-Q2.F.9- change the default colors in Tk?

From: -II-  Tk Questions and Answers - How can I:

A2.F.9.  To change the default colors in Tk you must modify your X
resource database.  You can do this using whatever method you ususally
use to add/modify X resources (X default file, etc.), or you can use
the Tk "option" command to change the option database from within a Tk
application.  rpeck@java.nas.nasa.gov (Rodney C. Peck) lists the set
of resources which must be set along with a possible color scheme:

     Tk*activeBackground:                    #efefef
     Tk*activeForeground:                    black
     Tk*selector:                            black
     Tk*background:                          #dfdfdf
     Tk*foreground:                          black
     Tk*selectBackground:                    #bfdfff
     Tk*Scale.activeForeground:              #efefef
     Tk*Scale.sliderForeground:              #dfdfdf
     Tk*Scrollbar.foreground:                #dfdfdf
     Tk*Scrollbar.activeForeground:          #efefef
     Tk*Button.disabledForeground:           #7f7f7f
     Tk*Checkbutton.disabledForeground:      #7f7f7f
     Tk*Radiobutton.disabledForeground:      #7f7f7f
     Tk*Menu.disabledForeground:             #7f7f7f

For more information, see your system's documentation for loading
X resources, and/or the Tk man page for the "option" command.

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