80  TH1F *h1_Evis_proj;
81  TH1F *h1_Evis_up;
82  TH1F *h1_Evis_down;
95 #include <TVector3.h>
97 // Fixed size dimensions of array or collections stored in the TTree if any.
99 class Read_bcal_hadronic_eff2 : public TSelector {
100 public :
101  TTree *fChain; //!pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
103  // Declaration of leaf types
104  Int_t PID_PDG;
105  Float_t TrackVertexZ;
106  TVector3 *TrackP3;
109  Float_t ShowerEnergy;
116  UChar_t IsHitInCluster;
137  // List of branches
138  TBranch *b_PID_PDG; //!
139  TBranch *b_TrackVertexZ; //!
140  TBranch *b_TrackP3; //!
141  TBranch *b_TrackCDCRings; //!
142  TBranch *b_TrackFDCPlanes; //!
143  TBranch *b_ShowerEnergy; //!
145  TBranch *b_TrackDeltaZToShower; //!
147  TBranch *b_ProjectedBCALHitPhi; //!
148  TBranch *b_ProjectedBCALHitZ; //!
149  TBranch *b_BCALClusterLayers; //!
150  TBranch *b_IsHitInCluster; //!
172  Read_bcal_hadronic_eff2(TTree * /*tree*/ =0) : fChain(0) { }
174  virtual Int_t Version() const { return 2; }
175  virtual void Begin(TTree *tree);
176  virtual void SlaveBegin(TTree *tree);
177  virtual void Init(TTree *tree);
178  virtual Bool_t Notify();
179  virtual Bool_t Process(Long64_t entry);
180  virtual Int_t GetEntry(Long64_t entry, Int_t getall = 0) { return fChain ? fChain->GetTree()->GetEntry(entry, getall) : 0; }
181  virtual void SetOption(const char *option) { fOption = option; }
182  virtual void SetObject(TObject *obj) { fObject = obj; }
183  virtual void SetInputList(TList *input) { fInput = input; }
184  virtual TList *GetOutputList() const { return fOutput; }
185  virtual void SlaveTerminate();
186  virtual void Terminate();
189 };
191 #endif
193 #ifdef Read_bcal_hadronic_eff2_cxx
194 void Read_bcal_hadronic_eff2::Init(TTree *tree)
195 {
196  // The Init() function is called when the selector needs to initialize
197  // a new tree or chain. Typically here the branch addresses and branch
198  // pointers of the tree will be set.
199  // It is normally not necessary to make changes to the generated
200  // code, but the routine can be extended by the user if needed.
201  // Init() will be called many times when running on PROOF
202  // (once per file to be processed).
204  // Set object pointer
205  TrackP3 = 0;
206  // Set branch addresses and branch pointers
207  if (!tree) return;
208  fChain = tree;
209  fChain->SetMakeClass(1);
211  fChain->SetBranchAddress("PID_PDG", &PID_PDG, &b_PID_PDG);
212  fChain->SetBranchAddress("TrackVertexZ", &TrackVertexZ, &b_TrackVertexZ);
213  fChain->SetBranchAddress("TrackP3", &TrackP3, &b_TrackP3);
214  fChain->SetBranchAddress("TrackCDCRings", &TrackCDCRings, &b_TrackCDCRings);
215  fChain->SetBranchAddress("TrackFDCPlanes", &TrackFDCPlanes, &b_TrackFDCPlanes);
216  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ShowerEnergy", &ShowerEnergy, &b_ShowerEnergy);
217  fChain->SetBranchAddress("TrackDeltaPhiToShower", &TrackDeltaPhiToShower, &b_TrackDeltaPhiToShower);
218  fChain->SetBranchAddress("TrackDeltaZToShower", &TrackDeltaZToShower, &b_TrackDeltaZToShower);
219  fChain->SetBranchAddress("TrackProjectedBCALSector", &TrackProjectedBCALSector, &b_TrackProjectedBCALSector);
220  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ProjectedBCALHitPhi", &ProjectedBCALHitPhi, &b_ProjectedBCALHitPhi);
221  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ProjectedBCALHitZ", &ProjectedBCALHitZ, &b_ProjectedBCALHitZ);
222  fChain->SetBranchAddress("BCALClusterLayers", &BCALClusterLayers, &b_BCALClusterLayers);
223  fChain->SetBranchAddress("IsHitInCluster", &IsHitInCluster, &b_IsHitInCluster);
224  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer1", &ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer1, &b_ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer1);
225  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALSectors_Layer1_Downstream", &NearestBCALSectors_Layer1_Downstream, &b_NearestBCALSectors_Layer1_Downstream);
226  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALSectors_Layer1_Upstream", &NearestBCALSectors_Layer1_Upstream, &b_NearestBCALSectors_Layer1_Upstream);
227  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALEnergy_Layer1_Downstream", &NearestBCALEnergy_Layer1_Downstream, &b_NearestBCALEnergy_Layer1_Downstream);
228  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALEnergy_Layer1_Upstream", &NearestBCALEnergy_Layer1_Upstream, &b_NearestBCALEnergy_Layer1_Upstream);
229  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer2", &ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer2, &b_ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer2);
230  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALSectors_Layer2_Downstream", &NearestBCALSectors_Layer2_Downstream, &b_NearestBCALSectors_Layer2_Downstream);
231  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALSectors_Layer2_Upstream", &NearestBCALSectors_Layer2_Upstream, &b_NearestBCALSectors_Layer2_Upstream);
232  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALEnergy_Layer2_Downstream", &NearestBCALEnergy_Layer2_Downstream, &b_NearestBCALEnergy_Layer2_Downstream);
233  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALEnergy_Layer2_Upstream", &NearestBCALEnergy_Layer2_Upstream, &b_NearestBCALEnergy_Layer2_Upstream);
234  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer3", &ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer3, &b_ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer3);
235  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALSectors_Layer3_Downstream", &NearestBCALSectors_Layer3_Downstream, &b_NearestBCALSectors_Layer3_Downstream);
236  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALSectors_Layer3_Upstream", &NearestBCALSectors_Layer3_Upstream, &b_NearestBCALSectors_Layer3_Upstream);
237  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALEnergy_Layer3_Downstream", &NearestBCALEnergy_Layer3_Downstream, &b_NearestBCALEnergy_Layer3_Downstream);
238  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALEnergy_Layer3_Upstream", &NearestBCALEnergy_Layer3_Upstream, &b_NearestBCALEnergy_Layer3_Upstream);
239  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer4", &ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer4, &b_ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer4);
240  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALSectors_Layer4_Downstream", &NearestBCALSectors_Layer4_Downstream, &b_NearestBCALSectors_Layer4_Downstream);
241  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALSectors_Layer4_Upstream", &NearestBCALSectors_Layer4_Upstream, &b_NearestBCALSectors_Layer4_Upstream);
242  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALEnergy_Layer4_Downstream", &NearestBCALEnergy_Layer4_Downstream, &b_NearestBCALEnergy_Layer4_Downstream);
243  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NearestBCALEnergy_Layer4_Upstream", &NearestBCALEnergy_Layer4_Upstream, &b_NearestBCALEnergy_Layer4_Upstream);
244 }
247 {
248  // The Notify() function is called when a new file is opened. This
249  // can be either for a new TTree in a TChain or when when a new TTree
250  // is started when using PROOF. It is normally not necessary to make changes
251  // to the generated code, but the routine can be extended by the
252  // user if needed. The return value is currently not used.
254  return kTRUE;
255 }
257 #endif // #ifdef Read_bcal_hadronic_eff2_cxx
virtual Bool_t Process(Long64_t entry)
virtual TList * GetOutputList() const
TH1F * h1_mom_down_rand
TH1F * h1_z_down
TH1F * h1_z_down_rand_left
TH1F * h1_z_up_rand_left
TH1F * h1_mom_down_rand_left
TH1F * h1_diff_down
virtual void SetOption(const char *option)
TH1F * h1_Evis_up_rand
TH1F * h1_mom_up_rand_left
TH1F * h1_z_up
TH1F * h1_eff_z_up_temp
TH1F * h1_eff_down_temp
TH1F * h1_Evis_down_rand
TH1F * h1_eff_z_up
TH1F * h1_mom_up_rand_right
ClassDef(Read_bcal_hadronic_eff2, 0)
TH1F * h1_eff_Evis_down_temp
TH1F * h1_NearestBCALSectors_Layer_Upstream
virtual Bool_t Notify()
TH1F * h1_eff_Evis_down
TH1F * h1_diff_up_rand_right
pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
TH1F * h1_Evis_down_rand_left
TH1F * h1_eff_Evis_up
TH1F * h1_Evis_up
TH1F * h1_layer_up_rand
TH1F * h1_Evis_up_rand_right
TH1F * h1_z_down_rand
TH1F * h1_layer_up
TH1F * h1_mom_proj
TH1F * h1_mom_down_rand_right
TH1F * h1_pid_pdg
TH1F * h1_Evis_proj
virtual void SlaveBegin(TTree *tree)
TH1F * h1_eff_up_temp
TH1F * h1_Evis_down
TH1F * h1_layer_up_rand_right
TH1F * h1_z_proj
TH1F * h1_layer_down
TH1F * h1_z_up_rand_right
virtual void Init(TTree *tree)
TH1F * h1_eff_z_down_temp
TH1F * h1_mom_down
TH1F * h1_eff_Evis_up_temp
virtual void SetInputList(TList *input)
TH1F * h1_eff_z_down
virtual void Begin(TTree *tree)
TH1F * h1_TrackDeltaPhiToShower
TH1F * h1_eff_mom_up
TH1F * h1_layer_proj
TH1F * h1_eff_down
TH1F * h1_eff_up
TH1F * h1_mom_up_rand
virtual Int_t GetEntry(Long64_t entry, Int_t getall=0)
virtual Int_t Version() const
TH1F * h1_NearestBCALSectors_Layer_Downstream
TH1F * h1_ProjectedBCALSectors_Layer
TH1F * h1_layer_down_rand_right
TH1F * h1_z_up_rand
TH1F * h1_diff_down_rand_right
TH1F * h1_eff_mom_down_temp
TH1F * h1_layer_down_rand
TH1F * h1_diff_down_rand_left
TH1F * h1_layer_up_rand_left
TH1F * h1_diff_up_rand_left
TH1F * h1_TrackDeltaZToShower
virtual void SetObject(TObject *obj)
TH1F * h1_layer_down_rand_left
TH1F * h1_Evis_up_rand_left
TH1F * h1_eff_mom_up_temp
TH1F * h1_Evis_down_rand_right
TH1F * h1_diff_up
TH1F * h1_z_down_rand_right
TH1F * h1_eff_mom_down
TH1F * h1_mom_up