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Administrative Manual - 102 Public Information

102.01 Public Information, Publications, Exhibits, and Speakers Bureau


    1. General
      1. JLab is a source of news and information for newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. It is important that news and information about the Laboratory and associated scientific and technical topics and issues be released promptly and reported accurately and consistently. The Public Affairs Office is the primary point of contact for media inquiries and submissions to the media.
      2. Media includes but is not limited to the CERN Courier, Physics Today, newspapers, television, radio, authors, documentaries, university newsletters, web based news outlets, etc.
    2. 2. Responsibility
      1. Public information is the responsibility of the Public Affairs Manager, who works closely with JSA, the DOE Site Office at Jefferson Lab, the Office of Public Affairs in the DOE Office of Science, and the Office of Public Affairs at DOE Headquarters.
      2. Staff are responsible for reporting all requests for information from the media to the Public Affairs Manager prior to release.

    In addition to handling media relations, the Public Affairs Office supplies information for DOE and JSA publications and produces the in-house newsletter and all brochures and leaflets on Jefferson Lab-related topics. It is responsible for preparing displays about JLab for the general public and assisting other divisions in the preparation of general exhibits and display materials for use both inside and outside the Laboratory. Requests for speakers from civic professional organizations on general JLab topics may also be directed to the Public Affairs Office.


    The Public Affairs Office shall be advised of all inquiries to JLab and its personnel from any members of the media, or such inquiries may be referred to the Public Affairs Office. With adequate time for review and prior to release, all information being considered for release to the media shall be provided to the Public Affairs Manager for approval. Requests from the media to visit JLab and requests for personal quotes about product use or product endorsement shall also be referred to the Public Affairs Office. See Policy 102.03.

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