Monday, June 22 | |||
Topic | Speaker | Institution | |
9:00 | Welcome | Will Brooks | JLUO Board |
9:10 | Jefferson Lab Overview | Stuart Henderson | JLab |
9:45 | DOE Nuclear Physics Perspective | Tim Hallman | DOE |
10:15 | Break | ||
10:40 | NSF Nuclear Physics Perspective | Jim Thomas | NSF |
11:05 | Overview of the Jefferson Lab Science Program | Bob McKeown | JLab |
11:40 | CEBAF Performance and Outlook | Camille Ginsburg | JLab |
12:05 | Lunch | ||
1:00 | The EIC User Group's path towards detectors | Thomas Ullrich | BNL |
1:30 | The EIC Project and involvement of JLab and the User Community | Rolf Ent | JLab |
2:00 | Break | ||
2:20 | The PRad experiment and the incredible shrinking proton | Dipangkar Dutta | MS State |
2:40 | Preliminary Results from the Lambda-NN Hypernuclear Studies | Liguang Tang | Hampton |
3:10 | JLUO Business Meeting | Will Brooks | JLUO BOD |
3:30 | Adjourn |
Tuesday, June 23 | |||
Topic | Speaker | Institution | |
9:00 | Overview of Meson Form Factors | Tanja Horn | CUA |
9:30 | Exotic hadrons from LHCb | Biplab Dey | CERN |
10:05 | Preliminary Results on the Hall C J/Psi Threshold Production Experiment | Sylvester Joosten | ANL |
10:35 | Break | ||
10:55 | Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering from the Proton with CLAS12 | Maxime Defurne | CEA-Saclay |
11:15 | Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering from the Neutron with CLAS12 | Silvia Niccolai | Orsay |
11:35 | Frontiers in Lattice Parton-Distribution Calculations | Huey-Wen Lin | MSU |
12:05 | Lunch | ||
1:00 | The Jefferson Lab @12 GeV Roadmap to Nuclear Femtography | Simonetta Liuti | UVA |
1:30 | The Future SoLID Program | Paul Souder | Syracuse U |
2:00 | The Primakoff Experimental Program at JLab | Liping Gan | UNC-W |
2:30 | Virtual Poster Sesson (until 4:30pm EDT) |
Wednesday, June 24 | |||
Topic | Speaker | Institution | |
9:00 | Nucleon Form-Factors at High Momentum Transfer | Gordon Cates | UVA |
9:30 | Exploring the Hadron Spectrum with GlueX | Alex Austregesilo | JLab |
10:00 | Streaming Readout for JLab 12 GeV Experiments | Markus Diefenthaler | JLab |
10:25 | Break | ||
10:45 | Machine Learning/Deep Learning | Will Phelps | CNU |
11:15 | JSA Awards: Thesis Prize, Postdoctoral Prize Poster Award Slides | Elizabeth Lawson | JSA |
11:30 | JSA Thesis Award Talk | Antoni Woss | Cambridge |
11:55 | JSA Postdoctoral Award Talk | Wenliang Li | W&M |
12:20 | Lunch | ||
1:30 | The Heavy Photon Search Experiment | Matt Solt | SLAC |
1:55 | A Polarized 3He Target in CLAS12 | Dien Nguyen | JLab |
2:20 | SIDIS Single Pion and Di-hadron Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements with CLAS12 | Stefan Diehl | U Giessen & U. Conn |
2:45 | Towards a Better Picture of Parton Distribution Functions at Large x - Results from JLab12 | Thia Keppel | JLab |
3:15 | Adjourn |
Additional Wednesday Sessions | |||
Topic | Bluejeans link | Institution | |
12:30 | EIC Software Tutorial | | JLab |
3:20 | EIC Simulations Q&A Session | | JLab |