This page contains archived content on a former member of the Jefferson Lab leadership team.

George Neil
Associate Director for FEL Division
George Neil was the Senior Team Lead for the LCLS-II Project at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab), a Department of Energy particle accelerator facility run for nuclear physics research. The LCLS-II Project was a new DOE Basic Energy Sciences program centered at Stanford National Accelerator Facility involving the construction of an X-ray Free Electron Laser powered by a 4 GeV continuous wave superconducting accelerator. Jefferson Lab’s responsibility included constructing roughly half of the accelerator and the cryogenics plant.
Neil’s past responsibilities as Principal Scientist of the lab included serving as Laboratory Associate Director and Manager of the Free Electron Laser Division while developing the Free-Electron Laser (FEL) systems that converted electron-beam energy into light and applied that light for materials processing. These systems set world records for Free Electron Laser average power in 1996 and held the record since that time producing up to 14 kW of continuous average power. During the construction of the CEBAF accelerator, he managed the development and maintenance of roughly 350 radio-frequency sources at 1500 MHz for the linear accelerator and the development and operation of what was at that time, the world’s largest 2K helium refrigeration plant.