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Cascade Physics: A New Window on Baryon Spectroscopy

Visa Information

As of October 2004, new visa arrangements are in force for visitors to the United States. Details can be found at the US State Department

Visitors from the 27 visa-waiver countries must present a machine-readable passport at the US port of entry in order to enter without a visa. All visitors requiring visas are urged to apply early to allow ample time (3-4 months minimum) for their visas to be processed by their local American Embassy or Consulate.

Also, as soon as a visa application has been submitted, applicants are encouraged to register with the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). On the NAS website, fill out the 'Visa Questionnaire' NAS staff review the list weekly and will notify the US State Department of any visa application that has been pending more than 30 days.

Additional information regarding visas may be obtained at American Physical Society, International Affairs and The National Academies, International Visitors Office.

Note: For attendees who will or may be receiving any kind of support from the conference (travel, honorarium, etc.), the following requirements apply: