Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CJLogMessage::EndMessage terminator
 CJExceptionJException is a data object which attaches JANA-specific context information to a generic exception
 CJActivableActivable provides a way of propagating information about whether a particular item in the topology is active or not using notifications
 CJMailbox< T >
 CJMailbox< Event >
 CJMailbox< JSubevent >
 CJApplicationJANA application class (singleton)
 CJCalibrationCCDBDescendant of JCalibration class which allow to use CCDB as JANA calibration source
 CJCalibrationGeneratorThis is a base class for all event source generators
 CJCsvWriter< T >
 CJDiscreteJoin< T >JEventBuilder pulls JMessages off of a user-specified JTransport, aggregates them into JEvents using the JWindow of their choice, and decides which to keep via a user-specified JTrigger
 CJEventBuilder< T >JEventBuilder pulls JMessages off of a user-specified JTransport, aggregates them into JEvents using the JWindow of their choice, and decides which to keep via a user-specified JTrigger
 CJStreamingEventSource< MessageT >JStreamingEventSource is a class template which simplifies streaming events into JANA
 CJEventSourceGeneratorT< T >This templated class is used to generate JEventSource based objects to handle reading events into JANA
 CJFactoryT< T >
 CJFactoryGeneratorT< T >
 CJSourceFactoryGenerator< DataTypes >
 CJSourceFactoryGenerator< HeadType, TailTypes... >
 CJMessageJMessage is an interface for data that can be streamed using JTransports
 CJEventMessageA JEventMessage is an interface used by JTransport for streaming individual events
 CJHitMessageA JHitMessage is an interface used by JTransport for streaming detector hits
 CJMetadata< T >Class template for metadata
 CJEventGroupA persistent JObject
 CJEventMessageA JEventMessage is an interface used by JTransport for streaming individual events
 CJPerfMetricsJPerfMetrics represents the highest-level metrics we can collect from a running JProcessingTopology
 CJPerfSummaryJPerfSummary is a plain-old-data container for performance metrics
 CJResourcePool< DType >
 CJSchedulerScheduler assigns Arrows to Workers in a first-come-first-serve manner, not unlike OpenMP's schedule dynamic
 CJServiceJService is a trait indicating that an object can be shared among JANA components via a simple ServiceLocator
 CJEventGroupManagerJEventGroupManager is a JService which The purpose of JEventGroupManager is to
 CJServiceLocatorJServiceLocator is a nexus for collecting, initializing, and retrieving JServices
 CJSharedPtrRecycler< DType >
 CJSubeventData structure containing all of the metadata needed to merge subevents on a per-event basis without needing a barrier
 CJSubeventProcessorSubtaskProcessor offers sub-event-level parallelism
 CJTransportJTransport is a lightweight wrapper for integrating different messaging systems with JANA
 CJTriggerJTrigger determines whether an event contains data worth passing downstream, or whether it should be immediately recycled
 CJWindow< T >JWindow is an abstract data structure for aggregating individual JMessages into a single JEvent
 CJFixedWindow< T >JFixedWindow partitions time into fixed, contiguous buckets, and emits a JEvent containing all JMessages for all sources which fall into that bucket
 CJMergeWindow< T >JMergeWindow 'hydrates' an existing JEvent by appending any JMessages that fall into its pre-existing time interval
 CJSessionWindow< T >JSessionWindow aggregates JMessages adaptively, i.e
 CJSessionWindow< T >JSessionWindow aggregates JMessages adaptively, i.e
 CJTrivialWindow< T >JTrivialWindow emits a new JEvent for each JMessage it receives