Accelerator Seminar Archive


12/05/2024 Downtime Sources in CEBAF SRF Linac System

Oleksandr Hryhorenko

Jefferson Lab

10/31/2024 Higher-Order Automatic Differentiation Using Symbolic Differential Algebra

He Zhang

Jefferson Lab

10/17/2024 Insights into Nb SRF materials from implanted nuclear-decay spin-probes

Ryan McFadden


09/12/2024 A Corrugated Waveguide-Based Collinear Wakefield Accelerator for a Hard X-ray Free Electron Laser

Alexander Zholents

Argonne National Laboratory

07/11/2024 Accelerating Cavity Fault Prediction Using Deep Learning at Jefferson Laboratory

Monibor Rahman

Old Dominion University

06/20/2024 Nanostructured Electron Sources for Accelerator Applications

Alimohammad Kachwala

Ph.D Student, Arizona State University,

06/13/2024 Oxide dissolution and oxygen diffusion scenarios in niobium and implications on the Bean–Livingston barrier in superconducting cavities

Eric Lechner

Jefferson Lab

06/06/2024 Recent Advances in Electropolishing of SRF Cavities at Fermilab

Vijay Chouhan


04/11/2024 HB2TF: A First Step towards BriXSinO at INFN LASA

Daniele Sertore

INFN Milano - LASA

04/11/2024 Precision Metrology with Photons, Phonons and Spins: Answering Major Unsolved Problems in Physics and Advancing Translational Science

Michael Tobar

University of Western Australia



12/14/2023 Functionalizing Advanced Materials and Surfaces in Superconducting RF

Zeming Sun

Bruker Energy & Superconducting Technologies

11/02/2023 To the Issue of Geodesics and Torsion in the Theory of the Gravitation

Yaroslav Derbenev

Jefferson Lab

10/26/2023 Robust, Adaptive and Physics Constrained Generative Deep Learning for Electrodynamics

Alexander Scheinker

Los Alamos National Laboratory

10/19/2023 Fast Orbit Feedback (FOFB) System Design and R&D for the APS Upgrade (APS-U)

Nicholas Sereno

Argonne National Laboratory

10/05/2023 5 MeV polarimetry at MESA

Rakshya Thapa

Johannes Gutenburg-University Mainz

09/21/2023  Lattice Design and Beam Dynamics Studies for PERLE

Alex Fomin


9/14/23 Optimization of Superconducting Cavities: Shape, Fields, Multipactor

Dr. Valery Shemelin

Cornell University

07/28/2023 Radiation environment studies: from FRIB to FNAL

Dr. Dali Georgobiani


07/06/2023 Introduction and SCL3 Cryogenic Commissioning (First Run) of Cryogenic Systems for RAON Accelerator

Taekyung Ki


06/29/2023 Energy-Efficient Accelerators with a Focus on Energy-Recovery Linacs

Andrew Hutton

Jefferson Lab

05/18/2023 Highlights from 42 Years on the SRF Trail

Charlie Reece

Jefferson Lab

05/11/2023 Measurements of Magnetic Field Penetration of Materials for Superconducting Radiofrequency Cavities

Harshani Senevirathne

ODU Research Foundation

05/04/2023 Nonlinear Meissner interferometry using high-Q superconducting cavities

Alex Gurevichy


04/20/2023  Gamma Factory

Mieczyslaw Witold Krasny


03/02/23 Photoemission from biased metal surfaces: quantum efficiency, laser heating, dielectric coatings and quantum pathways interference

Yang Zhou

Michigan State University


Highlights from the TTC 2022 Workshop in Aomori

Roger Ruber

Uttar Pudisaini

Jefferson Lab

01/12/2023   FRIB Linac design, construction and commissioning

Eduard Pozdeyev





12/15/2022 Robotic Solutions for Remote Maintenance and Quality Assurance at CERN

Mario Di Castro


12/08/2022 S&T Lesson Learned - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Ganapati Myneni

Virginia Tech

11/10/2022 On-Site Wastewater Reuse Challenges and Opportunities

Anish Jantrania

Texas A&M University

11/03/2022  The 2022 ERL Workshop

Steve Benson

Jefferson Lab

09/22/22 The European ERL Roadmap

Andrew Hutton

Jefferson Lab

08/04/2022  USPAS Prize Talk: Some Reminisces on My Career in Accelerators

Geoffrey Krafft

Jefferson Lab

07/21/2022 Strong female lead: PIP-II HB650 cavity efforts at STFC Daresbury Laboratory

Anna Shabalina

STFC Daresbury Lab

06/30/2022  ESS SRF vacuum project: Design and Assembling Plans

Marcelo Juni Ferreira

European Spallation Source (ESS)

06/23/2022  SRF R&D and projects in Europe -- cavities from bulk niobium to thin film

Akira Miyazaki

Uppsala University

06/16/2022 Magnetic levitation within a microwave cavity

Naubin Raut

Jefferson Lab

06/09/2022 Trapped ion quantum computing

Matt Grau


05/19/2022 Nonlinear Meissner effect in Nb3Sn coplanar resonators

Junki Makita


03/31/2022 Scattered Spectra from Non-linear Compton Effect

Geoffrey Krafft

Jefferson Lab

03/24/2022 Irradiation of 1,4-dioxane at UITF for Wastewater Remediation

Xi Li


02/10/2022 Trace Level Impurity Quantitation for Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Analysis of Niobium Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) Materials

Jonathan Angle

Virginia Tech

01/13/2022 EDM Measurement in Small Rings

Raid Suleiman

Jefferson Lab




08/19/2021 Thermionic Electron Sources: Function, Features and Future

Mark Stefani

Jefferson Lab

06/10/2021 Electrodeposition of copper applied to the manufacture of seamless SRF cavities and other accelerator components

Lucia Lain Amador

CERN, Switzerland

06/03/2021 SRF surface resistance tuning of niobium via thermal diffusion of its native oxide

Eric Lechner

Jefferson Lab

05/27/2021 Loss Mechanisms on Superconducting Quantum Devices and Microwave Microscopy for Probing Superconducting Devices Metrology

Tamin Tai

Department of Physics, University of Maryland


Novel SRF thin-film Development at Cornell University 

Mingqi Ge

Cornell University

05/13/2021 Crab Cavities for the High Luminosity LHC Upgrade at CERN: Preparing SRF Cavities for a test with protons

Alejandro Castilla Loeza

Accelerator-RF Physicist, Lancaster University CERN/SY-RF-SRF

04/22/2021 Microstructure dependence of magnetic flux trapping in Niobium:  Attention needed to upstream Nb processing for high Q SRF Nb cavities

Shreyas Balachandran 


03/18/2021 Microwave studies of the surface impedance of superconductors in the mixed state

Nicola Pompeo

Università Roma Tre, Engineering Department

03/04/2021 SRF Challenges for the EIC Project

Qiong Wu

Brookhaven National Laboratory

02/18/2021 XFEL Operation Experience

Julien Branlard

Deutsches ElektronenSynchroton (DESY)

01/14/2021 Improved SIMS Operation and Quantification for N-Doped Niobium

Jonathan Angle

Jefferson Lab


12/17/2020 Future NP Machines at JLAB: 24 GeV CEBAF and a 54 GeV Site Filler

Alex Bogacz

Jefferson Lab

11/19/2020 Update and Overview of Research Conducted on Environmental Application of Electron Beam Treatment

William Cooper

University of California​, Irvine

10/29/2020  Distributed Coupling Linacs from Room to Cryogenic Temperature

Mamdouh Nasr

SLAC Nat'l Lab

10/15/2020 First Direct Observations of Gear-Changing In A Collider

Edith Nissen

Jefferson Lab

9/17/2020  The development of a RF harmonic kicker cavity

Gunn Tae Park

Jefferson Lab

9/10/2020 Industrial Production of SRF Cryomodules

Hannes Vennkatee

RI Research Instruments GmbH

8/27/2020  Spin Transparency Method for Spin Control of Hadron Beams in Colliders

Vasiliy Morozov

Jefferson Lab

8/6/2020 Demonstration of Electron Cooling using a Pulsed Beam from an Electrostatic Cooler

Max Burker

Jefferson Lab


SRF Cavity Fault Classification Using Machine

 Learning at Jefferson Lab

Chris Tennant

Jefferson Lab

7/16/2020 A Method for In-Situ and In-Operando Cavity Loaded Q-Extraction in SRF Accelerators

Frank Marhauser

Jefferson Lab

6/18/2020 Performance, Reliability and Maintenance of the SNS Superconducting Linac

Sang-ho Kim

Oak Ridge Nat'l Lab

5/28/2020 The Science Motivating a New EUV Light Source at Jefferson Lab

Gwyn Williams

Jefferson Lab

5/21/2020 Lessons learned pushing the boundaries of nitrogen doping:  LCLS-II production statistics,
high gradient doping R&D, and the future

Dr. Ari Palczewski

Jefferson Lab

3/3/2020 OAM beams (coherent mixing of opposite helicities) from an FEL oscillator

Dr. Ying Wu

Duke University

2/24/2020 "Compact 300kV DC Inverted Insulator Photogun"

Dr. Carlos Hernandez-Garcia

Jefferson Lab

1/30/2020 "Recent Development on Nitrogen Infusion Work Towards High Q and High Gradient SRF Cavities"

Dr. Pashupati Dhakal

Jefferson Lab


12/12/2019 A Nuclear Physics Explanation of Biomolecular Homochriality

Dr. Michael Famiano

Western Michigan University

11/21/2019 Growth and Properties of Vapor Diffused Nb3Sb Coatings for SRF Cavity Applications

Dr. Uttar Pudasaini

Jefferson Lab

11/19/2019 Large Swiss Particle Accelerator Facilities
and their Basic Beam Diagnostics Tools

Dr. Pavel Chevtsov


11/14/2019 The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Accelerator Physics

Dr. Chris Tennant

Jefferson Lab

8/27/2019 Modeling Efforts for Integrable Optics Experiments at Fermilab

Dr. Steve Webb

RadiaSoft, LLC


Terahertz Driven ​Particle Acceleration

Dr. Steve Jamison

Lancaster University

8/8/2019 Developments in Nb3Sn SRF Cavities

Dr. Grigory Eremeev

Jefferson Lab

8/1/2019 Advances in developments of the cSPr single shot monitor and a Dual Axis Asymmetric SCRF Cavi

Dr. Ivan Konoplev


5/3/2019 Multipole Fringe Fields

Dr. Bruno Muratori

Daresbury Lab (STFC)

3/21/2019 Transverse Instabilities of Bunched Beams with Strong Space Charge

Dr. Alexey Burov,

Fermi National Lab

3/7/2019 Superconducing Twin Axis Cavity for ERL Applications

Subashini De Silva

Old Dominion University


11/01/2018 Introduction to CEPC-SppC: Scientific Goals, Collider Design Status and R&D plans
Professor Jie Gao
Chinese Academy of Sciences
02/21/2018 Overview of the John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science
Andre Seryi Divison Director
John Adams Institute
01/29/2018 Design and Commissioning of the CBETA Linac Cryomodules
Nilanjan Banerjee
Cornell University


11/30/2017 ELBE Radiation Source, Its Accelerator R&D and Future Upgrade Options
Dr. Pavel Evtushenko
Helmholtz-Zendtrum Dresden-Rossendorf
11/09/2017 Highlights and Reflections of the EIC Collaboration Meeting 2017
Dr. Yuhong Zhang
Jefferson Lab
11/07/2017 GPT Best Practices
Dr. Bas van der Geer
General Particle Tracer Software
10/23/2017 What's Going On at the Cockcroft Institute?
Peter Ratoff
Cockcroft Institute
10/19/2017 High Intensity Negative Ion Beam Neutralization
Cristhian Alfonso Valerio-Lizarraga
Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa
09/19/2017 UH-FLUX Project: High Current ERL for Research and Industrial Applications
Dr. Ivan Konoplev
University of Oxford
09/01/2017 Using Science to Protect America's Borders
Kathy McCormick
Dept. of Homeland Security
07/27/2017 Highlighs from ERL 2017
Dr. Chris Tennant, Dr. Shukui Zhang
Jefferson Lab
06/08/2017 Highlighs from IPAC 2017
Jiquan Guo, et al.
Jefferson Lab
05/18/2017 Exploration of Fundamental Metallutgical Properties, and Superconducting Correlations in SRF Nb Coupons
Shreyas Balachandran
Florida State University
03/23/2017 Summary from Tesla Technology Collaboration Meeting
Charles Reece
Jefferson Lab
01/12/2017 ER @ CEBAF - A Proposed High Energy, Multi-pass Energy Recovery Experiment at CEBAF
Dr. Todd Satogata
Jefferson Lab


12/15/2016 Crab Cavity Efforts at CERN slides
Alejandro Castilla
University of Guanajuato
12/08/2016 High Quality Factors and Large Gradients in Superconducting Niobium Resonators slides
Mattia Checchin
Illinois Institute of Technology
11/17/2016 ER @ CEBAF - A Proposed High Energy, Multi-pass Energy Recovery Experiment at CEBAF  
Todd Satogata
Jefferson Lab
11/10/2016 Discussion of Phase Space and Emittances slides
Rui Li
Jefferson Lab
11/07/2016 Beam Positioning and Beam Polarization Monitor Based on Large Area HTS Pickup Coils  
Vyacheslav Solovyov
Brookhaven Technology Group, Inc.
11/03/2016 Plasmonic Approaches for Spin-Polarized Metallic Photocathodes slides
R. A. Lukaszew
College of William and Mary
10/20/2016 Sources of Emittand in Photochathode Injectors: Intrinsic emittance, space charge forces due to non-uniform emission, RF and solenoid aberrations slides
David H. Dowell
SLAC National Accelerator Lab
05/06/2016 Photocathodes and the LCLS-II Injector slides
Theodore Vecchione
SLAC National Accelerator Lab
04/22/2016 Secondary Electron Emission from Plasma Processed Accelerating Cavity Grade Niobium  
Milos Basovic
Old Dominion University
04/15/2016 A Fast Butterfly Algorithm for Generalized Radon Transforms  
Jingwei Hu
Perdue University
04/01/2016 SwissFEL Machine and its Advanced Beam Diagnostics Tools slides
Pavel Chevtsov
Paul Scherrer Institute
03/28/2017 A New ERL Accelerator Design Using Fix-Field Alternating Gradient Optics slides
Bruce Dunham
Cornell University
02/19/2016 RHIC Performance with Stochastic Cooling for Ions and Electron Lenses for Protons  
Wolfram Fischer
Brookhaven National Lab
02/04/2016 Search for Permanent Electric Dipole Moments of Protons and Deuterons Using Storage Rings slides 
Frank Rathmann
Institut fur Kernphysik
01/21/2016 Flux Trapping Superconducting Accelerating Cavities during Cooling down with a Spatial Temperature Gradient  
Takayuki Kubo


11/18/2015 Solid State Modulators by ScandiNova Systems  
Douglas Eaton
ScandiNova Systems
11/05/2015 The 2015 eRHIC Ring-Ring Design slides
Christoph Montag
Brookhaven National Lab
10/15/2015 Hot Topics from the 17th International Conference on RF Superconductivity  
Charlie Reece, et al.
Jefferson Lab
10/08/2015 Operational Experience with SRF Cavities Installed in the SNS Superconducting Linanc and Plans for Performance Improvement slides
Sang-Ho Kim
Oak Ridge National Lab
09/10/2015 Progress on the Chinese ADS Project  
Yongmin Li
Institute of Modern Physics
08/27/2015 Macroscopic Field Emission slides
Faya Wang
SLAC National Accelerator Lab
08/13/2015 Studies on Charge Production at the DESY Photo Injector Test Facility  
Carlos Hernandez-Garcia
Jefferson Lab
07/09/2015 Plasma Processing of SRF Cavities  
Janardan Upadhyay
Old Dominion University
06/12/2015 Optimal Charging of Accelerating Superconducting Cavities for Reflected Energy Minimization slides
Anirban Bhattacharyya
Uppsala University
06/05/2015 Fixed-Energy Electron Cooling Ring for MEIC  
Peter McIntyre
Texas A&M University
05/14/2015 Stability of Ion Polarization in Figure-8 MEIC slides
A. M. Kondratenko
05/13/2015 DC-SRF Photoinjector at Peking University  
Jiankui Hao
Peking University
04/30/2015 Density Functional Theory Calculations to Understand the Role of Impurity and Defect Structures in Nb SRF Cavities  
Denise C. Ford
Argonne National Lab
04/23/2015 Space-Charge Challenges of MEIC slides
Alex Bogacz
Jefferson Lab
04/16/2015 High Bunch Charge Measurements in the Cornell Photoinjector  
Colwyn Gulliford
Cornell University
08/14/2014 A High-Peak and High-Average Current, Low Emittance, Long Lifetime Electron Source for ERL Applications slides
Xiangyun Chang
01/01/2015 The Beam-Beam Effect and Its Consequences for High Energy e-p Colliders sucha s the Lhec and FCC-he slides
Edward Nissen
Jefferson Lab
03/19/2015 Ultrashort X-ray Pulse Generation be Electron Beam Slicing in NSLS-II slides
An He
Brookhaven National Lab
02/19/2015 Fiber-Optic Based Cryogenic Temperature and High Magnetic Field Sensors  
Brian Geist
MicroXact, Inc.
02/12/2015 Experiments with Free Electron Vortex Beams slides
Benjamin McMorran
University of Oregon
02/06/2015 Multi-bunch Tracking in Recirculating Machines slides 
Dario Pellegrini
01/23/2015 Beam-Beam Effects of Gear Changing in Ring-Ring Colliders  
Yue Hao
Brookhaven National Lab
01/29/2015 Alkali Antimonide Photocathodes Using Co-deposition and Effusio Source  
M.A. Mamun
Old Dominion University


10/16/2014 Head-Tail Modes for FNAL Booster  
Timofey Zolkin
Fermi National Accelerator Lab
09/22/2014 Superferric Magnets for Fun and Profit slides
Peter McIntyre
Texas A & M University
09/04/2014 Advanced Computational Techniques for Deisgn and Simulation of High Luminosity Muon Accelerators  
Hisham Sayed
Brookhaven National Lab
08/20/2014 Strong Focusing Cyclotrons for Accelerator Driven Fission  
Akhdiyor Sattarov
Texas A&M University
08/14/2014 Tracking Simulation of the Third-Integer Resonant Extraction for the Fermilab Mu2e Experiment  
Chong Shik Park
Fermi National Lab
08/13/2014 Using the Grid-Free Fast Multipole Method in Collective Effect Simulations  
He Zhang
Jefferson Lab
05/29/2014 The Design and Commissioning of the NSLS-II Storage Ring  
Weiming Guo
Brookhaven National Lab
05/08/2014 Medical Isotope Crisis and What has been done to solve it?  
Thomas J. Ruth
TRIUMF Laboratory
04/17/2014 SRF Technology Progress Update - Report from TTC Meeting at DESY  
Michael Drury, Ari Palczewski, Charlie Reece
Jefferson Lab
01/30/2014 Optical Electron Polarimetry slides
Timothy Gay
University of Nebraska
01/23/2014 Measurement of 16O(y,a)12C with a Bubble Chamber and a Bremsstrahlung Beam at Jefferson Lab Injector slides
Riad Suleiman
Jefferson Lab
01/10/2014 Accelerator Activities at IHEP  
Qing Qin
Institute of High Energy Physics


12/03/2013 Search for the Mixed Phase in Dense Baryonic Matter: NICA Project at JINR  
Igor Meshkov
Joint Inst
11/22/2013 Advanced Penning-type Ion Source Development and Passive Beam Focusing Techniquest for an Associated Particle Imaging Neutron Generator with Enhanced Spatial Resolution  
Amy Sy
11/21/2013 Latest Progress in Realization of ILC in Japan Slides
Rongli Geng
SRF Institute, Jefferson Lab
11/14/2013 Evaluation of TiN-Coated Aluminum Electrodes for DC High Voltage Electron Guns  
Md Abdullah Mamun
Old Dominion University and Jefferson Lab
10/31/2013 RF Operational Experience with High QL SRF Cavities Slides
Tomasz Plawski
Engineering Division, Jefferson Lab
10/17/2013 Report from SRF2013: The SRF World Today Slides
Charlie Reece, et al.
SRF Institute, Jefferson Lab
10/08/2013 LHC Operation in the First Years of Running and Future Plans Slides
Giulia Papotti
CERN Laboratory
09/26/2013 NSLS-II Project: The Coherent Soft X-ray and Full Polarization Control Beamline  
Cecilia Sancez Hanke
Brookhaven National Lab
09/19/2013 ASTA: The Facility, Development Plan and R&D Opportunities  
Yuhong Zhang
CASA Group, Jefferson Lab
09/12/2013 Applications of Modern Computational Tools in Accelerator Physics Slides
Balsa Terzic
CASA Group, Jefferson Lab
09/05/2013 Parametric-Resonance Ionization Cooling for Muon Beams in the Twin Helix Channel  
James Maloney
TRIUMF Laboratory
08/15/2013 Turkish Accelerator and Radiation Labaoratory in Ankara (TARLA) Slides
Avni Aksoy
Institute of Accelerator Technologies
08/08/2013 Ion Beam Accumulation and Short Bunch Formation with Beam Cooling  
Takeshi Katayama
Professor, University of Tokyo (Ret.)
06/27/2013 Overview of Studies of Microbunching Instability Slides
Rui Li
CASA Group, Jefferson Lab
05/30/2013 Microwave-based Undulator: A New Tool for Free Electron Lasers and Synchrotron Light Sources Slides
Sami Tantawi
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University
05/09/2013 Preservation and Control of the Ion Polarization in the MEIC Rings  
Anatoliy Kondratenko
Science and Technique Laboratory "Zaryad"
05/02/2013 Designing, Prototyping and Testing of Superconducting RF-Dipole Deflecting/Crabbing Cavities Slides
Subashini De Silva
Old Dominion University and Jefferson Lab
04/04/2013 Thin-Film Projects in Collaboration with JLab: SRF, FEL and Photocathode Projects. The Specific Case of VO2 and the FEL Collaboration Slides
Rosa A. Lukaszew
College of William and Mary
03/28/2013 Defects and Defect Interactions in Niobium  
Gary Collins
Washington State University
03/21/2013 Methods for Computing the Stability and Chaotic Regions of Non-Linear Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients Slides
Davresh J. Hasanyan
VA Tech
03/14/2013 Studies of Resistive Wall Heating at the JLab FEL Slides
Rui Li,
CASA, Jefferson Lab
03/12/2013 Construction and Commissioning Plan of the Compact ERL Injector at KEK  
Tsukasa Miyajima
KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
02/21/2013 Advanced Topographic Characterization of Variously Prepared Niobium Surfaces and Linkage to RF Losses  
Chen Xu'
College of William & Mary and Jefferson Lab
01/17/2013 Cavity Design for Harmonic Superposition  
Brock Roberts
Electrodynamics, Corp.


12/20/12 The 2012 Higgs Factory Workshop, A Summary Slides Edward Nissen,CASA Group, Jefferson Lab
12/13/12 An Accelerator Lattice with Non-Linear Transverse Motion Integrable in Polar Coordinates   Timofey Zolkin,University of Chicago
12/6/12 Tracking and Analysis in the Lens* Paradigm Slides Etienne Forest,KEK/High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
11/12/12 Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Free-Electron Lasers - Research Tools of Extraordinary Versatility Slides John Galayda,SLAC National Accelerator Lab
10/16/12 European Spallation Source: An Intrduction and Latest Updates   Stephen Molloy,European Spallation Source
9/20/12 Preliminary Study of Beam-Beam Effect on Polarization in RHIC   Zhe Duan,Institute of High Energy Phsyics, China, Brookhaven National Lab
8/21/12 SRF Activities at CERN Slides Ed Ciapala,CERN BE-Department
8/21/12 A Possible ERL Test Facility at CERN Slides Erk Jensen,CERN BE-Department
8/2/12 Activities of Superconducting RF Accelerators at Nanjing University - Slides Sun An,Proton Linear Accelerator Institute, Nanjing University, China
6/14/12 The Linear Accelerator for the MYRRHA ADS - COLLOQUIUM Slides Dirk Vandeplassche, Luis Ramao Madeiros, Hamid Ait Abderrahim, Marc Schyns Belgium Nuclear Research Centre
6/14/12 Generation IV Advanced Nuclear Systems and Role of MYRRHA as Waste Transmutation R&D Facility - COLLOQUIUM Slides Hamid Ait Abderrahim,Belgium Nuclear Research Centre
6/7/12 Transverse-to-Longitudinal Phase-Space Exchange: Recent Experiments and Future Applications Slides Philippe Piot,Northern Illinois University, Fermi National Lab
5/31/12 Overview of Accelerator R&Ds and Status of FEL Program at Shanghai Light Source   Haixiao Deng,Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
5/17/12 Surface Impedance of Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) Materials   Binping Xiao,College of William & Mary, Jefferson Lab
4/23/12 The Goubau Line - A Virtual Beam for Testing of Beam Instrumentation Beyond 1 GHz   Julien Bergoz and Frank Stulle,Bergoz Instrumentation
3/22/12 Effects of Impurities on the Superheating Field of Type ll Superconductors   F. Pei-Jen Lin, Argonne National Lab,A. Gurevich, Old Dominion University
3/15/12 The Paul Trap Simulator Experiment: Studying Transverse Beam Dynamics in a Compact Laboratory Experiment Slides Erik P. Gilson,Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
3/8/12 Varian Medical Systems Past, Present and Future   James E. Clayton,Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
3/1/12 RF Deflectors: Options for 12 GeV CEBAF   Shahid Ahmed,Jefferson Lab
2/16/12 Nb3Sn and Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities: Its Potential, and Lessons from Bulk, Thin Film and Wire Fabrication   Arno Godeke, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab



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12/20/11 Status of the Compact ERL and Future ERL Plan at KEK Slides Shogo Sakanaka,High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
12/8/11 The Fast Multipole Method in the Different Algebra Framework for Space Charge Field Calculation   He Zhang
12/1/11 Highlights of the 2011 Energy Recovery Linac Workshop Slides Steve Benson and Kevin Jordan,Jefferson Lab
11/17/11 Accelerator Production of the Medical Isotope 99mTc   William T. Diamond,
11/10/11 Recent Topics in Optical Monitor Development in the KEK   Toshiyuki Misuhashi,KEK
10/27/11 Pre-Existing Betatron Motion and Spin Flipping with RF Fields in Storage Rings Slides Desmond Barber,DESY Laboratory
10/13/11 International Linear Collider (ILC), Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) Acceleration, and ILC High-Gradient SRF Cavity R&D at Jefferson Lab   Rong-Li Geng,Jefferson Lab
10/6/11 The European Spallation Source and the Challenge of Designing Its Cryomodules   Wolfgang Hees,European Spallation Source
9/26/11 Flux Pinning Mechanism and RF Properties of Ingot Niobium Used in SRF Cavity Fabrication Slides Pashupati Dhakal,Jefferson Lab
9/23/11 An Overview of My Recent Studies Slides Shahid Ahmed,Jefferson Lab
9/22/11 Development and Testing of Novel Superconducting RF Materials   Jiquan Guo,SLAC
9/19/11 Study in the High Average Current, High-Brightness Electron Sources: Diamond Amplified Photo-Cathode and Multiple Cathode System Slides Xiangyun Chang,Brookhaven National Lab
9/16/12 (I)High Q Photonic Bandgap Cavity: Modeling and Characterization; (II)Beam Studies for the HINS Proton Ion Source at Fermilab   Wai Ming Tam,Indiana University, FermiLab
8/31/11 Photoproduction of the (1020) Meson in Neutral Decay Mode   Heghine Seraydaryan,Jefferson Lab
8/24/11 Beware the Lepton Sign Change: CW Positron Beam at JLab   Serkan Golge,Jefferson Lab
6/20/11 The Mainz Energy Recovering Superconducting Accelerator (MESA) - A Versatile Experimental Arrangement Based on a Compact Accelerator Slides Kurt Aulenbacher,Mainz University
6/16/11 Nonlineary Properties of MgB2 Under Localized High RF Magnetic Field   Tamin Tai,University of Maryland
6/16/11 Review of New Accelerator Projects for the Future of High Energy Physics   Jean-Pierre Delahaye,CERN Laboratory
5/27/11 Update on R&D Activities at Fermi Slides Alexander Romanenko,Fermi National Lab
5/26/11 Muon Spin Rotation/Relaxation Studies of Nb for SRF Applications Slides Anna Grasselino,TRIUMF Laboratory
5/19/11 Laser-Compton Scattering Experiments from Intermediate Energy Electron Beams Slides Khalid Chouffani,Idaho Accelerator Center
5/12/11 Compton Sources of Electromagnetic Radiation Slides Geoffrey Krafft,Jefferson Lab
5/10/11 Real Beam Optics from a "Synthetic" Beam Slides Ryan Bodenstein,University of Virginia
5/9/11 Nucleon Tomography: Status and Prospects Slides Francois-Xavier Girod,Jefferson Lab
5/6/11 Design of an Ultimate Storage Ring for Future Light Source Slides Yichao Jing,Indiana University
4/27/11 NSLS-II Lattice Development: Reduced Horizontal Beta Function in Long Straights Slides Fanglei Lin,Brookhaven National Lab
4/26/11 Orbits in Superconducting RF Cavities: A Challenge for Established Physics, II Slides David Fryberger,SLAC
4/21/11 Differential Algebraic Methods for Space Charge Modeling and Applications to the University of Maryland Electron Ring Slides Edward Nissen,Northern Illinois University
4/21/11 Centrifugal Barrel Polishing of Superconducting RF Cavities at Fermilab Slides Charlie A. Cooper,Fermilab National Lab
4/14/11 CSC: A Concatenation Strategy Based on Scattering-Parameters   Carsten Portratz,University of Rostock
4/7/11 Insertion Devices at the Argonne Advanced Photon Source, and Some Elsewhere   Elizabeth Moog,Argonne National Lab


Free-Electron Laser Theory for Coherent Electron Cooling   Stephen Webb,Stony Brook University
4/6/11 Update of the SRF Work at Argonne: From Atomic Layer Deposition to Fundamental Dissipation Mechanism Slides Thomas Proslier,Argonne National Lab
3/10/11 Linear Optics Correction and Electron Cloud Effect in the SNS Ring   Zhengzheng Liu,Indiana University & Oak Ridge National Lab
2/24/11 Recent Results of the ILC Cavities and the Proto-Type 2-Cell Injector Cavity for cERL at KEK   Ken Watanabe,KEK High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
2/3/11 Compact ERL Project in Japan and Its SRF Activity   Kensei Umemori,KEK High Energy Accelerator Research Organization


12/14/10 ICHIRO Cavity Progress at JLab   Fumio Furuta,KEK High Energy Accelerator Research Org.
12/14/10 Recent Status at STF and JLab - KEK Collaboration for MHI#8   Kirk Yamamoto,KEK High Energy Accelerator Research Org.
12/2/10 Pre-Boosters Design Studies for the Medium Energy Electron Ion Collider at JLab   Shashikant Manikonda,Argonne National Lab
11/23/10 Spin Response Formalism and Spin Matching   Vadim Ptitsyn,Brookhaven National Lab
11/18/10 ADS in china & Future Projects at IMP   Yuan He,Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
11/17/10 The Effective Fine Structure Constant of Graphene   Peter Abbamonte,University of IL, Urbana-Champaign
11/11/10 IHEP SRF R&D on ILC, ERL and ADS   Jiyuan Zhai,Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
11/10/10 Development of Two Digital Beam Feedback Systems to Dam Longitudinal Beam Instabilities at the PLS and Duke University Storage Rings   Yujong Kim,Idaho State University, Jefferson Lab
11/4/10 Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in the Cornell ERL SLIDES Christopher Mayes,Cornell University
10/28/10 Development of Laser Stripping at the SNS SLIDES Timofey Gorlov,Oak Ridge National Lab
10/20/10 Orbits in Superconducting RF Cavities - A Challenge for Established Physics   David Fryberger,SLAC
10/14/10 LHeC Recirculator with Energy Recovery - Beam Optics Choices SLIDES Alex Bogacz,Jefferson Lab
10/13/10 Measuring the Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron: The CryoEDM Experiment   Christine Clarke
10/1/10 GUINEVERE: an ADS mock-up experiment   Maud Baylac,Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie
9/23/10 Probing the Symmetry of the Pseudogap in Cuprate Superconductors - Experimental Difficulties in ARPES   Ari Palczewski
9/16/10 Validation of nm-Stabilization of CLIC Quadrupoles with Beam Experiments (slides - pdf) SLIDES Hermann Schmickler,CERN
9/13/10 Status of X-Ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs) and New Directions   Yujong Kim,Idaho State University & Jefferson Lab
8/13/10 High Field Q Drip in Superconducting Nb RF Cavities: Caused by Magnetic or Electric RF Fields?   J. Halbritter
8/4/10 NSLS II: Transfer Line Design   Guimei Wang,Brookhaven National Lab
7/14/10 The European Spallation Source   Mats Lindroos,Lund University
7/8/10 Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility - Phase I Status and Looking Ahead to Phase II   Israel Mardor,SOREQ NRC
7/1/10 Thermonuclear Fusion, ITER and Superconductivity SLIDES Ettore Salpietro
6/10/10 Penetration Depth Studies on YBa2Cu4O8 Cuprate and Novel Iron-Based Superconductor: LaFePO and Fe2SeTe   Alessandro Serafin
6/8/10 Interlayer Magnetoresistance Oscillations in the Q1D Molecular Organic Conductor   Pashupati Dhakal
6/7/10 MEIC Design Studies: Chromacity Correction and Spin Rotators   Hisham Sayed,Old Dominion University
6/3/10 Twin-Helix Magnetic Channel for Parametric-resonance Ionization Cooling SLIDES Vasiliy S. Morozov,Old Dominion University
5/13/10 Maintaining Multi-pass Synchronism at CEBAF: Techniques Used for Accelerator Operation and the Outlook for the 12 GeV Future   Michael Tiefenback,Jefferson Lab
5/6/10 International Linear Collider - Interaction Region Design SLIDES Andrei Seryi,SLAC
4/29/10 Coherent Electron Cooling SLIDES Vladimir Litvinenko,Brookhaven National Lab
3/30/10 Thin Film Coatings and Guide Materials for Use in Ultra Cold Neutron Experiments   Russell Mammei,VA Tech
3/25/10 Polarized Proton at RHIC: Status and Future Plan SLIDES Mei Bai,Brookhaven National Lab
2/5/10 The Search for the Nuclear Phase Space Critical Point at RHIC   Todd Satogata,Brookhaven National Lab
1/27/10 The SuperB Accelerator: Design and Upgrade SLIDES Michael Sullivan,SLAC
1/21/10 High Order Achromatic Optics for FRIB Fragment Separators: Transfer Maps, Differential Algebraic Methods and Symmetries SLIDES Bela Erdelyi,Argonne National Lab
1/7/10 Muon Collider Ring Lattice Design SLIDES Alexandr Netepenko,Fermi Lab
1/4/10 Novel Features of Computational Electromagnetics and Particle-In-Cell Simulations SLIDES Shahid Ahmed,IL Institute of Technology


10/29/09 Polarized Light Ion Sources and Heavy Ion Sources   (Slides - pdf) Vadim Dudnikov - Muons, Inc.
10/29/09 Laser Beams and Optics Characterization.  New Zoom-Type Optical Systems
for Extended Laser Applications
   (Slides - pdf)
George Nemes - ASTiGMAT
10/22/09 Highlights of the 2009 FEL Conference   (Slides - pdf) Steve Benson - Jefferson Lab
10/15/09 Digital Self Excited Loop Implementation and Experience   (Slides - pdf ) Trent Allison - Jefferson Lab
10/1/09 High-Field Losses in SRF Cavities   (Slides - pdf) Gianluigi Ciovati - Jefferson Lab
9/30/09 The European Spallation Source - The Next Generation Facility for Material Research and Life Science   (Slides - pdf) Christina Oyon - ESS - Bilboa
9/11/09 Investigations of Electromagnetic Space-Charge Effects in Beam Physics   (Slides - pdf) Chong Shik Park
9/10/09 Microbunching Instability in a Chicane:  Two-Dimensional Mean Field Treatment   (Slides - pdf ) Gabriele Bassi
8/31/09 My Studies of the High Field Q-Slope at Cornell University and Current SRF Research at LANL (Slides - pdf) Grigory V. Eremeev
8/27/09 Investigation on Critical High Order Modes in CEBAF Upgrade Cavities  (Slides - pdf ) Frank Marhauser & Haipeng Wang - Jefferson Lab
8/18/09 Turkish Accelerator Center Project   (Slides - pdf ) Omer Yavas - Ankara University
8/18/09 The Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library (OPAL), Design, Implementation and Application (Slides - pdf) Andreas Adelmann - Paul Scherrer Institute
8/17/09 Damping Effect Studies for X-Band Normal Conducting High Gradient Standing Wave Structures (Slides - pdf) Shilun Pei
8/13/09 Computation of Transfer Maps from Surface Data with Applications to LHC Quadrupoles and ILC Damping Ring Wigglers  (Slides - pdf) Chad Mitchell
7/30/09 Overview of the National Ignition Facility and Discussion of Operational Hazards  (Slides - pdf ) Sandra Brereton - LLNL
6/9/09 Characterization of Ingot Niobium Materials for SRF Cavity Production  (Slides - pdf ) Jayanta Mondal - Bhabha Atomic Research Center
6/4/09 Simluations of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation and Wavelet Methodology   (Slides - pdf) Balsa Terzic - NICADD, Northern IL Univ.
5/28/09 Spin-Manipulating Polarized Protons and Deuterons   (Slides - pdf) Vasiliy Morozov - University of Michigan
5/21/09 Niobium Surface Treatment Study at Peking University    (Slides - pdf) Xi Lu - Peking University
5/14/09 Study on Electron Spin Dynamics and Its Applications   (Slides - pdf) Jianfeng Zhang - Duke University
4/20/09 The SOLEIL Synchrotron Facility in France   (Slides - pdf) Paul Dumas
    Synchrotron SOLEIL, France


Few-Femtosecond Synchronism of X-Rays to Visible Light in an X-Ray
Free-Electron Laser
Bernhard W. Adams
Argonne Nat'l Lab.
2/26/09 Strain Energy, Pitting and Thermal Quenching in ILC Cavities   (Slides) Roy Crooks - Black Laboratories
2/20/09 Electron Cooling Module   (Slides) Wayne Cornelius
2/18/09 A New TEM-Type Deflecting and Crabbing RF Structure   (Slides - pdf) Jean Delayen - JLab
2/12/09 The Development of a Prototype Positron Source for CEBAF as part of the ISU/JLab Collaboration in Accelerator Physics and Education   (Slides - pdf ) Giulio Stancari
Idaho State University
2/5/09 Laser-Based Search for Dark Matter Particles   (Slides - pdf) Andrei Afanasev
Hampton University
1/28/09 Tevatron Run II - From Rags to Riches   (Slides - pdf) Mike Syphers - FermiLab
1/21/09 ICA Development and Its Applications in Beams   (Slide - pdf) S. Y. Lee - Indiana University
1/6/09 Current Status of the Accelerator Projects at Daresbury Lab (Slides - pdf) Susan Smith, Neil Bliss
Daresbury Laboratory


12/4/08 Second Sound as a Cavity Diagnostic Tool   (Slides) Don Hartill - Cornell University
12/3/08 Novel Applications of Spectroscopy to Study Hydrogen   (Slides) John Paul Wallace - Casting Analysis Corp.
11/7/08 Magnet Modeling in 3D with Opera/Tosca   (Slides) Jay Benesch - Jefferson Lab
11/3/08 Wisconsin Free Electron Laser (WiFEL) Initiative  (Slides) Joseph Bisognano - Wisconsin Synchrotron Radiation Center
10/17/08 Transparent Spin Resonance Crossing in Accelerators  (Slides) Anatoly Kondratenko - Zaryad Laboratory
10/16/08 A Vlasov-Maxwell Solver to Study Microbunching Instability in the FERMI@ELETTRA First Bunch Compressor System   (Slides) Gabriele Bassi - Univeristy of Liverpool and Cockcroft Institute
9/25/08 Highlights of the 2008 Free-Electron Laser Conference  (Slides) Pavel Evtushenko, Kevin Jordan, Carlos H. Garcia, Steve  Benson, Dave Douglas, JLab
9/18/08 Life After the Energy Frontier:  The Future of Fermilab (Slides) Eric Prebys - FermiLab
9/12/08 Global Effort for Superconducting RF Cavity Development in the Technical Design Phase for ILC  (Slides) Akira Yamamoto - KEK
9/4/08 High-Order Approximations of Greens Function Technique in Forming and Transport of Intensive Beams (Slides) Valentin Ivanov - Muons, Inc.
6/19/08 FEL Gun Test Stand, From Construction to Beam Operations  (Slides) Carlos Hernandez-Garcia - Jefferson Lab
4/25/08 Terahertz Dynamics of Materials in Strong Fields  (Slides) G. Lawrence Carr - Brookhaven Nat'l. Lab.
4/17/08 SRF Development for FRIB at Argonne  (Slides) Ken Sheppard - Argonne Nat'l. Lab
4/3/08 Orthogonal Basis Function Approximations of Particle Distributions in Numerical Simulations of Beams  (Slides) Balsa Terzic - NICADD, Northern IL University
3/27/08 Nonlinear Acoustic Materials Characterization  (Slides) Joseph Heyman - Luna Innovations, Inc.
2/28/08 Accelerators for the Advanced Exotic Beam Facility  (Slides) Dr. Peter Ostroumov - Argonne Nat'l. Lab.
2/14/08 Electron Beam Polarimetry at Jefferson Lab (Slides) Dave Gaskell - Jefferson Lab


12/13/07 Electron Guns for the ILC and CLIC (Slides) Matt Poelker, JLAB
12/4/07 The ERL Injector Project at Cornell University (Slides) Bruce Dunham, Cornell University
11/14/07 Beam Cooling for Hign Luminosity Colliders (Slides) Yaroslav Derbenev, JLAB
10/16/07 Phase Space Manipulations of Electron Beams Between Two Degree-of-Freedoms & Potential Applications (Slides) Philippe Piot, Northern Illinois University & FERMI
10/4/07 Asymptotic Analysis of Ultra-Relavistic Charge (Slides) Robin Tucker - Lancaster University
9/24/07 Accelerator Modeling Through High Performance Computing (Slides) Zenghai Li - SLAC


Highlights of the 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference (Slides) Andrew Hutton, Yuhong Zhang, Rongli Geng, JLAB


4GLS and ERLP (Slides) Hywel Owen, Daresbury Laboratory


RF Timing Technique with Picosecond Resolution and its Possible Applications at JLab (Slides) A. Margaryan, Yerevan Physics Institute


Current Status of Pohang Light Source and Ongoing R&D Activities (Slides) Jung Yun Huang, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory


Highlights of the ERL07 Workshop (Slides) Lia Merminga, Matt Poelker, Bob Rimmer and Kevin Jordan, JLAB
05/14/07 BETACOOL Program for Simulation of Beam Dynamics in Storage Rings (Slides) A. O. Sidorin, Electron Cooling Group, JINR
05/10/07 The CLIC Linear Collider (Slides) Hans Braun, CERN Accelerator Physics Group


Highlights of Electron-Ion Collaboration Meeting (Slides) Geoffrey Krafft - JLAB
03/01/07 Highlights of Low Emittance Muon Collider Workshop (Slides) David Newsham - Muons Inc.
01/25/07 An Exploration of Upgrade Options for the Advanced Photon Source (Slides) Michael Borland, Argonne, APS
01/18/07 RF Control of SNS Linac: Implementation, Commissioning and What Has Been Learned (Slides) Hengjie Ma - ORNL
01/11/07 Energy Recovery Linac Prototype (ERLP) Accelerator at Daresbury (Slides) Lee Jones - Daresbury Lab, UK


12/07/06 Photocathode Lifetime Measurements to 10 mA using the New CEBAF 100 kV GaAs DC Photogun and Highlights of the Polarized Electron Source Meeting in Kyoto, Japan (Slides) Joe Grames - JLab
11/14/06 Spin-Polarized Electrons Extracted from GaAs Tips Using Field Emission (Slides) Dr. Makoto Kuwahara - Nagoya University, Japan
11/02/06 The G0 Experiment: Backangle Running     (Slides) Riad Suleiman - Virginia Tech
10/19/06 Muon Cooling and Future Muon Facilities     (Slides) Daniel M. Kaplan - Illinois Institute of Technology
10/16/06 A High Average Power RF Photo Injector Gun Cavity     (Slides) Frank Marhauser - BESSY
10/05/06 Intense 3-8 MeV Positron Source     (Slides) Andre Rosowsky - CEA-Saclay, France
09/28/06 Nonintercepting ODR Diagnostics for Multi-GeV Electron Beams     (Slides) Alex Lumpkin - ANL
09/21/06 Highlights of FEL 2006 Conference     (Slides) Pavel Evtushenko - JLab
09/14/06 Highlights of Linac 2006 Conference     (Slides) Gianluigi Ciovati - JLab
09/12/06 Normal Conducting RF Cavity R&D for a Neutrino Factory or a Muon Collider     (Slides) Derun Li - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
09/07/06 The International Linear Collider: A Brief History, Present Status and Future Plans     (Slides) Warren Funk - JLab
08/15/06 First Demonstration of High Gain Lasing and Polarization Switch with a Distributed Optical Klystron FEL at Duke University  (Slides) Ying Wu - Duke University
06/22/06 High Brightness ERL Injector Development and ERL Planning at Cornell     (Slides) Charles Sinclair - Cornell University
06/06/06 RF Research in the Cockcroft Institute     (Slides) Rebecca Seviour - Lancaster University
06/01/06 "Highlights of 'Cooling for RHIC Workshop' "     (Slides) Yaroslav Derbenev, CASA/JLab
05/25/06 Advances in electromagnetic modeling: advanced algorithms, self-consistency, and parallelism (Slides) John R. Cary - Tech-X Corp. and Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
05/11/06 PARMELA modeling and beam-based measurements in the JLab Upgrade FEL Injector     (Slides) Carlos Hernandez-Garcia & Kevin Beard, JLab
04/27/06 Parity-violating Electron Scattering on Hydrogen and Helium and Strangeness in the Nucleon  (Slides) Kent Paschke, JLab
03/23/06 Computation of Transfer Maps from Surface Data with Applications to Wigglers     (Slides) Alex Dragt - Univ of Maryland
03/02/06 Superconducting RF Photoinjectors; an Overview     (Slides) Jacek Sekutowicz - DESY
02/23/06 Low Emittance Muon Collider     (Slides) Rolland Johnson - Muons Inc.
02/02/06 WIMPS and LIPSS     (Slides) Keith Baker - Hampton University


12/15/05 Highlights of The 2005 ICALEPCS Conference (slides) Theo Larrieu - JLab
12/08/05 Storage ring based coherent THz synchrotron radiation source research at MIT-Bates (Slides) Fuhua Wang - MIT
12/01/05 Operation of the CEBAF Load Locked Photogun at Average Beam Current > 1 mA (slides) Matt Poelker - JLab
11/17/05 Theory And Applications of Intrabeam Scattering (Slides) Sekazi Mtingwa - North Carolina A&T State University
11/10/05 Highlights of The Physics and Applications of High Brightness Electron Beams Workshop (slides) Geoffrey Krafft - CASA
11/03/05 Highlights of the 2005 Low Level RF Workshop (Slides) Curt Hovater - JLab
10/20/05 Microbunching Instability in FEL Accelerators (Slides) Zhirong Huang - SLAC
10/13/05 Highlights of The COOL'05 Conference (slides) Kevin Beard - FEL
09/29/05 Converting CESR Into an X-Ray Source (Slides) Richard Talman - Cornell University
09/15/05 Highlights of the FEL Conference (slides) Joseph Zhang - FEL, JLab
08/04/05 High Gradient RF Studies (Slides) Jim Norem - ANL
06/30/05 Highlights of the 7th International Workshop on High Energy Density and High Power RF (slides) Jim Boyce - JLab
06/23/05 Push-Pull FEL, a New ERL Concept (slides) Andrew Hutton - JLab
06/16/05 Schemes of Superradiant Emission from Electron Beams and "Spin-Flip Emission of Radiation" (slides) Avi Gover - Tel-Aviv University
05/26/05 Normal-Conducting Photoinjector for High Power CW FEL (slides) Sergey Kurennoy - LANL
05/05/05 Physics Issues for Modest Energy, High Power, FEL-Driving, Energy-Recovering Linacs (slides) David Douglas - JLab
04/28/05 Status of the Vanderbilt Table Top THz FEL (slides) Heather Andrews - Vanderbilt University - Nashville, TN
04/21/05 Strong-strong Beam-beam Simulations in Hadron and Lepton Colliders (slides) Ji Qiang, LBNL - Bereley, CA
03/24/05 Instrumentation, beam characterization and commissioning of the ELBE FEL (Slides) Pavel Evtushenko, JLab
03/17/05 LLRF Tests in the FEL and CEBAF with the Cornell Digital LLRF System (Slides) Curt Hovater, JLab
03/04/05 Studies of the Regenerative BBU at the JLab FEL Upgrade slides-part I), (slides-part II) Eduard Pozdeyev and Chris Tennant - CASA, JLab
02/04/05 General Theory of Intense Beam Nonlinear Thomson Scattering (slides) Geoffrey Krafft CASA, JLab
01/27/05 Current ACCEL Activities (slides) Michael Peiniger, ACCEL
01/20/05 Recent Innovations In Muon Beam Cooling And Prospects For A Muon Collider (slides) Rolland Johnson, Muons, Inc., Batavia, IL


12/17/04 Use of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms in High Brightness Electron Source Design (slides) Ivan Bazarov - Cornell University
12/13/04 1Electromagnetic, Thermal and Structural Analysis of the LUX Photoinjector Cavity using ANSYS (Slides) Steve Virostek, LBNL
12/3/04 Highlights of the 2004 Workshop on High Average Power and High Brightness Beams (slides) Carlos Hernandez-Garcia, JLab
11/12/04 Highlights of ICFA Workshop on High Intensity & Brightness Hadron Beams (slides when available) Yaroslav Derbenev, CASA, JLAB
11/05/04 Physical Optics Methods and Software for Synchrotron Radiation Wavefront Calculations (slides when available) Oleg Chubar, Soleil Synchrotron Lab, France
11/01/04 Coherent Bremsstrahlung studies at YerPhi (including CERN experiments) (slides) Robert Avakian, Yerevan Institute of Physics, Armenia
10/29/04 Ultrafast Demagnetization Of Ferromagnetic Iron Films Studied By Terahertz Time-domain Spectroscopy (slides) David Hilton, LANL
10/15/04 Recent Developments at the Brookhaven SDL (slides) Brian Sheehy - National Synchrotron Light Source
10/08/04 Generation and Cooling of Positrons (slides when available) Alex Artamonov
10/01/04 Simulation, Measurement and Analysis of Photoemission from Dispenser Cathodes, Metals and Coated Materials (slides) K. Jensen, Naval Research Laboratory
09/20/04 1.5 GeV FFAG Proton Accelerator as a New Injector to the BNL-AGS (Slides) Alessandro G. Ruggiero, BNL
09/17/04 Analysis of the Longitudinal CSR Force at the Cross-Over of The Full Compression In a Magnetic Chicane (slides when available) Rui Li - CASA, JLab
09/10/04 Highlights of 2004 FEL Conference (slides) Carlos Hernandez-Garcia, JLab
08/23/04 Longitudinal Beam Physics Experiments at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (slides) John H. Harris, U. of Maryland
06/29/04 Lawbreakers? The Physics of Superluminal Sources (slides) John Singleton, Los Alamos National Lab
06/25/04 How To Simulate Beam Breakup due to Higher Order Modes in the Presence of Lasing - or - There and Back Again, a TDBBU tale (slides) Kevin Beard, JLab
06/18/04 Cyclotrons: from Classic to FFAG (Slides) Rick Baartman, TRIUMF
05/28/04 Multi-moded Pulse Compression Systems for Linear Colliders and Other RF Systems (Slides) Sami Tantawi, SLAC
05/21/04 Highlights of Beam Instrumentation Workshop (slides) Arne Freyberger, John Musson, Chris Tennant, JLab
05/10/04 Radiation Source ELBE at Forschungszentrum Rossendorf Status and SRF gun activities (slides) Peter Michel, FZ Rossendorf, Germany
04/26/04 Muon Acceleration in FFAG Rings (slides) Eberhard Keil, CERN
03/29/04 Developing tools for high energy spin physics experiments (Spin flipper rf dipole magnet and ultra-cold polarized Hydrogen gas jet target) (slides) Katsuya Yonehara, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
03/26/04 Time Characteristics of the Beam for CLAS Experiments (slides) Hovannes Egiyan, Hall B/JLab
03/19/04 PrimEx: Measurement of the π0 Lifetime (slides) David Lawrence, University of Massachusetts
03/12/04 Self Consistent Space Charge Distributions: Theory And Applications (slides) Viatcheslav Danilov, SNS, ORNL
02/23/04 Current Status of the 1.5 GeV Taiwan Light Source in NSRRC (slides) June-Rong Chen, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan
02/20/04 ERL-based X-ray source: promises and challenges (slides) Ivan Bazarov, Cornell University
02/13/04 Collective Beam-Beam Effects In Hadron Colliders (slides) Jack Shi, University of Kansas
02/06/04 RF Control for the DESY UV FEL (slides) Stefan Simrock, DESY
01/30/04 The LCLS X-Ray FEL and Related R&D at the SPPS (slides) Paul Emma, SLAC
01/16/04 The Small Isochronous Ring project at NSCL: first experimental results (slides) Eduard Pozdeyev, CASA, JLab



12/12/03 Superconducting RF in the Cornell University Energy Recovery Linac - Challenges and Solutions (slides) Matthias Liepe, Cornell University
12/11/03 A UK Initiative for RF Source Development (slides when available) David Wilcox, E2V Technologies, UK
12/11/03 Inductive Output Tubes for Driving SRF Accelerators (slides) Steve Aitkin, E2V Technologies, UK
11/25/03 Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Crystal Growth, Structure, and Properties (slides) Angus Rockett, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana
11/14/03 Filling the Terahertz Gap (slides) Gwyn Williams, FEL/LIght Sources
11/07/03 The two- stream transverse instability and beam performance limitation (slides ) Vadim Dudnikov, Brookhaven Technology Group, NY
10/17/03 Highlights of FEL 2003 Conference (slides) Stephen Benson, FEL, JLab
10/10/14 4GLS and Daresbury ERL Prototype (slides) Mike Dykes, Daresbury Lab, UK
10/10/03 Highlights of SRF 2003 Conference (slides) Peter Kneisel, SRF Institute, JLab
10/03/03 Luminosity Concepts and Issues of the Electron-Light Ion Collider (Part II) (slides) Yaroslav Derbenev, CASA
09/26/03 Luminosity Concepts and Issues of the Electron-Light Ion Collider (slides) Yaroslav Derbenev, CASA
09/05/03 Ponderomotive Broadening (slides) Geoffrey Krafft, CASA
09/02/03 Small Isochronous Ring (SIR) Project at NSCL (slides) Eduard Pozdeyev, Michigan State Univerity
06/27/03 Highlights of TESLA TTF Meeting in Frascati (Sekutowicz's slides) Jacek Sekutowicz and Michael Tiefenback, JLab
06/19/03 Simulations and Observations of Beam-beam effects at the Tevatron in Fermilab (slides) Meiqin Xiao, Fermilab
06/13/03 Beam Lines and Phase Space in Tracking Codes (slides) Etienne Forest, KEK,
06/6/03 Highlights of International Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics, Japan Yaroslav Derbenev, CASA
06/3/03 Selected Topics of Theory and Experiment on the Space-Charge-Dominated Beam Physics (slides) Yun Zou, U. of Maryland
05/23/03 Emittance Compensation in High Brightness RF Photoinjectors: an introduction with some applications (slides) Massimo Ferrario, INFN-LNF
04/11/03 Longitudinal Density Monitoring (slides) Max Zolotorev,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
04/04/03 Roundtable discussion of the CEBAF-ER Experiment (slides) Alex Bogacz, et al.,CASA, JLab
03/21/03 Experiences with the beam-beam effect at HERA (slides) Georg H. Hoffstaetter,Cornell University
03/20/03 Present status and future plans of the KEK Photon Factory (slides) Shogo Sakanaka, Photon Factory, KEK
03/14/03 Design of a new material for high-efficiency spin-polarized electron source (slides) Anderson Janotti,Oak Ridge
03/07/03 Status of the Thomson X-ray program (slides) Jim Boyce, JLab
02/24/03 Status of the IASA RaceTrack Microtron Facility � the 10 MeV CW injector linac (slides) Andreas Karabarbounis, University of Athens
02/21/03 Synchrotron Light Interferometer at Jefferson Lab (slides) Pavel Chevtsov, JLab
02/14/03 Whither SL21 and NL11 will Take us (slides) Leigh Harwood, JLab
02/07/03 Highlights of Beam Stabilization Workshop (slides) Y. Chao, CASA, JLab
01/31/03 Beam Physics at the APS (slides) Katherine Harkay, APS, Argonne
01/24/03 Highlights of Remote Operations Workshop (slides) Michael Spata & Andrew Hutton, JLab
01/21/03 Do We Need Better Synchrotron Light Sources? (Slides Part 1, Part 2) Andreas Magerl, Univ. of Erlangen-N�rnberg
01/16/03 Recent Developments in Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (slides) Robert Warnock, SLAC
01/10/03 The Cancellation Effect in the Dynamics of Relativistic Beams on a Curved Trajectory (paper) Rui Li, CASA, JLab


12/13/02 High-Pressure RF Cavities and Muon Accelerators (slides) Rolland Johnson, Muons, Inc
12/03/02 The 4GLS Energy Recovering Light Source Program at Daresbury Laboratory (slides) Elaine Seddon, Daresbury Laboratory
11/22/02 Superstructures (slides) Jacek Sekutowicz, JLab/DESY
11/15/02 Table-top Laser Driven Accelerator Research at LBNL (slides) Wim Leemans, LBNL
11/08/02 Operation of the SLS Using CORBA Based Beam Dynamics Applications (slides) Michael Boege, PSI
10/25/02 Heavy-Ion Beam Dynamics in the RIA Accelerators and Development of RT Accelerating Structures for the RIA (slides) Petr N. Ostroumov, Argonne
10/23/02 Next Linear Collider Beam Position Monitors: What�s Novel, Challenging, or Extreme? (slides) Steve Smith, SLAC
10/11/02 Highlights of FEL 2002 Conference (slides) Steve Benson, JLab
10/04/02 The Sextupole Scheme for the Swiss Light Source (SLS): An Analytic Approach" (papers) Johan Bengtsson, Schlumberger
09/27/02 Sources of Polarized Light Ions for the EIC (slides) Vladimir P. Derenchuk, Indiana Univ. Cyclotron Facility
09/20/02 Observations From LINAC 2002 (slides) Leigh Harwood, JLab
09/06/02 Neutrino Factory - Beam Dynamics of Muon Acceleration (slides) Alex Bogacz, CASA, JLab
07/19/02 Coherent Synchrotron Radiation: Theory and Experiments (slides, paper) Court Bohn, Northern Illinois Univ.
06/21/02 Beam Physics at Run IIA Tevatron Commissioning (slides) Valeri Lebedev, Fermilab
06/14/02 Transverse Self-fields within an Electron Bunch Moving in an Arc (slides) Gianluca Geloni, CASA
06/11/02 Femtosecond Studies of Photoinjector Beam Physics (slides) William Graves, Brookhaven National Lab
06/05/02 Future Directions of Muon Science - Fusion Energy, Life Science and Disasters Prevention (slides) Kanetada Nagamine, Meson Science Lab, KEK
05/31/02 Recent experimental investigations at the VISA SASE FEL (slides) James Rosenzweig, UCLA
05/30/02 Manipulation and diagnosis of sub-ps electron beams (slides) James Rosenzweig, UCLA
05/24/02 Beam Diagnostic with Coherent Transition Radiation for High-Brightness Racetrack Microtron Injector (slides) Alexander Chepurnov, Moscow State University
05/10/02 The FMT Induction Accelerator Module Ernest Zaidman, FM Technologies
05/03/02 Enabling the Global Accelerator Network (slides) Karen S. White, JLab
04/19/02 Visible Light Diagnostics from the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak (slides) Benjamin L. Welch, Dilon Technologies
04/12/02 Measurements of Halo Generation in an Intense Proton Beam (slides) Patrick L. Colestock, Los Alamos National Lab.
04/10/02 Terahertz Research at the University of Virginia: An Overview (slides) Thomas W. Crowe, Univ. of Virginia
04/05/02 SwarmC: simulating the beam-beam interaction for a Linac-Ring Electron-Ion Collider (slides) Kevin B. Beard, CASA, JLab
03/22/02 Electron Beam Polarization Measurements using the Hall B Moller Polarimeter (slides) Kyungseon Joo, JLab
03/15/02 The PEP-II B-Factory - Performance and Accelerator Physics (slides) Uli Wienands, SLAC
03/08/02 Overview of Present Status of CSR Studies (slides) Rui Li, CASA, JLab
03/01/02 The Next Linear Collider Design (slides) Tor Raubenheimer, SLAC
02/22/02 Dry Run for Cornell ERL Proposal Review (slides Part A, Part B) Geoff Krafft, CASA, JLab
02/20/02 Innovative Magnet Development and Application at the National Synchrotron Light Source (slides) Eric Blum, Brookhaven National Lab
02/15/02 Image Charge/Wakefield Undulator (slides) Yuhong Zhang, CASA, JLab
02/08/02 MAX 1 to 4 - Present and Far Future Light Sources (slides) Mikael Eriksson, MAX-lab, Lund Univ., Sweden
02/06/02 Neutrino Factory Studies at CERN (slides) Klaus Hanke, CERN
02/01/02 Overview of the Fundamentals of Superconductivity and Cavities - Part II (slides) Jean Delayen, JLab
01/25/02 Overview of the Fundamentals of Superconductivity and Cavities - Part I (slides) Jean Delayen, JLab
01/11/02 MeV Electron Beams for Detection of Explosives (slides) Andrei Afanasev, JLab
01/07/02 Emittance Oscillations and Thermalization in High-Brightness Induction Linacs Bruce Carlsten, Los Alamos National Lab


12/11/01 High Brightness sub-ps Electron Beams: Production and Application to X-ray FELs (slides) Luca Serafini, University of Milan and NFN-Milan
12/7/01 National Road Map for HEP for the Next Twenty Years (slides) Norbert Holtkamp, SNS, ORNL
11/30/01 Surface Roughness Wakefield Experiment at ATF and Beam Simulation for DC Gun Based Injector for PERL (slides part 1, part 2) Feng Zhou, UCLA/BNL
11/16/01 Recent Developments in Superconducting RF Free Electron Lasers (slides) Lia Merminga, CASA
11/09/01 Space Charge Dominated Beams (slides) Patrick O'Shea, U. Maryland
11/07/01 Accelerators and Light Sources for Scientific Applications - Trends and Opportunities (slides) V. Litvinenko, Duke Univ.
11/02/01 Recirculating Linac Light Sources (slides) Geoffrey Krafft, CASA
10/26/01 Sinclair Symposium on Photoelectron Injectors and Applications  
10/19/01 Chirped-Beam Two-Stage SASE-FEL for High Power Femtosecond X-Ray Pulse Generation (slides) Carl B. Schroeder, UCLA/SLAC
10/12/01 Rapid Evolution of Charged-Particle Beams and Galaxies (slides) Courtlandt L. Bohn, Fermilab
9/28/01 Cold electrons from GaAs-photocathodes (slides) Dimitry Orlov, Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg
9/21/01 Multi-Pass Energy-Recovered Linacs for Light Sources (Slides part 1, part 2) Andrew Hutton, Dave Douglas and Mike Tiefenback
9/7/01 Reactive RF Control Model for Superconducting Cavities (slides) Yaroslav Derbenev
8/31/01 Simulation of Ion Effects in Microwave Tubes (slides) Henry Freund
8/24/01 Image Charge Undulator - Proof-of-Principle (slides) Jim Boyce
8/17/01 Statistical Analysis of Cavity Arc Faults at CEBAF January 1997 through January 2001 Jay Benesch
8/10/01 RF Picosecond Timing Technique Based on Secondary Electron Emission (slides) Amour Margaryan
8/3/01 Betatron Motion with Coupling of Horizontal and Vertical Degrees of Freedom (slides) Alex Bogacz
6/8/01 Optimizing Orbit Correction Configuration - Method and Applications (slides) Yuchiu Chao
6/1/01 Measurements and Simulations of CSR Effects in the APS Bunch Compressor (slides) Michael Borland, APS, Argonne