ADM CSlider Widget

CSlider is an awt component bean. It provide a convenient means for allowing a user to control a device property's value in a control system. The size, bound, foreground, background and the font of the label on the slider can be set like an awt component.

There are four label styles which can be selected, with a default of LABEL_NONE (Fig.2). If LABEL_AXIS is used, tick marks and display range will appear (Fig. 3). The property's value will also shown if LABEL_VALUE is selected (Fig. 4). All the information including the device and property name will on the widget when the LABEL_ALL is used (Fig. 5).

The orientation of the CSilder widget can be either VERTICAL (Fig. 1 and Fig. 4) or HORIZONTAL (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). The default orientation is VERTICAL.

A horizontal CSlider with LABEL_NONE A vertical CSlider with LABEL_AXIS A vertical CSlider with LABEL_VALUE A horizontal CSlider with LABEL_ALL
Fig. 2Fig. 3 Fig. 4Fig. 5

There are two ways to adjust the value: (1) dragging the thumb and (2) clicking the face of the slider. When the thumb is dragged, only a change larger than precision will be sent to the control system. The precision value will be obtained from control system if it is available. Otherwise the default value of 1% of the control range will be used. When clicking on the face, the value of the property will increase or decrease a unit increment depending upon the clicking position. By default the unit increment is the same as the precision, and they can be changed using either the setPrecision(double) or setUnitIncrement(double) method. Double clicking the thumb, a new window will pop up (Fig. 1) to allow the user to change the unit increment value on the fly.

Fig. 1