The Best Technology Load Lock Polarized Electron Gun,
or Btllpeg, is a gun design that incorporates all of the regular
attributes of the non-load loacked gun and improves on the
design of existing load locked guns operating at other labs.

When finished,  the new load locked gun is expected to 
enhance the versatility of the JLAB polarized injector.

A Load-locked Gun for the Jefferson Lab Polarized Injector 
(W. Schneider,1999 PAC) 

Updated checklist started during Sept. 12, 2002 Group Meeting 

 Many of the documents in the Electron Gun Group pages are in .pdf format.
This requires Acrobat Reader.

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Btllpeg Section update February 11, 2003
Maintained by

(looking upstream)
Additional Pictures
(side view)
BTLLPEG Beamline Diagram