12/14/2023 | Functionalizing Advanced Materials and Surfaces in Superconducting RF |
Zeming Sun Bruker Energy & Superconducting Technologies |
11/02/2023 | To the Issue of Geodesics and Torsion in the Theory of the Gravitation |
Yaroslav Derbenev Jefferson Lab |
10/26/2023 | Robust, Adaptive and Physics Constrained Generative Deep Learning for Electrodynamics |
Alexander Scheinker Los Alamos National Laboratory |
10/19/2023 | Fast Orbit Feedback (FOFB) System Design and R&D for the APS Upgrade (APS-U) |
Nicholas Sereno Argonne National Laboratory |
10/05/2023 | 5 MeV polarimetry at MESA |
Rakshya Thapa Johannes Gutenburg-University Mainz |
09/21/2023 | Lattice Design and Beam Dynamics Studies for PERLE |
Alex Fomin PERLE |
9/14/23 | Optimization of Superconducting Cavities: Shape, Fields, Multipactor |
Dr. Valery Shemelin Cornell University |
07/28/2023 | Radiation environment studies: from FRIB to FNAL |
Dr. Dali Georgobiani FNAL |
07/06/2023 | Introduction and SCL3 Cryogenic Commissioning (First Run) of Cryogenic Systems for RAON Accelerator |
Taekyung Ki IBS |
06/29/2023 | Energy-Efficient Accelerators with a Focus on Energy-Recovery Linacs |
Andrew Hutton Jefferson Lab |
05/18/2023 | Highlights from 42 Years on the SRF Trail |
Charlie Reece Jefferson Lab |
05/11/2023 | Measurements of Magnetic Field Penetration of Materials for Superconducting Radiofrequency Cavities |
Harshani Senevirathne ODU Research Foundation |
05/04/2023 | Nonlinear Meissner interferometry using high-Q superconducting cavities |
Alex Gurevichy ODU |
04/20/2023 | Gamma Factory |
Mieczyslaw Witold Krasny CERN |
03/02/23 | Photoemission from biased metal surfaces: quantum efficiency, laser heating, dielectric coatings and quantum pathways interference |
Yang Zhou Michigan State University |
02/03/2023 |
Roger Ruber Uttar Pudisaini Jefferson Lab |
01/12/2023 | FRIB Linac design, construction and commissioning |
Eduard Pozdeyev FermiLab |
12/15/2022 | Robotic Solutions for Remote Maintenance and Quality Assurance at CERN |
Mario Di Castro CERN |
12/08/2022 | S&T Lesson Learned - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly |
Ganapati Myneni Virginia Tech |
11/10/2022 | On-Site Wastewater Reuse Challenges and Opportunities |
Anish Jantrania Texas A&M University |
11/03/2022 | The 2022 ERL Workshop |
Steve Benson Jefferson Lab |
09/22/22 | The European ERL Roadmap |
Andrew Hutton Jefferson Lab |
08/04/2022 | USPAS Prize Talk: Some Reminisces on My Career in Accelerators |
Geoffrey Krafft Jefferson Lab |
07/21/2022 | Strong female lead: PIP-II HB650 cavity efforts at STFC Daresbury Laboratory |
Anna Shabalina STFC Daresbury Lab |
06/30/2022 | ESS SRF vacuum project: Design and Assembling Plans |
Marcelo Juni Ferreira European Spallation Source (ESS) |
06/23/2022 | SRF R&D and projects in Europe -- cavities from bulk niobium to thin film |
Akira Miyazaki Uppsala University |
06/16/2022 | Magnetic levitation within a microwave cavity |
Naubin Raut Jefferson Lab |
06/09/2022 | Trapped ion quantum computing |
Matt Grau ODU |
05/19/2022 | Nonlinear Meissner effect in Nb3Sn coplanar resonators |
Junki Makita ODU |
03/31/2022 | Scattered Spectra from Non-linear Compton Effect |
Geoffrey Krafft Jefferson Lab |
03/24/2022 | Irradiation of 1,4-dioxane at UITF for Wastewater Remediation |
Xi Li ODU |
02/10/2022 | Trace Level Impurity Quantitation for Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Analysis of Niobium Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) Materials |
Jonathan Angle Virginia Tech |
01/13/2022 | EDM Measurement in Small Rings |
Raid Suleiman Jefferson Lab |
08/19/2021 | Thermionic Electron Sources: Function, Features and Future |
Mark Stefani Jefferson Lab |
06/10/2021 | Electrodeposition of copper applied to the manufacture of seamless SRF cavities and other accelerator components |
Lucia Lain Amador CERN, Switzerland |
06/03/2021 | SRF surface resistance tuning of niobium via thermal diffusion of its native oxide |
Eric Lechner Jefferson Lab |
05/27/2021 | Loss Mechanisms on Superconducting Quantum Devices and Microwave Microscopy for Probing Superconducting Devices Metrology |
Tamin Tai Department of Physics, University of Maryland |
05/20/2021 |
Novel SRF thin-film Development at Cornell University |
Mingqi Ge Cornell University |
05/13/2021 | Crab Cavities for the High Luminosity LHC Upgrade at CERN: Preparing SRF Cavities for a test with protons |
Alejandro Castilla Loeza Accelerator-RF Physicist, Lancaster University CERN/SY-RF-SRF |
04/22/2021 | Microstructure dependence of magnetic flux trapping in Niobium: Attention needed to upstream Nb processing for high Q SRF Nb cavities |
Shreyas Balachandran ASC/NHMFL/FSU |
03/18/2021 | Microwave studies of the surface impedance of superconductors in the mixed state |
Nicola Pompeo Università Roma Tre, Engineering Department |
03/04/2021 | SRF Challenges for the EIC Project |
Qiong WuBrookhaven National Laboratory |
02/18/2021 | XFEL Operation Experience |
Julien Branlard Deutsches ElektronenSynchroton (DESY) |
01/14/2021 | Improved SIMS Operation and Quantification for N-Doped Niobium |
Jonathan Angle Jefferson Lab |
12/17/2020 | Future NP Machines at JLAB: 24 GeV CEBAF and a 54 GeV Site Filler |
Alex Bogacz Jefferson Lab |
11/19/2020 | Update and Overview of Research Conducted on Environmental Application of Electron Beam Treatment |
William Cooper University of California, Irvine |
10/29/2020 | Distributed Coupling Linacs from Room to Cryogenic Temperature |
Mamdouh Nasr SLAC Nat'l Lab |
10/15/2020 | First Direct Observations of Gear-Changing In A Collider |
Edith Nissen Jefferson Lab |
9/17/2020 | The development of a RF harmonic kicker cavity |
Gunn Tae Park Jefferson Lab |
9/10/2020 | Industrial Production of SRF Cryomodules |
Hannes Vennkatee RI Research Instruments GmbH |
8/27/2020 | Spin Transparency Method for Spin Control of Hadron Beams in Colliders |
Vasiliy Morozov Jefferson Lab |
8/6/2020 | Demonstration of Electron Cooling using a Pulsed Beam from an Electrostatic Cooler |
Max Burker Jefferson Lab |
7/23/2020 |
SRF Cavity Fault Classification Using Machine Learning at Jefferson Lab |
Chris Tennant Jefferson Lab |
7/16/2020 | A Method for In-Situ and In-Operando Cavity Loaded Q-Extraction in SRF Accelerators |
Frank Marhauser Jefferson Lab |
6/18/2020 | Performance, Reliability and Maintenance of the SNS Superconducting Linac |
Sang-ho Kim Oak Ridge Nat'l Lab |
5/28/2020 | The Science Motivating a New EUV Light Source at Jefferson Lab |
Gwyn Williams Jefferson Lab |
5/21/2020 | Lessons learned pushing the boundaries of nitrogen doping: LCLS-II production statistics, high gradient doping R&D, and the future |
Dr. Ari Palczewski Jefferson Lab |
3/3/2020 | OAM beams (coherent mixing of opposite helicities) from an FEL oscillator |
Dr. Ying Wu Duke University |
2/24/2020 | "Compact 300kV DC Inverted Insulator Photogun" |
Dr. Carlos Hernandez-Garcia Jefferson Lab |
1/30/2020 | "Recent Development on Nitrogen Infusion Work Towards High Q and High Gradient SRF Cavities" |
Dr. Pashupati Dhakal Jefferson Lab |
DATE | TITLE - (pdf) | SPEAKER(S) |
11/01/2018 | Introduction to CEPC-SppC: Scientific Goals, Collider Design Status and R&D plans |
Professor Jie Gao
IHEP Chinese Academy of Sciences |
02/21/2018 | Overview of the John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science |
Andre Seryi Divison Director
John Adams Institute |
01/29/2018 | Design and Commissioning of the CBETA Linac Cryomodules |
Nilanjan Banerjee
Cornell University |
DATE | TITLE - (pdf) | SPEAKER(S) |
11/30/2017 | ELBE Radiation Source, Its Accelerator R&D and Future Upgrade Options |
Dr. Pavel Evtushenko
Helmholtz-Zendtrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
11/09/2017 | Highlights and Reflections of the EIC Collaboration Meeting 2017 |
Dr. Yuhong Zhang
Jefferson Lab |
11/07/2017 | GPT Best Practices |
Dr. Bas van der Geer
General Particle Tracer Software |
10/23/2017 | What's Going On at the Cockcroft Institute? |
Peter Ratoff
Cockcroft Institute |
10/19/2017 | High Intensity Negative Ion Beam Neutralization |
Cristhian Alfonso Valerio-Lizarraga
Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa |
09/19/2017 | UH-FLUX Project: High Current ERL for Research and Industrial Applications |
Dr. Ivan Konoplev
University of Oxford |
09/01/2017 | Using Science to Protect America's Borders |
Kathy McCormick
Dept. of Homeland Security |
07/27/2017 | Highlighs from ERL 2017 |
Dr. Chris Tennant, Dr. Shukui Zhang
Jefferson Lab |
06/08/2017 | Highlighs from IPAC 2017 |
Jiquan Guo, et al.
Jefferson Lab |
05/18/2017 | Exploration of Fundamental Metallutgical Properties, and Superconducting Correlations in SRF Nb Coupons |
Shreyas Balachandran
Florida State University |
03/23/2017 | Summary from Tesla Technology Collaboration Meeting |
Charles Reece
Jefferson Lab |
01/12/2017 | ER @ CEBAF - A Proposed High Energy, Multi-pass Energy Recovery Experiment at CEBAF |
Dr. Todd Satogata
Jefferson Lab |
DATE | TITLE - (pdf) | SLIDES - (pdf) | SPEAKER(S) |
12/20/12 | The 2012 Higgs Factory Workshop, A Summary | Slides | Edward Nissen,CASA Group, Jefferson Lab |
12/13/12 | An Accelerator Lattice with Non-Linear Transverse Motion Integrable in Polar Coordinates | Timofey Zolkin,University of Chicago | |
12/6/12 | Tracking and Analysis in the Lens* Paradigm | Slides | Etienne Forest,KEK/High Energy Accelerator Research Organization |
11/12/12 | Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Free-Electron Lasers - Research Tools of Extraordinary Versatility | Slides | John Galayda,SLAC National Accelerator Lab |
10/16/12 | European Spallation Source: An Intrduction and Latest Updates | Stephen Molloy,European Spallation Source | |
9/20/12 | Preliminary Study of Beam-Beam Effect on Polarization in RHIC | Zhe Duan,Institute of High Energy Phsyics, China, Brookhaven National Lab | |
8/21/12 | SRF Activities at CERN | Slides | Ed Ciapala,CERN BE-Department |
8/21/12 | A Possible ERL Test Facility at CERN | Slides | Erk Jensen,CERN BE-Department |
8/2/12 | Activities of Superconducting RF Accelerators at Nanjing University - | Slides | Sun An,Proton Linear Accelerator Institute, Nanjing University, China |
6/14/12 | The Linear Accelerator for the MYRRHA ADS - COLLOQUIUM | Slides | Dirk Vandeplassche, Luis Ramao Madeiros, Hamid Ait Abderrahim, Marc Schyns Belgium Nuclear Research Centre |
6/14/12 | Generation IV Advanced Nuclear Systems and Role of MYRRHA as Waste Transmutation R&D Facility - COLLOQUIUM | Slides | Hamid Ait Abderrahim,Belgium Nuclear Research Centre |
6/7/12 | Transverse-to-Longitudinal Phase-Space Exchange: Recent Experiments and Future Applications | Slides | Philippe Piot,Northern Illinois University, Fermi National Lab |
5/31/12 | Overview of Accelerator R&Ds and Status of FEL Program at Shanghai Light Source | Haixiao Deng,Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences | |
5/17/12 | Surface Impedance of Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) Materials | Binping Xiao,College of William & Mary, Jefferson Lab | |
4/23/12 | The Goubau Line - A Virtual Beam for Testing of Beam Instrumentation Beyond 1 GHz | Julien Bergoz and Frank Stulle,Bergoz Instrumentation | |
3/22/12 | Effects of Impurities on the Superheating Field of Type ll Superconductors | F. Pei-Jen Lin, Argonne National Lab,A. Gurevich, Old Dominion University | |
3/15/12 | The Paul Trap Simulator Experiment: Studying Transverse Beam Dynamics in a Compact Laboratory Experiment | Slides | Erik P. Gilson,Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
3/8/12 | Varian Medical Systems Past, Present and Future | James E. Clayton,Varian Medical Systems, Inc. | |
3/1/12 | RF Deflectors: Options for 12 GeV CEBAF | Shahid Ahmed,Jefferson Lab | |
2/16/12 | Nb3Sn and Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities: Its Potential, and Lessons from Bulk, Thin Film and Wire Fabrication | Arno Godeke, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |